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1、英语单项知识的讲解与练习79汇编英语单项知识的讲解与练习(79)391. act的用法act法令、条例、表演、扮演(角色)、行动。例句:It is anactof kindness to help a blind man across the street.帮助盲人过街是慈善的行为。Thisacthad to get a strong support from them.这个行动必须得到他们的大力支持。Think well before youact.要三思而后行。Johns beenactingvery strangely lately.近来约翰的行为怪得很。短语:act for 代理;ac

2、t on对有效、听从;act as if某人的举止就好像似的(虚拟);act as充当、担任;act up to实行、按照;act out表演;act dead装死;act against违反;act without thinking轻率行事;act up to promise履行诺言;act up to ones reputation做符合某人声望的事;act with extreme caution极其谨慎地行事;act under compulsion被迫去做;act on wrong views按错误的观点办事;act out of kindness行动出于善行;用法:act的基本意思

3、是“行动”,指人或事物对所期待的行为、作用或对外来影响作出反应的方式等。act用作不及物动词,常用于询问行动具体性质的疑问句中和带有状语性修饰语或形容词补足语的陈述句中。act可用作系动词,接名词或形容词作表语,意思是“装成”“显得”。act泛指“演戏”解时是不及物动词,作“扮演(戏剧或影视中某角色)”解时用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时也可以“戏”作主语。act是可数名词,多用作单数形式。actthe hero (装出英雄气概),actthe child (做出儿童模样)等表达方式里多用the,而不用a;当着重点在那个人当时的情况时,act后多使用形容词,而不是副词,例如下句中用natural

4、而不用naturally:如:At first he was a little shy in class, but now he acts more natural.比较:act与action 的区别:act指短暂,简单的动作,而action指持续,复杂的动作。使用actof cruelty,actof kindness,actof madness时(后都是接of和抽象名词)只用act,不用action。cruelact(ion),foolishact(ion)等,均是前面用形容词,更惯于使用action。act比action具体,action比act抽象,如in word andact中wo

5、rd与act均是具体的,in speech andaction中,speech与action都属抽象的;练习:we went to Canada to travel and my cousin _ as our guide. A. played B. showed C. acted D. performedHe _ Hamlet very well in the play. A. acted B. acted as C. was acted D. was acted asA trained dog can _ a guide to a blind person. A. act B. act a

6、s C. act out D. act for I acted _ dean while Mr Smith was ill. A. at B. by C. of D. for392. add的用法add添加、增加。例句:If youadd4 to 5, you get 9.四加五等于九。If the tea is too strong,addsome hot water to it.如果茶太浓,加点开水。Headdedsome wood to increase the fire.他加了些木柴,使火旺些。I know, and I mustaddthat we have a very pleas

7、ant relationship.我知道,而且我还要补充一条: 我们的关系非常愉快。Would anyone like toaddanything to what Ive said?有没有人要补充我刚才所说的?短语: add in 包括在内;If you add 3 to 5, you get 8 = 3 added to 5 is/ makes 8 = 3 and 5 makes/ make 8 = 3 plus 5 is/ equals 8. 三加上五等于八;Then he added that 接着他又说;add up 加起来;add up to加起来总共(不用被动式)、所有这一切说明、

8、似乎表示、意味着;add on 加上、附加;add to/ in addition to/ add something to增加、增多、添加;in number/ in all/ altogether总共;add .to .把增添到用法:add既是普通用语,也是科技用语,主要指运用算术中的加法运算求出一系列数字或数量之和,广义则指把一物“加入”或“添加”到另一物中以“增加”原物的重量、规模、总量或重要性等。add还可表示“接着说”“还说”。add用作不及物动词的情况不多。用作及物动词时,宾语可以是数字; 也可以是有形的东西,如糖、水等; 还可以是无形的东西,如麻烦等。add用作及物动词时的基本

9、用法是add sth to sth 或add sth,可以把add sth 看作是省略了to sth,这主要用在适当的上下文中,特别是在说话双方对to sth 都很明确时。add意为“把加上去”,不表达为“增加”,而increase或raise表达为“增加”。如:They have decided to add ¥20 to his wages. /They have decided to increase his wages to ¥ 100 a month.addto有增加的意思,如:That will add to my pleasure.那样会增加我的乐趣。add(s) up to有“

10、总合起来成为”或“意味着”的意思,偶尔可省掉up。如:Everything you say adds up to justice.你所说的一切,总合起来就是正义。练习:The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness of the crew at sea. A. added to B. resulted from C. turned out D. made up The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks

11、, _ that he had enjoyed his stay here. A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added His giving up halfway _ our difficulty. A. increased to B. caused to C. added to D. added up I have never heard of the names you _ the list.A. added B. added up C. added to D. added up to He had some notes _ the arti

12、cle. A. added B. added to C. to add D. added up to Her kindness _ her beauty. A. added B. added to C. added up to D. was added to 393. ahead的用法ahead在前、向前。例句:A still better tomorrow liesahead ofyou.展现在你们前面的是更加美好的未来。The young man walked at the head of the parade.那年轻人走在游行队伍最前面。He soon gotahead ofthe ot

13、her runners in the race.在赛跑时,他一到别人前面去了。The car behind wants to getahead ofus.后面那辆车想超过我们。短语: ahead of 在的前面( = in front of);ahead of time 提前;go ahead 前进、有进展、继续于、说下去、用吧;be ahead of = better than 胜过、优于;get ahead of the others 走到别人的前头、超越、比好;get ahead with ones work 工作有进展、继续做某事;a week ahead 前一周;be ahead i

14、n在某方面领先;ahead of schedule提前;ahead of the curve在前沿;lie ahead of摆在 . 的面前.;shoot ahead of疾进,突然领先.;ahead of the game处于赢家的地位(早).;用法:是副词,不要把它误认为是名词:正:Theresdangerahead.前面有危险。误:There isdangerinatahead.主要用作状语,有时也用作后置定语或表语:Theroadahead wasfullofsheep.前面的路上全是羊。Ourteamisaheadbythreeruns.我们队领先3分。用于aheadof,注意以下用

15、法:(1)指时间或空间的“在之前”:Heisalwaysaheadofthe age.他总是走在时代的前面。Aheadofusisariver.我们前面是一条河。(2)表示“比强(高)”(主要用作表语):Hesaheadofmein English.他的英语比我强。Heistwoclassesaheadofme.他比我高两班。(3)用于aheadoftime,意为“提前”或“提早”:Theworkwasdoneaheadoftime.工作提前完成了。Hedidntwantgothere aheadoftime.他不想提前去那儿。用于goahead,注意以下用法:(1)表示同意或允许,意为“说吧

16、”、“做吧”:A:MayIstart?我可以开始了吗?B:Yes,goahead.好,开始吧。(2)表示继续做某事,意为“继续吧”:Goahead,weareall listening.继续讲吧,我们都在听呢!练习:Tom was a quick walker and soon got _ the others, so people found it hard to follow him. A. ahead of B. tired of C. along with D. interested in Due to the bad weather, the building work was al

17、ready _. A. according to schedule B. behind schedule C. ahead of schedule D. on scheduleHe is good at teaching. He is _ in teaching. A. bad B. good C. ahead D. wellHe studies very hard, so he is _ others. A. ahead of B. better than C. do better D. A and B394. compliment的用法compliment n.称赞, 恭维, 致意, 问候

18、, 道贺; vt.称赞, 褒扬, 恭维; 例句:I was embarrassed by theircompliment. 对他们的称赞我感到很不安。I feel greatly flattered at yourcompliment. 我对你的称赞感到受宠若惊。They paid him a highcompliment.他们非常恭维他。Mycomplimentsto your wife.向您的夫人致意。Hecomplimentedher on her new dress without even looking at it.他连看都没看一眼,就称颂她的新衣服。短语:neat complim

19、ent简洁的赞词;sincere compliment由衷的称赞;out of compliment for出于对的敬意;compliment about sbs new hat称赞某人的新帽子;compliment to sb向某人致敬;give/ make/ send ones compliment to sb向某人致意;用法:compliment作动词,其宾语后接介词 on,表示“夸奖”。如: They compliment him on his courage. 练习:In spite of setbacks and _, his business was at last making

20、 money. A. compliments B. predictions C. reversals D. complement Wow! This is a marvelous room! Ive never known youre so artistic. _ A. Great, I am very art-conscious. B. Dont mention it. C. Thanks for your compliments. D. Its fine.Despite almost universal _of the vital importance of womens literacy

21、,education remains a dream for farmary women in too many countries of the world. A.identification B.compliment C.confession D.acknowledgementThe bank is offering a _ to anyone who can give information about the robbery. A.reward B.bonus C.prize D.compliment395. compress的用法compress vt.压缩, 摘要叙述; n.(外科

22、)敷布; 例句:Compressthis clay into a small ball.把这块粘土压缩成一个小球。Click the picture that you want tocompress.单击要压缩的图片。Compressthis clay into a small ball.把这块粘土压缩成一个小球A coldcompresscan alleviate your pain.冷敷能帮你减轻疼痛短语:compress into压缩成;ice compress冰敷;hot compress热敷法;cold compress 冷敷布,冷压缩,冷敷.;compress technique压

23、缩技术;用法:compress后接介词into,表示“压缩或压紧”。如:Can you compress your speech into five minutes?练习:Governments make laws and the police _ them. 关于DIY手工艺制品的消费调查 A. compel B. compress C. enforce D. reinforce1、作者:蒋志华 市场调查与预测,中国统计出版社 2002年8月 11-2市场调查分析书面报告She could hardly _ a smile.2、消费者分析 A. impress B. depress C. c

24、ompress D. suppressHot metal _ as it grows cooler. “碧芝自制饰品店”拥有丰富的不可替代的异国风采和吸引人的魅力,理由是如此的简单:世界是每一个国家和民族都有自己的饰品文化,将其汇集进行再组合可以无穷繁衍。 A. contracts B. reduces C. condenses D. compresses As a result of careless washing the jacket _ to a childs size. 开了连锁店,最大的好处是让别人记住你。“漂亮女生”一律采用湖蓝底色的装修风格,简洁、时尚、醒目。“品牌效应”是商家

25、梦寐以求的制胜法宝 。 A.compressed B.shrank C.dropped D.decreased When traveling alone in the mountains, youd better take a _ with you in case you get lost.A. compass B.compress C.complse D.campus(一)大学生的消费购买能力分析10元以下 1050元 50100元 100元以上Keys:8-4情境因素与消费者行为 2004年3月20日391. CABD392. ACCCBB据介绍,经常光顾“碧芝”的都是些希望得到世界上“独一无二”饰品的年轻人,他们在琳琅满目的货架上挑选,然后亲手串连,他们就是偏爱这种的方式,完全自助。393. ABCD2003年,上海市总人口达到1464万人,上海是全国第一个出现人口负增长的地区。394. DCDA395. CDABA

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