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1、写作讲义强化班新托福写作题型概述1.综合写作 (读+听+写)考生先阅读一篇短文,再听一段相关内容的讲座录音,讲座的演讲者直接讨论短文中的观点,要求考生把演讲者就短文观点发表的看法写成一篇摘要。2. 独立写作要求考生针对某一话题发表个人的观点,并用具体的理由和事例来支持自己的观点。每篇作文都由两位评分人员根据统一的评分标准,在1-6分的范围内评分(只给整数分数),最后将分数转换为30分制。独立作文(Independent Writing)1. 独立作文评分标准评分标准1:effectively addresses the writing topic and task (有效阐明主题和观点)评分标

2、准2:well organized and well developed(逻辑条理清楚,发展充分)评分标准3:uses specific details and examples to support you view(论据具体、明确且要支持论点)评分标准4:displays language facility by demonstrating syntactic variety, word choice and idiom(通过谴词造句和习惯表达来展示语言的熟练程度)5分4分3分2分1分0分清楚有效表述观点部分观点未得到充分论证观点和细节不够充分理由不充分没有理由观点内容与题目没有任何关系文

3、章结构清楚,运用恰当的例子、充分的理由或者合适的细节论证观点文章结构较清楚,例子、理由和细节基本能够论证观点(或)语法错误,表述不清楚,语言不连贯(或)结构不完整(或)理由观点与题目不符用非英语语言结构完整,内容连贯结构完整,内容连贯,但表意不够清楚(或)结构完整但衔接表达不够清楚(或)意思不连贯(或)结构严重不完整空白句式多样,语言错误较少(5)词汇句式多样,严重的语言错误(或)词汇量和句子结构单一(或)几乎每句话都有错误(或)大量的严重语言错误注:2. 新托福作文基本要求(1)一定的英语语法基础(2)明确的观点(3)清晰的文章结构(4)语言的多样性(5)文体正式(6)衔接连贯(7)注意中西

4、方文化的差异(8)新托福机考的特殊性3. 写作步骤(1)审题 文章跑题是分数偏低的主要原因,审好题、审清题在很大程度上关系到整篇文章的成败。拿到题目先花1分钟时间仔细审题,判断出考题题型。如果题目中存在生词,尽可能通过上下文推断意思,明确文章要写的内容。例:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job is money. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Do you agree

5、or disagree with the following statement? One person should never be judged by appearance. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Experience is more important than knowledge? Use specific reasons and details to support your ans

6、wer.(2)列提纲 题目审清楚后,要有一个清晰的立场并列出提纲,可以是英文也可以是中文。不需要写出完整的句子,重点是通过这个过程来整理思路,形成自己的观点,因此写下词组就可以了。 例:Government spending: Outer space exploration V.S. Basic needs on Earth Opinion: Outer space exploration 1: better ways to produce food and clothing:- ways to preserve and store food- ways to grow vegetables

7、and fruits- new types of clothing 2: important developments in communications technologies:- Satellite communications TV, telephone, GPS 3: promote international cooperation- international space station建议练习:在题材分类训练的基础之上:1、选出20-40个题目;2、为这些题目列提纲,要求每个题目有2-3个层次;或者虽然只有1个层次,但有2-3层细节;3、每个层次下面要有足够的细节、例子、解释。

8、(3)写作 在刚才所列提纲的基础上,紧扣主题句,完成段落。在这个步骤里,考生需要根据提纲,用通顺流畅的表达进行具体的论证说明:文章结构:P1:开头:承题及表明自己观点P2:主体段1:理由1P3:主体段2:理由2P4:主体段3:理由3P5:结尾:肯定自己的观点段落布局:S1: Topic SentenceS2: IllustrationS3: Furthermore S4: Illustration 或者Otherwise(递进或者让步或者双否S5: Conclusion(4)检查修改建议大家主要针对以下五个重点部位仔细核查: 文章是否切题 将文章与提纲对比,看看是否已清楚地表达了想要写的内容。

9、可以从三方面进行考查:一是整篇文章内容是否切合文章标题要求;二是段落主题句的内容是否与各段落提示句内容相一致;三是段落内部的内容是否与段落主题句的表达相一致。假如发现任何一个层面不切题,应尽可能弥补,删除那些多余的或不切题的地方。句子是否相互连贯:检查上下文是否连贯,句子衔接是否自然流畅,检验的标准主要是句子是否通顺,该用过渡词的地方用了没有,以及所用的过渡词是否合适。 是否使用了一些错误的或不恰当的词语:检查文章中是否有用词不当的情况,要选择自己最有把握的词来表达思想,忌用生词、大词,避免中文式英语。 是否有语法错误:主谓是否一致,动词的时态、语态、语气的使用是否正确,词组的搭配是否合乎习惯

10、。为避免不必要的语法错误,对把握性不大的词组、句型绝不要用。而应使用那些自己熟悉的词组、句型来表达相同或相近的意思。 是否有大小写、拼写、标点错误,写作格式是否符合要求:两篇作文都不需要写标题;文章标题用引号; 书名用斜体; 齐头式或者缩进式(空行或者每段的首字母缩进4-6个字母)的形式人称的使用 4. 写作方法首段写法首段写作步骤:第一步:用简洁明了的句子对原题目的意思进行同义替换第二步:对题目意思进行解释第三步:提出自己的观点第四步:概括自己所提出的理由,引起下文。例1:Do you agree or disagree: Because people are busy with doing

11、 so many things, they can do few things well?Some people may hold the view that they are able to do things well even if they are busy with doing so many things simultaneously or during a given period. Although plausible at the first glance, I disagree with the statement. Depending on my own personal

12、 experience and personality, I firmly maintain that people can do few things well when they are busy with doing so many things. My arguments of this opinion are listed as follows. 解析: 文章第一句话不是对原题目意思进行解释,而是采用采取了和原意思相反的做法来进行题目诠释;第二句表明自己对误解题目的观点;第三句话对自己的观点进行近一步的解释;第四句一个过渡性的句子。开篇内容安排没有问题,但是作者犯了误解原题目意思的错

13、误导致后面整个文字都做了无用功。 改后: When people are engaged in a large extent of work simultaneously, they will not be able to perform all of them perfectly. Just imagine how terrible it will be: too many jobs need to be done by the same person in a given time. Once such a picture appears in my mind, I feel dizzy.

14、 To me, it is impossible to do everything well with the limited energy and many others factors .Therefore , I agree with the statement that too many things to be done at the same time cause few to be well done . The reasons are as follows. 解析: 第一句话对原题目意思进行了很好的诠释;第二、三句话进一步解释原题目;第四句话提出自己的观点;第五句话过渡性句子引

15、起下文。例2 : Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible. Other young adults prefer to live with their families for a longer time. Which of these situations do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. With the development of science a

16、nd technology, peoples living standard has been improving day by day. According to the family plan, one couple could have only one child. So child becomes the center of the whole family. Some of them are even spoiled. Therefore, I think it is better if the young adult could live independent from the

17、ir parents as soon as possible. 解析: 这个开头看似没有任何问题,但是仔细分析就会发现很多问题。首先,作者绕了个大弯才给出自己的观点。其次,观点是对原题目的抄写,改动的比较少。最后,开篇缺少引起下文的过渡句。更大的错误是这个开头更像是一个全文主要观点的一个分论点。 改后: As we all know, some young adults have the sense of independence in a special period so that they want to choose to live apart from their family, w

18、hile others still choose to stay with parents in the family. Family can provide young adults with a warm bay where he or she could turn to whenever any problems arise. However, considering the sound development of the young adult both mentally and physically, I think to live independently the earlie

19、r, the better. Independence is a lesson that each of us must face one day. The detailed reasons are listed below. 解析: 第一句话解释了原题目意思;第二句话进一步解释第一句话;第三句话提出自己的观点;第四句话解释自己的观点,引出下文。引出论题的策略:策略一:提出一种普遍的或值得关注的现象作为写作背景 背景+论题+反方观点+(反方理由)+过渡+(正方观点)+作者观点+作者理由例:Some people say that computers have made life easier

20、and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and successful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.背景?Considering the society is driving into an information era, and the computer plays as a carrier for the abundant knowledg

21、e. Some people firmly argue that in view of the (convenient communication and quick transaction done in the computers, computer is shortcut to the society. However, I hold that computers extend our working time and spoil our life. My reasons are listed as follows. )Extending working hours and never-

22、finishing conversation in the laptop, computer is a devil to our life. However, how can we ignore the convenience computers bring to us, namely the convenient communication and quick transaction? 策略二:举例子 例子(媒体的报告、亲朋好友的故事)+论题+反方观点+(反方理由)+过渡+(正方观点)+作者观点+作者理由 例:Some people think that the automobile has

23、 improved modern life. Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.例子?When it comes to the role of automobile, peoples opinions has a divergence. Considering its great impact on peoples mitigation, peopl

24、e can travel a long distance or even cross the country thanks to the vehicle. 策略三:提出问题 问题(问题方式提出背景、排比问句)+论题+反方观点+(反方理由)+过渡+(正方观点)+作者观点+作者理由例:Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and successful. What is y

25、our opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.问题? 策略四:引语 引语+论题+反方观点+(反方理由)+过渡+(正方观点)+作者观点+作者理由例:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult in the past become valuable lessons for the future. Use reasons and speci

26、fic examples to support our answer.引语?主体段写法学生评价老师有助于老师吸收反馈,调整自己的教学内容。相反的是,如果学生不对老师评价,老师缺乏合适的渠道,可能导致教学内容达不到学生的期望。仔细的比较两种情况,评价老师的优点远远值得吸引我们的注意,结论显而易见。比较论证= 对比论证 模板Contrary to a which has limited effects and barely plays the proper role, b, comparably, to some extent, can outweigh / outnumber (数值) its

27、counterpart(相对应的人和事)。 In view of the benefits and strength of b in xxxx, b is conductive to xxxx. Not to mention that (更不要说), b takes an initiative and leading part in .It is of help for teachers to absorb in the relevant feedback and adjust their teaching contains. In the contrary to those lacking

28、due feedback, they may fail to measure up to students expectation. Carefully balancing the two counterparts, the conclusion is obvious. 假设论证Imagine that the access to the proper evaluation is cut down, teachers may fail to obtain the justified assessment. The teaching materials may be out of the con

29、nection to students demand. As a consequence/ even worse, the teaching quality may be badly impacted. Undoubtedly/ it is beyond doubt that the adequate / appropriate judgment is essential. 假设学生过渡关注专业教育,他们可能失去在大学全面发展这一最好的时机。并且可能导致削弱他们的竞争力,更进一步的是,让他们在未来的职场上失去主动性。因此,毫无怀疑的说通识教育对于学生发展已经未来的教育来说都非常重要。Compe

30、titive edgeImagine that the couter situation should go as it is, it will be beyond peoples due grasp and control. It is also true with that people are blind to its potential drawback, which will also deteriorate and stifle the initiative. As a consequence, it is beyond question that people should sp

31、are no efforts to reverse the unfavorable trend. 段落=主题句(分论点)+支持句发展原则: 每个主体段都必须包含一个明确的主题句,明确分论点支持句必须围绕主题句展开例:Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done. Other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Living life at a slower pace has allowed me to pay much more attention to detail and work through my assignments at school more thoroughly. Before I was always rushing through my reading and my writing, and my concentration was not ve

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