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本文(高考英语黄金易错点专题汇编专题11 特殊句式强调倒装及其他.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考英语黄金易错点专题汇编专题11 特殊句式强调倒装及其他.docx

1、高考英语黄金易错点专题汇编专题11 特殊句式强调倒装及其他1. It wasnt until nearly a month later _ I received the managers reply. A. since B. when C. as D. that2. It was _ back home after the experiment.A. not until midnight did he goB. until midnight did he goC. not until midnight that he wentD. until midnight when he didnt go

2、3. It was in the classroom _ was built by the local government they finished their homework.A. where; that B. that; that C. that ;where D. where; where4. Did Mr. Smith come yesterday? He _ come yesterday.A. do B./ C. did D. has5.I failed in the final examination last term and only then _ the importa

3、nce of studies. A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize6. Only when the war was over _ hometown. A. did the soldier return B. the soldier returned C. returned the soldier D. the soldier did return7. So difficult _ it to live in an Englishspeaking country that I dedermined

4、to learn English well.A. I felt B. have I felt C. I did feel D. did I feel8.You forgot your purse when you went out. Good heavens,_. A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so D. I so did9. The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, _ ? A. did they B. didnt they C. did it D. didnt it 10.

5、You havent been to Beijing,have you? .How I wish to go there!A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I haventC. No, I have D. No, I havent11. He is unfit for his office,_ .A. is he B. isnt heC. does he D. doesnt he12. The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they?A. I guess not so B. I dont guess C. I dnontgues

6、s so D. I guess not13. Nancy is not coming tonight. But she ! A. Promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised1 4.One of the sides of the boards should be painted yellow,and . A.the other B.another C.the orher white D.another is white15. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but hi

7、s mother told him _ .A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to 2. 【错误解答】 A【错解分析】 很多考生误以为本句是倒装句,实际上本题为强调结构。把题干还原成“He didnt go back home after the experiment until midnigh midnight,在对until进行强调时,not应置于被强调部分之中,构成“It was not until.that.”固定结构。【正确解答】 C【正确解答】 D8.【错误解答】 C【错解分析】 “so + 主 + 谓”的意思是“是的”,表示

8、同意别人所说的话。所提供的情境Good heavens说明自己确实在出门时忘了带钱包,所以回答说:“so I did”.so did的意思是“我确实忘了带钱包。”【正确解答】 B9. 【错误答案】 C【错解分析】 许多考生认为discouraged为否定意义,因此反意疑问部分该用肯定形式。事实上尽管discouraged有否定的意思,但并不构成否定句。又由于news为不可数,故用it.【正确解答】 D15. 【错误解答】 B【错解分析】 考生对省略模糊不清导致误选B项。当不定式内容与前面内容重复时,一般都采用省略形式,此时to后面的动词和定语均省去。【正确解答】 A易错起源1、强调句的正确运用

9、 例1It was on september 1 st he became a member of our school.A. when B. that C. / D. till使用强调句时,应该注意如下几点:1.强调状语:It is tomorrow that will hold the meeting.(that不能换成when) It was on the sports ground that I found (that 不能换成where)2.强调含有not.util.一结构的句子时,要用 It iswas not until.that.结构。that后的句子要 用肯定句,且须用陈述语

10、序。3.强调句和主语从句句型(指 “It+be+adj.n.+that从句”类型)的异同点:二者均有 It be . thatwho.之类的语言标志。所不同的是: (1)含有主语从句的句子译为汉语时不可加上“正是”或“就是”之类的字眼,而强调则可以。 (2)含有主语从句的句子若删掉 It be.thatwho.则原句不论结构还是语意均不成立,而强调句去掉结构标志仍然成立。如:It is ture that he once went to to Canada.(不可以去掉 It is及that,否则原句不成立)It was on December 11,典型例题at China became a

11、 member of WTO.(去掉was及that后原句仍然成立)1.含有定语从句的强调句型:仔细分析出at或 who在句中的作用,若that或who可有可无(结合it be来分析),则为强调句,否则是定语从句。如: It was in the lab that was set up by Mr.Smith that they finshed the experiment.(lab后的出at不可省略,因为出at引导定语从句,作该句的主语。句中第二个,that才是强调句的标志。)2.强调谓语时用“do/doesdid+动词原形”。如: He did come yesterday.他昨天的确来了

12、。易错起源2、倒装句的正确运用 例2They have a good knowledge of English but little they know about German. A. have B. did C. had D. do在下列情况下,句子要完全倒装:1.在there,here 引导的句子中,谓语是be;exist 等表示状态的词。如:Hereisaseatforyou.Tom.There stands a building on;the top of the mountain2.在语气词there,here开头的句子中,谓语是 come,be等。 如:There goes th

13、e bell!铃响了!Here comes your husband.你丈夫来了。There you go again你又来这一套。3.由副词now,then,thus 引导的句子中,谓语是 come,begin,be 如: Now comes your turn.Thus ended the meeting.4.在 in, out up, over, back等作状语置于句首时,谓语动词是 come, go, rush, run 等的句子里。如:Up and up the pricesOff went the horses5.地点状语提前,谓语是 be ,stand,lie 的句子中如:In

14、 front of the door stood a boy.On the ground lay a sick dog.A. 在疑问句里。Do you have an English class every day?What did the two cheats pretend to be doing?在特殊疑问句里,如果疑问词作主语,则不用倒装。Who is in the next room?谁在隔壁房间?What makes you so angry? 什么使你这么生气?B.在以so 开头表示“也一样”,和以nor或neither开关表示“也不一样”的句子里。I get up at sev

15、en and so does my brother.He didnt do it and neither did I.C.在以 never, hardly, scarcely, seldom, little, barely , rarely, nowhere, by no means, hot until, hardly (scarcely). when ,no sooner. than 等否定或半否定意义的词位于句首表示强调的句子里。Never before have I met him.我以前从未见过他。Seldom did the boy icad newspapers.这个孩子以前很少

16、读报。 Little do I dream of seeing wonderful seenery.我梦想不到会看到这样神奇的景色。Not until midnight did it stop raining.雨一直下到半夜才停。 Hardly had he entered the house when it began to rain. 他一进屋就开始下雨了。No sooner had they got to the plant than they started to wrok.他们一进工厂就开始工作。 易错起源3、反意疑问句的用法 例3There is no light in the d

17、ormitory. They must have gone to the lecture, ?A. didnt they B. dont they C. mustnt they D. havent they 使用反意疑问句时,应注意下列问题:1.陈述部分包含有no,never,hardly,little等含有否定意义的词时,附加问句用肯定形式(但不包括带有否定意义的前后缀的词,如dislike,unfair等)。2.陈述句和附加问句的情态动词或助动词一般要保持一致,但也有特殊情况:(1)used to(过去常常)usednt(或didnt);(2)have(拥有)havent(或dont);h

18、ave(进行某-动作)dont; have(构成完成时态)havent;have to(不得不)dont;(3)ought to(应该)oughtnt;(4)must(必须)mustnt must(必要) neednt; must be(表示猜测)be;must have done (对过去某一时间的事情推测)dont;must have done(对发生在过去但对现在造成影响的动作进行推测)havent;must not(表示禁止)may。3.陈述句的主语为名词或代词时,附加问句的主语为相应的人称代词;陈述句的主语为指示代词 this、that、不定代词nothing、不定式、动名词或从句时

19、,附加问句的主语为小陈述句主语为指示代词 these、those、不定代词nobody、everbody、somebody等时,附加问句用they.4.陈述部分若为“IWe dont think(believe imagine,suppose,expect) + 宾语从句”时,附加问句的谓语动词和主语应和宾语从句的动词和主语保持一致,且用肯定式。但当陈述部分的主语不是 IWe时,附加问句的构成同普通的反意疑问句。5.含有强调句型的反意疑问句中,附加问句的主语代词永远是it.如:It was last year that you graduated, wasnt it?易错起源4、省略句的用法例

20、4The old tower must be saved, _ the cost.A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. wherever在英语中,下列情况下一般可以用省略:A.祈使句一般省略主语(You) Dont touch this knob.请不要随便碰这个把手(You) Come in,please! 请进来(You) Be quiet !安静B. 某些句子结构省略谓语She gets up earlier than I ( get up) every day.她每天起床比我早。( Is there) Anybody you want to se

21、e? 你想见什么人吗?I like music and he (likes) sports. 我喜欢音乐,他喜欢体育。C.部分问句常省略主语、谓语 Why not?为什么不呢?Why?为什么?Right? 对吗?What? 什么?Anything you want?你想要什么?D. 疑问句省略回答Are these your friends? 这些人是你的朋友吗?Yes ,they are (my friends). 是的,他们是。E.并列的不定式可以省略后面一个不定式的to 如: The book is intend to be read and not(to be) torn.这本书是供人

22、读的而不是供人撕毁的F.宾语从句中常用so,not或其他来代替宾从句如:Do you think she is a singer? Yes, I think so.Shall I have a test next week? I hope not.1.定语从句的省略The car (which)you told about is here .你说过的那辆汽车在这里。Do you know the man(who is)speaking to you?你认识和你讲话的那个人吗?The people(who)you were talking to are Japanese.你与之谈话的那些人是日本

23、人。2.状语从句的省略 在When,while,if,as if,though,as,whether等连词引导的状语从句中,如果谓语有be,而主语又跟主句的主语相同或是it时,则从句的主语和be常常省略。 When(I was)in Japan,I took many beautiful pictures. 在日本,我拍了许多漂亮的照片。You should notes when (it is)necessary.必要时你应该记笔记。 1. Only after my friend came _ .A. did the computer repairB. he repaired the com

24、puterC. was the computer repairedD. the computer was repaired2. Well. I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast. .A. So it is B. So is it C. So does it D. So it does3. Maggie had a wonderful time at the party. ,and so did I.A. So she had B. So had sheC. So she did D

25、. So did she4. Not only _ to stay at home, but he was also forbidden to see his friends.A. he was forcing B. he was forcedC. was he forcing D. was he forced5. Not once in these years _ the prices of these products.A. we changed B. have we changedC. did we change D. we have changed6. So that no one c

26、ould follow her.A. fast she spoke B. fast spoke sheC. fast did she speak D. did she speak fast7. Will you go to the party?No, even though to.A. inviting B. being invitedC. invited D. having been invited8. Whats the matter with Mary?She washt invited to the ball, but she still .A. hopes so B. hopes t

27、hatC. hopes to D. hopes it9 . I wonder why you wont do it as _ and its the third time you have done so.A. told you . B. be toldC. told to D. you told10. I dont suppose anyone will volunteer, ?A. do I B. dont IC. will they D. wont they11 . He seldom has lunch at school, ?A. hasht he B. has heC. doesn

28、t he D. does he12. I want a pair of tennis shoes, please. . How do you like this pair? A. Here you are B. Here are you C. You are here D. There are you13. Never so many fairy tales before. A. had I heard B. have I heard from C. I have heard D. have I heard14. Only when your identity has been checked

29、 _ _. A. you are allowed in B. you will be allowed in C. will you allow in D. will you he allowed in15. You forgot your purse when you went out. Good heavens, . A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so D. I so did16 .Oh, look ! . A. Out a girl went B. Went a girl out C. Away went a girl D. Away a girl we

30、nt17. Not a single mistake in the exam yesterday. A. is make by him B. did he make C. he made D. had been make by him18. _ there can you see it clearly. A. Only standing B. When you only stand C. Standing only D. Only stand19. Only because of his trembling hands stop his teaching. A. was he had to B. had he to C. he had to D. does he have to20. At the gate a man rags. A. lying; in B. lain; wearing C. lay; dressing D. lay; in9 . 答案: C解析:这是由as引导的定语从句,as后省略的成分为(you were)told to do.19. 答案: D解析:only加状语置于句首,句子的主干部分要用半倒装语序,故排除C项;而A、B两项语法结构错误。20. 答案: D解析:表示地点的介词短语前置,句子要用倒装语序。in rags表示“

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