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1、备考最新中考英语英语的句法和词法名词学案初中英语10大词类详解+用法+考点,史上最全!一、词性的分类词类又叫词性,英语单词根据其在句子中的功用,可以分成十个大类。1.名词noun n. student 学生: 用来表示人或物名称的词,也表示抽象概念或地点等2.代词pronoun pron. you 你 :英语中非常活跃的一类词,常用来代替名词,且常常跟在介词或动词后面,形成介词宾语或动词宾语3.形容词adjective adj. happy 高兴的: 用来描述名词用的一类词,表示该名词的性质或状态,有比较级的形式,在句子中做定语,表语或补语4.副词adverb adv. quickly 迅速地

2、: 用来修饰动词的词,也可用来修饰形容词,副词,或者句子,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等5.动词verb v. cut 砍、割:表示状态或动作,是一个句子的核心,也是英语中变化最多端的一类词6.数词numeral num. three 三: 表示数量或顺序的一类词,有基数词和序数词之分7.冠词article art. a 一个: 英语中词汇最少的一类词,用来帮助说明名词的含义,置于名词之前8.介词preposition prep. at 在.: 用来表示时间,地点,或词与词,句与句之间关系的一类词,不能单独做句子的成份,后面肯定有个宾语,构成介词宾语,所以介词后加宾格9.连词conjunctio

3、n conj. and 和: 必须用来连接词和词,词组和词组,句子和句子,表现并列关系或主从复合等逻辑关系10.感叹词interjection interj. oh 哦: 表达喜怒哀乐等情绪的词,用感叹号表示前六类叫实词,后四类叫虚词。名词名词的可数与不可数,及可数名词的复数形式I. 辨别下列单词是可数名词还是不可数名词call cartoon coin eye exercise fingernail foodhaircut homework hour job moneynews paperperson postage truck weather II. 将下列名词变成复数形式(1) The

4、_ are playing football. (boy)(2) We are _ , we live in China. (Chinese)(3) These are Lucys _ . (box)(4) How many _ are there in the village? (woman)(5) One of the _ is a Young Pioneer. (girl)(6) I have two (leg)_ and _ . (foot)名词的单复数变化规则:1. 直接+ s 2.以s, sh, ch, x 结尾的单词+ es 3. 以y 结尾的,去y + ies 4. 以o 结尾

5、的词,只有以下的+ es ; Negro, tomato, potato , hero, zero 5. 以 fe, f 结尾的单词,去fe, f + ves : city, life, wife, wolfC: 不规则的可数名词的变化规则:小老鼠爬灯台,偷油吃下不来。男人当警察,保护妇女跟儿童;英国人的牙咬了法国人的脚;养了一头日本羊,送给了中国人;养了一头鹿跟鹅,卖给了瑞士人。1.manmen, womanwomen, toothteeth, footfeet,goosegeese childchildren, mousemice,2.单复数相同: sheep, deer, Chinese

6、, Japanese Swiss.3.以man, woman 修饰名词构成合成词时,两个词都变化.man servantmen servants. 区别(boy/girl students)名词的格在英语中有些名词可以加“s”来表示所有关系,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该名词的所有格,如:a teachers book。名词所有格的规则如下:(1)单数名词词尾加“s”,复数名词词尾没有s,也要加“s”,如the boys bag 男孩的书包,mens room 男厕所。(2)若名词已有复数词尾-s ,只加“”,如:the workers struggle工人的斗争。(3)介词of 短语来表示所有关

7、系 a map of the world; Of + 名词所有格/名词性物主代词,表示双重所有格 a friend of my fathers a friend of mine* 名词词尾加s 还可以表示某人的家或某个店铺 My aunts the doctors * 2人共有某物的时候,在后面一个名称上加s 就可以了 linda and lucys room名词的主谓一致1. 主语是可数名词单数或不可数名词的时候,谓语用单数形式The computer is a great invention. 2. Chinese, Japanese, people 一般情况下用复数, glasses,s

8、hoes, socks, trousers, gloves, pants 往往以复数形式出现,谓语也用复数3. 几个经常使用的短语both. and.either.or.neither.nor4. There be 句型中be 的单复数一般由靠近的名词决定5. 主语中含有with短语的时候,谓语的单复数由with 之前的事物决定A woman with a 7-year-old child was standing at the side of the road. A woman and a 7-year-old child were standing at the side of the r

9、oad. 来找错 1. This is a pair of trouser. 2. He gave me some advices. 3. The police is looking for him. 4. When the cat is away, the mouses will play.易错知识点清单1.information, message, news1)information作“信息”解,通常指在阅读、观察、谈话或书信往来中特别关注的消息、情报、资料等。它侧重内容,是不可数名词。如:TheymustfindoutsomeinformationaboutplanestoKunming

10、asquicklyaspossible.他们必须尽快查到有关飞往昆明班机的信息。(2) news作“新闻”解,一般指通过广播、电视、报纸等新闻媒体向大众发布的社会各方面的最新消息,它侧重一个“新”字,是不可数名词。如:Theresapieceofinterestingnewsintodaysnewspaper.在今天的报纸上有一条有趣的消息。Nonewsisgoodnews.没消息就是好消息。(3) message作“音信”解,一般指口头传递的或书写的“消息”,是可数名词。如:Sheoftensendsmessagestomewithhermobilephone.她经常给我发手机短信。


12、/voiceA. Our physics teacher told us light travels faster than _.B. You have a beautiful_, the man said to her in a sweet _.C. We shouldnt make any _ in the reading room.3.problem,question(1) question是需要“解答”的问题,question往往是“疑问”。problem是需要“解决”的问题。problem所指的问题,往往是“老难的问题”。这两个词在实际使用中,一般不能相互替代。如:Pleaseans

13、werthefollowingquestions.请回答以下问题。(2) problem指说话者认为难以解决的问题,它与动词solve或settle(解决)搭配。而question指说话者需要寻找答案的问题,它常与动词ask或answer连用。试比较:Theproblemisdifficulttobesolved.这个问题很难解决。MayIaskyousomequestions?我可以问你一些问题吗?problem可用于数学或物理的习题,而question却无此义。question可表示一件“与有关的事”。试比较:Canyouworkoutthismathsproblem?你能算出这道数学题吗

14、?Itsaquestionofmoney/time.这是一个与金钱/时间有关的问题。辨析使用:problem/questionA. What is the biggest _ in the world? Can you answer this _ ?B. The _ is that hes always asking me such foolish _.4.suggestion,advice(1) suggestion是可数名词,表示“意见,建议,提议”,特指为了改进或解决某一问题而提出建议、办法等,但不一定正确,仅供参考。语气比advice客气、委婉。多用作可数名词,常和介词about,as

15、to,at,on,by,with等搭配。如:Thistripwasmadeathisteacherssuggestion.这次旅行是由他的老师建议组织的。Byhermotherssuggestionthecontributionwasraised.根据她妈妈的建议发起了募捐。表示“一条建议”用asuggestion,“一些建议”是somesuggestions,“许多建议”是manysuggestions。(2) advice表示“忠告,意见,指点”,是指具有丰富的知识、足够的经验、正确的判断力和明智的观点的人对另一个人的“劝告”或“见解”,既可以是对于严肃的事物,也可以对琐碎事情提出意见。a


17、ewithmoreconsideration.我给你的忠告是你要多体贴妻子。Itwasonlybymyadvicethatshehadgivenuptheidea.在我的劝导下她才放弃了这个念头。5.influence,effect(1) influence表示“影响”,主要指对行为、性格、观点等产生间接的或潜移默化的影响。通常为不可数名词,但有时可连用不定冠词。如:Whatyoureadinfluencesyourthinking.你读的东西对你的思想有影响。Televisionhasastronginfluenceonpeople.电视对人有很大的影响。influence可用作及物动词。如

18、:ItsclearthatherpaintinghasbeeninfluencedbyPicasso.她的画显然受了毕加索的影响。(2) effect可用作可数或不可数名词。用作可数名词时,常与介词on连用。haveaneffecton相当于affect。如:Toaffectapolicyistohaveaneffectonit.影响一项政策就是对该政策具有一种影响。Thenewshadnoeffectonheratall.=Thenewsdidnotaffectheratall.这条消息对她没有一点影响。effect有时虽用作动词(及物),但不表示“影响”,而表示“实现”或“产生”等。如:H

19、eeffectedgreatchangesinthecompany.他使公司发生了巨大的变化。名词的构词法1. watch , look, love, visit , drive, wish , water, hand, seat, nurse, time, show, chair2. Classroom, schoolgirl, sunflower3. Teach, drive, village, foreign, strange, play, win, run Act, invent, direct, wait, China, Japan, PortugueAustral, Canada,

20、 India, Austria, ItalyFree, wise, kingMove, agree, announce Act, invent, pollute, operate, inviteFriend, lead, relationChild, neighbor Happy, ill, darkArrive, refuse, revive4. 动名词 feeling, meeting, dancing 眼见为实。用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Please turn the TV down. It is too (noise). 2. In a few (year) time, Zhuji

21、 will be more beautiful. 3. He didnt get enough sleep yesterday evening, so he feel a little (sleep) now. 4. I want to be an (art) when I grow up. 5. We feel sorry that Chen Ye fei , a famous (paint) , died when he was 59. 6. I think Wu Qiling is one of the most popular (act) . I am his fan. 7. Mr.

22、Jiang is a learned person, and he had lots of (know). 8. All the (village) living conditions have changed greatly in recent years. 9. It is worth (mention) that Nanjing has entered Top 10 Appealing Chinese Cities. 10. In spring, we can see green (leaf) and grass everywhere. 进阶练习1. I havent heard fro

23、m him since last (一月)。2. We should keep the (平衡) of the nature. 3. (冲浪) is one of the worlds most popular water sports. 4. Science is one of my favorite (科目). What about you ?5. Sandy has lots of (业余爱好). 6. There is no (桥梁) over the river, We have to take a boat. 7. If you want to study English well

24、, you must pay attention to your (发音)。8. Its only about an ( 小时) flight from Qingdao to Beijing by air.9. A computer is one of the greatest (发明) in the world. 10. John is very excited. He will go to Japan with his (父母) during the Spring Festival. 11. Morethan36millionChinesechildrenarereceivingpiano

25、training,butquiteafewhavelittleinthepianoandsomeevenhateit. (interesting )12. Itisbettertotravel10,000milesthantoread10,000books, soitsimportanttohaverealwithlanguages,culturesandsocieties. (know)13. ItisanEnglishtohaveafternoontea.(传统)14. Ididntknowlastyear.(他住在哪里)15. isaprogramtohelpwithchildrense

26、ducationinpoorareas.(希望工程)16. Thefarmerkeepslotsofonhisfarm.A.sheep B.chicken C.goose D.pandas17. The4thChinasGotTalent(中国达人秀)givesthechildachancetoshowhisspecial.(able)18. WhereisThomas? Helefta.(信息)19. ItsconvenienttotravelfromEzhoutoWuhanbytakingthenewly-builtgreenrailway.Yes.Itssaidthatisenough.

27、 A.fifteenminutesdrive B.fifteen-minutesdriveC.fifteenminutesdrive D.fifteenminutesdrive20. is my favorite sports .(swim)用表格中的单词的恰当形式填空,每词一次tomato, room, mistake, sheep, hand, knife, excite, gift, true, dentist1. The audience clapped and shouted with when the performer appeared. 2. Alice was so care

28、less that she made many in her homework. 3. Tim, could you please tell me the ?4. This is Tom and Marys .5. These chocolates are all made by .6. In Britain , people not only use to cut things but also use them to have meals. 7. Joanna received many when graduating from middle school.8. If theres som

29、ething wrong with your teeth, youd better go to see a .9. We need some yogurt, two and some honey to make the salad. 10. Australia is famous for its .中考二轮复习完形填空专题(讲义)【知识点睛】一、命题特点题型上来看:越来越降低了对单词本身词义及语法的考查,而注重上下文联系,主要考查学生运用英语基础知识的能力、上下文对照并捕捉关键词的能力、分析行文逻辑及文章的整体理解能力、结合语境分析推理的能力等。体裁上来看:中考完形填空的体裁主要以记叙文为主,以叙为主,叙议结合,题材新颖。二、做题步骤第一步:_,_。完形填空题是一篇意思完整的短文,准确理解短文是解答此类题的关键。在做此题时,要跳过空格,将全文快速浏览一遍,特别要留意文章首尾句和每段首尾句。(对文章内容有一个大概的了解,在阅读时,不需要看到全部的信息,根据部分信息就可以了解大意。千万不要读一句填一句,因为“完形填空”题里所给的大多数选项填入单句后在语法上都成立,但从全文看却并非正确答案。)第二步:_,_。了解文章大意后便要开始填入所缺部分。在选择答案时,一定要考虑到上下文的逻辑关系,前后对照,从上下文中找出关键性启示。同时兼顾句子的结构

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