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高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 15Unit 17.docx

1、高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 15Unit 17高考英语单元知识点复习Unit 15-Unit 16 Unit 1-Unit 16提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点Unit 1单词upset airline fl dntn avenue altitude guarantee gather feast dip ganalse hat budget rate visa arrangeent passprt heque urren短语l int ever n and then get/be tired f l ff bring up句型1there be(n) t d sth2虚拟条句中if的省略Unit

2、 16单词entr ental phsial suffering greed trader uneplent unrest sarifie renstrutin frer funeral vain eventuall dan vere insist plain resist hief afterards idespread rt ildlife suppl hain illing短语in vain tae a hane leave alne insist n as a result put ut n sale in turn gr up tae aa in hnur f eep in tuh

3、ith ut ff die ut have an effet n give up ae use f句型1ever sine从那以后(一直)2see表示“经历、发生、目睹”。Unit 1理解:要点诠释单词1guarantee讲:n 保证,担保;作为担保之物vt 保证;确保例:This pier has a three-nth guarantee fr all repairs 这台复印机有3个月的各种修理保证。 He put up his huse as a guarantee 他提供房子作为担保。 ne is n guarantee f happiness 金钱并非幸福的保证。 This ref

4、rigeratr is guaranteed fr five ears 这个冰箱保用年。 He guaranteed this ahine t r fr five ears 他保证此机器可运转年。短语l int ever n and then get/be tired f l ff bring up句型1there be(n) t d sth2虚拟条句中if的省略Unit 16单词entr ental phsial suffering greed trader uneplent unrest sarifie renstrutin frer funeral vain eventuall dan

5、vere insist plain resist hief afterards idespread rt ildlife suppl hain illing短语in vain tae a hane leave alne insist n as a result put ut n sale in turn gr up tae aa in hnur f eep in tuh ith ut ff die ut have an effet n give up ae use f句型1ever sine从那以后(一直)2see表示“经历、发生、目睹”。链接提示 (1)guarantee sbsth/gua

6、rantee stht sb保证某人某物 (2)guarantee t d sth保证做某事 (3)guarantee that保证练:He_ t give e a higher pa,s I had t leave this panAguaranteed Basedprvided Dapplied提示:从“必须辞职”看,给高工资已经得到保证。故选A项。答案:A2avid讲:vt 避免;防止;回避;避开;躲避 avid后如需要接动词时,只能用动名词,不可用动词不定式。例:The narrl avided defeat in the sei-final 他们在半决赛中勉强躲过一劫。 The bu

7、ilt a all t avid sil being ashed aa 他们建了一堵墙防止水土流失。 A single an shuld avid aling n dar streets at night 单身女子应该避免夜间在黑暗的街道上走路。链接提示 (1)fail t d sth没有(没能)做成 Never fail t rite t e一定要给我写信。 (2)iss ding错过做;躲过 The hild ust issed being hit b the ar 这孩子差一会儿就被车撞了。 (3)esape ding逃离(灾难) He esaped fr being punished练

8、:ith a little re are u_ this traffi aidentAuld avid Buld aviduld have avided Dust have avided提示:本句话的意思为“如果你再小心些,你就能避免这次交通事故”。uld have dne表示“过去能够做某事,实际上没做成”。答案:短语1l int 调查;审查;检查;朝里面看例:A ring part has been set up t l int the prble 已成立一个工作小组调查这个问题。链接提示 (1)l ut(fr)注意;当心;提防 (2)l thrugh 翻阅;看一遍 (3)l nas 把看

9、作;认为 (4)l frard t 盼望 ()l dn upn/n 看不起 (6)l as if 看起(似乎) (7)l lie 看起像练:(1)The detetive and his assistant have begun t_ the sterius urderAl int Bsee tae ver De thrugh提示:l int意为“调查”,see t“办理,照管”,ae ver“转让,改造”,e thrugh“传”。句意为:侦探和他的助手已经开始调查这个神秘的谋杀案,故选A项。答案:A(2)(2010湖南模拟)_ fr the glass! Its I earing shesA

10、L ut Bal utG ut DSet ut提示:从句意看,应该选A项。l ut有“小心”之意。答案:A(3)u shuldnt_ ur disabled sisteru shuld help and l after herApla ith Bl dnstud ith Dl dn upn提示:本题考查在语境中使用动词短语的能力。第二句表明应该对她关心、帮助,而A、两项在语意上恰恰与其相反,故排除。l dn upn意为“歧视;看不起”,其中dn或upn都不可省略。答案:D2get/be tired f sth/ding sth 对某事感到厌烦/厌倦;对做某事感到厌烦/厌倦例:She as ti

11、red f hearing abut their trip t India 她听腻了他们的印度之行。 I si and tired f all the arguents 我对这些争论厌烦透了。链接提示 (1)never tire f ding sth不厌其烦地做 He ent t Harvardas he never tires f reinding us 他上过哈佛他就这样不厌其烦地一再提醒我们。 (2)tire f sth/sb对感到厌倦;对感到腻烦 The sn tired f the beah and ent fr a al 他们很快对海滩感到腻烦了,便去散步。 (3)tire sb/

12、neself ut使感到筋疲力尽;感到疲惫 She as tired ut b her urne 这次旅行把她累坏了。练:(1)nt u stp taling?I_ listening t ur nnsenseAa interested in Ba tired itha nsidering Da tired f提示:依据上表达的意思,排除A、两项,B项结构错误。故选D项。答案:D(2)I tired,Dad Tired?_?AFr hih BFr hatFr hih Df hat提示:选项为省略句,补全为“ are u tired f?”。从句意看,应该使用疑问词hat。故选D项。答案:D句型

13、1there be(n)need t d sth讲:注意观察下面教材原句: But there is n need t rr if u have never sied befre 如果你从前没滑过雪,不必担心。 need用作名词,作“需要;必须”讲时,可以用于need fr sth或need fr sb/stht d sth结构中,构成“There is(n)need(fr sb)t d sth(没)有必要做某事”或“sbhave(n)need t d sth某人(没)有必要做某事”。例:There is an urgent need fr qualified teahers 迫切需要合格教师

14、。 There is n need fr u t get up earl trr 你每天不必早起。链接提示 (1)在there is n need(fr sb)t d sth中,动词不定式短语(fr sb)t d sth用作后置定语,不可用动名词。 (2)在Its n need/n use/n gd ding sth中,动名词短语用作主语,不可用动词不定式。 (3)be in need f需要 The huse is in need f a thrugh lean 这房子需要个大扫除。练:(1)The sa is n need t rr if u have never sung befreAit Bthere that Dhat提示:考查句型there is n need t d sth。答案:B(2)hen the hinese internatinal resuers arrived in Paistan,the fund the peple suffering fr the earthquae fd and ater suppliesAin desperate need f Bin plae fin hnr f Din ant提示:句意为:当中国国际救援人员到达巴基斯坦时,他们发现地震灾区的人们急需食物和饮用水供应。in plae f代替;顶替;in hnur f

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