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沪教牛津版牛津深圳版九下英语Unit5 Sport Reading同步练习及解析.docx

1、沪教牛津版牛津深圳版九下英语Unit5 Sport Reading同步练习及解析Module 3 Sport and healthUnit 5 Sport第1课时Reading知识清单. 词汇互译1. announcement_ 2. passport _ 3. Canada _ 4. opposite_ 5. couple_ 6. honest_ 7. over_ 8.令人惋惜的事 _9. 迅速的,快速的 _10. 加拿大的_11. 太平洋_12. 手套 _13. 平缓的_14. 绳索_. 词组互译1. playwith._2. atlast_3. oneanother_4. puton_5

2、. tobehonest_6.被.绊倒_7.抓紧_8.保持平衡_9.(在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到_10.过得愉快,玩得开心_.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1. 我的梦想是去看一些真正的雪。Mydreamwas_ _ _ _ _ 2. 我渴望出去散步。I _ _ _ take a walk. 3. 我迫不及待的打开礼物。I _ _ _ open the gift.4. 昨天我反复摔倒。I _ _ _ over yesterday.5. 我设法看电视。I _ _ watch TV. 基础闯关. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. Whatas_!Youcantcometomybirthday

3、party.2. Ourschoolis_(在.对面)thebank.3. Dontforgettotakeyour_(护照)whenyouleave.4.Wherearemy_(手套)? Icantfindthem.5. My friend, Mary comes from _(加拿大). 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Itssohot.Imdying_(drink)somecoldwater.2.Lastyear,Ispentmostofmyfreetime_(play)computergames.3.Mary_(write)aletterwhenIcameintotheclassroo

4、m.4.Youshouldholdontotherope_(keep)yourbalance.5.My friend invites me _ (fly) a kite in the park. . 用所给短语的适当形式填空 check in put on play with to be honest keep ones balance1. At home I usually _ my doll.2. _, I cant speak English well.3. I have to hole on to the rope to _.4. First we _ at the airport.5

5、. Its cold today. Please _ your sweater. . 选择题。1.【2013浙江温州】Samopenedthedoorand_alovelydogoutside.A.findsB.foundC.hasfoundD.willfind2. 【2013广西玉林】Many houses _ in the earthquake of April 20, 2013 in Yaan.A. is destroyed B. are destroyedC was destroyed D. were destroyed3. 【2014河南】WhenTim_whyhewaslatefo

6、rschool,hejustkeptsilent.A.wasaskedB.askedC.wasaskingD.isasking4. 【2013四川雅安】Iffarmers_treesandforests,giantpandas_nowheretolive.A.cutdown;haveB.willcutdown;willhaveC.willcutdon;haveD.cutdown;willhave5. 【2013山东威海】Alice,wouldyoumindnotplayingtheguitar?I_onthephone.Oh,sorry,mom.A.talked B.talkC.wastalk

7、ingD.amtalking创新提升. 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。I was born an albino(白化病人)in Pennsylvania in 1945. No one in my family had ever known what an albino was and what it 1 to be an albino. My family and friends never treated me as 2 else. That was just about the best thing they could

8、 have done. It helped me trust myself, so when troubles came along, I could 3 them.Like most albinos, I had terrible eyesight,but the fact that I could hardly 4 didnt trouble me that much.Kids would make fun of me, calling me “Whitey”. People stared at me when I held reading material right at the ti

9、p (尖) of my 5 so that I could see it well enough. Even when I was eight, movie-theater workers started asking me to pay full price because I looked 6 . The worst part for me was that 7 my eyesight was so bad, I couldnt play sports very well. I didnt 8 trying, though. I shot hoops(篮圈)every day. And I

10、 studied hard. Finally, I got better at school and loved it. By the time I got to college, I was double majoring(专业), going to summer school and 9 myself with every activity I could find. I had learned to be proud of being an albino. I did my best to make “albino” a good word.And I decided to make m

11、y 10 with my eyesand in sports. I couldnt see very well to play sports, but with a solid education and a drive to do it, I could make a living involved in the area I loved. Ive done it now for over thirty years in print and in video, and now in cyberspace(网络空间). People make jokes about how Im the on

12、ly “blind editor” they know,but the jokes are of goodwill. Some of them are the signs of respect. I was just a(an) proud albino kid from the coal country of Pennsylvania. I now realize that being born an albino helped me to overcome difficulties, gain confidence and be proud of my personal achieveme

13、nt.1. A. was B. called C. meant D. had2. A. nobody B. everybody C. somebody D. anybody3. A. go with B. deal with C. play with D. walk with4. A. hear B. see C. smell D. feel5. A. nose B. eyes C. ears D. finger6. A. older B. taller C. uglier D. younger7. A. until B. though C. because D. after all8. A.

14、 enjoy B. keep C. give in D. give up9. A. helping B. busying C. preparing D. offering10. A. trouble B. plans C. face D. living. 阅读理解。Moreandmorepeoplelikebicyclinganditisnosurprise.Itisfun,healthyandgoodfortheenvironment.Maybethatswhythereare1.4billionbicyclesandonly400millioncarsonroadsworldwidetod




18、ishealthierthandriving.1.Fromthepassage,weknowthatbicyclingisbecomingvery_.A.surprisingB.excitingC.expensive D.popular2.Whenyouareridingyourbicyclearoundyourneighbourhood,youmay_.A.pollutetheenvironmentaroundB.findsomethingyoudidntnoticeC.goeverywhereandusealittleoilD.getoffyourbikeandbegintowork3.I

19、fyoutravelwithafoldingbike,youcanfolditand_.A.getoutofthecarB.takeitontoatrainC.putitinyourpurse D.goonairlinewebsites4.Oneofthebenefitsfrombicyclingisthat_.A.youcanfoldthebicycleB.youwillbefriendlytoothersC.youwillbemorerelaxedD.youmaygetfatterandfatter5.WhichisTRUEaccordingtothepassage?A.Bicycling


21、row?David?Never!He_outdooractivities.A.hatesB.hatedC.ishatingD.hashated3.【 2014乐山】Why didnt Mary come to Johns birthday party last night?She _ to, but her dad simply would not let her out so late at night.A.wants B. wanted C. has wanted4. 【2011泸州】Mr. Fan _ this watch in 2005. he _ it for 6 years. A

22、.bought, has had B. bought, has C. has bought, has had D. has bought, had 5. 【2011泸州】The radio says a wild animal zoo is going to _ in our city. A. be built B. built C. build D. be building 6. 【2014上海】SusanandLily_tomatoesandothervegetablesonthefarmthistimeyesterday.A.pick B.arepickingC.willpick D.w

23、erepickingModule 3 Sport and health Unit 5 Sport第1课时Reading知识清单. 1. 公告,通告 2. 护照 3. 加拿大 4. 与.相对,在.对面 5. 夫妻,情侣 6. 坦率的,诚实的 7. 结束 8. shame 9. rapid 10. Canadian 11. the Pacific 12. glove 13. gentle 14. rope. 1. 玩.,跟.玩2. 最后 3. 互相 4. 穿上,戴上 5. 老实说6. fallover 7. holdonto 8. keeponesbalance 9. checkin(at) 10

24、. haveawonderfultime. 1. toseesomerealsnow 2. am dying to 3. cant wait to 4. kept on falling 5. manage to 基础闯关. 1. shame 2. opposite 3. passport 4. gloves 5. Canada . 1. to drink 2. playing 3. was writing 4. to keep 5. to fly . 1. play with 2. To be honest 3. keep my balance 4. check in 5. put on .

25、1.B【解析】根据本句中的表示并列关系的连词and和前面的动词opened可推知,时态前后应该一致,故该空白处应用一般过去时。2. D【解析】考查一般过去时的被动语态。A为一般现在时的被动语态,单数;B为一般现在时的被动语态,复数;C为一般过去时的被动语态,单数;D为一般过去时的被动语态,复数。根据many houses主语为复数A和C排除,结合时间状语已过去,所以时态为一般过去时。所以选择答案D3. A【解析】考查被动语态的用法。本题句意为:当蒂姆他为何迟到时,他仅仅保持缄默。分析句子结构可知,时间状语从句中的主语Tim与动词ask之间构成了逻辑上的被动关系,所以应用被动语态表达;根据主句中

26、的动词kept可知,从句中应用一般过去时态。故选A项。4. D【解析】考查主句与从句的时态。if引导的条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现”的原则,即主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。创新提升. 1. C be“是”;call“把叫做”;mean“意思是,意味着”;have“有”。由句意知选C。2. D nobody“没有人”;everybody“每个人”;somebody “某个人”;anybody“任何人”。句意:我的家人和朋友对待我与其他任何人没有区别。故选D。3. B go with“和一起去”;deal with“对待;处理”;play with“与一起玩”;walk with“和一起走”。句意:这帮助我相信自己,因此当困难到来时,我能够处理它们。故选B。4. B hear“听到”;see“看到”;smell“闻”;feel“感觉”。根据前面的“I had terrible eyesight”可知,此处指的是“几乎看不见”。句意:像大多数白化病人一样,我有着很差的视力,但是我几乎看不见的事实并未太多地困扰我。故选B。5. A nose“鼻子”;eye“眼睛”;ear“耳朵”;finge

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