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高中英语 Unit1 Careers and skills课外阅读练习 牛津译林版选修11.docx

1、高中英语 Unit1 Careers and skills课外阅读练习 牛津译林版选修112019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Careers and skills课外阅读练习 牛津译林版选修11阅读文章,选择正确答案,回答问题。The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand. Many of them have surfaces of rock or clay or small stones. They are not flat, either. They often have high hills and deep vall

2、eys(谷). There is some plant life in many parts of the desert. There is little rain in the desert, but it does not fall often enough for most plants.The deserts of the world are not uninhabited (not lived by people). People also live outside the oases(绿洲), but these people are not farmers. They have

3、camels, goats, donkeys, sheep, etc. These animals can live on the desert plants and do not need much water.The people of the desert have to move constantly from place to place. They must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in tents. When there is no more food

4、for their animals, they fold up their tents, put them on their camels and donkeys, and move to another place. In good years, when there is not enough food for their animals, they trade their skins and their goats and camel hairs with the people of the oases for wheat and fruit. But in bad years, whe

5、n there is not enough food for their animals, the people of the desert would attack the oases people. But they are also hospitable. No man in the desert would ever refuse to give a stranger food and water.1. According to the passage, deserts are mostly made up of _.A. clayB. rockC. sandD. stones2. T

6、he underlined word “hospitable” has the meaning of being.A. braveB. cruelC. strangeD. kind3. In the desert _.A. it rains in spring onlyB. it rains for a short time every monthC. there is some rain, but far from enoughD. the rainfall is just enough for the plants4. People live _.A. only inside the oa

7、sesB. only outside the oasesC. both inside and outside the oasesD. in places with regular rainfalls5. From the passage we know that life _.A. is hard in desertsB. is happy in desertsC. is impossible in desertsD. in deserts in much better now答案:1. C2. D3. C4. C5. A6. 7. 8. 2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 Career

8、s and skills重点词汇讲练 牛津译林版选修111. reflect: reflect His face was reflected in the mirror. 映出Baseball reflects Americas history 棒球反映出美国的历史。 Her work reflects intelligence. 她的工作显示出她的智慧。reflect on: consider 思考I need some time to reflect on your suggestion.reflection (1) Can you see your reflection in the g

9、lass? 镜中的映像(2) consideration深思,考虑At first I disagreed, but on reflection (= after thinking carefully about it), I realized she was right.经再三考虑on/upon reflection on second thought 陷入沉思 be lost in reflection/thought2. optionchoice n. 选择;选择自由;供选择的事物You have no option.你没有选择的余地。I have little option but t

10、o go. There are three options open to us in that matter.在那个问题上我们有三个选择的可能。The government has two options, to reduce spending or to increase taxes.政府只有两种选择,不是削减开支便是增加税收。optional adj. 可选择的They decided that their freedom was no longer optional.Is English an optional lesson, or does everyone have to lear

11、n it?英语是选修课还是每个人必修的课程?选修课 optional/elective subjects 必修课 pulsory subjects 3. suit sth. to suited to sb. 适于She had the ability to suit her performances to the audience. A good teacher suits his lessons to the age of his students. 一位好老师使他的课适宜学生。Her performances are suited to the audience.suit vt

12、.(1) 满足;取悦;适意;对方便It suits me if you e to work at eight oclock.如果你八点来上班我就满意了。(2) 适合,适当That dress suits you.那套衣服你穿起来挺合适。4. model n.(1) 模型的a model car一辆模型汽车(2) 模范的a model mother一位模范母亲model vt. 做成模型to model animals in clay用黏土做动物的模型(与after, on连用)模仿;按模型制作She modeled herself on her mother. 她模仿母亲的一举一动。5. in

13、 reality 实际上,相当于in factThe salesman always appeared very confident, but in reality (in fact), he was a shy and nervous young man.The two football players may be rivals on the pitch, but in fact/reality, they are actually good friends.Tom may appear cold, but in reality he is warm-hearted.同义词: actual

14、ly in nature in practice in fact as a matter of fact as the case stands really6. baggage/luggage 行李(不可数名词) a piece of baggage/luggage 一件行李7. support vt./n. 支持,支撑,赡养,供养(1) 支撑;托住These posts support the roof.这些柱子支撑着房顶。The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been es

15、pecially constructed by Eiffel.雕像的实体用铜制成,由爱斐尔特制的金属架支撑着。(2) 资助;鼓励;帮助She supports her husband on the money she earns from teaching.她用教书挣的钱资助丈夫。He has a large family to support. 他要养一大家子的人。(3) 拥护;支持Which football team do you support?你支持哪个足球队?(4) be in support of sb./sth. 支援某人/某物 8. criticism n. 批评critic

16、ize v. 批评, 吹毛求疵, 非难critic n. 批评家, 评论家, 吹毛求疵者critical adj. 评论的, 鉴定的, 批评的9. stress and pressure 紧张和压力 stressworry (来自内部)pressurestrong influence (来自外部)be under/suffer from/relieve/reduce pressure/stressstressa stressful experienceI always eat when I am stressed.They are putting pressure on people to v

17、ote yes.10. clear up(1) 整理;完成;收拾 clear up the desk 整理书桌Would you clear up this room before our visitors arrive?(2)(天气)转晴 If the weather clears up, it gets better.(3) 消除 clear up a misunderstanding 解除误会4) 了结;结束;变缓和I hope your troubles clear up soon.我希望你的困难尽快了结。Im fully occupied these days. I still ha

18、ve lots of work to clear up by the weekend.最近几天我忙极了,到周末还有许多事情要完成。clear up11. go about sth. continue to do; keep busy with 继续做,忙于做尽管战争一触即发,人们仍像平时一样工作。Despite the threat of the war, people went about their work as usual.忙于日常事务 go about ones daily routinego about (doing) sth. start to do something; set

19、 about sth.开始,着手How shall we go about the job? How do you go about repairing this telex machine? (= set about)练习:一、根据首字母或中文写单词。1. Susan was pletely weighed down by the s_ of examinations.2. Can you give some examples to s_ your argument?3. Donkeys are _ (结实的,强壮的) little animals and can carry big loa

20、ds.4. It takes a bit of _ (勇气,胆量) to transport explosives to such a restless region.5. Her conduct was beyond _ (批评) because she is very strict with herself and can do everything 100% perfectly.6. I share a loving relationship with my wife with whom I am d_ to enjoy the rest of my life.7. Nobody wou

21、ld approve your i_ plans for reforming the system of governmentits not practical at all.8. She has joined the film s_ where she can share her idea of different films with others.9. I assure you my actions will c_ with my words.10. He is an animal _ (训兽师) for the circus.11. Its very e_ of them to sta

22、rt up such a big business like that.12. Would you please explain the theme in d_? I only have a general and vague picture of it.二、词语运用。I. Fill in the blanks with the proper form, tense or part of speech of the words in bracket.1. The new flat is better _ to modern furniture than antique stuff. (suit

23、)2. Although a career as a _ es with a good salary, it is very challenging and stressful job. (law)3. Although the training course was _, all the new workers chose to do it. (option)4. The journalist is known for thinking and acting quickly under _. (press)5. To everyones excitement, many _ pop star

24、s will attend the charity event next week. (glamour)6. This warm weather in December is very _, and the shops thick winter clothing is not selling very well. (usual)7. The _ in that Cantonese restaurant dress in traditional Chinese costumes while they are at work. (waitress)8. The end of year is a t

25、ime for _ for many people, as well as a reason to celebrate. (reflect)9. For his next job, the driver was told that he would be _ fresh goods across the country. (transport)10. The old _ was famous for the traditional methods it used to make beer. (brew)II. Use another form or part of speech of the

26、word in bold in the first sentence to fill in the blank in the second sentence.1. Although I am good at history and geography, I often struggle at maths. Bill Hicks was thought to be the best _ in the pany. He was said to have a brain like a puter.2. I need to organize the files on my puter; right n

27、ow it is difficult to find information because it is such a mess.The _ of the festival wanted to make sure that no mistakes would occur during the ceremony.3. What did you think of Mr. Wangs lesson this morning?Confucius is considered to be one of Chinas greatest _ and educators.4. Although it was a

28、 heated debate, the people involved behaved very professionally and did not exchange personal insults.Thinkers and teachers in ancient Greece would spend many hours _ different schools of thoughts.5. She was thought to be a remarkable leader who got the best out of her employees.The young captain wa

29、s asked to _ the army after the death of the manding officer.6. Drug therapy is used for treating people who have serious medical problems such as depression or extreme pain in their bodies.After suffering from bad dreams for a month, a friend remended that I go and see a _ for some professional hel

30、p.三、选词填空。self-confident enterprising organizer correspond grocercorrection option aspect realistic boss Finding the Right Career When you have finished studying at school, you will be faced with so many career (1) _ that it is often difficult to choose one. Some people will go into their familys business, perhaps as a (2) _ selling fruit and vegetables. However, most people usually work in a career that (3) _ with their degree. Above all, we should be (4

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