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1、外研新版七上九下完成句子总结校对版外研新版七上九下完成句子总结:七年级上册1.我在早上6:00起床,晚上9:00睡觉。I at six in the morning and go to bed at nine in the evening.2.我喜欢数学,你呢?I like maths, _ _ _ _you?3.你家里有一台电脑吗?Have you got a computer_ _ _ _?4.请把它写在黑板上。Please _ _ it _ _ on the blackboard.5.我的学校在公园旁边。My school is _ _ _ _ the park.6.我妈妈通常星期六购物

2、。My mother usually_ _ _ _on Saturdays.7.请打开灯,太暗了。Please _ _ _ _the light. Its too dark.8.孩子们正在公园里拍照呢。The children are_ _ _ _ in the park.9.谢谢你照看我弟弟。Thank you for _ _ _my younger brother.10.快点!李明在公共汽车站等你呢。Hurry up! Li Ming is_ _ _ _you at the bus stop.11.他们不想扫去好运。They dont want to _ _ _ _good luck.12

3、.我父亲没在家。他在工作。My father isnt at home. He is _ _ _ _.13.你们正在为春节做准备吗?Are you _ _Spring Festival?14.这时,人们正在看电视。At _ _,people are watching TV.15.老师站在学生前面。The teacher stands_ _ _the students.16.他的姐姐擅长体育。His sister is _ _P.E.17.吃太多肉对你不好。Eating too much meat _ _ _you.18.我坐在Jerry的右边。I sit _ _ _ _ _ _of Jerry

4、.19.这个用英语怎么说?Whats this _ _ _ _?20.让我们看一看这张地图。Lets _ _ _ _ _ this map.21.他在上班。He is _ _.22.请把书收拾起来。Please _ _the books.23.我喜欢一种水果,那就是苹果。I like _ _ _fruit, which is apples.24.劳驾,我必须在下一站下车。Excuse me, I have to _ _ at the next stop.25.我喜欢许多动物,例如猫,狗,和猴子。I like many animals, _ _cats, dogs and monkeys.26.

5、不仅你而且汤姆也对我很友好。Tom _ _ _you is friendly to me.27事实上,她不喜欢这个动物。_ _,she doesnt like this animal.28.我们有太多的工作要做。We have got _ _ _ _work to do.29.桌子上有很多苹果。There are _ _ _ apples on the desk.30.他的生活方式和我的大不一样。His way of life is very _ _mine.31.这些男孩在15至18岁之间。These boys are _ _fifteen _eighteen.32.王林来自山东。Wang

6、Ling_ _Shandong.33.欢迎来到我们的学校。_ _our school.34.你通常几点回家?When do you usually_ _?35.让我们回到2010年10月份。Lets _ _ to October ,2010 36.“你感觉如何?”“今天感觉稍好点儿。”“How are you feeling?” “Oh, Im feeling _ _better today.” 37.我过去总是7点吃早餐。I used to _ _ _at seven. 38.“当然我已经在报纸上看过一些关于你的报道了,”查利说道。I have read about you in the n

7、ewspapers_ _ Charlie said. ,39.昨晚你在什么地方吃饭的?Where did you _ _ _last night? 40.我不想变胖.I don t want to _ _. 41.这其中只有几个用得着。Only _ _ of these are any good 42.请再说一遍你的名字好吗?What was your _ _ again? 43.我上周收到老爸来信。I _ _ my father last week. 44.在所有班都被报满之前,你最好快点。 You d better _ _ before they ve filled all classes

8、. 45.在英国史密斯是很常见的姓。 Smith is a very common _ _in England. 46.我们还需要一点时间。We need _ _ more time. 47.请看这张地图。 _ _the map, please. 48.商店里有很多人。There were _ _ people in the shop. 49.你在单位吃午饭吗?Do you _ _at work? 50.这架飞机上有多少乘客? _ _ passengers were on this plane? 51.你的阿姨多大岁数了?_ _ is your aunt? 52.你看见那边的那座建筑了吗?Do

9、 you see that building _ _? 53.外国影片的销售只在一间密室里进行。Foreign films are _ _ only in a back room. 54.失业者可以在网上寻找工作。The unemployed will _ _jobs online. 55.中国电影院门票很贵周末约为80元。Tickets to Chinese cinemas are costly-about 80 yuan _ _. 七年级下册1.首先,过来看看失物招领箱。_ _ _, come and look in the _ _ _ _.2.这有一个紫色的钱包。_ _ a purple

10、 wallet.3.从现在起,请仔细看好你的东西。Please _ _ _your things _ _ _.4.当人们旅行或匆忙时经常丢失东西。People often lose things when they are traveling or when they are _ _ _.5.这就是为什么在机场和车站会有实物招领处。Thats why there are _ _ _ _ at airports and stations.6.每天有成百上千的人来这里。_ _ people come here every day.7.他们寻找他们的手机,相机,手表,电脑和许多其他的东西。They

11、are _ _ their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. 8.我想加入音乐俱乐部因为我会弹钢琴。I _ _ to join the Music Club because I can play the piano. 9. 我会煮鸡蛋,仅此而已。I can cook eggs, but _ _. 10. 别担心语文。Dont _ _ Chinese. 11. 我可以与每个人,同学,老师都可以相处的很好。 I _ _ _ _ everyone, classmates and teachers. 12. 我很友善,

12、并且我乐于助人。 Im kind and Im always _ _ help others.13. 我确定每个人都会喜欢一个干净的教室,就像在家一样。 Im sure everybody would like a clean classroom, _ _ home. 14. 大明正在复习功课。Da Ming is _ _ lessons. 15. 我期盼着明天的足球赛。 Im _ _ _ the football match tomorrow.16. 我们会与粉丝见面,并且结交新的朋友。Were going to meet other fans, and _ some new _.17. 我

13、会在五一节期间过得很高兴。Im going to _ _ during the May Day holiday.18. 我们将在乡村散步或游泳。Were going to _ _ _ in the country or go swimming. 19. 通常我会在家过暑假。Usually I spend the _ _ at home. 20. 我们将会观光游览并且在海滩上去野餐。Were also _ _ and going to have a picnic on the beach.21. 在将来学校会不同吗?Will schools be different _ _ _ ?22. 电脑不

14、会做那样的事情。Computers wont _ _ _ do that. 23. 老师将不会再使用粉笔。Teachers wont use chalk _ _.24. 以下是一些想法。 _ _ some ideas.25. 哪个将会成为现实?Which ones will _ _? 26. 乘飞机旅行将会很便宜,不仅是在陆地上而且会穿越海洋或甚至进入太空。 Itll be cheap to travel everywhere by plane, _ _ over land, _ _ over the sea or even into space.27. 也许在空中会有交通堵塞。Maybe t

15、herell be _ _ in the air. 28. 玲玲会在母亲节为妈妈买什么? What is Lingling going to buy for her mother on _ _?29. 我能试穿一下吗?May I _ it _? 30. 但是等一下,今天有促销。 But _ _ _,theres a sale on today. 31. 有很多新的购物方式,网购是其中的一个。There are many new ways of shopping, and online shopping is _ _ them.32. 但是很多人喜欢外出和朋友一起去购物。 But many pe

16、ople like _ _ and shopping with friends. 33. 总有一天没有人会去商店,因为你能够在网上买到任何东西。 _ _ no one will go to the shops any more, because youll be able to buy anything on the Internet. 34. 劳驾!你能告诉我去王府井大街怎么走? _ _! Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?35. 为什么不去问问那边的警察? _ _ ask the policeman over there?36. 我想去

17、邮局。I need to go to the _ _.37. 它是达尔文小学。It was Darwin _ _.38. 在昆西可以做很多事情,有很多商店,两家电影院,足球俱乐部和篮球队。 There were lots of things to do in Quincy, with many stores, two _ _, football clubs and basketball teams too. 39. 有一个很大的起居室,有一台电视,一间厨房,一间浴室和三间卧室。 There was a big _ _ with a TV, a kitchen, a bathroom and t

18、hree bedrooms.40. 独自一人在黑暗的森林里,金凤花姑娘捡了一些花。 _ _ in the dark, dark forest, Goldilocks picked some flowers.41. 她经常独自一人在森林里散步吗? Did she often _ _ _ _ in the forest alone?42. 她拿起了最大的碗但是他不喜欢。 She _ _ the very big bowl but she didnt like it. 43. 小熊指着在床上的小女孩。 The Baby Bear _ _ the little girl in his bed. 44.

19、 我们可以再网上找到有关他的内容。 We can _ _ about him on the Internet. 45. 他在十二岁的时候离开学校开始工作。He left school and began work _ _ _ _ twelve.46. 他取笔名马克吐温然后他在19世纪60年代非常著名。He took the name Mark Twain and became very famous _ _ _.47. 他在全世界都很有名。He is famous _ _ _. 48. 当我们见面时,我们经常握手,微笑。 We Chinese often _ _ and smile when

20、we meet visitors.49. 你不能与北美人站的太近。You dont stand too close to _ _ _. 50. 在英国,许多人根本就不喜欢别人触碰他们。But in Britain many people dont like other people to touch them _ _. 51. 事实上,这是很粗鲁的。_ _, its very rude. 52. 他的舞曲使他闻名全欧洲。 His _ _ made him famous all over Europe.53.我们彼此都很喜欢对方。We liked _ _a lot. 54.地上是那杯子的碎片。T

21、he cup lay _ _ on the floor. 55.三月八日是国际妇女节。March 8 is the International _ _. 56.在儿童节这天孩子们玩得很开心.On _ _ little boys and girls have a wonderful time. 57.国庆节期间,几乎所有的单位都在外面挂上了旗子。During the _ _, nearly all the units stick flags out. 58.我唱自己谱曲的歌,也弹吉他。I write my own songs and I play the guitar _ _ . 八年级上册1.

22、为何我们不在笔记本上写下我们犯的错误?Why not _ _ our mistakes in our notebooks?2.我同意你。I _ _ _ you. 3.许多学生寻求关于学好英语的建议。Many students _ _ advice about how to improve their English. 4.非常好,我去过深圳。_ _! I went to Shenzhen.5.我的家乡特别以它的大学而闻名。My _ _ is especially _ _ its university. 6.你怎么了,你看起来很累。_ _ _ _ _? You look tired.7.对于他们

23、来说还有充足的得分时间。There is still _ _ time for them to score.8.我们尽可能早到那里以便我们有时间来热身。We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to _ _.9.球迷俱乐部今年有更少的人。The _ _ has fewer people this year.10.他们大声为我们欢呼。They _ us _ loudly.11.他住的离学校最远,所以他乘坐地铁。He lives the _ _ school, so he takes the underground. 12.你可以骑

24、车去学校,但记住要一直很小心。You can ride your bike to school, but remember to be careful _ _ _. 13.我们计划只看一个小时,但最后,我们在那三个小时。We only planned to watch for an hour, but _ _ _, we stayed for three hours.14.在1918年, 他成为了一所小学的校长。In 1918, he became a _ _ of a primary school. 15.我终于看到了熊猫。I saw the pandas _ _! 16. 想到熊猫还有其他

25、的一些濒危动物感到很悲伤。Its sad to _ _ pandas and other animals _ _.17.村庄和农场越来越扩大,夺走了他们的土地和森林。Villages and farms are going bigger and are _ _ their land and forests,18.我们都需要帮助动物们生活在安宁的环境。We all need to help animals live _ _. 19.你的钱用来资助照顾动物。Your money pays to _ _ the animals. 20.为了保护野生熊猫,政府正在建立自然保护区。_ _ _ protect pa

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