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1、中招英语专项复三必背交际用语2012中招英语专项复习(三)必背交际用语知识模块一.打电话A.拨电话方的交际用语1CouldMayCan I speak toplease?请找接电话,好吗?2Whos that(speaking)? 你是哪一位呀?3This is(speaking) 我是 This isherehere speaking4Could you ask himher to call me back?您能让他她给我回电话吗?5Im calling to tellask you to我打电话给你是想告诉要你去6ThatS very kind of you(to help me)你能帮我

2、真是太好了。B.接电话方的交际用语1Hello ! 6098724 你好!这里是6098724。2This is(speaking)我就是3WhoS that(speaking)? 请问你是哪位?4Yesit is是的,我就是。 Nothis is 不,我是5Hold on(for a moment),please One moment,please请稍候,别挂机。6Im sorryafraid hesshes out at the momentright now对不起,他她现在不在。7Can I take a message(for you)?我能替你捎话吗?8.I11 leave a me

3、ssage on hisher desk我会在他/她桌上留个便条。9WhatS your telephone number?你的电话是多少?10I11 givetake her the message我会捎信给她的。二.购物 A.营业员常用的交际用语1Can I help you?What can I do for you?你要买什么?2Which would you like?你喜欢哪一个种?3How manymuchdo you want?你要多少?4Is that a11?就买这些吗?5What about this one?这件种怎么样?6Do you like?你喜欢吗?7What

4、coloursizekind do you likewant?你喜欢想要什么颜色尺寸种类的?8Which onecolour do you likewant?你喜欢想要哪个哪种颜色?9Is this one better?这个好一些吗?10Im afraid we havent got anyin that size at the moment 恐怕我们现在没有那个尺寸的11Im sorryWe have sold out thein your size对不起,你要的尺寸我们已经卖完了。12Here you 给你。13No hurry别着急。14Please take your time请别着

5、急慢慢来。15OKCertainly好的。16The woolen ones ale hanging here,and the cotton ones are hanging there 羊毛的挂在这边,那边挂的是棉制的。17Let me see,twenty yuan,please我看一下,20元。18You havent paid for it yet你还没有付钱。19Thats the cheapestmost expensive one we have,Im afraid.恐怕这是我们最便宜最贵的了。B.顾客常用的交际用语11 wantwould like to buy some(fo

6、r)我想(为)买一些21 would likewant two kilos of我想买两千克 3I11 have a look at the我想看看4Thank youThats a11谢谢你。就这些吧。5I like the colourbut itstheyre too我喜欢颜色,但它它们太6Its great,but its notenough不错,但它不够7No,the colour is too不,颜色太8I preferbut thisis too我喜欢,但这个太9Thats too light太浅了。10YesThats just right好的,这个正合适。11Have you

7、 got any other kindcoloursize?你们还有其他种类颜色尺寸的吗?12That looks nicegreat看起来不错。1 3Have you got anything cheaper?你们有更便宜点的吗?14Thats a bit expensiveI11 think about it有点贵,我要考虑一下。15How much does it cost?多少钱? How much do they cost?它们多少钱? How much ale these things?这些东西多少钱?16Thats(much)too expensiveIm afraid恐怕太贵了

8、。17ThatS(quite)cheapdear 这不算贵这相当贵。18I like itbut it costs too much我喜欢它,但是太贵了。 I like them,but they cost too much19.I cant decide.我决定了20.Thats five.Ill take/have it/them please 不错,我买了21.You de cide,你决定吧!22.Can/may I try them/it on,please?23.I dont think Ill take it.我觉得我不会买.24.Here is the money.买单三.问路

9、及指路.A.问路的交际用语1Excuse me,wheres?劳驾,在哪儿?2How can I get to?我怎样去3Which is the way to theplease?去是哪一条路?4Can you tell me the way to theplease?你能告诉我去的路吗?5Could you tell me how to get to theplease?您能告诉我怎样去吗?6Could you tell me how I can get to theplease?您能告诉我怎样去吗?7Which bus can take me to the?哪路公共汽车可以带我去8Whi

10、ch bus can I catch to the?我可以乘几路公共汽车去9Which number do I need? 我需要乘几路车?10Is it far from here?离这儿远吗?11How far is it?有多远?12Thank youThank you all the same谢谢。B.指路的交际用语1Its over there在那儿。 Its over there on the leftright在那儿左边右边。2Its next to thein front of thebehind theoutside the 它在的旁边前面后面外面。3Its betweena

11、nd它在和之间。4Its at the end ofthe street在街尾。5WalkGo along down the roadthe street,and take the secondturning on the leftright 沿着这条路街,然后在第二个转弯处朝左右拐。6Its about a hundred metres along on the leftright大约在前方100米处左右边。7Its about 4 kilometres away大约有4,000米远。8Youd better takecatch a bus 你最好乘公共汽车。9Go down this st

12、reet until you reach the second traffic lights 沿着这条街一直走到第二个交通灯那儿。10At the end of the road you11 see the至路尾你就会看到11It will take you about half an hour大约要花半小时到那儿。12Go across the bridge从桥上走过去。13Go up this road to the end 沿着这条路走到尽头。14Turn leftright at tIle second crossing在第二个十字路口朝左右拐。15Take the No3 bus a

13、nd it will take you straight there 乘3路公共汽车,会把你直接带到那儿。16The No72 bus will take you there72路公共汽车会把你带到那儿。17Youd better take No10 bus to the hospital你最好乘10路公共汽车去医院。18You cant miss it你不会错过的。19Its about 15 minuteswalk步行大约15分钟。四.看病 A.医生常用的交际用语1Whats wrong with you? Whats the matter?你怎么了?2How long have you

14、been like this?你像这样多久了?3Have you taken your temperature9你测过体温吗?4Do you sleep very well?睡觉好吗?5What do you eat for your meals?你三餐饭吃什么?6Have you had anything to eat this morning?早晨吃过什么东西吗?7Have you gothad a headachecough?你头疼咳嗽吗?8Maybe you have caught a bit of a cold也许你有点感冒。9Theres nothing serious不要紧,不严

15、重。10Youd better have moreless food and take some exercise 你最好多少吃食物并且参加一些锻炼。11Take this medicine and stay in bed for a few days吃这个药并卧床休息几天。12Take this medicine every four hours and drink more hot water每四个小时吃一次这个药,并多喝开水。13Do you smoke?Youd better stop smoking你抽烟吗?最好戒烟。l 4You will get better soon你会很快好起

16、来的。 You will be all rightwell soon你会很快没事的。B.病人常用的交际用语1I have got a headachecough我头痛咳嗽。2Ive got a pain here我这儿疼。3Im not feeling well我感觉不舒服。 I dont feel very wellI feel terrible4Is it serious?严重吗?5Ive been like this ever since last night我从昨天晚上起就一直这样。6Theres something wrong with我不舒服。7This place hurts这个

17、地方疼。 我们在前面已复习了4个类型的常用习语及话题,现在列举其 余26个话题及常用习语的句型及习惯表达。五.其他交际用语. (一).问候Greetings 1Hello!Hi!你好1 2Good morningafternoonevening!早晨(下午晚上)好1 3How do you do!你好! 4How ale you?你好吗? 5How are you todaythis afternoonevening?今天下午晚上好吗?6Fine,thanksAnd you?很好,谢谢,你呢? 7Im fine,too我也很好。8How is Amyyour fatheryour mother

18、?艾米好吗?你爸爸好吗?你妈妈好吗?9She is very well,thank you她很好,谢谢。10Hows everything?过的还好吗?11Just soso还行吧!(二).介绍Introductions1Whats your name?你叫什么名字?2May I have your name?能告诉我你的名字吗?3My name is Jones我叫琼斯。4Just call me Tom就叫我汤姆吧。5Whats your first name9你的名字叫什么?6My first name is Bill我的名字叫比尔。7How do you spell your last

19、 name9你的姓怎么拼?8Jones,JONES琼斯,JONES。9Who is the lady in white?穿白衣服的那位小姐是谁?10Whats your friends name9你的朋友叫什么名字?11His name is John Smith他叫约翰史密斯。12John and I are old friends我和约翰是老朋友了。13Are you Johns brother?你是约翰的兄弟吗?14No,Im not不,我不是。15This is Mr Jones这是琼斯先生。16This is TomHes my classmate这是汤姆。我的同学。17Nice t

20、o meet you很高兴认识你。18Nice to meet you,too认识你我也很高兴。19Let me introduce myself让我自我介绍一下。20Id like you to meet我想请你见见21Come and meet来见见22Im pleasedhappyglad to meet you很高兴见到你!(三).告别 Farewells1Goodbye!Byebye!再见!2Good night!晚安!3Im afraid I have to go nowIts getting late天太晚了,我得走了。4Lets get together soon让我们不久再见

21、。5See you soonlatertomorrow一会儿见明天见。6We had a good time我们过得愉快。7Thank you for having US多谢款待我们。8Its a pleasure!不客气9Take care请慢走。10Please give my regards to请代我向问好。11Please say hello tofor me请代我向问好。(四)感谢和应答Thanks and responses1Thank youThank you very much(非常)谢谢你。2ThanksThanks a lotMany thanks(非常)谢谢。3Than

22、ksThank you for(因)感谢你。4Its very kind of you你真是太好了。5Not at a11Thats OKThats all fightYoure welcome Its a pleasureMy pleasure不用谢。不客气。(五)祝愿、祝贺和应答Wishes。congratulations and responses1Wish you good health and lots of happiness!祝你身体健康,快乐幸福! 2Good luck(to you)!祝你好运!3Merry Christmas!祝你圣诞快乐!4Happy New Year!新

23、年好!5Happy birthday!生日快乐!6Enjoy yourself!祝你快乐!7Have fun!祝你快乐!8Have a good time!祝你快乐!9Congratulations!祝贺你!10Thank you,and you too!谢谢,也祝您快乐!11The same to you!把同样的祝福也送给您!(六)意愿及应答Intentions and responses1Im going to pick some apples我将去摘苹果。2Id like you to meet my parentstoo我也想让你见见我的父母亲。31 want to take som

24、e books to the classroom我想拿一些书去教室。4I hope to see you soon我希望很快再见到你。5I hope you have a good time希望你过得愉快。6Thank you谢谢。7Im sorry I cant对不起我不能。8Im afraid I cant恐怕我不能。9Im sorryIts impossible对不起,那是不可能的。(七)道歉与应答Apologies and responses11m sorry对不起。2Im sorry for对不起3Im sorry about对不起4Excuse me劳驾。5I must apolo

25、gize to you for我必须就向你道歉6Never mind没关系。 7It doesnt matter没关系。8Im sure you didnt mean to do it我相信你不是故意的。9Forget it别放在心上。(八)遗憾和同情Regrets and sympathy1Im sorry to hear that听到这消息我很难过。2I know how you feel我能体会你的感受。3Dont worry about it别担心。4Im sure things will improve事情会好起来的。5Oh,come onCheer up来吧,高兴起来。6Its n

26、ot the end of the world这并不是世界末日。7Look on the bright side多看看事情好的一面。8Thats too bad那可太糟糕了。9Thats shame!太遗憾了!10What a shame!太遗憾了!(九)邀请与应答Invitations and responses1Do you want to?你想做吗?2Would you like to?你想做吗?3How would you like to?你想做吗?4Would you be interested in?你对感兴趣吗?5Wont you ioin us?愿意加入我们吗?6That so

27、unds great听起来够棒的。7That sounds like fun听起来蛮有意思的。8Im afraid I cant come to your party恐怕我不能参加你的晚会。9Maybe some other day改天吧。(十)提供(帮助等)和应答Offers and responses1Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?2ThanksThat would be nice谢谢,那太好了。3What can I do for you?我能为你做些什么?4Thats very kind of you你真好。5Let me help you让我来帮你。6Thank you

28、 for your help谢谢帮忙。7Would you like some?你想来点?8Yes,pleaseNo,thanks好吧。不了,谢谢。(十一).请求允许和应答Asking for permission and responses1CanCould I?我可以吗?2YesCertainlyYes,do pleaseOf course(you may)Thats OKall right当然可以。3Im sorrybutYoud better not恐怕不行。最好不要(十二)表示同意或不同意 Expressing agreement and disagreement1CertainlySureOf course当然可以。2Yes,please可以。3Yes,I think so是的,我想可以。4Thats true可以。5All fightOK好吧。6Thats a good idea好主意。7I agree(with you)我同意(你的意见)。8No,I dont think so不,我认为不可以。9Im afraid not恐怕不行。10I really cant agree

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