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1、QQ个性签名女生英文带翻译QQ个性签名女生英文带翻译导读:本文是关于QQ个性签名女生英文带翻译的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、那首你最爱的歌,落得有一些凌乱,俄怎么拾起?The song that you love most is a mess, how do you pick it up?2、用一本正经的态度,去做无聊的事情,既能悦已又能悦人。Take a serious attitude and do boring things that are both enjoyable and enjoyable.3、我失去的不是你,而是曾经的自己。I have lost not you

2、, but myself.4、幸福就是在转角的一霎那,遇到正确的人。Happiness is a moment in the corner, when you meet the right person.5、人只要生活在这个世界上,就会有很多烦恼,。As long as people live in this world, there will be many troubles.6、有没有这一天,你忽然回头,和我狼狈的撞在一起。Do you have a day when you suddenly look back and bump into me?7、雨都停了,空气都变轻了,我们的爱,也应

3、该变得透明了。The rain stopped, the air became lighter, and our love should be transparent.8、距离产生旳不是美,而是第三者。Distance produces not beauty, but third party.9、现在只剩下你的话廉价的飘荡在我的耳边。Now there is nothing but your words that float in my ear.10、原来爱情不是看见才相信,而是相信才看得见。The love is not to be seen, but to be seen.11、所谓的幸福

4、,就是看着你笑,看着你哭,看着你闹。The so-called happiness is watching you laugh, watching you cry and watching you make a noise.12、给她穿上婚纱,比起一大堆甜言蜜语承诺来的更踏实安心。Putting on her wedding dress is more reassuring than a lot of sweet promises.13、我淡了野心茫茫世界我只想要你。Im not ambitious, I just want you.14、决定忘记的人再见面就不要心潮澎湃了。Dont let

5、your mind surge when you decide to forget.15、我爱了他四年,昨天终于等到他对我说他爱我。I loved him for four years, until he told me he loved me yesterday.16、勾勾手指,象小时侯一样单纯,约定看幸福的留言。Hook finger, elephant hour is simple, convention looks happy message.17、甜品总是让热恋显得更加幸福,也让失恋显得更加悲哀。The dessert always makes the hot love appear

6、 more happy, also makes the brokenhearted appear even more sad.18、游离在时间的断点,看不清眼前。You cant see the break point of time.19、无论什麽时候,我都在你触手可及之处。At any time, I am at your fingertips.20、心总在最痛时复苏;爱总在最深时,落下帷幕。The heart will recover in the most painful time; Love comes to the end when it is always darkest.21、

7、他是我最笨的男朋友,除了爱我,一件事都没做好。He was my stupidest boyfriend, and he didnt do anything but love me.22、最宝贵的东西不是你拥有的物质而是陪伴在你身边的人。The most precious thing is not the stuff you have but the people around you.23、没有可不可以,只有愿不愿意。No, no, no.24、没人理解我的弱小,那我只能自己坚强。No one understands my weakness, but I have to be strong

8、myself.25、我怕自己太过于在乎,所以才没有一起去坚持。Im afraid I care too much, so I dont stick together.26、脑海里挥之不去的都是你的身影,我还是无法忘记。I cant forget the lingering thoughts of you.27、你说你还在,一分一秒都没有离开。You said you were still there and didnt leave for a minute.28、始终看不明白,你们眼中的爱到底是什么。You never know what love is in your eyes.29、爱情真

9、的可有可无,遇不到对的人我宁愿一个人。Love is really optional. I would rather be alone than the right person.30、爱我的话就不许离开我,不爱我的话你不走我也会走。If you love me, you will not leave me. I will go without you.31、我宁可我们不曾相濡以沫,我但愿我们从来就相忘于江湖。Id rather we hadnt been together, and I wish wed never forgotten.32、时间是圆的,将我一次次带回原地。Time is r

10、ound and brings me back to where I am.33、躺在向日葵上,即使沮丧,也能朝着阳光。Lie on a sunflower, even if you are depressed, you can make it to the sun.34、那抹温存,早已不属于我了,我却还在痴心妄想。I am still delusional when the temperature is not mine.35、如果你想走,那么请你快走,千万别出现在我的世界。If you want to go, please go quickly and dont show up in my

11、 world.36、世界那么大,我们依旧错过,世界那么小,我们仍然相遇!The world is so big, we still miss, the world is so small, we still meet!37、我怕自己善变放荡的情绪不太安定。Im afraid Im not too emotionally stable.38、人生最大遗憾莫过于错误坚持和轻易放弃。The greatest regret in life is to make mistakes and give up easily.39、不再难过了,不是因为不爱,而是爱旳很深了。No more sad, not be

12、cause of love, but love deeply.40、总是这样,两个人约定好的承诺,只剩一个人去兑现。Always, two people agree on a promise, only one person to cash it.41、我应该知道,人都是会变得,很多的时候,离开会舍不得。I should know that people will become, many times, not willing to leave.42、因地位盛衰而友情冷暖的叫“华友。Because of the ups and downs, the friendship is warm and

13、 cold.43、后悔了,流泪、那为什么要微笑着说再见?Regretting, shedding tears, why should you smile and say goodbye?44、渐渐的学会看开了,不会再那么傻傻的伤心了。Gradually learn to look away, not so silly sad.45、有些人,是山川,是河流,唯独不是可停泊的港口。Some people are mountains and rivers, but they are not moored ports.46、我用尽全力的去喜欢一个人可是他始终不喜欢我我能如何。I tried my be

14、st to like someone but he never liked me.47、她们都装处。我只好装经验丰富。They all fit in. I have to be experienced.48、建立一段感情很难,分散一段感情很容易。Its hard to build a relationship, its easy to spread out a relationship.49、把你的名字写在烟上,吸到离我心最近的地方。Put your name on the cigarette and take it to the nearest place.50、我们做的最默契的事,我不联系

15、你,你也不联系我。I dont contact you, you dont contact me.51、世间种种巧合、命运、缘分,显得整个世界是如此的渺小。The world is such a small thing, all the coincidence, the fate, the fate.52、想要深深忘记,却还是紧紧牢记。To forget deeply, but to remember.53、抓不住青春的尾巴,只能闻闻青春的P了。You can only smell the young P.54、我不断的麻痹自己,我女朋友长的真像梁咏琪。Im constantly paraly

16、zing myself. My girlfriend looks like Ms. Leung.55、你眼睛深邃明亮的像大海,却始终映不出我的倒影。Your eyes are deep and bright like the sea, but they do not reflect my reflection.56、今天我闺蜜生日!闺蜜,我就你这个知心朋友,祝你开心!My best friends birthday today! My best friend, I am your bosom friend, I wish you happiness!57、其实我不是不满足只是会想假如。Actu

17、ally I am not not satisfied just to think if.58、像个小孩,每天期待着你说“我爱你”。As a child, you are expected to say I love you every day.59、人生最重要的不是努力,不是奋斗,而是选择。The most important thing in life is not effort, not struggle, but choice.60、孩子们,别拿青春做梦,这个世界连呼吸都在说谎。Children, dont dream of youth, the world is lying to b

18、reathe.61、微笑,不是因为快乐太久,是太久的时间里忘记去悲伤。Smile, not because its too long, its too long to forget to grieve.62、期待你能明白,没有你一片空白。I expect you to understand that there is no blank.63、你若将我万劫不复,我便让你生不如死。If you would have me no more, I would have left you dead.64、破碎中走出来,不是解脱,而是伤痕累累。When broken, it is not a relief

19、, but a scar.65、虽然没有男朋友,但是有闺蜜相陪,也很幸福!Although have no boyfriend, but have a bosom friend to accompany, also very happy!66、最好的并不一定适合你,但适合你的一定就是最好的。The best is not for you, but the best is for you.67、我发现暑假作业是个女的,因为我做呀做呀还是没有做完。I found my homework to be a woman because I did it and didnt finish it.68、欲得

20、,无关紧要;已失,不痛不痒。If you want, it doesnt matter; Its lost, its not painful.69、如穷追一个梦,谁人亦不及我为你那么勇。If I have a dream, no one is as brave as I am for you.70、我不是一个不懂爱的人,只是我不想被你看穿。Im not a person who doesnt understand love, but I dont want to be seen by you.71、思念一个不爱你的人还不如认真爱一个爱着你的人。To miss someone who doesn

21、t love you is to love someone who loves you.72、如果说可以选择遗忘一段回忆,我选择遗忘有关你的一切。If you can choose to forget a memory, I choose to forget everything about you.73、落花愿随流水去,自古人生苦多情。The falling flower wishes to go with the water, the ancient life is bitter.74、你知道的,失去你,我会失去活着的意义。You know, without you, I would lo

22、se the meaning of living.75、我爱不起那些不爱我的人,我的青春也爱不起。I cant love those who dont love me, and I cant love my youth.76、也许有一天,你回头了,而我却早已不在那个路口。Maybe one day, youre back, and Im not there.77、一个人每天的自由与两个人每天的争吵,你们会怎么选择。How do you choose the daily freedom of a person?78、不求任何人满意只求对得起自己。Dont try to be satisfied

23、with yourself.79、在漆黑的房间,你是先找灯,还是先找我。In the dark room, are you looking for the lamp first or first?80、你说喜欢就亲额头,你说再见就卡住你的喉咙。When you say you like your forehead, you say goodbye and youre stuck in your throat.81、别人说出你的痛处,你是不是后悔把伤疤给别人看。When someone says your pain, do you regret showing it to someone else?82、不懂知足的人,请不要用你们的眼泪祭奠不懂知足的感情。Do not use your tears as a way of understanding contentment.83、相比我自己,我更关心你的感受。I care more about how you feel than myself.84、你给我的爱始终不够,可我为什么还是那么爱你呢?The love you give me is never enough, but why do I love you so much?

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