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1、西交20春英语4新录在线作业3参考答案西交英语4(新录)在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock “n” roll? I am preparing for tomorrows exam. - _.A.Its none of your business.B.What are you doing?C.Sure. Sorry to disturb you.D.No, I dont think so.答案:C2.Intelligent students can

2、always _ good solutions to problems.A.carry outB.come up withC.look intoD.catch up with答案:B3.Thats a beautiful dress you have on!A.Oh, thanks. I got it yesterdayB.Sorry, its too cheapC.You can have itD.See you later.答案:A4.The Israeli troops ( )by launching a bombing attack on the Palestinian-control

3、led areas.A.had a crackB.took a tollC.took revengeD.followed up答案:C5.The survey found 80 percent of viewers were ( ) by he violent scenes in the film.A.eliminatedB.alertedC.offendedD.discouraged答案:C6._ is the population of Paris?A.How manyB.How muchC.HowD.What答案:D7.Will you _ me a favor, please?

4、B.makeC.bringD.give答案:A8.I will hold you personally ( ) if anything goes wrong in this project.A.destructiveB.lucrativeC.diverseD.responsible答案:D9.Unlike most Europeans, many Americans _ bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.A.used to eatingB.are used to eatingC.are used to eatD.used to eat答案:B10.T

5、his disease ( ) in Africa but now spread to many parts of the world.A.derivedB.originatedC.sparkledD.dwelled答案:B11.Whether you go or not does not ( ) .A.make a differenceB.make differenceC.make differentD.make differences答案:A12.The artist spends most of his spare time _ butterfly specimens.A.collect

6、 collectD.collecting答案:D13.The landlady _ us bread and milk.A.offeredB.recoveredC.receivedD.confronted答案:A14.Their refusal to compromise is a major ( )that stands in the way of further peace talks.A.obstacleB.complicationC.entityD.hazard答案:A15.A UN official said aid programs will be (

7、) until there is adequate protection for relief personnel.A.multipliedB.spannedC.arrestedD.suspended答案:D16.She has two best friends. _ of them is in the country.A.AllB.BothC.No oneD.Neither答案:D17.The plants are in a(n) ( ) plastic box, so the children can observe how the roots grow with time.A.appro

8、priateB.intricateC.transparentD.waterproof答案:C18.一The baby is hungry. 一 But theres_milk in The bottle.A.littleB.a littleC.fewD.a few答案:A19.This overcoat cost _. Whats more, they are _small for me.A.very much; veryB.too much; much tooC.much too; too muchD.very much; too much答案:B20.To be ( ) with you,

9、 I think youre making a dreadful mistake by refusing to cooperate.A.candidB.pertinentC.mildD.vivid答案:A21.He was healthy ( ) and ( ) .A.physical, mentalB.physically, mentallyC.body, mindD.bodily, mindedly答案:B22.The young actor who had been thought highly of _ to be a great disappointment.A.turned upB

10、.turned outC.turned downD.turned in答案:B23.The intelligence department was accused of failure to ( ) the troops to the possibility of an enemy attack during the weekend.A.instructB.warnC.dictateD.alert答案:D24.Don’t you feel surprised to see George at the meeting. -Yes.I really didn’t think

11、 he here.A.has beenB.had beenC.would beD.would have been答案:C25.Take this medicine twice a day, Peter? Do I have to take it? It _ so tastedC.tastesD.has tasted答案:C26.Hi, Tom, hows everything with you? , and how are you?A.Dont mention itB.Hmm, not too badC.ThanksD.Pretty fast

12、答案:B27.Hurry up please, or Ill be late. _A.Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now.B.Well, its alright, sir.C.How can you say that, sir?D.Oh, we are going the right way.答案:A28.一Marilyn,Im afraid I have to be leaving now _.A.That sounds wonderfulB.Oh,so early?C.Not at a11D.Good luck!答案:B29.The proble

13、m is not _ so easy as you think. Its far from being settled.A.hardlyB.almostC.nearlyD.scarcely答案:C30.You _ buy some reference books when you go to the college.A.couldB.will have toC.must toD.might答案:B31.People under a lot of ( ) may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping difficulties.A.stres

14、sB.exposureC.enduranceD.endeavor答案:A32.Anyone caught ( ) an offense will be punished.A.committingB.conductingC.executingD.performing答案:A33. Did the medicine make you feel better? No. The more _, _ I feel.A.medicine I take; and the worseB.medicine I take; the worseC.I take medicine; the worseD.I take

15、 medicine; worse答案:B34.As a reporter, I was paid to ( ) into other peoples lives.A.pryB.convertC.blurtD.carve答案:A35.After her husband died, she _ another man in 1964.A.marriedB.married withC.married toD.was married to答案:A36.Due to his recent failure to meet the deadline, Jason is ( ) from the list f

16、or promotion.A.eliminatedB.retreatedC.priedD.wrenched答案:A37.People from different cultures have different ( ) of the world.A.impressionsB.complicationsC.foundationsD.conceptions答案:D38. How was your trip to London, Jane? _.A.Oh, wonderful indeed.B.I went there alone.C.The guide showed me the way.D.By

17、 plane and by bus.答案:A39. Did the medicine make you feel better? No. The more _, _I feel.A.medicine I take; and the worseB.medicine I take; the worseC.I take medicine; the worseD.I take medicine; worse答案:B40._ is the population of Paris?A.How manyB.How muchC.HowD.What答案:D41.Our director had ( ) on t

18、he matter for a long time before he made the decision.A.hushedB.thrashedC.ponderedD.suspended答案:C42.At the first ( ) of twelve all the workers in the factory stopped for lunch.A.hitB.strokeC.strikeD.blow答案:C43.Are you getting a new flat this year? _ I cant afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new

19、 flat.A.Without question.B.You must be joking.C.Good idea!D.Are you sure?答案:B44.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the cover答案:A45.The problem is not _ so easy as you think. Its far from being settled.A.hardlyB.almostC.nearlyD.scarcely答案:C46.Th

20、e doctor ( ) Billys operation with x-rays and special exercises to make him stronger.A.went afterB.followed upC.started upD.took on答案:B47.Thanks for your help. A.My pleasureB.Never mindC.Quite rightD.Dont thank me答案:A48.Dont you feel surprised to see George at the meeting?Yes. I really didnt think h

21、e ( ) here.A.has beenB.had beenC.would beD.would have been答案:C49.Before the final examination, some students have shown _ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.A.anxietyB.marksC.signsD.remarks答案:C50.Its high time that he settled down in the country and_a new life.A.startB.startedC.startingD

22、.to start答案:B以下内容可以删除:(一)非标准劳动关系产生的原因非标准劳动关系是从标准劳动关系发展而来。标准劳动关系是一种典型的劳动契约关系,产生于资本主义社会,并一直延续至今。自20世纪60年代始,随着经济的迅速发展,信息技术的普遍应用,各国的产业结构和知识结构发生了巨大变化,进而要求劳动力作为生产要素流动性增强,灵活就业、弹性就业需求增大。因为,在工业、机械制造业占主导的产业结构模式下,固定用工制度、长期就业合同是主流的用工和就业形式,但随着商业、服务业的不断扩大,简单、统一的传统就业形式已经不能满足劳动关系双方主体的自身需求,取而代之的应是形式灵活、富于弹性的就业形式,非标准劳


24、HO是Small Office Home Office(小办公室、居家办公室)的缩写,它是指个人以自己的家或小型场所为办公室而从事工作的小型事业体(个体户)。SOHO代表了一种自由的新型就业方式,其工作场所不固定,工作时间自由,收入高低也不确定,特别适合与高新科技、信息技术相关工作的劳动者,如软件程序员、网络工程师、记者、编辑、自由撰稿人、音乐制作人、广告工作者、咨询师等。 (二)非标准劳动关系面对的挑战我国的非标准劳动关系是在市场经济快速发展,就业形式日益严峻的大背景下产生并发展起来的,更多的是缓解就业压力的产物。由于国有企业改革,我国的城镇失业率一直居高不下,而传统的僵化的固定就业模式刚性

25、太大,不利于缓解就业压力。非标准劳动关系对于降低用人单位的用工成本、方便劳动者自由选择劳动时间、缓解就业压力、扩大就业机会等作用越来越突出,正成为就业的重要渠道,使劳动关系呈现出多元化、复杂化格局。非标准劳动关系突破了标准劳动关系的内涵,对原有的劳动关系法律调整机制提出了新的挑战。随着非标准劳动关系的不断发展,我国传统的标准劳动关系法律调整体系已经越来越不适应非标准劳动关系调整的需求。非标准劳动关系对传统法律的挑战主要体现在以下几方面: 1.法律适用和劳动主体方面我国现行的劳动法律主要以标准劳动关系为主,很多非标准劳动关系被排斥在基本法律调整的范围之外。 此外,我国劳动法主要覆盖的是传统行业的

26、劳动者,范围狭窄。非标准劳动关系就业人员中有些是在劳动法或者劳动合同法调整范围之内,如劳动者派遣关系中的劳动者等,但还有很多人被排斥在这两部法律的调整之外,如家政人员等。我国非标准劳动关系调整的现状要求劳动主体适用范围必须扩大。 2.劳动关系的建立方面根据劳动法的规定,只有用人单位与劳动者之间才能建立劳动关系。用人单位可以是企业也可以是个体经营者,但不能是个人。但是在非标准劳动关系领域,用人的一方有可能是个人、家庭和自营经济实体等。不属于劳动法规定的用人单位,因此这种法律关系不受劳动法的调整。因此,很长时间以来,非标准劳动关系就业人员与用人方之间仅被视为具有平等主体之间的民事权利义务关系。发生

27、民事权益问题,按民事诉讼的程序处理。实际上,无论是标准劳动关系就业还是非标准劳动关系就业,都是具有劳动能力的公民从事为国家和社会承认的社会工作,并以此获得用以维持本人及家庭生活的劳动报酬或者经营收入。因此,将非标准劳动关系放在劳动关系调整之外不符合非标准劳动关系的本质特征,也容易导致非标准劳动关系就业人员丧失本该享有的劳动权利。 3.劳动关系和雇佣关系的处理劳动关系中对劳动者的保护比较全面,它包括了劳动过程中的各项权利,除法定的劳动标准外,还包括无过错责任的工伤保护原则和接触劳动关系的补偿原则等。而雇佣关系中的劳动者的权利仅受私法的调整,按照平等主体之间的民事权利义务关系来处理,如出现劳动中的

28、人身伤害,只能根据过错程度来分担责任。但实际上,雇佣关系跟劳动关系在本质上是相同的,因为两种关系中间的劳动者都不拥有生产资料且劳动的目的都是生产过程和获得劳动报酬,而且雇佣关系和劳动关系一样,具有从属性,雇员接受雇主的指挥、管理和监督,雇主为雇员提供合理的劳动条件和安全保障。因此,如果直接用雇佣关系的原则来调整一些非标准劳动关系不符合我国劳动者权益保护这一劳动法宗旨。 4.社会保障方面在我国,社会保障是实现社会保护的核心所在,非标准劳动关系的社会保障问题是一项宪法权利。但是,目前我国法律对于社会保险制度的规范,都是按照标准就业的特点设计运作的,包括计费年限、缴费办法和待遇标准等。这种模式的社会保障制度以就业的稳定性和缴费的连续性为基础,而这种制度不完全适合非标准劳动关系就业的特点。比如社会保险的转移由于各地社会保险的缴费标准、待遇标准等不同,操作起来比较困难。

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