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1、六年级小升初英语形容词和副词高频知识点专题练习六年级小升初英语形容词和副词高频知识点专题练习1写出下列形容词的副词形式。slow _ happy _ quick _ careful _sudden _ near _ true _ possible _2写出下列形容词或副词的比较级与最高级形式。(20分)long_ _,wide_ _,fat_ _heavy_ _,slow_ _,few_ _brightly_ _,bad_ _,far_ _quickly_ _,happy_ _,thin_ _little_ _,good_ _,tall_ _many_ _,big_ _,fast_ _larg

2、e_ _ _,beautiful_ _3用所给词语的适当形式填空。Saturday is my _ (busy) day in a week.Her mother is getting _ (fat) and _ (fat).I think its too expensive. Id like a _ (cheap) one.He comes to school much _ (early) than I.This book is not as _ (interesting) as that one.Your classroom is _ (wide) and _ (bright) than

3、ours.Read as _ (much) as you can.The _ (much), the _ (good).Nowadays, Chinese is _ (important) than any other subject, I think.Most of the students think a lion is much _ (dangerous) than a bear and it is the _ (dangerous) animal in the world.4将下列各组单词重新排序,使其构成有意义的词组。fat, the, cat, white _Olympics, g

4、reen, a, great _expensive, that, jacket, brown _an, book, interesting _round, three, plates, yellow _5Remember not to speak _ when we are in the reading B.slowly C.politely D.loudly6My friends are very _ to me.A.good B.nice C.friendly D.friend7The woman is fifty, but she looks B.

5、young C.thin D.old8Some animals were _ in the daytime and _ at night.A.sleep; wake B.asleep; wake C.asleep; awake D.sleep; awake9Usually Xiao Li spends _ time doing homework than Xiao Chen does.A.little B.lessC.few D.fewer10I didnt go shopping yesterday. He didnt _. B.either D.neither11Th

6、e food on the plate smells _.You cant eat it.A.delicious B.badly C.well D.bad12Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry? Sure. It is one of _cartoons I have ever seen.A.wonderful B.the most wonderfulC.more wonderful D.most wonderful13The box is not _ that one. bigger as bigger as big as D.big

7、ger14I looked for my knife _, but I couldnt find it _. A.everywhere;anywhere B.everywhere;nowhereB.somewhere; everywhere D.anywhere;everywhere15翻译句子。多做运动,你会更强壮。_ more exercise, and youll _ _.我的英语很好,但是语文不好。I _ _at English,but I dont _well in Chinese.我的连衣裙太短了,我想买一条大点的。My dress _too _. I want to buy a

8、_one.她的毛衣和我的一样重。_sweater _as _as _.他对英语越来越感兴趣。 He is becoming _ English.16根据中文提示连词成句。他是个好老师。 good,is, a, he,teacher_ 这位女士看起来很年轻。 looks,lady, this,young_他的病没什么严重的。 nothing, his, serious, is, illness_我比我妹妹大一岁。I, one, am, year, older, than, sister, my_黄色箱子是三个箱子中最重的。 the, box, is the, of, yellow, heavie

9、st, three, boxes, the_17找出短文中的八处错误,并改正。Lucy and Lily are American. They are new in our school. They have nice watchs. Their father and mother buy them in China. They are like the Chinese watches very much. But they dont look the watches in class. In the morning, they put their watches and go to the

10、school. In the evening, they take off the watches and put them away. They go to bed without their watch. They look after their things very careful._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18选择正确的词填空。Sarah is 12 years _ (old, older). She is one year _ (older, oldest) than me. But I am 0.1 meter _ (taller, tallest) than her.

11、She studies in Guangzhou International School. She studies _ (harder, hardest) in her class. Everyone likes her. Yesterday, she was ill. She took some medicine and she feels _ (good, better) now.19圈出短文中的形容词。I have a small pink room. In the room, there is a big bed, an orange sofa, a wooden table and

12、 a new chair. The bed is comfortable, because it is long and wide, and the pillow (枕头)feels soft The sofa is for my little dog. It is smart and lovely. The table is clean. I always do my homework there. My old chair is broken,and the new one is not as cheap as the old one.参考答案1slowly;happily;quickly

13、;carefully;suddenly;nearly;truly;possibly【解析】思路分析:形容词变副词,首先观察单词的末尾两个字母的特点,回忆学习过的形容词变副词的规则,再想怎样变。名师解析:我们先来看一下形容词变副词的规则:形容词变副词通常是加ly,其变化有规律可循,记住以下口诀:一般直接加ly,“元e”去e加ly,“辅y”改i加ly,“le结尾”e改y。根据规则,、题是需要直接加ly的;题是以辅音字母+y结尾的单词,应该变y为i加ly;题是元音字母u + e结尾的单词,先去e再加ly,则为:truly。题是le结尾的单词,直接改e为y则为:possibly。易错提示:本题中的题容

14、易漏写一个l,需要注意词尾的l是原单词中的,变为副词时还要写一个l + y。2long - longer-longest, wide-wider-widest, fat-fatter-fattest;heavy -heavier-heaviest, slow-slower-slowest, few-fewer-fewest, brightly -more brightly-the most brightly,bad -worse-worst,far-farther/further-farthest/furthest,quickly -more quickly-the most quickly,

15、 happy -happier-happiest,thin-thinner-thinnest, little -less-least, good-better-best, tall-taller-tallest,many -more-most, big-bigger-biggest,fast-faster-fastest, large -larger-largest, beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful。【解析】思路分析:我们来看一下,形容词词和副词的比较级和最高级变化规则如下:第一种:所有单音节和部分双音节如何变比较级和最高级。一般在词末尾

16、加er变比较级,加est变最高级,例如:strong-stronger-strongest small-smaller-smallest ,hard-harder -hardest ,fast-faster-fastest。如果以e结尾,只加r 和st ,例如:nice-nicer-nicest ,fine-finer-finest。以重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加er和est,例如:sad-sadder-saddest ,big-bigger-biggest ,hot-hotter-hottest。 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,把y变成i,再加er和est,例如:

17、angry-angrier-angriest, early-earlier-earliest,hungry-hungrier-hungriest。开放类副词即形容词结尾加ly变成的副词加more或most。如quickly -more quickly the most quickly,quietly-more quietly the most quietly,slowly-more slowly-the most slowly。注:early中的ly不是后缀,故把y变i再加er和est。第二种:大部分三音节和所有多音节词都在其前面加more变比较级,加most变最高级。如:different

18、-more different the most different,beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful,expensive - more expensive-the most expensive。但是,以形容前缀un开头的三音节形容词不适合上述情况,如unhappy, untidy,我们可以说:unhappier - unhappiest, untidier-untidiest第三种:不规则形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。good / well - better- best badly/bad / ill - worse - worstman

19、y/ much - more -most little - less - leastfar- farther-farthest 或 further-furthest名师解析:根据以上变化规则可以得出,比较级或最高级直接加er或est的有:long、slow、few、tall、fast。单词以e结尾的有:wide、large。需要双写末尾字母再加er或est的有:fat、thin、big。需要变y为i,再加er或est的有:heavy、happy。比较级或最高级需要在词前加more或者most的:brightly、quickly、beautiful。不规则的变化的单词:bad、far、littl

20、e、good、many。易错提示:注意thin的比较级和最高级是需要双写n再加er或est的。thin属于单音节的单词,则必然是重度音节。thin的词尾是由辅音 + 元音 + 辅音组成的,因此是闭音节的单词。因此thin属于重读闭音节的单词。该单词是学生做题时经常容易搞不清楚的单词,若不能理解,需要特别记忆。3usiest;fatter, fatter;cheaper;earlier;interesting;wider,brighter;much;more,better;more important;more dangerous,the most dangerous【解析】思路分析:括号中是以

21、辅音字母+y 结尾的单词,应按其变化规则作答。名师解析: 推测题意“星期六是我一周中最忙碌的一天。”因此需要填busy的最高级形式,busy的最高级形式是把y变为i加est。即答案为 busiest。易错提示:不观察单词的特点,盲目的在末尾加est会出错。思路分析:fat是一个“以重读闭音节+末尾的一个辅音字母”构成的单词,按此规则答题。名师解析: 推测题意“她的妈妈变得越来越胖。”因此需要填fat的比较级形式,fat的比较级形式是双写t加er,即答案为 fatter,fatter。易错提示:忽略了a在单词中的作用,盲目的在末尾直接加er。思路分析:先读懂句子,分析它的比较意味。名师解析: 推

22、测题意“我认为它太贵了,我想要一个比较便宜点儿的。”因此需要填cheap的比较级形式,cheap的比较级形式是直接加er,即答案为cheaper。易错提示:没有分清楚句子的比较意味,判断错误。思路分析:根据than可知,横线处应该用比较级,再根据“以辅音字母加y结尾的词,把y变成i,再加er”的规律得出答案。名师解析: 推测题意“他比我早点儿到学校。”因此需要填early的比较级形式,early的比较级形式是把y变为i加er,即答案为 earlier。易错提示:不观察单词的词性和构成,盲目的在末尾加er。思路分析:分析句子意思,横线处需要填一个形容词。名师解析: “not”的意思是

23、“不像”。那么推测题意“这本书不像那本那么有趣。”not asas的两个as中间用形容词的原形,即答案为interesting。易错提示:不清楚not as.as的用法,容易误填成more interesting。思路分析:形容词变比较级,首先观察单词的特点,看是单音节还是多音节的,还是其他的特殊形式,然后回忆学习过的形容词变比较级的规则,再想怎样变。名师解析: 推测题意“你们的教室比我们的又宽敞又明亮。”因此需要填wide和bright的比较级形式,wide的比较级形式是直接r, bright的比较级是直接er。即答案为wider, brighter。易错提示:不观察单词的特点,盲目的在末尾

24、直接加er或r会出错。思路分析:分析句子意思,横线处需要填一个副词。名师解析: “”的意思是“和一样”,asas中间加形容词或副词原形,因此本题填much,答案为much。易错提示:不清楚“”的用法,容易误填成more。思路分析:这是一个习惯用语,其中的单词应该用比较级,这两个单词的比较级是不规则变化。名师解析: 推测题意“越多越好。”因此需要填much和good的比较级形式,much的比较级形式是more,good的比较级是better ,即答案为more, better。易错提示:不观察单词的特点,盲目的在末尾直接加er会出错。思路分析:观察单词可知是多音节的,根据“大

25、部分三音节和所有多音节词都在其前面加more变比较级”和than可知答案。名师解析: 推测题意“我认为当今汉语比其他科目更重要些。”因此需要填important的比较级形式,important的比较级形式是more important,即答案为more important。易错提示:不观察单词的特点,盲目的在末尾直接加er会出错。思路分析:观察单词可知是多音节的,根据句子中的thanin the .可知,应该用最高级。再由“大部分三音节和所有多音节词都在其前面加most变最高级”可知答案。名师解析: 推测题意“大部分的学生认为一头狮子比一只熊更危险而且狮子是世界上最危险的动物。”因此第一个横线

26、处填dangerous的比较级形式,dangerous的比较级形式是more dangerous,第二个横线处填dangerous的最高级形式,dangerous的最高级形式是the most dangerous。即答案为more dangerous; the most dangerous。易错提示:不观察单词的特点,盲目的在末尾直接加er会出错。4the fat white cata great green Olympicsthat expensive brown jacketan interesting bookthree round yellow plates【解析】思路分析:多个形容词

27、修饰名词,需要知道其正确顺序才能做题。依照的顺序规则是“美小圆旧黄,法国木书房。”意思如下:“美”代表“描述或性质类”形容词;eg: fine, beautiful, interesting等。 “小”代表“大小、长短、高低、胖瘦类” 形容词;eg: small, tall, high, little, 等。 “圆”代表“形状类” 形容词;圆形 round 方形square ,flat扁的 。“旧”代表“新旧、年龄类” 形容词;eg: old, young等 。“黄”代表“颜色类” 形容词;eg: white, black等 “法国”代表“来源、国籍、地区、出处类” 形容词;eg: Englsih, American, moun tain等。 “木

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