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1、高中英语单词天天记subject素材 subject v.sbdkt( subjects; subjected; subjecting ) 双解释义 vt.征服; 使服从 bring, get (a country, nation, person) under control vt.使遭受; 经历 cause to undergo or experience 基本要点 1.subject用作动词的意思是“征服,使服从”,指通过自身的权威使某人或某物处于自己的影响或控制之下或使某人或某物受自己的支配。引申可指“使遭受,经历”。2.subject多用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构

2、。3.subject后接介词to可表示“遭受”,也可以表示“处于的控制下”。 词汇搭配 +名词 subject a country征服一个国家 subject a tribe征服一个部落 subject the world征服世界 +副词 subject absolutely完全征服 subject willingly心甘情愿地接受 +介词 subject to经受,处于的统治之下 常用短语 subject to(v.+prep.)说明 subject to常不用于进行体。subject sb/oneself/sth to sth1.使经受受到 make (sb/sth) have (trea

3、tment, a test, etc.)His rude behaviour subjects him to frequent rebuffs.他的粗鲁行为使他经常遭受冷遇。Your conduct subjects you to public ridicule.你的行为使你受到世人的嘲笑。They subjected their friend to ridicule.他们让自己的朋友受人嘲笑。She subjected herself to criticism.她受到了批评。Every winter subjects these cars to a severe test.每个冬天这些汽车都

4、得经受一次严峻考验。 用于be ed结构They were subjected to great suffering.他们遭受到极大的痛苦。She was subjected to torture.她备受折磨。He is subjected to criticism.他该挨批评。Has the book been subjected to a detailed examination?这本书已经经过详细检查了吗?2.使处于的统治控制之下 bring (sb) under the control of (sb/sth)He tried to subject the whole family to

5、 his will.他试图使全家服从他的意志。The emperor attempted to subject many neighbouring countries to his absolute rule.皇帝企图把许多邻国置于他的绝对统治之下。At that time,Rome subjected all Italy to her rule.那时罗马把整个意大利置于自己的统治之下。 用于be ed结构The people were subjected to the conquerors rule.这些人处在征服者的统治之下。The country was once subjected t

6、o foreign rules.这个国家曾一度受到外国控制。3.使(自己)接受容忍 allow (oneself) to receive and accept (sth)Will you subject yourself to the judgment of the court?你服从法庭的判决吗?Why should you subject yourself to such inconvenience?你何必忍受这么不方便的条件呢? 句型例句 用作及物动词S+n./pron.The Aztecs subjected the neighbouring tribes.阿兹特克人征服了邻近的部落。

7、 用于be ed结构These people have been subjected by another tribe.这些人一直受另一个部落的统治。 词语辨异 subject, submit这两个词的共同含义是“使服从”。其区别是:subject着重强调使对方处于权威的影响或控制之下; 而submit则强调使服从或屈服于某人的意志或权力。例如:He was losing the fight but he would not submit.他在拳击中正在节节败退,但绝不屈服。 subject n.sbdkt( subjects ) 双解释义 C主题,题目 the thing that is d

8、ealt with or represented in a piece of writing, work of art, etc. C话题,考虑的问题 sth being talked about or considered C学科,科目; 课程 a branch of knowledge studied, especially in a system of education C主语,主词 (in grammar) a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun, person or thing that performs the action of the verb or

9、about which sth is stated C臣民,国民 person who lives in the land of, is protected by, and owes loyalty to a certain state or especially royal ruler 基本要点 1.subject是可数名词,基本意思是“主题,题目”,指文章或其他作品的题目或主题,引申可表示“话题,考虑的问题”“科目,学科”。在语法术语中也可作“主语”解。2.subject还可作“臣民,人民”解,一般指君主国的臣民百姓或国民。3.subject接介词for可表示“的原因或理由”。 词汇搭配

10、动词+ address a subject提出问题 avoid a subject回避问题 bring up a subject提出问题主题,学科 change the subject改变话题主题 choose a subject选择题目学科 comment on a subject评论问题学科 consider a subject考虑问题题目 deal with a subject处理论述某一问题 discuss a subject讨论题目问题,学科 drop a subject放弃一个题目 form subjects of daily debate成为每日谈论的话题 give up a s

11、ubject放弃一个题目,学科 go into a subject探究某问题 grasp subject抓住问题主题 handle the subject处理这问题 introduce a subject引进话题,介绍课题 leave this subject抛开这个题目 master a subject掌握某门课程 return to a subject回到话题问题上来 see the subject看待这个问题 set the subject(作文)命题,出题 study the subject研究这个问题 tackle a subject着手处理解决某问题,着手学习某门课 take a

12、subject着手处理某问题,学习某科学 treat a subject论述某问题 形容词+ attractive subject有吸引力的话题题目,学科 basic subject基础科学 British subject英国臣民 complex subject复杂的问题 compound subject复合主语 delicate subject需要慎重处理的事情,微妙棘手的问题 difficult subject难搞的题目学科 disagreeable subject不愉快的话题 impersonal subject非人称主语 interesting subject有趣的题目学科 loyal

13、 subject忠诚的子民 main subject英主要科目问题 major subject美主要科目 medical subject内科病人 minor subject美副科 naturalized subject归化的臣民 pleasant subject令人愉快的话题 separate subject独立的学科 simple subject简单的问题 suitable subject合适的主题 surgical subject外科病人 thorny subject棘手的问题 vital subject极其重要的问题 名词+ composition subject作文题 school s

14、ubjects学校的学习科目 +名词 subject matter主题,要点,题材 介词+ beside the subject离题 on the subject关于这个问题 on the subject of谈到,论及,关于 on the subject of money谈到钱 work on this subject有关这问题的著作 +介词 subject for供的题目 subject for complaint抱怨的理由 subject for congratulation值得庆贺的事 subject for debate供争论的题目 subject of a sentence句子的主

15、语 subject of public interest公众关心的问题 常用短语 subject matter主题,内容 content of a book, speech, etc., especially as contrasted with the styleHis speech was clever although the subject matter wasnt interesting in itself.尽管内容本身并不有趣,但他的发言讲得很好。Although the subject matter of her talk was rather dull her witty de

16、livery kept the audience interested.尽管她讲的内容有些枯燥,但由于她善于表达,大家仍听得津津有味。 句型例句 This is a book on the subject of love.这是一部以爱情为主题的书。We sort books by subject.我们按主题对书进行分类。Why didnt you select a nice subject?你为什么没选一个好题目?What is the subject of the poem?这首诗的题目是什么?The subject of the composition is “Holidays in th

17、e Country”.作文的题目是“在乡间度假”。I could hear father sounding off to his class on his favourite subject again.我听见父亲又在班上对学生们滔滔不绝地谈起他所喜欢的话题。She managed to steer the conversation towards the subject of her birthday party.她把话题引向了她的生日宴会。Dont try to skate over the question by changing the subject.别想以改变话题来回避这个问题。E

18、very time that delicate subject was mentioned, he would sheer off from it.每当提到那个微妙的话题时,他都要避开。He cast me a glance, reminding me that I was off the subject.他看了我一眼,暗示我已经离了题。He handled the subject in a masterly way.他巧妙地论述了这个问题。His speech showed that he didnt understand the subject.他的发言说明他对这个问题并不了解。The c

19、lass separated into several smaller groups to talk about the subject.这个班的学生分成了几个小组讨论这个问题。We didnt get to the core of the subject.我们没触及问题的核心。He was the subject of much criticism .他是许多批评的对象。History is my favourite subject at school.历史是我在学校最喜欢的科目。The subject is taught in a slipshod manner.那门课没有用认真的方式教。

20、How many subjects are you studying this semester?这学期你们要学几门课?A sentence is composed , usually , of two parts , the subject and the predicate.句子通常由两部分构成,即主语和谓语。The tyrants oppressed subjects cry out for their liberty.被暴君压迫的臣民呼吁给予他们自由。French by birth and a British subject by marriage.出生时是法国人,因结婚成为英国臣民。

21、+forn./pron.He proposed a subject for the debate.他提出一辩论题目。This is certainly a subject for further investigation.这肯定是一个进一步研究的课题。His strange clothes were the subject for great amusement.他奇特的服装引起人们发笑。His appearance was the subject for critical comment.他的外表是引起某种非议的原因。Lateness and carelessness are subjec

22、ts for complaint.迟到与粗心会引起埋怨。 词语辨异 subject, theme, topic这组词都含有“主题”的意思。其区别是:subject着重指文章、书籍、画或谈话等所涉及对象的题目或主题; topic指谈话的话题或文章的题目; theme则指谈话或文章的主题,即中心思想。例如:The article has not exhausted the subject.这篇文章并没有把这个问题讲透。The accident was the sole topic of conversation.那事故是谈话的唯一话题。All his articles seemed an expr

23、ession of the same theme.他所有的文章好像反映了同一个主题。 subject, citizen这两个词都含有“国民”的意思。其区别是:subject一般泛指君主国的臣民百姓或国民; citizen指民主国家的“国民,公民”。例如:She is a British citizen but lives in India.她是英国公民,但住在印度。Every British person is a subject of the queen.每个英国人都是女王的臣民。 subject, object参见object条。 学习参考 表示“选修科”,英国人用optional sub

24、ject,美国人用elective subject; 表示“必修科”,英国人用compulsoryprescribed subject,美国人用required subject; 表示“主科”,英国人用main subject,美国人用major subject; 表示“次要科目”,英国人用secondary subject,美国人用minor subject。 subject adj.sbdkt 双解释义 P易受的,倾向于的,易患的,可能(有)的 tending or likely (to have) 隶属于的,受支配的 governed (by) or dependent (on) 受约束

25、管辖的,不独立的 governed by sb else, not independent 取决于,有待于 depending on 基本要点 1.subject用作形容词的基本意思是“易受的,倾向于的,易患的,可能(有)的”,在句中只能作表语,常与to连用。2.subject还可作“隶属于的,受支配的”解,指须服从某事物或某人或受某事物或某人支配,在句中常用作表语; subject还可指政治上“不独立的”,在句中常用作定语。3.subject to引出的形容词短语,还可在句子中作状语,意为“在条件下”“取决于”。4.subject无比较级和最高级形式。 词汇搭配 +名词 subject pr

26、ovince附属省 subject tribes受统治的部落 副词+ no longer subject不再取决于 exceedingly subject常受制于 scarcely subject几乎不受制于 句型例句 用作定语+n.This is a subject tribe这是个受他人统治的部落。This is a subject province.这是个附属省。用作表语S+be+ton.He is subject to fever.他易发烧。Are you subject to colds?你易患感冒吗?Organic substances are always subject to

27、slow attack by oxygen.有机物暴露在空气中都易受氧的侵袭。Japan is subject to earthquakes.日本常遭地震。You must realize,John, that you must be subject to government policy.约翰,你必须认识到你必须服从政府的政策。We are all subject to the rules of the school.我们大家都受校规的约束。This party is subject to government supervision.这个党受政府的监督。Not all income is

28、 subject to taxation.不是所有的收入都需交税。The plan is subject to the approval of the committee.这个计划需经委员会同意。用作状语Subject to your consent,I will try again.你要是同意,我再试一试。Subject to your approval, well go ahead.只要你同意,我们就会做起来。This can only be done subject to the consent of the author.这只有经作者同意才能做。 补充资料 同义词n. argument, matter, motive, text, theme, topicv. submit adj. subjected, exposed, open反义词adj. independent词源 拉丁语subjectussubicere(放在下面)

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