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1、九年级期末复习卷九年级英语复习1. 让我给你一条建议。尽量不要翻译每个单词。 Let me give you a piece of _. Dont try to _ every word.2. 你为什么不把他们记在你的笔记本上呢? Why dont you _ them _ in your _?3. 你应该做些什么来提高你的听力? What should you do to _ your listening?4. 在你开始之前深呼吸。 You should take a _ _ before you start.5. 不要忘记检查你的词汇笔记本。 Dont _ to check your vo

2、cabulary _.6. 当我说英语的时候我很害羞。 Im very _ when I speak English.7. 你能请个医生来吗?我的妈妈生病了。 Would you please _ _ a doctor? My mother is ill.8. 我们明天到机场为他们送行。 Well _ them _ at the airport tomorrow.9. 他的演唱会非常棒,票一售而空。 His concert is so _ that the tickets have been _ _.10. 到达那里用了几个月的时间。 It has taken _ _ to get there

3、.11. 这本书花了我二十元钱。The book _ me twenty yuan.12. 因为他的家庭太穷了,这个男孩辍学了。The boy _ _ _ _because his family was _.13. 她不得不照顾她的爷爷,因为他生病了。She has to _ _ her grandfather because he is _.14. 你能描述一下你曾经有过的经历吗?Can you _ your experiences you have?15. 对他来说,每天准时起床是重要的。Its _ for him to get up on time every day.16. 这个孩子不

4、得不照顾生病的母亲。The child had to _ _ his sick mother.17. 突然,教室里的灯都熄灭了。 _, all the lights in the classroom _ _. Dont forger to _ _ the lights when you leave the room.18. 这汤闻起来味道很美。 The _ _ delicious.19. 鱼汤尝起来很咸。 The fish _ tastes _,20. 中国人在初次见面时经常握手。 Chinese people usually _ _ the first time they meet.21.

5、不要对你的妈妈无礼。 Dont be so _ to your mother.22. 我们应该对老人有礼貌。 We should be_ to the old.23. 戴眼镜的那个人是我们的班主任。 The man with _ us our headteacher.24. 帮助身处困境的人是有教养的。 Its _ to help the people who are in _.25. 我们中国人为自己的悠久历史感到骄傲。 We Chinese people are very _ of our long history.26. 在晴朗的天气去散步是个好主意。 Its a good idea t

6、o go for a walk on a _ day.27. 车停了再下车。 Dont _ _ the bus until it stops.28. 游览这个城市最佳方式是乘船。 The best way to visit the city is by _.29. 有很多的游客游览长城。 There are lots of _ visiting the Great Wall30. 他带着一副墨镜,保护眼睛。 He was wearing dark glasses to _ his eyes _ the sun.31. 我们应该找出拯救动物们的方法。 We should _ _ what we

7、can do to save animals.32. 大量的水被弄脏了,人们可以使用的干净的水越来越少了。 Lots of water has become _, and people have _and _clean water.33. 一些动物以植物为食,比方说草和竹子。 Some animals _ _ plants, such as grass and bamboo.34. 科学家们已经做了很多研究防治非典。 Scientists have done a lot of _ to fight SARS.35. 绵羊为我们提供羊毛。 Sheep _ us with wool.36. 她喜欢

8、吃新鲜的东西,例如,苹果。 She likes to eat something fresh, _ _, an apple.37. 人们将种植更多的竹子来养活大熊猫。 People will grow more bamboo to _ pandas.38. 对我来说,下午八点前完成这项工作是不可能的。 Its _ for me to finish the work before 8 pm.39. 他没有我想的那么多的兴趣。 He doesnt has so much _ as I thought.40. 他们主动提出帮助他人。 They _ to help others.41. 这个故事发生在

9、20世纪初。 The story happened at the beginning of the _ century.42. 这个故事发生在20年前的北京。 This story _ _ in Beijing 20 years ago.43. 你在老舍的茶馆里发现什么特别的了吗? Do you find anything _ in Lao Shes Teahouse?44. 这取决于天气。如果下雨,我们就不外出了。 It _ _ the weather. If its raining, we will not go out.45. 在中国,春天时不时地下雨。 Its rainy _ _ _

10、_ in spring in China.46. 当你收到礼物的时候,你不应立刻把它打开。 You mustnt open it _ when you _ a gift.47. 当我们从朋友那收到礼物的时候,应该用双手接。 We must use both hands when we _ a present from friends.48. 我饭后通常洗手。 I usually _ _ after a meal.49. 我经常在周日做扫除。 I often _ _ _ on Sundays.50. 把钱放到你的钱包里。 Put the money in your _.51. 在一些公共场合,你

11、会经常看到不能抽烟的标志。 In some public places, you usually see the sign “No _”.4、你最好在客人到达之前收拾房间。You had better the room before the guests arrive7、超级女声李宇春有许多粉丝。Supergirl Li Yuchun has quite a lot of .11、哪种爱好占用的空间最小? Which hobby the space?12、格林先生一直都很忙。 Mr Green is very busy .15、我们所有人对这部电影感兴趣。We all the film.25、

12、哪个爱好有助于发展新技能? Which hobby helps new ?29、玛丽擅长拼写,也擅长读书。Mary is good at spelling reading.32、商店卖各种各样的东西,例如食物和饮料。The shop sells different kinds of things, food and drinks.37、她的新小说什么时候出版?When will her new novel ?38、这本书是2000年出版的。The book was in 2000.40、由于天气恶劣,我不得不整天呆在家。 of the bad weather, I had to stay at

13、 home all day.48、请稍等,我将去拿纸记下这个号码。_ _ _, please, Ill fetch a piece of paper and write down the number.49、此刻他不在。He isnt here _ _.50、我不知道他跑得快不快。I dont know _ he runs fast _ _.53、不要问私人生活,那是不礼貌的。Dont ask about _ life, its not polite.54、事实上,我想和你交朋友。_ _,I want to _ _ _ you.55、不要在公共场所制造噪音。Dont make a noise

14、_ _.56、他们将在两周后回来。They will return in _ _ _weeks.57、他不舒服,他不想吃任何东西。 He isnt feeling well, he doesnt eating anything.58、顺便问一下,你能帮我拿一下我的包吗? ,could you help me carry my bag?59、全世界的人通过写信交朋友。 People all over the world by writing letters.60、不要取笑任何人。 Dont .61、他好多了,不要担心她。 She is much better, dont her.62、明明起床和

15、往常一样早。 Mingming gets up early as .63、那时她不在学校。 He wasnt at school .64、你应该注意作业中的拼写错误。You should spelling mistakes in your homework .65、我姐姐唱歌唱得好,她有甜美的嗓音。My sister sings very well , she has a beautiful _ .66、在电台找一份工作很难。Its difficult to _ _ a job in a radio .67、请关上收音机。Please the radio.68、请不要开灯,婴儿在睡觉。Plea

16、se dont the light.The baby is sleeping.69、快点!我们剩下的时间不多了。 !We havent got enough time left.70、小女孩掉进了河里。幸运的是,一个警察挽救了她的生命。The girl fell into the river .Luckily,a policeman .71、这个老人脱下雨衣掏出了钱。The old man his raincoat and took out the money.72、他已经搜集了至少500张邮票。 He has collected 500 stamps.73、你的零花钱来自哪? Where d

17、oes your come from?74、毕竟,它仅是一个四岁的男孩。 ,he is only a four-year-old boy.75、她经常帮助她妈妈做家务。 She often her mother the housework.76、快点!没有时间可浪费了! !There is no time to waste!77、你必须与我们面对面。 You must come _ _ _ with us.78、以我的观点,我的同桌是一个和善、乐于助人的学生。 _ _ _,my classmate is a kind and helpful student.79、这篇文章除拼写外其他都不错。

18、The composition is quite good _ _ the spelling.80、当你出去时不要忘记叫醒我。 Dont forget to _me _ when you go out.81、我一到上海就给你打电话。Ill ring you _ _ _ I arrive in Shanghai.82、我们不能总依靠父母。We cant alway _ _ our parents.83、他们从十二点开始倒计时。They _ _ from twelve oclock.84、春节时,一些人回家和家人团聚。During the Spring Festival ,some people

19、go home to _ _ with their families.85、你能为我列一栏东西吗?Can you make _ _ _things for me.86、老师将帮助我们克服困难。The teacher will _ us _.87、我们应该相信并依靠自己。We should believe and _ _ ourselves.88、我们花费了一周时间庆祝新年。We spent a week _ the New Years Day.89、他很小,但他能自己做一些事情。He is young, but he can do something .90、我们自己做了全部工作。We did

20、 the whole work .91、昨晚音乐会期间发生了不寻常的事。Something unusual last night during the concert.92、雷锋献身于帮助他人。Lei Feng people.93、这个机器在1896年被发明。The machine in 1896.94、最后,医生成功的给病人做了手术。 ,the doctor on the patient successfully.95、最后,我们班足球比赛获胜了。 ,our class won the football match.96、他是如此的小,以至于不能去上学。 He is _ young _ he

21、 cant go to school.97、我爸爸去北京出差了。 My father has gone to Beijing on _.98、我希望上大学。 I hope to _ _ _ .99、去年他上了大学。 He _ _ _ last year.96、我妹妹一点都不喜欢跳舞。 My sister _ like dancing _ _ .97、他去车站送别她。 He went to the station to _ her _ .98、这本书是我的。 The book _ _ me.1. Cindy is _ amazing singer. She has lots of fans.A.

22、 a B. an C. the D.不填2. Sally is very happy. There is a big smile _ her face.A. on B. to C. in D. at3. I dont think looking after children is just _ work.A. woman B. womans C. women D. womens4. The Internet is very useful for us. We can _ find information.A. easy B. easily C. hard D. hardly5. Jenny,

23、put on your coat _ you will catch a cold.A. but B. and C. or D. so6. Do we have to finish our homework this afternoon?Yes, you _.A. must B. can C. may D. need7. Emma, can you introduce _ to Alice? I want to meet her.A. him B. his C. me D. my8. Id like you _ for a picnic with us.A. go B. to go C. goi

24、ng D. went9. Sometimes walking is even _ than driving during the busy traffic time.A. fast B. faster C. slow D. slower10. Mike _ his computer and checked his e-mail.A. turned on B. turned off C. turned up D. turned down11. Everyone _ I come from Sichuan. Actually, I come from Shandong.A. find B. thi

25、nk C. finds D. thinks12. Hong Kong _ to be a good place for eating today.A. knows B. knew C. is known D. was known13. This term _ over. The summer vacation is coming in two weeks.A. is B. was C. has been D. will be 14. I _ a mistake. Please dont be angry with me. A. make B. made C. will make D. had

26、made15. She is new here, so we know _ about her.A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything16. We all agree that a pair of shoes _ a very nice present.A. are B. is C. were D. have17. Could I call you by your first name? Yes, you _.A. will B. may C. must D. might18. Mary is _ 8-year-old girl. She goes to _ school by _ bike.A. an, /, / B. a, /, a C. an, the, / D. a. a, /19. Its not good to be late _ school.A. to B. for C. with D. of20. Some people say Mozart

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