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1、高考英语基本知识点英语基本知识点考前过关1. 一个名叫史密斯的先生 a Mr. Smith 再一次 a third time 一个极美的城市 a most beautiful city 同一类的鸟 birds of a kind2. 放弃做某事 abandon doing sth. = give up doing sth.3. 使某人能够做- make sb. able to do sth.4. 登机 go aboard a plane5. 我正要离开这时下雨了。 I was about to leave when it rained.6. 这个问题我不懂。 The problem is ab

2、ove me.7. 国内外新闻 news at home and abroad 出国留学 study abroad8. 缺席会议 be absent from the meeting9. 专心于- be absorbed in sth. be lost in sth. be bent on sth.10. 在-方面丰富 be abundant in resources be rich in vitamin C11. 从他的口音判断,-。 Judging from his accent, -12. 我收到了礼物但没有接受。 I received the gift but didnt accept

3、 it.13. 有机会得到免费的教育 have access to free education14. 公众可进入的地方 a place accessible to the public15. 偶然,意外地 by accident16. 因为-得理由 on account of sth. because of sth. due to / owing to sth.17. 考虑到- take - into account = take- into consideration18. 说明-,占-的比例 account for 19. 指控某人某事 accuse sb. of sth. = char

4、ge sb. with sth.20. 习惯于做- be accustomed to doing sth. = be used to doing sth.21. 一事无成 achieve nothing = accomplish nothing22. 获得成功 achieve success23. 做出巨大成就 make great achievements24. 从街对面 from across the street 游过河 swim across the river25. 担任-职务,充当- act as sth.逆风 go against the wind 以蓝天为背景 against

5、the blue sky 美元兑换率 rates against U.S. dollars50. 看起来及年龄相符 look ones age51. 同龄 be of an age52. 在计划上达成共识 agree on the plan同意某人,及-一致 agree with sb.一些人同意该计划。 Some people agree to the plan.Some people are for the plan.Some people are in favor of the plan.53. 达成协议 reach / come to an agreement54. 远远超过- get

6、 well ahead of -55. 向前,请吧,用吧。 Go ahead.56. 来帮助某人 come to ones aid/ help57. 该计划旨在帮助残疾人。 The project is aimed at helping the disabled.58. 惊慌 get alarmed / panic59. 被活捉 be caught alive60. 首先,首要 above all / first of all毕竟,终究 after all突然 all at once all of a sudden全力以赴 go all out总的来说 all in all in a word

7、 in conclusion61. 允许做- allow/ permit doing -允许某人做- allow/permit sb. to do -62. 几乎没有什么 almost nothing63. 不理会,更不用说做- let alone (do) sth.64. 别无选择除了做- have no alternative / choice but to do sth.65. 大量的水 a great amount of water66. 使某人愉快的是, -。To ones amusement, -67. 再试一次,你就会成功。 One more try, and you will

8、succeed.68. 据宣布- Its announced that -69. 作为对-的回应 in answer to sth. = in response to - = in reply to -70. 担心- be anxious about - =be worried about - =be concerned about -71. 无论如何我们必须完成它。 Anyway / Anyhow, we must finish it.98. 和-一样大的房间 as big a room as -99. 随着时间流逝, -. As time went by, - 虽然他只是个孩子, -. C

9、hild as he is, - 正如大家所知, -. As is known to all, - 实际上,事实上 as it is100. 只要 as / so long as101. 就我而言 As / So far as Im concerned, -102. She is such a good singer that we all like her. She is such a good singer as we all like.103. 对-感到羞耻 be ashamed of sth.104. 把-放在一边,储蓄 put aside -105. 向老师请求建议 ask teac

10、hers for advice106. 入睡 fall asleep107. 睡熟 be fast/ sound asleep108. 问题的一方面 an aspect of the problem109. 及-有关系 be associated with - be connected with - be related to - be linked to - have something to do with-110. 假定- assuming that -111. 以高价 at high prices / a high price 112. 友好的气氛 a friendly atmosph

11、ere113. 附属于-,被贴在- be attached to sth.114. 攻击某人 attack sb.= make an attack on sb.115. 杀人未遂 an attempted murder116. 上学、参加会议 attend school/ the meeting117. 照料某人 attend (on) sb.118. 吸引某人的注意 attract/ draw ones attention119. 注意-, 关注- pay attention to doing sth. fix ones attention on - focus ones attention

12、 on -120. 对于-的不同态度 hold / take different attitudes towards -121. 没票了。 No ticket is available.医生没空。 The doctor is not available.122. 平均起来 on ( the) average123. 避免做- avoid doing sth.124. 十分清醒 be wide awake125. 授予某人金牌 award sb. the gold medal126. 意识到-,知道- be aware of sth.127. 提高节约资源的意识 raise/ increase

13、the awareness of saving resources128. 还有两周, 两周后 be two weeks away129. 仰面躺着 lie on ones back130. 背靠背 back to back157. 信任某人 believe in sb.信不信由你 believe it or not假装 make believeBell was believed to have invented the telephone.158. 属于某人 belong to sb.159. 弯腰 bend down / over 160. 有益于做- be beneficial to d

14、oing sth.161. 对某人有益 benefit sb.受益于- benefit from sth.为了人民的利益 for the benefit of the people对-有益 be of benefit to sb.公共利益 public benefit162. 背叛祖国 betray ones country163. 读懂字里行间的意思 read between the lines164. 某人力所不及 beyond ones power165. 骑自行车 ride a bike166. 生儿子 give birth to a son167. 计划生育 birth contro

15、l168. 一点儿食物 a bit of food169. 一点点地 bit by bit170. 尽一己之力 do ones bit171. 被蛇咬 be bitten by a snake172. 遍体鳞伤 black and blue173. 为某事责备某人 blame sb. for sth.174. 把某事归罪于某人 blame sth. on sb.175. 你该受到责备。 You are to blame.176. 被保佑以- be blessed with ( luck )177. 盲目追随- follow sb. blindly178. 走过三个街区 go three blo

16、cks179. 道路被阻。 The road was blocked ( up).180. 风刮得很大。 It was blowing hard.181. 爆炸,充气 blow up182. 沉重的打击 a heavy blow183. 搭乘(船、飞机) go / get on board184. 乘船 by boat= in a boat185. 强身健体 build up ones body186. 全心全意地为人民服务 serve the people body and soul187. 勉强维持生计 keep body and soul together188. 沸腾的水 boilin

17、g water凉开水,开水 boiled water189. 预定票、座位 book a ticket/ seat/room190. 海外旅游的热潮 a boom in overseas travel191. 对-厌烦 be bored with - = be tired of -192. 天生是诗人 be born a poet224.忙于做某事 be busy doing sth.225.忙于某事 be busy with sth.226.倒数第二 the last but one227. 不是-而是- not - but -228. 只有我知道。 Nobody but I know it

18、.229. 要不是你的帮助,我是不会成功的。 But for your help, I wouldnt have succeeded.230. 乘公共汽车/汽车/飞机/火车/轮船 by bus / car / plane / train / ship/sea由疏忽所致 by mistake到-的时候为止 by the time +句子 以20%的速度增长 increase by 20%不久 by and by231.拜访某人; 号召 call on sb.拜访某地 call at some place需要某物; 约请某人 call for 打电话; 唤起, 回忆起 call up召集; 叫来

19、call in取消 call off232. 保持镇静 keep calm233. 平静下来 calm down234. 禁烟运动 a campaign against smoking235. 去野营 go camping236. 尽可能快 as fast as one can237. 情不自禁做- cant help doing sth. 不能帮助做- cant help ( to) do sth.238. 你再小心也不为过。 You cant be too careful.239. 取消书的订单 cancel the order for books240. 一只点燃的蜡烛 a lighte

20、d candle241. 固定资本 fixed capital242.对-介意; 关心 care about243.喜欢; 照顾 care for244.照料; 照顾 take care of / look after245. 开展; 执行; 实现 carry out继续进行 carry on夺走, 摘取(奖牌) carry off246.在那种情况 in that case247.以防万一; 万一 in case + 句子248.万一-,在-情形下 in case of sth.248.绝不屈服。 In no case will anyone give in.249. 她迟到了,那是常有的事

21、。 She is late, as is often the case.250. 以现金支付 pay in cash251.赶上汽车 catch the bus着火 catch fire化学试验室 a chemistry lab 276.下象棋 play chess277.做出选择 make a choice278.别无选择除了做- have no choice but to do - = cant choose but do sth.279. 气得说不出话 choke with anger280. 在圣诞节 at Christmas281. 去做礼拜 go to church282. 去看电

22、影 go to the cinema283. 以35000公里的高度绕地球三周 circle the earth three times at the height of 38000km284. 课上/后 in / after class上课 have classes285. 课外活动 activities out of class286. 把-清除掉 clear away整理; (天气)放晴 clear up287. 爬树 climb the tree 翻山越岭 climb over the mountains288. 接近自然 be close to nature接近(做)- get cl

23、ose to (doing) sth.289. 再坐得近一些 Sit closer, please. 密切关注某人 watch sb. closely290. 密友,知己 a close friend 势均力敌的比赛 a close game291. 在沿岸的城市 cities on the coast在海上的岛屿 islands off the coast292. 煮、泡咖啡 make coffee293. 事物都有两面性。 Every coin has two sides.294. 伤风; 感冒 have a cold295. 收集邮票 collect stamps296. 收税 coll

24、ect taxes297. 为-筹款 collect / raise money for -298. 一个建筑群 a collection of buildings + ( is )299. 点击网站 click the website300. 加入俱乐部 join the club301. 上大学 go to college302. 大学毕业 leave / finish college303. 使-和-结合/联合 combine - with-304. 发生; 产生 come about偶遇; 偶然发现 come across回来; 想起来 come back下来; 落 come down

25、来(自); 出生(于) come from进入; 进来 come in从-离开; 脱落 come off来吧; 赶快; 跟我来 come on337. 如果,只要 on condition that-338. 记者招待会 press conference339. 考虑做某事 consider doing sth340. 认为某人是- consider sb. as / to be sth.341.认为某人做了某事 consider sb. to have done342. 体贴某人 be considerate towards sb.343. 由-组成 consist of = be made

26、 up of344. 在建设中 under construction345. 查字典 consult the dictionary refer to the dictionary look up words in the dictionary346. 消费大量燃料 consume lots of fuel347. 包含维生素C contain Vitamin C包括(做)- include (doing) sth.348. 内容及形式 content and form349. 对-满意/满足 be content with-350. 继续做- continue doing / to do st

27、h.351. 及-相反 be contrary to sth. 正相反 on the contrary352. 给教会捐款 contribute to the church353. 锻炼有益健康。 Exercise contributes to health.354. 导致- contribute to sth. = lead to sth.355. 作贡献 make contributions to sth.356. 无法控制 beyond / out of control357. 控制- take control of -358. 在农村/乡下 in the country(side)35

28、9. 在你方便的时候 at your convenience360. 如果你方便的话, If it is convenient to you, -361. 言语无法表达/传达我的心情。 Words cant convey (= express) my feelings.362. 一份中国日报 a copy of China Daily363. 抄作业 copy others homework364. 在拐角处 at the corner365. 转眼就到 around the corner366. 及-一致,相符 correspond to / with -367. 它花了我许多钱。 It c

29、ost me a lot of money.368. 以-代价 at the cost of -369. 使某人付出-代价 cost sb. sth.370. 指望- count on = rely on 371. 每秒钟都重要。 Every second counts.372. 两三个小时 a couple of hours373. 那对夫妇已经离开了。 The couple has left.374. 失去勇气 lose courage375. 在-的过程中 in the course of376. 当然; 自然 of course377. 控告某人 take sb. to court410. (过去或将来)某一天 one day后天 the day after tomorrow前天 the day before yesterday前几天 the other day 今天到此为止 call it a day411. 赶上截止日期 meet a deadline for -412大量的, 非常多的 a great deal of+不可数413. 应付; 处理; 涉及 (how)+ deal with -414. 及某人做交易 make a deal with sb.

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