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1、中科院博士生入学考试英语试题中科院2001博士生入学考试英语试题huazi 发表于 2007-4-18 18:47:00 Section B (0.5 point each)Directions: In each of the following sentences there are four parts underlined and marked A, B, C, and D. Indicate which Of the four parts is incorrectly used. Mark the corresponding letter of your choice by drawi

2、ng a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.36. The opinion polls were showing(A) 76 percent of the responders( more concerned about the shambles of American education(C) than about any other problem on(D) the political agenda.37. Kenny G is not a musician(A) I re

3、ally had much of ( an opinion about him(C) until recently(D).38. I was twenty-five years old, and Id just been laid down(A) from my job as division( manager at(C) a mortgage banking(D) firm.39. We knew so little(A) about equipments( , disposal(C) techniques, the whole thing(D).40. It was so disguste

4、d(A), and somewhat hazardous( , not to mention(C) a huge hassle and monetary expense(D).41. Of course, I am aware of(A) what he has played since( , the success he has had(C), and the controversy(D) has surrounded him among musicians and serious listeners.42. That抯 not saying(A) its easy, though( . T

5、here are definitely(C) jobs that wore on(D) you.43. Perhaps not surprisingly(A), the colleagues whom I thought less high( , and whom I portrayed less admiringly(C), did not share my view(D).44. The Times, financially(A) successful it may be( , is a powerful but(C), at this moment, not very healthy i

6、nstitution(D).45. Having imposed temporary sentences(A) of unprecedented( severity on the five defendants who pleaded guilt(C), the judge told them that their actual sentences might depend on their cooperation with(D) subsequent investigations.PART III CLOZE TEST (15 minutes, 15 points)Directions: F

7、or each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the four choices given in the opposite column. Mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.When we think about addiction to drags or alcohol, we freq

8、uently focus on negative aspects, ignoring the pleasures that accompany drinking or drug-taking. 46 the essence of any serious addiction is a pursuit of pleasure, a search for a high that normal life does not 47 . It is only the inability to function 48 the addictive substance that is dismaying, the

9、 dependence of the organism upon a certain experience and a .49 inability to function normally without it. Thus a person will take two or three 50 at the end of the day not merely for the pleasure drinking provides, but also because he doesnt feel 51 without them.52 does not merely pursue a pleasura

10、ble experience and need to 53 it in order to function normally. He needs to repeat it again and again. Something about that particular experience makes life without it 54 complete. Other potentially pleasurable experiences are no longer possible, 55 under the spell of the addictive experience, his l

11、ife is peculiarly 56. The addict craves an experience and yet he is never really satisfied. The organism may be 57 _sated, but soon it begins to crave again.Finally a serious addiction is58 a harmless pursuit of pleasure by Its distinctly destructive elements. A heroin addict, for instance, leads a

12、59 life: his increasing need for heroin in increasing doses prevents him from working, from maintaining relationships, from developing in human ways. 60 an alcoholics life is narrowed and dehumanized by his dependence on alcohol.46. A. Hence B. BecauseC. And yet D. Moreover47. A. supply B. resumeC.

13、accept D. prevent48. A. except B. withoutC. with D. besides49. A. frustrating B. surprisingC. unchanging D. increasing50. A. drags B. drinksC. doses D. draughts51. A. normal B. contentC. delighted D. spirited52. A. A drugtaker B. The addictedC. An addict D. The drugger53. A. perform B. makeC. experi

14、ence D. initiate54. A. other than B. rather thanC. more than D. less than55. A. while B. thusC. even if D. for56. A. distorted B. rectifiedC. exaggerated D. improved57. A. eventually B. temporarilyC. accordingly D. subsequently58. A. identical with B. consistent withC. separated from D. distinguishe

15、d from59. A. destructive B. DissatisfiedC. damaged D. derivative60. A. Similarly B. ConverselyC. Naturally D. GenerallyPART IV READING COMPREHENSION (60 minutes, 30 points)Directions: Below each of the following passages you will find some questions or incomplete statements. Each question or stateme

16、nt is followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Read each passage carefully, and then select the choice that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark the letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.Passage 1It took n

17、o time at all for the native Americans who first greeted Christopher Columbus to be all but erased from the face of the earth. For about a thousand years the peaceful people known as the Taino had thrived in modem-day Cuba and many other islands. But less than 30 years after Columbus arrival, the Ta

18、ino would be destroyed by Spanish weaponry, forced labor and European diseases. Unlike their distant cousins, the Inca, Aztecs and Maya, the Taino left no pyramids or temples-no obvious signs that they had ever existed.But it is a mistake to assume-as many scholars have until quite recently that the

19、 absence of abundant artifacts meant the Taino were necessarily more primitive than the grander civilizations of Central and South America. They simply used less durable materials: the Taino relied on wood for building and most craftwork, and much of what they made has disintegrated over the centuri

20、es. However, thanks largely to two remarkable digs undertaken recently, archaeologists will be able to enrich their knowledge of the Taino.In a village on the northern coast of Cuba, a Canadian-Cuban team discovered the nearly intact remains of a Taino dwelling buried in the dirt. This site may have

21、 been one of the Tainos major centers. Meanwhile, deep in the forests of the Dominican Republic, a U.S.-Dominican team has also made an important discovery: a 240-ft.-deep Taino cenote, or ceremonial well, where hundreds of objects .thrown in as offerings have been preserved in the oxygen-poor Water

22、.It will take a much longer time to understand the Taino fully, but they have been rescued from the ignoble status of footnotes in the chapter of history that began with the arrival of Columbus.61. The main idea of Paragraph 1 isA. Christopher Columbus returned the Tainos greeting with cruelty.B. Th

23、e Europeans coming brought an end to the existence of the Taino.C. The Taino once prosperous in modem-day Cuba now has no trace on earth.D. Spanish weaponry would have crashed the Taino but for Columbus arrival.62. It is assumed the Taino had a comparatively low civilization mostly becauseA. the Tai

24、no had produced no written records.B. the Taino had built no pyramids mid temples.C. there has been little wooden structure the Taino relied on.D. there has been few remains showing the life of the Tainos.63. Which statement is true concerning the Taino?A. They were enslaved by foreign invaders.B. T

25、hey were more warlike than other Indians.C. They were the most short-lived of all the civilizations.D. They were buried deep in the dirt or oxygen-poor water.64. What does the italicized word ignoble (in the last sentence) probably mean?A. unfortunate B. unsuccessfulC. unpromising D. unworthyPassage

26、 2Already lasers can obliterate skin blemishes, topically applied drugs can smooth facial lines and injected agents can remove deep wrinkles. Future products will be faster, borer and longer lasting. New substances will be developed by entrepreneurs, says Brian Mayou, an aesthetic plastic surgeon, t

27、hat will be more successful than liquid silicone that we use today to eradicate wrinkles. The next major breakthrough, says Mel Brahmn, plastic surgeon and chief executive of the Harley Medical Group, will be laser treatment that needs no recovery period.Nicholas Lowe, clinical professor of dermatol

28、ogy at the University of Los Angeles, adds: There will be more efficient anti-oxidants to help reduce sun damage and aging. There will also be substances that increase the production of new collagen and elastic tissue to maintain the elasticity of youthful skin.Lee Shreider, a research cosmetic chem

29、ist, says that we may be able to look better without any kind of operation as semi-permanent make-up gets better.Crooked noses will be improved by effectively sealing on shaded colors that either enhance or subdue areas of the face. We will be able to straighten eyebrows and lips making the face mor

30、e symmetrical-which remains one of the keys to beautyand even close blocked pores with permanent, custom-designed foundation.The development of the safe sun tan is a potential gold mine. Being researched at the University of Arizona, but a long way from reality, is the injectable tan. Professor Lowe

31、 is optimistic: There will almost certainly be a safe way of developing a sunless tan that protects against sun damage. In animal research, weve applied creams to guinea pigs that can actually turn on some of the genes that produce pigmentation without any sunlight exposure.65. What is the main topi

32、c of the passage?A. Inventions in cosmetology.B. New discovery in face-filling.C. A bright future for facial make-up.D. The development of beauty culture.66. According to the passage, what has been used to remove deep wrinkles?A. Applied drugs.B. Liquid silicone.C. Laser treatment.D. Anti-oxidant.67. Paragr

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