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1、新视野大学英语读写教程3第三版课后答案完整版Unit 1 TEXT ALanguage focusWord in use31.whereby2. pursuit 3. inhibit 4. maintain 5. patriotic6. transcend 7. endeavor 8. dedication 9. prestige 10. nominateWord building4-antinhabitant inhabitparticipate participantattend attendantpollute pollutantdescend descendantcontest con

2、testanttolerate tolerantresult resultant-fulneglect neglectfulresource resourcefulboast boastfulrespect respectful51.resultant 2. tolerant3. pollutants 4. inhabited5. participants 6. descendants 7. attendants 8. respectful9. contestants 10. neglectful 11. resourceful12. boastfulBanked cloze61.eventu

3、ally 2. premier 3. endeavor 4. bypass 5. handicaps6. committed 7. attained 8. transcend 9. feats 10. slightestExpressions in use72. removed from 2. failed in 3. in pursuit of 4. deviated from7. precluded from 6. triumph over 7. work their way into2. written offTEXT BUnderstanding the text2CBADBBCDLa

4、nguage focusWord in use46.indulge 2. propelled 3.aggravated 4.dazzled 5. alleviated10.renowned 7.eloquent 8. destined 9.scorns 10. ApplauseExpressionin use513. up 3.on 4.up 6.on 8.outsentence structure62. He prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last minute3. She

5、prefers to be the boss, to be in charge andto organize others rather than be organized bysome whom she may not even rate very highly.4. My brother prefers to take the whole blamehimself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent.77. Try as he would8. Search as they would9. Hard as we workTry as we

6、 mightCollocation Warm-up1. repeated 2.overwhelming 3.immense1.heroic 2.sound 3.substantial1.attained 2.fueled 3.achieved81. sudden opportunities 2. immense obstacles 3. amazing determination4. profound difficulties 5. overwhelming failures 6. poverty-stricken7. substantial hardship 8. repeated misf

7、ortunes 9. sheer persistence10. dazzle audiences 11. achieve fame 12. strong willUnit 2Language focusWord in use33.intervene 2.underestimate 3.recede 4.deem 5.bleak8.appraise 7.paralyzed 8. symptoms 9. dismay 10. brinkWord building4dominate dominanceavoidavoidance rely relianceacquaintacquaintancecl

8、earclearanceannoyannoyanceadmitadmittanceresemble resemblanceassure assuranceborebored privilege privilegeddistractdistracted53.bored 2.priviledged 3. assurance 4. dominance7.aviodance 6. acquaintance 7. reliance 8. clearance11. distracted 10. annoyance 11. admittance 12. resemblanceBanked cloze614.

9、characterized 2.aspects 3. amount 4. recede5. exposed 6.vicious 7. challenge 8. excessive10. reaction 10. paralyzeExpressions in use74.pulled to a stop 2. black out 3. pop up 4. stopped short9. plowed through 6. threw himself into 7. let yourself go4. grabbed forLanguage focusWord in use48.vertical

10、2.evaporate 3.plight 4.intent12.abort 6.vulnerable 7.proximity 8.evoke15.lofty 10.necessitateExpression in the event of 2.immuned to 3.settled back 4.on board position 6.was stunned by 7.for sure 8. hint ofSentence structure611.Nothing excites me as much as a brilliant movie with

11、aninteresting plot, fantastic acting ,wild visual and a strongscript.12.Over the course of her entire life, shed longed for nothingas much as knowledge about her mother.13.Her daughter is at a state hospital and wants nothingas much as to be part of a family.72.In teaching practice, it is essential

12、that we (should)teach students proper grammar, sentences structuresand writing skills.3.It is important that students should be given opportunities toexpress their perspectives to cultivate theirresponsibility and independence.4.It is crucial that the younger generation should pursue anactive and po

13、sitive role in promoting environmental protection.CollocationWarm-up2. massive 2. incredible 3. terrible5. relaxed 5. absolutely 6. unremarkable810.emotionally impossible 2. amazing power 3. visibly frightened5.incredible impact 5.impromptus rescues6.instantaneously hysterical9. calm confidence8. tr

14、ue courage 9. massive waves13. would-be rescuer 11. vicious waves 12. rough waterUnit3 Language focusWord in use316.integral 2. cherish 3.afflicted 4. noteworthy 5. portray7. compliment 7.domain 8. anonymous 9. conscientious14. perpetualWord building4general generalizenormal normalizepublicpublicize

15、minimum minimizemobile mobilizeinvestinvestordictate dictatorconquerconqueror investigate investigatormoderate moderatorelevator elevate55.normalize 2. moderator 3.immunized4. investors 5. mobilize3. conqueror 7. elevate 8. publicizes 9. investigator2. minimized 11.generalize 12.dictatorBanked cloze

16、61)domain 2) define 3) popularity 4) mentally5) diplomatic6) committed 7) devote 8) surviving9) embarked 10) humanitarianExpressions in use76.embark on 2. be deprive of 3. turn down11. taken captive 5. live on 6. share in6. was stricken by 8. led by exampleWord in use410.skeptical 2. coincidence 3.

17、mounted14. contrive 5. simulated 6. manifest17. divert 8. infected8. upgraded 10.temperamentExpressions in use515. on 2. in 3. as 4. into6. to 6. to 7. with 8. under/onSentence structure64. It is not his carefree attitude that made him seemeccentric;it is his conspicuous interest in filmthat made hi

18、s classmates shun and mock him.5. It is not his experience in filmmaking thatsabotaged transfer attempts; it is his poor gradesthat forced film schools to withhold acceptance.6. It is not because things are difficult that we fail todare; it is because we do not dare that things aredifficult.73. see

19、things as they are4. understand the world as it is5. accept people as they arewarm-up2.internationally famous 2. rigorous schedule5.jeopardize hope 4.emotionally draining8. physically dangerous 6. overwhelming misery11. perpetually signify12. conspicuous interest 9. repeatedly try81.internationally

20、mitted passionate1.repeatedly 2.thrill 3.terrific1.overwhelmingly 2.desperate 3.physically 4.rectified7.personal 2.emotionallyUnit4 Language focusWord in use31)compulsory 2)contemplate 3) imprisoned 4) globalize5) offset 6) groan 7) stubborn 8) cluster9) ambiguity 10) consoledWord building4respect r

21、espectablenegotiate negotiabledistinguish distinguishableavail availableprofitprofitablerenewrenewablememory memorizeauthorauthorizedvisualvisualizestable stabilizesocial socialize51) profitable 2) renewable 3) authorized 4) negotiable5) visualize 6) socialize 7) attributable 8) respectable9) avail

22、10) stabilize 11) distinguishable 12) memorizeBank cloze61) contemplate 2) comfort 3) sparked 4) ventured5) diverse 6) witnessed 7) stunning 8)glimpse9) positive10) dictateExpression in use71) settle for 2) more often than not 3) mingled with4) traded for 5) was saturated with6) are open to 7) endow

23、ed with 8) make up forWords in use41)ethnic 2) conceive 3)presumed 4) despised5) irritate 6) disregarded 7) downside 8) venerable9) susceptible 10)suppressExpression in use51) from/against 2) from 3) with 4) into 5) to6) into 7) for 8) offSentence structure61) The day following was, as it turned out

24、, the last of Mr. Wraxalls stay at Raback.2) As it turned out, the war went on for more than four years, with horrible losses ofpersonnel and material on both sides.3) Madigan had been studying Mr. Barrett for a couple of month, as it turned out theman was rather mysterious.78. took his behavior wit

25、h a smile.9. took it with gratitude10. took it with a deep bowCollocationwarm-upoverly fearful disorienting diversity solo travelswap stories globalized world foreign travel812. exotic places 2. lovely dream 3. multinational excursions7. pleasant experiences 5. foreign travel 6. valuable open-minded

26、ness11. ample opportunities 8. disorienting diversity 9. local folklore15. swap stories 11. modern aviation 12. credible insightsUnit5 Understanding the textWord in use31) gauged 2) dedicate 3) commonplace4) suffice5) revenue 6) simultaneous7) incentive 8) prone 9) innovations10)fostered4realrealism

27、 imperialimperialismcommercialcommercialismhumanhumanismterror terrorismrecruitrecruitmentresentresentment enrollenrollmentrefreshrefreshmentship shipmentenforceenforcement51) refreshment 2) shipment 3) enforcement4) commercialism 5) realism6) recruitment7) enrollment 8) imperialism 9) resentment10)

28、 Terrorism 11) humanismBanked cloze61) employees2) notion3) primary 4) foster5) reflects 6) motivation7) monetary 8) aspects9) gossiping10) miserableExpression in use71) correlate with 2) refrain from 3)count down4) slaving away 5) coincide with 6) contented with7) be designated as 8) conformed toWO

29、RD IN USE41) Rash2) specialty 3) ponder 4) utilize5) pierce 6) bias 7) ensue 8) impart9) infectious 10) hospitalityExpression in use51) out2) on 3) away 4) to5) to6) in7) away8) upSentence structure611.Although I am already very tall, I wear high heel all of the time,be it day or night.2)A lower eur

30、o will actually help European exports become affordableand more competitive around the world, be they German automobilesor Italian leathers.3)Every time there is a major new event , be it a natural disaster ora historic moment, we take it for granted that there will be pictures and videos.71) find himself eating foods he never heard of before.2) found herself faced with a math test.3) found herself standing in front of Tom .s companycollocationwarm-up1) prideful 2) high 3) special 4) trivial 5) sole6) friendly 7) cheerful8) inst

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