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1、甘肃省兰州市届九年级英语下学期模拟试题一甘肃省兰州市2017届九年级英语下学期模拟试题(一)友情提醒:1. 答题前必须将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。2. 第卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上的答案标号 (ABCD) 涂黑,如需改动,必须先用橡皮擦干净,再改涂其他答案,答在试卷上无效。第I卷 ( 选择题, 共60分)一、单项选择(共15小题, 每小题1分, 计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。1. Today is _ unusual day because his dream of entering _ university has

2、 come true.A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an2. Lucy doesnt have an eraser. Let me give _ to _ .A. mine, him B. mine, her C. her, mine D. my, her3. - What do you think of this girl? - _ generous _ her to share her toys with Kitty. A. Its, of B. Thats, of C. Its, for D. Thats, for4. - _ useful infor

3、mation you have given to me! - I hope it can help.A. How B. What C. What an D. What a5. -Which is more important, maths or English?-I think maths is _ English. I like both of them.A. more important than B. less important thanC. not so important as D. as important as6. - Would you like an orange, a b

4、anana or a pear? - _. They all look bad. A. None B. all C. Both D. No one 7. The policeman asked Mr. Smith _. A. what did his car look like B. what was his carC. how his car looked like D. what his car looked like8. - May I leave the classroom now?- No, you _. You _ to leave until the bell rings. A.

5、 mustnt, are allowed B. neednt, allow C. cant, arent allowed D. may not, dont allow9. I was late for school this morning, because the bus was too_ for me to get on. A. empty B. fantastic C. crowded D. interesting10. - Where can we go into the museum? - Havent you seen the sign “_” there?A. ENTRANCE

6、B. EXIT C. FRAGILE D. CLOSED11. Not only her parents but also her brother _ to Hong Kong. They havent been back yet.A. have been B. have gone C. has been D. has gone12. - Mike, Ill go for the football match. - _ I hope you win the game.A. Very well. B. See you. C. Good luck! D. Congratulations!13. -

7、 Can you find me a good physics teacher? - Yes,I know one with_ A. many experiences B. much experience C. a little experience D. a few experiences14. There are many people downstairs. What do you think _?A. to happen B. happening C. is happened D. has happened 15. - I wonder if he _ in the discussio

8、n tonight.- I believe if he _ his homework, he will join us.A. will join, will finish B. will join, finishes C. joins, finishes D. joins, will finish二、完型填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Erica dreamed many times about going fishing. But her father wouldnt 16 . “Its much too danger

9、ous for you.” Hed say. Erica tried to change her fathers 17 . But her father only said “I dont want you to be 18 . Im worried about you.”Erica couldnt understand 19 her father wouldnt let her go fishing. She could 20 very well - much better than some of her friends.“You said I should always 21 new t

10、hings,” Erica said to her father. “You said that thats the way people 22 inside.”Ericas father said, “But sometimes a new 23 can be dangerous.”“Is going on boats dangerous?” asked Erica. “Then why do you do it? Benny Nathan is younger than I am. But he goes fishing all the 24 .”Ericas father said, “

11、But youre not as strong as Benny.”Erica knew her legs werent very strong. But her arms were. She had to 25 her father that she was strong.That Saturday when Benny came over, Erica asked him to have a swimming race at the pool. Her father came along to 26 .“This is a 27 race.” Erica said. “You can on

12、ly use your arms, not your legs.”Benny started off quickly, but soon his arms got 28 . Erica began to pull ahead. She 29 the end of the pool first.After the race was over, Ericas father said, “I was 30 . You can take care of yourself - on a boat, or other places.”16. A. agree B. replay C. prefer D.

13、refuse17. A. job B. shape C. mind D. idea18. A. pleased B. unhappy C. surprised D. worried19. A. why B. how C. when D. whether 20. A. fish B. dream C. run D. swim21. A. make B. try C. invent D. discover22. A. hide B. move C. grow D. fail23. A. boat B. fish C. thing D. friend24. A. luck B. life C. wa

14、y D. time25. A. show B. excuse C. thank D. support26. A. protect B. watch C. stop D. report27. A. successful B. special C. strange D. popular28. A. fixed B. broken C. hurt D. tired29. A. reached B. landed C. left D. cheered30. A. lucky B. wrong C. sure D. right三、阅读理解 A. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳

15、选项。(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分) A 31. Justin Young is a _.A. TV reporter B. popular singer C. song writer D. radio reporter32. People can listen to the song sung by _ soon. A. Stupid Machine B. Broken Basket C. Stanley Brown D. Cindy Bear33. Which song does NOT change its place this week? A. Are You There? B.

16、 The Bees. C. Say Cheese. D. Perhaps.34. How many songs listed above are new this week? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.35. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. You can listen to Music Ground once a week. B. Justin Young is talking about popular songs this week. C. Peopl

17、e can call in to listen to their favorite songs. D. Stupid Machine is now in the radio station with OK Band.BGerms (细菌) are everywhere. You cant see them, but they are on your desk, on your computer, and even in the air!Like people, germs move around the world. They fly with us on planes. When food,

18、 clothes, and other things travel around the world, germs travel, too. Some germs are safe, but some are dangerous. Germs cause illnesses like colds and the flu.Warmer Weather Brings GermsThe worlds weather is changing. Cooler countries are getting warmer, so insects from hot countries can move ther

19、e. Some of these insects, like mosquitoes, carry dangerous germs. These germs cause headaches, fever, and can even kill people.Under Your SkinYour skin protects you from germs. It stops some germs, but not all. They can enter your body when you eat, or when you have a cut. Germs are on your hands, t

20、oo. They enter your body when you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.Fighting GermsYour immune system protects you, too. When germs get inside your body, your immune system finds and kills them. Special cells move around your body and fight germs. They help you stay healthy. Other cells make antibodies

21、. Antibodies help your body find and stop germs.What can you do to fight germs? You should wash your hands with soap and water. Soap kills many germs, and water washes them away.36. According to the text, insects _. A. kill germs B. carry germs C. protect germs D. love germs37. The underlined word “

22、there” in the passage refers to _. A. cooler countries B. hot countries C. everywhere D. the world38. Which of the following is right according to the text? A. All germs are dangerous. B. There are more germs in cold places. C. Soap can kill all germs. D. Germs can get into your body.39. What do ant

23、ibodies do? A. They kill germs and wash them away. B. They find and develop germs. C. They help protect us from germs. D. They carry dangerous germs. 40. Which can be the best title for this text? A. Germs Are Everywhere. B. Weather Is Changing. C. Skin Stops Germs. D. Germs Are Developed.CStrange t

24、hings happen to time when you travel because the earth is divided into twenty-four zones (时区), one hour apart (一个时区相差一小时). You can have days with more or fewer than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days.If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋), your ship

25、enters a different time zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour. Traveling west, you set your clock back, traveling east you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours.If you travel by ship across the Pacific (太平洋), you cross the intern

26、ational date line (国际日期变更线). By agreement, this is the point where a new day begins. When you cross the line, you change your calendar one full day, backward or forward. Traveling east, today becomes yesterday, traveling west, it is tomorrow.41. Strange things happen to time when you travel because

27、_.A. no day really has twenty-four hours B. no one knows where time zones beginC. the earth is divided into time zones D. how time flies42. The difference in time between zones is _.A. one hour B. more than seven days C. seven days D. one day43. If you travel across the Atlantic Ocean, going east, y

28、ou set your clock _.A. one hour ahead in each time zone B. one hour ahead for the whole tripC. one full day back for each time zone D. neither back nor ahead44. From this passage, it seems true that the Atlantic _.A. is in one time zone B. is divided into twenty-four zonesC. is divided into five tim

29、e zones D. is divided into seven time zones45. The international date line is the name for _.A. the beginning of any new time zone B. any point where time changes by one hourC. the point where a new day begins D. the point between two different zones第卷 (非选择题,共90分)B. 阅读下面的短文, 根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。(共1

30、0小题,每小题1分,计10分)Whats the best way to lose weight? To diet? No. Most people who diet may regain the lost weight when they go back to their old eating habits.When people change their habits to new, healthy behavior, weight loss may be successful. Here are 5 ways to make that happen.1. Exercise. Exercise burns calories and builds muscles (肌肉). Taking the family dog for a walk, cycling to school, and doing other thing

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