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1、美国二年级小学生学什么美国二年级小学生学什么?目录I. 语言和文学 (Language and Literature)二年纪学生的读、写 (Reading, Writing, and Your Second Grader)给家长的说明 (A Note to Parents)给家长和孩子的推荐资讯 (Suggested Resources for Parents and Children)文学 (Literature)引言 (Introduction)诗歌 (Poetry)夏日之床 (Bed in Summer by Robert Louis Stevenson)野牛黄昏 (Buffalo Du

2、sk by Carl Sandburg)毛毛虫 (Caterpillars by Aileen Fisher)蜜蜂!我在等你! (Bee! Im Expecting You! by Emily Dickinson)不要杀生 (Hurt No Living Thing by Christina Rossetii)发现 (Discovery by Harry Behn)哈莉特塔布曼 (Harriet Tubman by Eloise Greenfield)林肯 (Lincoln by Nancy Turner)圣诞前夜 (The Night Before Christmas, originally

3、 title A Visit from St. Nicholas by Clement C. Moore)海贝 (Seashell by Federico Garcia Lorca)野雁告诉 (Something Told the Wild Geese by Rachel Field)鲁道夫厌倦了这座城市 (Rudolph Is Tired of the City by Gwendolyn Brooks)聪明 (Smart by Shel Silverstein谁看见过风? (Who Has Seen the Wind? by Christina Rossetti)多风的夜晚 (Windy N

4、ights by Robert Louis Stevenson)有一个长胡子老人 (There Was an Old Man with a Beard by Edward Lear)有位女人她的鼻子 (There Is a Young Lady, Whose Nose by Edward Lear)故事 (Stories)盲人摸象 (The Blind Men and the Elephant)渔夫和他的妻子 (The Fisherman and His Wife)对话 一个加纳传说 (Talk)国王的新衣 (The Emperors New Clothes)伊克托米是怎样失去双眼的 (How

5、 Iktomi Lost His Eyes)神笔马良 (The Magic Paintbrush)小气财神 (A Christmas Carol)夏绿蒂的网第一章“早餐之前” (Before Breakfast from Charloues Web)骆驼的驼背是怎么来的 (How the Camel Got His Hump)漂亮鸟的羽毛 (El Pajaro Cu) 一个墨西哥民间传说美女与野兽 (Beauty and the Beast)被剪掉舌头的麻雀 (The Tongue-Cut Sparrow)老虎,婆罗门和胡狼 (The Tiger, the Brahman, and the J

6、ackal) (东升注:应为Brahmin,类似中国的东郭先生的故事)文迪是如何见到小飞侠的 (How Wendy Met Peter Pan)美国传说英雄的故事 (American Tall Tales)保罗班扬 (Paul Bunyan)佩科斯 比尔 (Pecos Bill)约翰亨利 (John Henry)古希腊神话 (Myths from Ancient Greece)英雄和鬼怪,神和女神 (Heroes and Monsters, Gods and Goddesses)自然之神和神话人物 (Gods of Nature and Mythical Creatures)普罗米修斯带来火,

7、潘多拉带来不幸 (Prometheus Brings Fire, Pandora Brings Woe)俄狄浦斯和狮身人面像 (Oedipus and the Sphinx)忒修斯和弥诺陶洛斯 (Theseus and the Minotaur)代达罗斯和伊卡洛斯 (Daedalus and Icarus)蜘蛛女神阿拉喀涅 (Arachne the Weaver)被抓住心的飞腿亚特兰特(Swift-Fooled Atalanta)得墨忒耳和珀耳塞福涅 (Demeter and Persephone)海格力斯的劳动 (The Labors of Hercules)学习语言 (Learning A

8、bout Language)句子 (Sentences)一个句子的两条规则 (Two Rules for Writing Sentences)名词给人,地方和东西名字 (Nouns Names a Person, Place, or Things)单数名词和复数名词 (Singular and Plural Nouns)动词:行动的词 (Verbs: Action Words)动词:过去时和现在时 (Verbs: Past and Present)形容词描述东西 (Adjectives Describe Things)反义词和同意词 (More About Words, Antonyms an

9、d Synonyms)简写 (Contractions)缩写 (Abbreviations)使用大写字母 (Using Capital Letters)谚语 (Familiar Sayings)从头做起 (Back to the Drawing board.)晚做总比不做好 (Better later than never.)临阵退缩 (Cold feet.)覆水难收 (Dont cry over spilled milt.)人不可以貌相 (Dont (or cant) judge a book by its cover.)说起来容易做起来难 (Easier said than done.)倾

10、家荡产 (Eater out of house and home.)自尝苦果 (Get a taste of your own medicine.)两个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮 (Two heads are better than one.)陷入困境 (In hot water.)祈求好运 (Keep your finger crossed.)言行一致 (或表里如一) (Practice what you preach.)自早晨起来便心情不好 (Get up on the wrong side of the bed.)翻开新的一页, 重新开始 (Turn over a new leaf.)有志者事

11、竟成 (Where theres a will theres a way.)老狗学不来新把戏 (或朽木不可雕也) (You cant teach an old dog new tricks.)II. 历史和地理 (History and Geography)引言 (Introduction)世界历史和地理 (World History and Geography)地理简述 (A Quick Geography Review)定居 (Settle Down!)亚洲的文明 (Civilizations in Asia)很久以前的亚洲:印度河流域的文明 (Long Ago in Asia: Civi

12、lizaiton in the Indus Valley)恒河流域的文明 (Civilization Along the Ganges)印度教 (Hinduism)印度教经卷里的一个故事 (A Story from the Holy Books of Hinduism)罗摩和斯塔:罗摩衍那的传说 (Rama and Sita: The Tale from the Ramayana)佛教: (Buddha: The Enlightened One)阿育王(阿输迦):从战争到和平 (King Asoka: From War to Peace)中国的一位智者:孔夫子 (A Wise Teacher

13、in China: Confucius)中国:长江和长成 (China: Great Rivers and a Great Wall)一个重要的发明:纸 (An Important Invention)象丝一样的光滑 (Smooth As Silk)中国的新年 (Chinese New Year)我们去访问日本 (Lets Visit Japan)古希腊 (Ancient Greece)奥林匹克的诞生地和其它 (Birthplace of the Olympics and More)一个城市-国家格局的文明 (A Civilization of City-States)雅典:民主的诞生地 (A

14、thens: Birthplace of Democracy)粗暴严厉的斯巴达 (Rough, Tough Sparta)波希战争 (The Persian Wars)留在记忆中的战争 (Battles That Live in Memory)马拉松 (Marathon)温泉关 (Thermopylae)雅典的伟大思想家 (Greate Thinkers in Athens)亚历山大大帝 (Alexander the Great)哥帝安的结 (The Gordian Knot)以后的故事 (What Lies Beyond?)美国历史和地理 (American History and Geog

15、raphy)简单复习 (A Quick Look Back)我们的宪法 (Our Constitution)民主:一个大的挑战 (Democracy: A Big Challenge)詹姆斯迈迪森:宪法之父 (James Madison: Father of the Constitution)1812年的战争 (The War of 1812)已经又一场战争? (Another War Already?)桃莉麦迪森:一位勇敢的妇女 (Dolley Madison: A brave Woman)哦,你可看见 (Oh, Say, Can You See .)战后的战役 (The Battle Af

16、ter the War)开拓西部 (Westward Ho!)西部的号召 (The Call of the West)小船和独木舟 (Boats and Canals)铁马 (The Iron Horse)西部大车 (Wagons West)举家西迁 (A Family Goes West)妇女的工作 (Womens Work)俄勒冈之旅 (The Oregon Trail)已经在那里:美国印第安人 (Already There: The American Indians)从他们的土地上被驱除 (Forced from Their Lands)内战 (The Civil War)相互攻击 (F

17、ighting Against Each Other)美洲的奴隶制 (Slavery in America)停止奴隶制还是任其扩散? (Stop Slavery or Let It spread?)另一种铁路 (Another Kind of Railroad)洋基对付造反(注:既北方反对南方脱离联邦) (Yankees Against Rebels)亚伯拉罕林肯:联邦之人 (Abraham Lincoln: A Man for the Union)解放奴隶宣言 (The Emancipation Proclamation)一个移民国家 (A Nation of Immigration)合众为

18、一 (E Pluribus Unum)为什么移民来到美洲? (Why Did Immigrants Come to America?)机遇之地? (A Land of Opportunity?)成为公民 (Becoming a Citizen)民权:所有人的自由和正义 (Civil Rights: Liberty and Justice for All)人人平等 (All Men Are Created Equal)苏珊安东尼和妇女投票 (Susan B. Anthony and Votes for Women)埃莉诺罗斯福 (Eleanor Roosevelt)种族平权 (Equality

19、Regardless of Color)玛丽 麦克劳德白求恩(Mary McLeod Bethune)杰基罗宾森 (Jackie Robinson)罗莎帕克斯 (Rosa Parks)马丁路德金 (Martin Luther King, Jr.)凯萨查维斯(Cesar Chavez)美洲地理 (Geography of the Americas)今日美国 (The United States Today)中美洲和加勒比海 (Central America and the Caribbean)南美洲 (South America)III. 视觉艺术 (Visual Arts) 引言 (Intro

20、duction)走线 (Taking a Line for a Walk)直线和移动 (Lines and Movement)观看雕塑 (Looking at Sculptures)观看风景 (Looking at Landscapes)真实的和假想的动物 (Animals Real and Imagined)抽象艺术 (Abstract Art)建筑学:设计建筑的艺术 (Architecture: The Art of Designing Buildings)建筑曲线 (A Building of Curves)美丽的城堡 (A Beautiful Castle)现代博物馆 (A Moder

21、n Museum)IV. 音乐 (Music)引言 (Introduction)许多种音乐 (Many Kinds of Music)爱国音乐 (Patriotic Music)民间音乐 (Folk Music)古典音乐 (Classical Music)见识一些伟大的作曲家 (Meet Some Great Composers)乐器家族 (Families of Instruments:)走近看看 (A Closer Look)弦乐器 (The string Family)打击乐器 (The Percussion Family)键盘乐器 (Keyboard Instruments)巴赫先生和

22、键盘乐器 (Mr. Bach at the Keyboard)把音乐写下来 (Writing Music Down)跟随音符 (Follow the Notes)音调:高和低(Pitch: High and Low)音阶 (A Musical Scale)给二年纪的一些歌 (Some Songs for Second Grade)克莱门泰 (Clementine)老丹. 塔克 (Old Dan Tucker)牧场是我家 (Home on the Range)再见, 老潘特 (Goodbye, Old Paint)布法罗的格尔斯(Buffalo Gals)凯西琼斯的民谣 (Casey Jones

23、,关于凯西琼斯见东升本人以前的博文“美国小学学前班学些什么?”)V. 数学 (Mathematics)引言 (Introduction)100以内数的练习 (Working with Numbers to 100)有间隔地数数 (Skip-Counting)一些特殊数学用语 (Some Special Math Words)偶数和奇数 (Even and Odd Numbers)在之间,多一个,和少一个 (Between, One More, and One Less)用标签计数 (Counting with a Tally)使用图像 (Using Graphs)把数写成文字 (Writing

24、 Numbers as Words)读有计数的直线 (Reading a Number Line)复习:12以内的加法 (Review: Addition Facts to 12)复习:12以内的减法 (Review: Subtraction Fact from Numbers to 12)和数为13,14,15,16,17,及18的加法 (Addition Fact with Sums of 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18)差数为13,14,15,16,17,及18的减法 (Subtraction Facts from 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 1

25、8)任意顺序的加法,三个数的加法 (Adding in Any Order, and Adding Three Numbers)加倍和减半 (Doubles and Halves)和数位10的加法 (Sum of 10)加法和减法的检验 (Checking Addition and Subtraction)加减法的几组基本性质 (Fact Families)添出等式中空缺的数 (Find the Missing Number)在大於和小於式中空缺的数 (Missing Number Problems with Greater Than and Less Than)等式运算 (Working w

26、ith Equations)十和一 (Tens and Ones)两位数加法 (Adding Numbers with Two Digits)交换加数和被加数来检验 (Checking Addition by Changing the Order of Addends)三个数的加法 (Adding Three Number)两位数的减法 (Subtracting Numbers with Two Digits)两位数减法的检验 (Checking Two-Digit Subtraction)横向、纵向和心算加减法 (Adding and Subtracting Horizontally, Ve

27、rtically, and in Your Head)加9和减9的心算 (Adding and Subtracting 9 in Your Head)到十的四舍五入 (Estimating and Rounding to the Nearest Ten)分数 (Fractions)一千以内的数 (Working with Numbers to 1,000)百位数 (The Hundreds)百位数之间的数数 (Counting Between Hundreds)继续数数 (Count On!)不同位上数的值 (Place Value)展开式 (Expanded Form)比较三位数 (Comp

28、aring Three-Digit Numbers)三位数加法 (Adding Three-Digit Numbers)进位加法 (Regrouping Tens as Hundreds)三位数减法 (Subtracting from a Three-Digit Number)百位数上的借位减法 (Subtraction and Regrouping Hundreds)钱 (Money)硬币和纸币 (Coins and Dollar Bills)多少硬币是一圆钱? (How Many Make Up a Dollar?)二十五分硬币和(Quarters and Counting by 25)数

29、钱 (Counting Money)钱的加减 (Adding and Subtracting Money)应用题 (Word Problems)度量 (Measurement)测量长度 (Measuring Length)测量重量 (Measuring Weight)测量时间:日历 (Measuring Time: The Calendar)测量时间:(Measuring Time: Clock Time to 5 Minutes)测量时间:(Measuring Time: Half and Quarter Hours)测量时间:(Measuring Time: How Much Time H

30、as Passed?)几何 (Geometry)平面图形 (Plane Figures)立体图形 (Solid Figures)点、线和线段 (Point, Lines, and Segments)对称的线 (Lines of Symmetry)乘法 (Multiplication)什么是乘法 (What Is Multiplication?)乘法练习 (Practicing Multiplication)乘以10 (Multiplying by 10)乘法的三个规则 (Three Rules for Multiplication)应用题和找出乘法因子 (Word Problems and M

31、issing Factors)VI. 科学 (Science)引言 (Introduction)生命和季节的循环 (The Cycle of Life and the Seasons)生命的循环(The Life Cycle)从种子到种子:植物的生命循环 (From Seed to Seed: A Plants Life Cycle)从青蛙到青蛙:两硒动物的生命循环 (From Frog to Frog: An Amphibians Life Cycle)季节的循环 (The Cycle of the Seasons)春 (Sprint)夏 (Summer)秋 (Fall)冬 (Winter)水的循环 (The Water Cycle)蒸发 (Evaporation)向上,向下 (Going Up, Going Down)凝缩和沉淀 (Conden

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