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PEP六年级英语下册U3The sixth period第六课时.docx

1、PEP六年级英语下册U3The sixth period第六课时The sixth period(第六课时)汪村中心小学 钱少华Part B Lets check & Lets wrap it up 教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时古之学者必严其师,师严然后道尊。欧阳修 教学目标Lets check通过完成Lets check第一部分的听力判断活动,检测学生对本单元的核心词汇和句型的理解。通过完成Lets check第二部分的听录音回答问题,考查学生能否用单元核心词汇和句型回答问题。结合听力活动特点培养学生听前预测的习惯,帮助学生逐渐提高听力水平。Lets wrap it up通过看图选词填空,

2、帮助学生巩固归纳不规则动词过去式的变化形式。启发学生的思维,引导学生多观察,自己进行归纳、总结。 教学重点1. 考查学生对本单元所学内容的掌握情况。2. 掌握动词过去式的变化规则和一般过去时在实际情景中的应用。 教学难点将本单元的词汇、句型运用到具体的语境中。 教学准备1. 预习状元大课堂创优作业100分状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。2. PPT课件、课文音频、视频等。 教学过程Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Lets chant. 3. Lead-in.Pair work: Show some pictures and

3、an uncompleted dialogue on the PPT. Each time, show a pair of match work on the PPT. Two students work in pairs, and try to watch and complete the dialogue. (出示课件)(1) Students stand up to show their dialogues:A: Where did you go last weekend? B: I went to the park.A: What did you do?B: I rode a bike

4、.T: Excellent! Lets go on to the nex one. This time, the questions are a little different. (出示课件)(2) Students stand up to show their dialogue in pairs again.In this way, the teacher leads students to review and practice using the key sentence patterns: Where did you go last weeked I went to What did

5、 you do? I How was your weekend? It was good/nice/happy Teaching purpose通过chant充分调动学生的学习兴趣。组队活动有效地复习之前学过的内容,为后面的任务教学做好铺垫。Step 2: Presentation1. Lets chec.(1)Listen and write T(true) or F(false).Show the pictres of “Lets check”. (课件出示:Lets check板块第一部分图片) Let students talk about them. T: What are the

6、pictures about? What did they do? Wat happene to him/her?Students freely talk about the pictures one by one for several seconds. They can talk like this:Mike rode a bike./Amy hurt her fingerThe teacher plays the recordng of this part. (课件出示:Lets check板块的音频) Students listen and write T(true) or F(fal

7、se).Check the answers together. Students try to correct the wrong answers. (课件出示:该部分答案)(2)Listen again and answer the questions.Let students pay attention to the questions. Ask one student to read them out.Let students try to guess the answers to these questions, such as the second and the fourth qu

8、estions according to the right pictures.The teacher plays the recording of this part again. (出示课件) Students try to answer these questions and write down the answers in the books.Check the answers together. Ask students to check the spellings of the words in pairs or groups. (课件出示:Lets check板块第二部分答案)

9、Present the listening materials to help students train their listening skills. (出示课件) Teaching purpose培养学生听听力之前先预测听力内容的习惯,帮助学生培养一定的阅读技巧,注重学生学习策略的养成。2. Lets wrap it up.(1)Show the original forms of the verbs in this part. Let students observe them carefully and try to write their past tense.Check the

10、 answers together. Divide students into two groups: the original group and the past tense group. Lead them to read these verbs and their past tense. (2)Ask students to observe the irregular changes in the past tense of verbs.T: Can you think of more verbs of irregular changes in the past tense?Ss: g

11、owent, dodid, hurthurt, fallfellT: Great!(3) Divide students into five groups. Each group chooses one past tense of the verb in this part and try to make a sentence with it.(4) Show pictures of the dinosaurs in this part. (课件出示:Lets wrap it up板块的图片)Talk freely about the dinosaurs. Make a model:T: Ar

12、e there any dinosaurs still living in the world now?Ss: No.T: Where can we see them now?Ss: On TV./In the museumT: What did they eat?Ss: Grass./Meat(5)Ask students to finish the exercises in this part.Check the answers together. Ask students to check the spellings of the words in pairs or groups. (出

13、示课件) Teaching purpose鼓励学生自己观察动词过去式的不规则变化,并说出更多类似的单词,培养学生自主学习的能力。小组活动培养学生的小组合作能力。Step 3: Consolidation & ExtensionStory time1. The teacher presents a picture of “Change”. (课件出示:嫦娥图片)T: We all know about Change. She lives on the moon. Zoom would like to go to the moon. Lets learn something about his t

14、ravel to the moon.2. Show the six pictures in this part one by one. (课件出示:Story time板块的六幅图片)Let students observe and guess the main idea of this story. 3. Ask students to read the story by themselves.(1)The teacher gives some questions: How was Zooms trip?Where did he go?How did he go there?What did

15、 he see?(2)Let students answer the questions.4. Ask students to read the story again.(1)The teacher gives two more questions: Did he took any pictures?Why didnt he took any pictures?(2)Let students answer the questions.5. Play the cartoon of this part. (出示课件)Students try to read and imitate after th

16、e video.6. Act out the story. Teaching purpose通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学的语言,并增加语言输入。 板书设计 作业设计1. Read “Story time” to your parents.2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业100分或状元作业本对应课时作业) 教学反思1. 整个教学设计侧重于培养学生自主学习的能力,为学生创设了使用英语的环境,力争最大限度地为学生创造展示才能、发挥才智的空间。2. 保持学生的课堂主体地位,鼓励、引导学生主动观察、主动思考、主动合作和主动回答,促进学生能力的全面提高。

17、3. 在教学过程中引入了经典的中华文化故事,拓展了学生的课外知识,也调动了学生的学习兴趣。4. 实施单元的整体教学,把握了单元古之学者必严其师,师严然后道尊。欧阳修 教学目标的整体性。面向全体学生,尽量不让任何一个学生掉队。 Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsLets checkTest students understanding of the core vocabulary and sentence patterns in this unit by completing the exercises in the first section of “Lets

18、check”.Let students listen to the recording and answer the questions in the second section of “Lets check” to check if they can answer the questions with the core vocabulary and sentence patterns.Develop students habits of pre-listening prediction and help students improve their listening level grad

19、ually.Lets wrap it upFill in the blanks by observing the pictures. Help students to consolidate and summarize the past tense of irregular verbs.Inspire students to think more. Lead them to observe more and make their own generalization and summary. Teaching PrioritiesTest students mastery of what th

20、ey have learned in this unit.Master the changing rules of the past tense of verbs and the application of the simple past tense in real situations. Teaching DifficultiesApply the vocabulary and sentence patterns of this unit to the specific context. Teaching ProceduresTeachingStagesTeachers Activitie

21、sStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up&Revision&Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Lets chant. 3. Lead-in.1. Greetings.2. Chant.3. Make dialogues in pairs.Fully arouse students interest in learning. Pair work helps students review the content learned before effectively, and make a good foreshadowing for t

22、he following task teaching.Presentation1. Lets check.(1)Listen and write T (true) or F (false).Show the pictures.Play the recording of this part.Check the answers together.(1) Talk about the pictures before listening.Listen and write T(true) or F(false).Check the answers together.Train students to p

23、redict the listening content before listening. Help students develop certain reading skills. Develop students learning strategies.Presentation(2)Listen again and answer the questions.Let students pay attention to the questions.Play the recording of this part again.Check the answers together. Present

24、 the listening materials.(2)Read the questions and try to guess the answers.Try to answer thesequestions and write down the answers.Check the answers together.Train listening skills.2. Lets wrap it up.(1)Show the original forms of the verbs in this part.(2)Ask students to observe the irregular chang

25、es in the past tense of verbs. (3) Divide students into five groups.(4)Show pictures of the dinosaurs in this part.(5)Ask students to finish the exercises in this part.(1)Observe the original forms of the verbs carefully. And try to write their past tense.(2)Try to say more verbs of irregular change

26、s in the past tense.(3)Make sentences with the past tense verbs in groups.(4)Talk about the dinosaurs freely.(5)Finish the exercises in this part.Encourage students to observe the irregular changes of verbs and say more similar words, which cultivates their independent learning ability. Group activi

27、ties develop students group cooperation ability.Consolidation&ExtensionStory time1. The teacher presents a picture of“Change”.2. Show the six pictures in this part one by one.3. Ask students to read the story by themselves and give some questions.4. Ask students to read the story again, and give two

28、 more questions.5. Play the cartoon of this part. 6. Act out the story.1. Watch and listen.2. Observe the pictures and guess the main idea of this story.3. Read the story and answer the questions.4. Read the story again and answer two more questions.5. Try to read and imitate after the video.6. Act

29、out the story.Review and reinforce the language learned in this unit by reading an interesting story and add language input.Homework1. Read “Story time” to your parents.2. Do the exercises.【素材积累】 1、人生只有创造才能前进;只有适应才能生存。 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。我不知道将来会去何处但我知道我已经摘路上。思想如钻子,必须集中摘一点钻下去才有力量。失败也是我需要的,它和成功对我一样有价值。 2、为了做有效的生命潜能管理,从消极变为积极,你必须了解人生的最终目的。你到底想要什么?一生中哪些对你而言是最重要的?什么是你一生当中最想完成的事?或许,你从来没有认真思量过生命潜能管理旧是以有系统的方法管理自我及周边资源,达成 。

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