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创新设计学年高中英语课时精练Unit 6 Period 4北师大版必修二课标通版.docx

1、创新设计学年高中英语课时精练Unit 6 Period 4北师大版必修二课标通版Unit 6 Design Period Four Lesson 4 Dream Houses 课时精练(北师大版必修2,课标通用)时间:30分钟.单词拼写1Spring water runs to the houses below through the p_from the top of the mountain.2She pulled aside the c_of the window,and then bright light shone in.3The path is too n_for a car to

2、 go along.4My grandparents live in the small_(村舍) at the other end of the village.5Be careful when you back your car into the_(车库),as the doorway is covered with ice.6The general showed no m_to all the prisoners.7My dad was driving_(市区) to shop and I was going along for the ride.8He cant afford the

3、r_of the house,so he has to move out.9Its great to go to the seaside and b_ yourself in brilliant sunshine.10When the mother bird flew back carrying a_(虫子),its children cheered up.答案1.pipes2.curtain3.narrow4.cottage5.garage6.mercy7.downtown8.rent9.bathe10.worm.短语填空hold ones breath;even so;dream up;i

4、f only;make up ones mind;fall apart;draw up;knock down;out back;agree with1The fire was out,but_,the smell was strong.2_they would lend an ear to the experienced workers!3When you stay under water,you have to_.4Every night before going to sleep,the beggar_some plans to be a millionaire.5After their

5、leader was caught,the underground gang soon_.6Having found he suffered cancer,the old man_a will.7A school boy_by a car when crossing the road and was sent to hospital immediately.8_lives the housekeeper,a hardworking black person.9I quite _you on how to study English well.10I have _to catch up with

6、 my classmates.答案1.even so2.If only3.hold your breath4.dreams up5.fell apart6.drew up7.was knocked down8.Out back9.agree with10.made up my mind.单项填空1The king showed no _and killed all the prisoners.Amercy BgarageClandlord Dcurtain答案A句意: 国王没有仁慈之心,杀死了所有的犯人。mercy 仁慈;garage 车库;landlord 房东;curtain 窗帘。2Th

7、e fat man cant go through the door because it is too_for him.Awide BnarrowCdamp Ddowntown答案B句意:那个胖子无法通过那扇门,因为那对于他来说,太窄了。wide 宽;narrow 窄;damp 潮湿;downtown 市区的。3Its too hot today so he wanted to _.Ahave a try Bhave a bathChave a cold Dhave a fever答案B句意:今天太热了,所以他想洗澡。 have a try 尝试 ; have a bath 洗澡;have

8、a cold 感冒;have a fever 发烧。4They keep inviting me to dinner recently,_is a surprise to me.Awhat Bthat Cwhich Dit答案C句意:他们最近不断地请我吃饭,这令我很惊讶。which 引导非限制性定语从句。 5The church tower which_will be open to tourists soon.The work is almost finished.Ahas repaired Bhas been repaired Cis repairing D is being repair

9、ed答案D句意:正在被修葺的教堂的塔楼将很快对游客开放。修葺工作即将完工。现在进行时的被动语态, 即bebeingdone。6_I fail this time,I would try again.AEven if BBeforeCAs if DWhere 答案A句意:即使我这次失败了, 我还会再次尝试。 根据句意,选用even if表示让步的状语从句。 所以选A。7No matter how_,it is not necessarily lifeless.Aa desert may be dry Bdry a desert may beCmay a desert be dry Ddry ma

10、y a desert be答案B句意:不管沙漠有多么干燥,都会有生命迹象的存在。no matter how 引导让步状语从句,no matter how形容词a/an名词动词。8_around the fire,the tourists danced with the local people.AGather BTo gatherCGathering DTo be gathering答案C考查非谓语动词,相当于时间状语从句。根据句子意思“围在火堆边,游客和当地人跳起舞来。因此选C。to do不定式表示目的,to be doing 一般做表语。9Bring the flowers into a

11、warm room _ theyll soon open.Aor Band Cbut Dfor答案B考查祈使句和连词,表示并列关系,因此选B。or或者;but但是;for 因为。10. _a strange plant! Ive never seen it before.AWhich BWhatCHow DWhether答案B考查感叹句, Whata/anadj.n.!how后面是跟形容词。 根据句子意思“真奇怪的植物,我从来没看见过这种植物”。11By the time Jack returned home from England,his son _ from college.Agradu

12、ated Bhas graduatedChad been graduating Dhad graduated答案D考查动词时态,by the time 截止到过去某时间为止做了某事,用过去完成时态。 A是一般过去时;B是现在完成时;C是过去完成进行时。根据句子意思“截止到Jack从英国返家,他的儿子已经大学毕业了。12I probably shouldnt have any more cake. Oh,_.It wont kill you.Ago ahead Bhold on,pleaseCyoure welcome Dthatll do答案A考查交际用语。go ahead继续;hold on

13、,please等一会;youre welcome欢迎;thatll do可以了。句意:我可能不应该再吃了。哦,继续吃吧,没什么事”。13The doctor thought_would be good for you to have a holiday.Athis BthatCone Dit答案D考查it作形式主语。此处it would be good for you to have a holiday是宾语从句,作thought的宾语。it在这个宾语从句中作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。其他三个选项都不能作形式主语或宾语。句意:医生认为去度假对你是有益的。14In ancient ti

14、mes,people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only_travelled the local market.Alonger than Bmore than Cas much as Das far as答案D句意:在古代,人们很少进行长距离旅行,大多数农民到的最远的地方就是当地市场。as far as远至/到,符合句意; longer than比长, more than多于,不止,as much as和一样多,均不符合题意。15My mother opened the drawer to _the knives and

15、spoons.Aput away Bput up Cput on Dput together答案Aput away放好; put up举起,张贴,搭建,提供住宿;put on穿上,上演;put together把放在一起。句意:我母亲打开抽屉,把刀子和勺子放好。.完形填空It was a cold January morning.A man sat at the subway station and started to play the_1_.The piece he played was from Bach._2_it was rush hour,lots of people went t

16、hrough the station.Three minutes went by and a middleaged man_3_there was a musician playing.He stood for a few seconds and then hurried to meet his_4_.A minute later,the violinist_5_his first dollar:a woman threw the money without stopping.A few minutes later,someone stopped to _6_him,but the man l

17、ooked at his watch and started to walk again._7_he was late for work.The one who paid the most_8_to was a 3yearold boy.His mother tried to_9_ him,but the boy stopped to look at the violinist.Finally the mother pushed hard and the child_10_to walk turning his head all the time.This action was_11_by s

18、everal other children.All the parents,without exception,_12_them to move on._13_ the musician played,only 6 people stopped and_14_for a while.About 20 gave him money and he_15_$32.When he finished playing,_16_took over.There wasnt any_17_that the violinist was Joshua Bell,one of the best musicians i

19、n the world.This is a real story.The_18_is that so many people went by,but most of them didnt stop to_19_the wonderful music.Thus,try not to miss the_20_of life coming your wayit may be right in front of you.【解题导语】 当Joshua Bell,世界上最棒的小提琴演奏家之一,在地铁站演奏时却乏人问津,匆忙路过的人们就这样错过了生活中的美。1A.violin BpianoCguitar D

20、drum答案A由下文叙述可知,演奏者是一个小提琴演奏家,此时他演奏的是小提琴。2A.Unless BBecauseCIf DThough答案B由it was rush hour,lots of people went through the station可知,因为是高峰期,穿过地铁站的人很多。3A.recognized BlearnedCnoticed Dsensed答案C由He stood for a few seconds可知,这个中年人注意到音乐家的演奏,因此停下来站了一会儿。4A.reason BdirectionCjourney Dschedule答案D他停下来几秒钟,就匆匆离开了

21、,meet the schedule表示按时间表行事,前文说到这个时间是高峰期,人们都忙着上班,这个人也不例外。5A.offered BreceivedCcaught Dcost答案B由a woman threw the money without stopping可知,这个女人没有停下来欣赏一下,但是给了音乐家钱,因此这是音乐家收到的第一个一美元。 to Blaugh atClisten to Dcall on答案C由上文的叙述可知此时音乐家正在地铁站演奏,这个人停下来自然是听演奏家的演奏。7A.Clearly BBrieflyCSimply DGradually 答案A由bu

22、t the man looked at his watch and started to walk again和he was late for work可知,这个人看了一下表,离开了,很明显在赶时间。8A.thought BattentionCconcern Dguess答案B由下文可知,小男孩停下来看音乐家,很明显他把注意力都集中在了音乐家身上。9A.follow BinspireCrush Dwarn答案C由Finally the mother pushed hard可知,母亲催促小男孩赶紧走,但男孩还是停了下来,所以母亲只能用力推他走了。10A.tried BstoppedCdeterm

23、ined Dcontinued答案D由上文的叙述可知母亲用力推着小男孩就是为了让他继续走。11A.discovered BrepeatedCcovered Ddescribed答案B由All the parents,without exception,_12_ them to move on 可知,好几个小孩子都重复了相同的动作。12A.allowed BencouragedCforced Dhelped答案C由上文可知当一个三岁的小男孩停下来听小提琴演奏的时候,他的母亲强行让他离开,这里所有的父母毫无例外,强制自己的孩子离开。13A.Since BBeforeCUntil DWhen答案D当

24、音乐家演奏的时候,只有六个人停了下来,欣赏了一会儿。14A.stayed Bturned Cplayed Dwalked答案A同上。15A.paid BcollectedCshared Dshowed答案B由About 20 gave him money可知,大约20个人给了音乐家钱,他共收到了32美元。16A.relief Blaugh Csilence Ddelight答案C当他完成演奏的时候,周围一片寂静。17A.recognition BcalculationCimagination Dconsideration答案A没有人认出演奏者是世界上最棒的小提琴演奏家之一。18A.truth

25、BproblemCdoubt Dlesson答案B这是一个真实的故事。问题是这么多人路过,但是大部分人却没有多停留一会儿。19A.praise Bpractice Cenjoy Dexplore答案C大部分人没有停下来欣赏美妙的音乐。 Bkindness Cvalue Dbeauty答案D所以,请不要错过你生命中的美,也许它就在你的面前。.阅读理解PHOENIX “Mans best friend” doesnt go far enough for Buddy an assistance dog who remembered his training and saved his

26、 owners life by calling 911 when the man had a seizure(脑病发作)And its not the first time that Buddy has been there for his owner Joe Stalnaker,a police officer said on Sunday.On a recording of the 911 call on Wednesday,Buddy is heard whimpering (呜咽) and barking after the operator answers and repeatedl

27、y asks if the caller needs help.“Hello,this is 911.Hello.Can you hear me? Is there anybody you can give the phone to?” says the operator,Chris Scott.Police were sent to Stalnakers home,and after about three minutes Buddy was heard barking loudly when the officers arrived.Scottsdale police Sgt.Mark C

28、lark said Stalnaker spent two days in hospital and recovered from the seizure.“Its pretty unbelievable,” Clark said.“Even the experienced operators they havent heard of anything like this.”Clark said police are sent to where help is needed whenever 911 is called,but Stalnakers address was familiar t

29、o police in Scottsdales system with information that a trained assistance dog could call 911 when the owner fell ill.Clark said Stalnaker adopted(收养) Buddy at the age of 8 weeks from Michiganbased Paws with a Cause,which trains assistance dogs,and trained him to get the phone if he began to have seizure signs.Buddy,now 18 months old,is able to press programmed buttons(按钮) until a 911 operator is on the line,Clark said.Clark said Buddy has made two other 911 calls when Stalnaker was having seizure

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