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1、届高考英语3500词汇50练基础练+提升练12解析2021届高考英语3500词汇(基础+提升)练12基础练(夯实基础)一、单词拼写(根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的完全形式)1.These diagrams are especially helpful when we have a _(具体的)problem to solve at hand.【答案】concrete【句意】如果我们手边有解决的具体问题,你们这些数据就非常有用。2.The shabby house _(倒塌)before the soldier could help the old woman out.【答案】collapsed

2、【句意】士兵还没来得及把老妇人扶出来,破旧的房子就倒塌了。3.Come _(近). I want to tell you that she is _(密切)related to the case.【答案】close, closely【句意】走近点,我想告诉你她和这个案子有密切关系。4.If we want to protect the environment, we must _(阐明)the problems and convince people to take action.【答案】clarify【句意】如果我们想保护环境,我们必须阐明问题并说服人们采取行动。5.If you want

3、to know something about the details, please _(点击)the website.【答案】click【句意】如果你想知道更多的细节,请点击网站。6.Famous experts are often invited to some TV programs to _(评论)on international situations.【答案】comment【句意】一些电视节目经常邀请著名的专家来评论国际形势。7.By _(巧合), my best friend and I ended up working at the same advertising firm.

4、 【答案】coincidence【句意】巧合的是,我最好的朋友和我最终竟在同一家广告公司工作。8.All rights reserved, no one is allowed to copy or use this paper for other _(商业的)purposes.【答案】commercial【句意】版权所有,任何人不得复制或使用本文件作其他商业用途。9.Nowadays many companies make it _(强制的)for every job applicant to take a physical examination before they are employ

5、ed.【答案】compulsory【句意】现在很多公司强制每一个工作面试者在被雇佣之前做身体检查。10.My roommate is a _(自信的)person. He feels sure about his own ability.【答案】confident【句意】我的室友是个自信的人。他对自己的能力很自信。11.Today we are blessed to live in a world where technology allows us to _(联系)instantly with just about anyone on the planet.【答案】connect【句意】今天

6、,我们有幸生活在这样一个世界里:科技让我们可以与地球上的任何人即时联系。12.While intelligent people can often simplify the _(复杂), a fool is more likely to _(使复杂)the simple.【答案】complex, complicate【句意】聪明人经常会让复杂的问题简单化,而傻瓜更可能将简单的东西复杂化。13.The building of an ecological _(文明)has entered a critical period, one that requires more quality produ

7、cts to meet peoples demand.【答案】civilization【句意】生态文明的建设已进入一个关键时期,需要更多的优质产品来满足人们的需求。14.As the c_ reporter, Mike was interviewing the gold medal winners.【答案】chief【句意】作为首席记者,迈克正在采访金牌获得者。15.Having c_ athletes for several years, he decided to bring Chinese culture to more people through tai chi.【答案】coache

8、d【句意】训练运动员多年,他决定将中国的文化通过太极这一方式带给更多的人。16.Not only did hec_about the food in the restaurant, he also refused to pay for it.【答案】complain【句意】他不仅抱怨饭店的食物还拒绝付钱。17. On no c_mustyoutellhimwhathashappened.【答案】condition【句意】你无论在什么情况下都不可告诉他所发生的事。18.Manyoftheseideasappeartobein _ with eachother.【答案】conflict【句意】这些

9、观念有许多看上去似乎相互矛盾。19.You can do whatever you likeon c_ that you follow the school rules.【答案】condition【句意】只要你遵守学校的规定,你就可以做任何你喜欢做的事。20.If we teach todays children with yesterdays c_ teaching method, well rob them of tomorrow.【答案】conventional【句意】如果我们用昨天的传统教学方法来教育今天的孩子,我们就会剥夺他们的明天。21.Both men have been c_

10、to life imprisonment because of robbery.【答案】condemned【句意】两个男人都由于盗窃被宣判终身监禁。22.The official says that the next step is to negotiate the Asian Investment Banks articles of agreement, which is expected to be c_ by the end of 2021.【答案】completed【句意】这位官员说,下一步是就亚洲投资银行的协议条款进行谈判,预计将于2021年底完成。23.Compared with

11、the other players on the team, that footballer was short. But his speedc_ forhis small size.【答案】compensated【句意】和队伍里的其他人相比,那个对于的个子不高,但是他的速度弥补了他的高度不足。24.The Australian boy has a good command of Chinese and can_with others freely.【答案】communicate 【句意】这个澳大利亚男孩精通汉语,能自如地和他人进行交流。25.Theteachertoldthemtoactin

12、 c_with oneanother.【答案】concert【句意】老师告诉他们行动要一致。二、单句语法填空(用所给单词的正确形式填空或填上恰当的单词)1.The drug _ children came under strong attack from _ professional observers who were deeply _ about its widespread use among kids. (concern)【答案】concerning, concerned, concerned【句意】关于儿童的药物受到了专业观察人士的强烈抨击,他们对这种药物在儿童中的广泛使用深感担忧。

13、2.Im trying to foster an interest in _(class)music in my children, which I think is good for their future development.【答案】classical【句意】我正努力培养孩子们对古典乐的兴趣,我认为这对他们将来的发展有好处。3._(compare)may make something appear more beautiful than it is when seen alone.【答案】Comparison【句意】比较可能会使事物看起来比单独看到时更美。4.I wonder if

14、my _(complain)about the quality of your products will be handled tomorrow.【答案】complaint【句意】我想知道的是我对贵方产品质量的投诉是否会在明天处理。5.A small childs _(confuse)in distinguishing the right from the wrong is quite natural. 【答案】confusion【句意】小孩子不明是非是很正常的。6.There are two forms of most-favored-nation treatment: _ and _.

15、(condition)【答案】conditional, unconditional【句意】最惠国待遇有两种形式:有条件的和无条件的。 7.It has been proved that there is a _(connect)between smoking and certain diseases.【答案】connection【句意】已经证实吸烟和某些疾病之间有联系。8.Generally speaking, John has done a good job, but even so, he seems to _(confident).【答案】confidence【句意】总的来说,John干

16、得不错,但即便如此,他似乎还是缺乏信心。9.The best books are treasures of good words and golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant _(company).【答案】companions【句意】最好的书是金玉良言和崇高思想的宝库,让我们铭记于心,视其为珍宝,并让它们成为我们永恒的伴侣。10.“Genius” is a _(complicate)concept, involving many different factors.【答案】complicate

17、d【句意】“天才”是一个复杂的概念,涉及到许多不同的因素。11.Running a company calls for intelligence, patience and a lot of experience.In _(conclude), its not an easy thing.【答案】conclusion【句意】经营一家公司需要智慧、耐心和丰富的经验。总之,这不是一件容易的事情。12.He was found guilty. _ he lost the job and was accused of _(competent).【答案】incompetence【句意】他被判有罪。结果,

18、他丢了工作,被指责为无能。13.He sent her a letter of _(congratulate)on her passing the exam. 【答案】congratulation【句意】他给她寄去了贺信,祝贺她通过了考试。 14.Within a few days she became seriously ill, suffering great pain and _(comfort). 【答案】discomfort【句意】几天的时间,她就病得很严重了,疼痛难忍,周身不舒服。 15.Do you have any plans for the holiday?Yes, Im p

19、lanning to travel to Jiuzhaigou. Im looking forward to seeing the _(colour)lakes and amazing waterfalls.【答案】colourful【句意】“你假期有什么计划吗?”“是的,我打算去九寨沟旅游。我期待着看到色彩斑斓的湖泊和令人惊叹的瀑布。”三、单句改错(每句最多有两个错误,错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改)1.Im writing to make complaint about the book you sent to me.【答案】在complaint前加a【解析】make a compl

20、aint about对抱怨/投诉。句意:我写信投诉关于你寄给我的那本书。2.He was delighted that his wishes had come truly.【答案】truly改为true【解析】come true成为现实。句意:他很高兴他的愿望真的实现了。3.There are many kinds of food to choose, but I dont know which to buy.【答案】在choose后加from【解析】choose from从中选择,故在choose后加from。句意:有很多种食物可供选择,但我不知道买哪种好。4.He is just the

21、man who is easy to communicate.【答案】在communicate后加with【解析】动词communicate是不及物动词,短语communicate with的逻辑宾语是who,所以要填介词with。句意:他就是那个容易与之沟通的人。5.The young man seized the thief by his collar and slapped him in the face. 【答案】his改为the【解析】seize sb. by the collar抓住某人的衣领。句意:那个年轻人抓住了那个小偷的衣领,揍了他的耳光。6.The witness was

22、told that under no circumstances he lie to the court.【答案】he前面加should或者could【解析】under no circumstances意为“绝不”,后面部分倒装,应把should或者could提前,故在he前面加should或者could。句意:证人被告知,在任何情况下他都不得向法庭撒谎。7.More and more people like to get closely to nature in their spare time.【答案】closely改为close【解析】get close to“接近”,是固定短语。clo

23、sely一般表示抽象的含义,意为“严密地”;close可以表示具体的距离上的近,所以closely改为 close。句意:越来越多的人喜欢在业余时间亲近大自然。8.Luckily, the weather cleaned up sometime after lunch and we headed for the school.【答案】cleaned改为cleared【解析】clear up天气放晴。句意:幸运的是,午饭后天气转晴了,我们朝着学校走去。9.There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are living

24、 there, warm and comfortably.【答案】comfortably改为comfortable【解析】形容词短语作状语,表示伴随,故将comfortably改为comfortable。句意:那里有充足的食物、水和阳光,我们的朋友住在那里,无比温暖和舒适。10.Please send my congratulation to your brother of his exam results!【答案】congratulation改为congratulations, of改为on【解析】名词congratulation通常用复数形式,send ones congratulatio

25、ns to sb. on sth.向某人表达对某事的祝贺,故把congratulation改为congratulations,of改为on。句意:请代我祝贺你兄弟的考试成绩!11.But what really matters is the unconditionally love and care that they hold for us, which I believe is truly valuable.【答案】unconditionally改为unconditional【解析】此处修饰名词love,应用形容词unconditional,故把unconditionally改为uncon

26、ditional。句意:但真正重要的是他们对我们的无条件的爱和关心,我相信这是真正有价值的。12.My friend Joe was better at performing complexly calculation. 【答案】complexly改为complex【解析】此处修饰名词calculation用形容词,指复杂的计算,不用副词,故把complexly改为complex。句意:我的朋友乔更擅长于复杂的计算。13.Whether I have been well prepared or not, I will keep calm and confidently.【答案】confiden

27、tly改为confident【解析】句中keep是连系动词,后接形容词作表语,故把confidently改为confident。句意:无论我做好了充分的准备与否,我都会保持冷静和自信。14.He cant go for an outing, since he is out of the condition【答案】去掉out of后面的the【解析】句意:他不能外出去郊游,因为他身体不好。out of condition身体不好,故去掉the。15.Seeing my confusing look, her husband explained to me the westerners disli

28、ked the description “old”. 【答案】confusing改为confused【解析】过去分词形容人的心理感受,look又是指人的“表情”的。句意:看到我困惑的表情,她的丈夫向我解释说西方人不喜欢用“老”来形容。提升练(对接高考)一、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My cousin is nine years old, a little bit fat and doesnt do really well at school. She is heavily 1 , and thus has developed

29、 some resistance and 2 towards adults, who usually dont put high hopes in her.Yesterday we went to an art 3 together. There were paintings from kids with disabilities. My little girl has a 4 eye, for the paintings she liked most were also the best of the show. She voluntarily helped to 5 the chairs

30、and table for a sharing session, painted by herself alongside new friends while I attended the sharing, and also 6 helped me to get my bag from another room, something that doesnt happen often at 7 as shes usually 8 to her iPad.In the afternoon, we went to buy books together. I bought a book written by a mom 9 her journey with her autistic (自闭的)son. On the bus back home, I briefly 10 the book to my cousin, and to my surprise

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