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Exercise Two.docx

1、Exercise TwoExercise TwoPart I Listening ComprehensionSection A-Short Conversations:1. A) She went blind in childhood B) She went blind at the age of 16C) Few people know that she is blindD) She gets up early every morning2. A) He drove her to the airportB) He told her to drive to the airport by ano

2、ther routeC) He bought her a map of the airportD) He made clear the route to the airport for the woman on a map3. A) Secretary and boss. B) Teacher and student. C) Doctor and patient. D) Booking office clerk and customer4. A) She has been eliminated. B) She belongs to the last few candidates chosen.

3、 C) She is writing some essays in order to be employed. D) She has already been taken on. Section B-Long Conversation:5. A) Because the library assistant thinks he has an overdue book.B) Because the books he needs have been checked out by someone else.C) Because the library assistant is unable to lo

4、cate the books that he needs.D) Because a library notice was sent to him at his previous address.6. A) The man has mistakenly received someone elses books.B) The man changed his major from art to business.C) The man recently moved off campus.D) There are two students named Robert Smith.7. A) See if

5、he is related to any of the students.B) Apply for a job as a library assistant.C) Use his middle name.D) Use a different library.Section C-Passage8. A) The invention of primitive weapons and language. B) The invention of language and the discovery of fire. C) The invention of primitive weapons and t

6、he discovery of fire. D) The invention of primitive weapons and the development of human brain. 9. A) The professional instruction. B) The human brain.C) Cries. D) Signals. 10. A) Picture language preceded oral language. B) Oral language preceded picture language. C) They developed side by side. D)

7、Picture language is more important than oral language. 11. A) Its origin is not obscure. B) Its possible for apes to speak human language, but an intensive professional instruction is necessary. C) There are people who doubt that it began very gradually.D) It has been the most important single facto

8、r in the development of man.Section D-Compound DictationIn the 18th century French economists (12) _ the excessive regulation of business by the government. Their motto was laisser faire. Laisser faire means let the people do as they choose. In the economic sense, this meant that while the governmen

9、t should be responsible for things like maintaining peace and protecting (13) _ rights, it should not (14) _ with private business. It shouldnt create regulations that might (15) _ business growth, nor should it be responsible for providing (16) _ to help. In other words, governments should take a h

10、ands-off (17) _ to business.For a while in the United States, laisser faire was a popular (18) _ . But things quickly changed. After the Civil War, (19) _ rarely opposed the governments generous support of business owners. (20) _ _ . Their regulations kept tariffs high and that helped protect Americ

11、an industrialists against foreign competition. (21)_. It was generally assumed that because business owners did not have a lot of external restrictions placed on them by the government, they could pursue their own interests, and this was what made them so successful. (22)_.Part II Reading Comprehens

12、ion Section A (Skimming and Scanning) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly. For questions 23-29, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 30-32, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

13、Online DegreesToday, you can earn a degree from a major university without ever having sat in one of their classrooms. Many colleges and universities are jumping on the distance learning bandwagon and offering online courses and degree programs. In this article well look at how online degrees work,

14、what you should look for if you are pursuing a degree via the online option, and what employers think of online degrees. Online Learning Programs With a computer, an Internet connection and a little self-discipline, you can earn a degree from home, work, or anywhere else for that matter. Online degr

15、ee programs follow much the same routines as traditional learning, with a few twists. There are lectures, but they wont be in person. There are assignments, but you wont hand them to your instructor. There are exams, but you wont be able to look at your neighbors paper. There may be a set time that

16、“class” begins, but you dont have to be there then. In most situations, you are free to “go to class” when it fits your schedule. If you get a phone call during class, you dont have to miss anything. If you get sick, you dont have to ask for someones notes, and you just visit the lecture later. Youl

17、l communicate with your instructor by e-mail, chat rooms, bulletin boards, and instant messaging. Your classroom will live in a special software program that uses text chat and bulletin boards, as well as streaming audio or recorded lectures. You may be put into a virtual workgroup with other studen

18、ts and be required to solve a problem. You may have to work through interactive puzzles and quizzes. Contrary to popular belief, you will have contact with other students and the instructor. Depending on the program and institution, distance learning may consist of synchronous (live) sessions or asy

19、nchronous (non-live) sessions. Transcripts and notes from lectures are archived, so you can always go back if you missed something. If there are live sessions with discussions among students, you can go back to those as well. Assignments may even be returned with audio clips so your instructors can

20、convey their tone of voice along with their comments. Printed documents may be sent to you through the mail, or you may have the options of printing them yourself or reading them online. Some schools require an initial “boot camp” held at the campus (if there is one), where you will meet the other s

21、tudents, instructors and support personnel. Youll learn how to use the technology, learn about the library and reference systems, and begin your coursework. Evaluating the Program So once you know the school is accredited, is the decision easy? Not necessarily. There are still a lot of questions to

22、ask before you make your selection, such as: How is the course presented? Investigate the method by which the instructor gives lectures. Does the instructor simply put the lecture online as text? Are there accompanying slides? Is there any interaction? Is there video or audio? Are exams given? How a

23、re assignments turned in? The format of the course is sometimes as important as the content. Great content is more easily absorbed if its done in a dynamic and innovative manner that involves interaction between the student and instructor as well as interaction with the content itself. Online learni

24、ng technology provides many opportunities for innovation. Find a school that takes advantage of it. How do students interact with each other? Is there an established method for interaction and congregating? Online programs can use chat rooms, instant messaging, teleconferencing, and video conferenci

25、ng to communicate. The key is to find a program that has this interaction built into it and even requires it. How the online community functions should be very important to both the instructor and the educational institution. Are the instructors qualified? Check out the credentials and degrees the i

26、nstructors hold, as well as their knowledge of online learning and its differences from classroom learning. What kind of support do the instructors get for their online courses? If technical problems arise, is there someone to turn to? A school that is dedicated to its online programs will have the

27、development staff and the support staff to make it successful. Instructors (and students) have to be able to adapt to changing technology. What kind of reputation does the school have? It may seem simple a good school will have a good online program. That may be true, but it is also probable that it

28、s online program is still too new to judge, so youre left with nothing but the reputation of the schools traditional programs. This reputation, however, may not be as straightforward as you think. You can look at the overall quality of the school and make a judgment, but there may be weaknesses in t

29、he program in which you are interested. Its not uncommon for a great school to have a weak program or two. How are students evaluated? Earning a degree should mean just that earning it. If students arent assessed properly and degrees are handed out with little or no verification that any knowledge h

30、as been transferred from the instructor to the student, then how can the program be rated? Students, particularly adult students, learn more by doing than by simply listening. For this reason, it is important to ensure that part of the program involves applying what has been learned. The Employers V

31、iew The big question in everyones mind is, “Is an online degree from an accredited college or university seen by potential employers as a lesser degree?” V, a career network Website, did a survey of 239 HR professionals. According to the results, 77 percent of respondents believe that an online degree earned at an accredited institution like Duke or Stanford is more credible than one earned at an Internet-only institution. Other sources, such as Thomas L. Russell of North Carolina State University, did studies that revealed that there is little if any di

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