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1、中考英语语法复习必备第1章词类概况第一章词类概况让我们从词开始学习英语语法。词汇是语言的基本要素。词汇量是否丰富意味着对语言掌握程度的高低。英语中的词汇主要有实词和虚词两大家族。一、词类英语中所有的词汇可分成十大类,每类词汇在句子中都有其特定的位置和作用,因此分清每一个单词的词类对于学好英语具有非常关键的意义。这十大词类是:1.名词(noun):是表示人或事物(包括专有名词和普通名词)的名称的词。如:teacher, China等。2.形容词(adjective):是表示人或事物特征的词。如:good, nice, beautiful 等。3.副词(adverb):是修饰动词、形容词和副词的词

2、。如:slowly, much, fast 等。4.代词(pronoun):是代替名词和数词的词。如:she, our, one等。5.数词(numeral):是表示数量和顺序的词。如:eight, thirteen, fifth, first 等。6.动词(verb):是表示动作或状态的词。如:run, make, look, get等。7.冠词(article):与名词连用,是起说明人或事物的作用的词。如:the, a, an 等。8.介词(preposition):通常置于名词和代词(宾格)之前,表示名词或代词与其他词的关系 。如:in, on, at, about, through 等

3、。9.连词(conjunction):是一种连接词与词或者句子与句子的词。如:and, but, because 等 。10.感叹词(interjection):是表示说话人的感情或语气的词。如:hello, oh, hey 等。注意:在上面的十种词类中,名词、形容词、副词、代词、数词、动词这六种属于实词,即可以在句子中独立充当一种成分,并具有实际意义。名词、代词和数词可以作主语和宾语; 动词可以在句子中作谓语;形容词可以作定语、表语;副词可以作状语。冠词、介词、连词和感叹词这四种词类属于虚词,不能在句子中独立充当任何成分。二、词类的相互转化英语中,有的词可以具有几种词性,而某种词性的确定取决

4、于该词在句子之中的用法。1.动词与形容词的相互转化例:Mother cleans the house every Saturday.妈妈每周六打扫房子。(动词)Her room is very clean.她的房间非常干净。(形容词)例:Open the door,please.请把门打开。(动词)The door is open now.门现在是开着的。(形容词)例:Empty the glass!干杯!(动词)The city was empty.那座城市空无一人。(形容词)2.动词与名词的相互转化例:They talk about their journey happily.他们兴高采烈

5、地谈论他们的旅程。(动词)Mr. Li wants to have a talk with you.李老师想要与你交谈一下。(名词)例:It often snows heavily at this time of every year.年年这个时候经常下大雪。(动词)The ground was covered with snow.大地被白雪覆盖。(名词)例:Did they test your car yesterday?他们昨天检测你的车了吗?(动词)She didnt pass the test for driving licence.她没有通过驾照考试。(名词)注意:一些动词转化为名词

6、时,经常与 take 或 have 连用而意思不变。例:She will try her best to finish running five thousand meters.她将会尽力跑完五千米。(动词)Will you have a try ?你想要试一下吗?(名词)例:Do you like to swim in winter?你喜欢冬泳吗?(动词)I seldom have a swim in winter.冬天我很少游泳。(名词)例:Dont call me after ten at night.晚上超过10点别给我打电话。(动词)Her mother enjoyed making

7、 calls at night.她妈妈喜欢晚上打电话。(名词)3.名词与形容词的相互转化例:Who is the girl in yellow by the door?门口那个穿黄色衣服的女孩是谁?(名词)The yellow bike outside the door is mine.门外边的那辆黄色的自行车是我的。(形容词)例:Will they have another round of diplomatic talks next month?他们下个月要进行另一轮外交谈判吗?(名词)The earth is round.地球是圆的。(形容词)例:Can you see the big

8、square of grass in the cent re of the city?你能看见市中心的那一大块正方形的草地吗?(名词)In writing, we should first ask the children to make characters square and upright.在书写方面,我们应该首先要求孩子们把字写得方方正正。(形容词)4.名词与副词的相互转化例:There is a big blackboard at the back of the classroom.教室的后面有一块大黑板。(名词)When will you come back?你什么时候回来?(副

9、词)例:The post office is just on the right.邮局就在右边。(名词)Turn right, you will find the hospital.往右拐,你就看见医院了。(副词)例:The school is not far from my home.学校离我家不远。(名词)Her father always goes to work early and comes home late.她的父亲总是早出晚归的。(副词)5.副词与形容词的相互转化例:Why does his father often come home late?他的父亲为什么经常很晚才回家?

10、(副词)He is often late for school.他上学总迟到。(形容词)例:The room is big enough to hold at least twenty people.这间屋子大得至少可以容下20个人。(副词)Do you have enough time to finish all these exercises?你有足够的时间去完成所有这些习题吗?(形容词)例:The little girl swims very well.这个小姑娘游泳非常好。(副词)I am very well today.我今天很好。(形容词)6.副词与介词的相互转化例:He will

11、 fall behind in his English study if he doesnt work harder.他如果不再努一把力,他的英语就落下了。(副词)She was sitting just behind me.她那时就坐在我的后面。(介词)例:The car passed by with sharp noise.那辆车带着刺耳的声音开了过去。(副词)I looked round and saw her sitting by the window.我环视四周,看见她正在窗户边坐着。(介词)例:The teacher told him to go on with the next

12、paragraph.老师让他继续读下一段课文。(副词)On the top of the monument, there is a statue of seagulls.在纪念碑的顶部,有一座海鸥雕像。(介词)三、英语词汇中的合成词和派生词1.合成词将两个或者两个以上的词组合在一起而形成的新的词,叫作合成词。(1)合成词常见的构成方式直接组合成为一个词play+groundplayground 操场post+cardpostcard 明信片rail+wayrailway 铁路police+manpoliceman 警察air+portairport 机场basket+ballbasketbal

13、l 篮球home+workhomework 作业black+boardblackboard 黑板中间用连字符号连在一起,组成合成词bus+stopbus-stop 汽车站man+mademan-made 人造的four+year+oldfour-year-old 四岁大的two+meter+talltwo-meter-tall 二米高的200+kilometer+long200-kilometer-long 200公里长的snow+coveredsnow-covered 白雪覆盖的sister+in+lawsister-in-law 嫂子注意:上述带有连字符号的词不能随意组合确定,而必须以词典

14、为标准。一些合成词不用连字符号而是分开来写:waiting room 候诊室ice cream 冰淇淋birthday party 生日晚会sports shoes 运动鞋space science 宇宙学space platform 空间站spare part 配件future life 未来生活(2)含有数字的复合型形容词基数词+可数名词(单数)+形容词:a four-year-old daughter 一个四岁的女儿a two-meter tall man 一个身高两米的人a 200-kilometer-long free way 一条长200公里的高速公路a ten-foot-deep

15、 swimming pool 一个十英尺深的游泳池a 5,000-year-old history 一个五千年文化的历史a two-year-long imprisonment 一个两年的刑期基数词+名词所有格three weeks journey(=a three-week journey)三个星期的行程twenty hours flight(=a twenty-hour flight)二十个小时的航程three hours ride(=a three-hour ride)三个小时的车程half an hours walk(=a 30-minute walk)半个小时的步行seven day

16、s holiday(=a seven-day holiday)七天的假期twenty minutes break(=a 20-minute break)二十分钟的休息2.派生词在一个词的前面或者后面加上前缀或后缀构成的新的词,叫 派生词。提示:在词的前面加上前缀多改变词义;在词的后面加上后缀常改变词性。(1)经常使用的前缀a:表示状态。如:alike 相同的;awake 醒着的;alive 活着的;asleep 睡着的;ashamed 羞耻的。dis:表示否定,“不”。如:dislike 不喜欢;disappear 消失;disobey 不服从;disagree 意见不合,不一致。mis:表示

17、“搞错”,“错”,“误”。如:mistake 错误;misunderstand 误解;misfortune 不幸。re:表示“再次”,“重新”。如:review 复习;retell 复述;rebuild 重建;return 归还;repeat 重说 重做。tele:表示“远距离”。如:telephone 电话;television 电视;telegram 电报;telescope 望远镜。un:表示否定,“不”。如:unfair 不公平的;unimportant 不重要的;unknown 未知的,无名的;unfit 不适宜的,不胜任的。sub:表示“下面”,“底下”。如:subway 地铁;s

18、ubsoil 下层土;subject 臣民;subside 平息,坐下。表示(地位或级别等)“低,副”。如:subtitle 副标题,小标题;suburbs 郊区;subsonic 亚音速的;subnormal 低于正常的。im:表示否定,“不”。如:impolite不礼貌的;impass死路,僵局;impassive无动于衷的,冷淡的;impatient不耐烦的,急躁的。in:表示否定,“不,无”。如:inactive 不活跃的;inanimate 无精打采的;inexpensive,不贵的;inconvenient 不方便的。for:表示“禁止,放弃”。如:forget 忘记;forgiv

19、e 原谅;forbid 禁止;forsake 抛弃。super:表示“超级的”。如:supermarket 超市;superman 超人;superpower 超级大国;supersonic 超音速的。inter:表示“相互”,“在之中”。如:interactive 相互影响的 ;interview 接见,会谈;interchange 交换,立交桥;intersection 立交桥。kilo:表示“千”。如:kilogram 公斤;kilometer 公里;kilowatt 千瓦 ;kilovolt 千伏。(2)经常使用的后缀构成名词的后缀er或or:teacher 老师;worker 工人;

20、player 运动员;writer 作者;doctor 医生。man:policeman 警察;postman 投递员;Frenchman 法国人。ess:waitress 女招待;actress 女演员;hostess 女主人;largess 慷慨 ,大度。ese:Chinese 中国人;Japanese 日本人;Vietnamese 越南人。an:American 美国人;European 欧洲人;Canadian 加拿大人。ian:musician 音乐家;politician 政治家;technician 技术员,技师。ist:communist *员;violinist 小提琴家;a

21、rtist艺术家;physicist物理学家。dom:freedom 自由;kingdom 王国;wisdom 智慧;officialdom 官员,官场。ness:happiness 高兴;sadness 悲伤;kindness 善良;usefulness 用途 。ing:shopping 购物;skating 滑冰;painting 绘画;swimming 游泳。th:warmth 热情;health 健康;depth 深度;growth生气。hood:childhood 童年;neighbourhood 四邻,聚居区;falsehood 谬误,谎言。likelihood可能性。ship:f

22、riendship 友谊;hardship 艰苦;membership 成员资格;会员。tion:invention 发明;attention 注意;revolution 革命。ty:safety 安全;honesty 诚实;difficulty 困难;activity 活动。构成形容词的后缀able:capable 有能力的;miserable 悲惨的;enjoyable 使人喜欢的。al:national 国家的;comical 好笑的;physical 体力的。ern:southern 南方的;northern 北方的;eastern 东方的;western 西方的;modern现代的。

23、ful:beautiful 美丽的;helpful 乐于助人的;wonderful 奇妙的;successful 成功的。less:careless 粗心的;hopeless 无希望的;useless 无用的;helpless 无助的,aimless无目标的。ly:friendly 友好的;lovely 可爱的;monthly 每月的。en:wooden 木制的;woollen 羊毛制的;golden 金色的。ive:active 积极的;impressive 感人的;passive 被动的;decisive 决定性的;exclusive 除外的。ous:dangerous 危险的;anxio

24、us 焦急的;poisonous 有毒的。y:sunny 晴朗的;windy 刮风的;cloudy 多云的;阴的;rainy 下雨的。构成副词的后缀:ly:quickly 很快地; quietly 安静地; slowly 慢慢地; carefully 仔细地 。构成数词的后缀:teen:fifteen 十五; sixteen 十六; nineteen 十九; thirteen 十三。ty:twenty 二十; forty 四十; eighty 八十; ninety 九十。th:forth 第四; fifth 第五; eighth 第八; twelfth 第十二; twentieth 第二十。构

25、成动词的后缀:en:shorten 使变短; sharpen 使变锋利,变尖; sadden 使悲痛 ; strenthen加强。ate:dictate 听写; translate 翻译; calculate 计算; congratutation 祝贺。ize:modernize 使现代化; apologize 道歉; hospitalize 把送入医院治疗; organize组织。即学即用是检验你实力的时候了。一、选择适当词填1.rain; rainyIts a _ day. Do you still want to swim?2.near; nearlyShe _ missed the t

26、rain this morning.3.real; reallyIs this article about a _ person in England?4.please; pleasedHer three-year-old daughter can dress herself now and the mother is very _.5.good; wellAre you sure the dish tastes _.6.sleep; asleepWhen someone knocked at the door, the baby was just falling _.7.careful; c

27、arefullyOn each Saturday morning she cleans the furniture very; playerIs she the best _ in the diveing team?9.nine; ninthWhich month of the year is September?The _.10.use; usefulMore and more people find it very _ to learn English in their daily life.LiLei works hard on his lesson and this

28、is very _ to her study.11.easy; easilyDo you think this exercise is _ to do?12.he; himselfLittle Tom built a science lab _.二、用所给词适当形式填空1、 He walked more _ than Tom.(slow)2、 I spend a lot _ time on English than before.(much)3、 It was _ last Sunday.(rain)4、 I think the shop is _ at this time of day.(c

29、lose)5、 It often snows _ in winter.(heavy)6、 There are many _ in Beijing.(forgeign)7、 Help _ to some fish,Tom(you)8、 This lesson is _ than anyone we have read before.Its _ one I have read.(difficult).9、 The _ month is May.(five)10、How many _ are there in a football team.(play)KEY:一、选择适当词填空1. rainy2.nearly3.real4.pleased5.good6.asleep7.carefully8.player9.ninth10.useful2. 11.easy 12.himself 二、用所给词适当形式填空1. slowly2. more3. rainy4. closed5. heavily6. foreigners7. yourself8. more difficult,the most difficult9. fifth10.player

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