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1、六年级广州版英语课文上册Unit 1 What Are We Going to Do for Our Holiday?第一段:Mr Webb: 1、Well, its your school holiday soon. 哇,很快就到你们学校假期了。2、What are we going to do? 我们去做些什么呢?Janet: 3、Shall we go on the Pearl River Cruise?我们一起去游珍珠河吗?Ben: 4、A cruise? 游珠江?5、Boring! 无聊!6、Lets go to Xiangjiang Zoo instead!咱们去香江动物园吧! 7

2、、Im going to see white tigers. 我打算去看白老虎。第二段:Janet: 8、Oh no. 哦,不。9、We have been to the zoos in GuangZhou many times,Were going to the Six Banyan . 我们已经去过广州的动物园许多次了,我们去六榕寺吧。10、Temple.Were going to take photos, and all of us are going to have fun there.我们可以拍照,每个人都会在那里玩的很开心。Ben: 11、Its boring too. 那也很无聊

3、。Mr Webb:12、Lets go to Baiyun Hill. We are going to watch birds there. 咱们去白云山吧。我们可以在那里看鸟。Janet: 13、We can see more birds at the zoo than on Baiyun Hill.我们在动物园可以看到比白云山更多的鸟。Mr Webb: 14、Shall we go shopping in Xiajiu Road? 我们去上下九路购物好吗?15、Then we can have dimsum at the famous Guangzhou Restaurant.然后我们可以

4、去著名的广州餐馆吃点心。Janet: 16、Good idea! 好主意!17、I want to buy some new clothes. 我想去买一些新衣服。18、There are a lot of beautiful clothes there.那儿有许多漂亮的衣服。Ben: 19、Great! 太棒了!20、I like Guangdong dimsum. Yummy,yummy!我喜欢广东点心,好吃,好吃!Unit 2 What Shall We Do? Dialogue第一段:Janet: 1、What are you going to do on Thursday morni

5、ng,Xiaoling? 小玲,星期四上午你打算做什么?Xiaoling:2、Mmmlet me see.嗯让我想想。3、Im not going to do anything. 我没打算做什么。4、Why?为什么问这个问题?Janet: 5、My family are going fishing. 我的家人要去钓鱼。6、Would you like to go with us?你愿意和我们一起去吗?Xiaoling: 7、Id love to, thanks a lot. 我愿意去,非常感谢。8、When are you going to start? 你们打算什么时候出发?Janet: 9

6、、We are going to leave our house at half past eight. 我们打算8:30从家里出发。10、Why dont you come to our house at twenty past eight? 你为什么不在8:20来我家呢?Xiaoling:11、Great! 太好了!12、Ill see you then! 那到时再见!第二段:Jiamin: 13、Are you going to watch the football game on TV tomorrow evening, Ben? 本,明晚你打算在电视上看足球比赛吗?Ben: 14、Y

7、es, we are. 是的,我们打算看。15、Im going to watch it together with Mike and Yongxian.我打算和迈克、勇贤一起看。Jiamin: 16、My family are watching a stupid film when the football game is on. 播足球比赛的时候我的家人要看很无聊的电影17、So I cant watch it. 所以我看不了。Ben: 18、Why dont you come to my house to watch it? 你为什么不来我家里看呢? 19、Were going to h

8、ave dinner before the game. 比赛开始前我们会吃晚饭。20、You can eat with us too. 你也可以和我们一起吃。Jiamin: 21、Thanks, Ben. 谢谢,本。22、Ill ask my parents.我要问问我的父母。第三段:Xiaoling:23、Janet, do you want to play table tennis with me tonigh? 珍妮特,今晚你想和我大乒乓球吗?Janet: 24、im sorry, I cant. 对不起,我不能去。25、Im going to do my homework.我打算做我的

9、家庭作业。Xiaoling: 26、What about tomorrow night? 明天晚上怎么样?Janet: 27、Im sorry, I cant. 对不起,我不能去。28、Im going swimming with my parents. 我打算和我的父母去游泳。Xiaoling: 29、What about Saturday night? 星期六晚上怎么样?Janet: 30、To tell you the truth, I dont like playing table tennis. 跟你说实话,我不喜欢打乒乓球。第四段:Janet: 31、Im going to the

10、 cinema with Ben tonigh! 今晚我打算和本一起去看电影!Sally: 32、What film are you going to see? 你们打算去看什么电影?Janet: 33、The Lion King.狮子王Sally: 34、Can I go with you? 我能和你们一起去吗?Janet: 35、Yes, of course. 是的,当然可以。36、But youd better assk your parents first. 但是你最好先问一下你的父母。Unit 4 I Know This City! Dialogue第一段:Mr Chen:1、Boy

11、s and girls, look at this flag please. 孩子们,请看这面旗。2、What national flag is it? 他是哪个国家的国旗?Ben: 3、Easy! 简单!4、Its the Chinese national flag. 他是中国的国旗。Mr Chen:5、Good. 很好。6、Whats the capital of China? 中国的首都是什么?Ben: 7、Thats easy too. 那也简单。8、The capital of China is Beijing. 中国的首都是北京。第二段:Mr Chen: 9、Very good.

12、非常好。10、Look at these three flags. 看这三面国旗11、What national flags are they? 它们是哪个国家的国旗?Janet: 12、Thats the national flag of the UK. 那是英国的国旗。13、The capital of the UK is London. 英国的首都是伦敦。Xiaoling: 14、That is the Italian national flag. 那是意大利的国旗。第三段;Mr Chen: 15、Whats the capital city of Italy, do you know?

13、 意大利的首都是什么,你知道吗?Yongxian: 16、I know. Mr Chen. 我知道,陈老师17、Its Rome.是罗马。Janet: 18、And thats the French national flag. 那是法国的国旗19、The capital of France is Paris.法国的首都是巴黎。Mr Chen: 20、Excellent!太好了! 21、What about this one? 这个呢?Janet: 22、Thats the American national flag. 那是美国的国旗。23、New York is the capital o

14、f America. 纽约是美国的首都。Sally: 24、No. 不对。25、The capital of the USA is Washington D.C New York is the biggest city of the USA. 美国的首都是华盛顿哥伦比亚区,纽约是美国最大的城市。第四段:Mr Chen: 26、Fantastic! 太棒了!27、Look at this flag. 看看这面旗。28、What flag is it, Janet? 珍妮特,它是什么旗?Janet;29、Its the national flag of Australia. 是澳大利亚的国旗。Mr

15、 Chen: 30、Whats the capital of Australia? 澳大利亚的首都是什么?Janet: 31、Sydney.悉尼。Mr Chen: 32、No. 不对。33、Sydney is the largest city of Australia. 悉尼是澳大利亚最大的城市。34、The capital of Australia is Canberra. 澳大利亚的首都是堪培拉。Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go on Holiday? Dialogue第一段:Mr Webb: 1、Chlidren, where would you li

16、ke to go on holiday this summer?孩子们,这个夏天你们想到哪里去度假?Ben: 2、Id like to go to Japan.我想去日本。Mrs Webb: 3、Tokyo. 东京。4、Yes, Tokyo is a good place to visit.不错,东京是一个游览的好地方。Janet: 5、Yes, Mum. 是的,妈妈6、But Paris is more beautiful than Tokyo.但是巴黎比东京更漂亮。Mrs Webb: 7、Well, Id like to go to a warmer place. 是啊,我想去一个更暖和一

17、些的地方。8、What about Rome? 罗马怎么呀?9、Rome is warmer than Paris. 罗马比巴黎暖和。第二段:Mrs Webb: 10、Yes, but Tokyo, Paris and Rome are so noisy and crowded. 是的,但是,东京,巴黎和罗马是如此嘈杂拥挤。11、What about Wellington? 惠灵顿怎么样?Ben: 12、Wellington? 惠灵顿? 13、Thats the capital of New Zealand. 这是新西兰的首都。Mrs Webb: 14、Yes, Wellignton is q

18、uieter than cities. 是的。惠灵顿比其他城市更安静。15、Id like to go to Wellington.我想去惠灵顿。Ben: 16、But Wellington is boring!但是惠灵顿很无聊。Mrs Webb: 17、No, its not. 不,它不无聊。18、The mountains and the sea aree beautiful.那里的山和海很漂亮。第三段:Mrs Webb: 19、And Wellington is cleaneer than Tokyo.而且惠灵顿比东京更干净Ben: 20、Maybe. 也许是的。 21、But I pr

19、efer to go Tokyo.但是我更愿意去东京Mrs Webb: 22、There are so many beautiful places in the world! 世界上有那么多美丽的地方!23、Where shall we go?我们要去哪里呢?Janet: 24、yes,like to go to Paris.是啊,想去巴黎。Ben: 25、Id like to go to Tokyo.我想去东京。Mr Webb: 26、Id like to go to Rome.我想去罗马Mrs Webb: 27、Id like to go to Wellington.我想去惠灵顿。Jane

20、t: 28、Why dont we go back to England?我们为什么不回英国呢?Ben:29、Lets just visit Beijing. 就让我们游览北京吧。30、We can visit the Great Wall!我们可以游览长城!Unit 7 Ben Wants to Play Football Dialogue第一段:Mr Webb: 1、Whats the matter,Ben? 本,怎么了?2、You dont look happy.你看起来不高兴。Ben: 3、Im boerd! 我好烦!4、Dad, do you want to play footbal

21、l?爸爸,你想踢足球吗?Mr Webb: 5、We cant! 我们不能(踢足球)6、Its raining. 天在下雨呢。7、Well get wet.我们会被淋湿的。Ben: 8、Oh,Dad.哦,爸爸!第二段:Ben: 9、Janet! 珍妮特!10、Shall we go to see the film The lion King? 我们去看电影狮子王吧?11、Its really good!它真的很好看!Janet: 12、No! 不去!13、Im watching TV.我正看电视呢?Ben: 14、But Im bored. 但是我好烦15、Would you like to g

22、o to the cinema with me?你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?Janet: 16、Well, maybe later.好吧,可能要晚一点。第三段:Ben: 17、Oh, Mum. 哦,妈妈。18、Im so bored. 我好烦19、Its raining and dad wont play football with me.天在下雨,爸爸不和我去踢足球。Mrs Webb: 20、And what about Janet?珍妮特呢?Ben: 21、Shes watching TV.她正在看电视。Mrs Webb: 22、Poor Ben!可怜的本第四段:Mrs Webb: 23、I

23、m going shopping now. 我现在要去购物。24、Ben, do you want to go with me?本,你想和我一起去吗?Ben: 25、Er. No, thanks, Mum.呃。不,谢谢,妈妈。Mrs Webb:26、Are you sure? 你确定吗?27、We could buy hamburgers for luuch.我们可以买汉堡包作为午餐。Ben: 28、But Mum! 但是妈妈!29、I dont like shoping! 我不喜欢购物!30、Its so boring! 那很无聊!第五段:Ben: 31、Hi, mike! 你好,迈克!32

24、、What are you doing?你正在做什么呢?Mike: 33、Hi, Ben. 你好,本。32、Im doing nothing. 我什么也没做。33、Im really bored. 我真的很烦34、Would you like to come to my house? 你愿意来我家吗?35、We could play computer games.我们可以玩电脑游戏。Ben: 36、Great! 太好了!37、Dad, can I go to Mikes house?爸爸,我可以去迈克家吗?Mr Webb:38、Of course ,you can!你当然可以!Unit 8 J

25、anet Is Going to Have a Party DialogueJanet: 1、Mum. 妈妈。Mrs Webb: 2、Yes,Janet.什么事,珍妮特。Janet: 3、Its my birthday soon.我的生日快要到了。Mrs Webb: 4、Yes, it is. 是的。5、What would you like to do? 你想做些什么?6、Wolud you like to have a party?你想举行一个聚会吗?Janet: 7、Oh yes, please, Mum! 哦,是的,求求你了,妈妈!8、A big party! 举行一个很大的聚会!9、

26、Can we invite all my friends 我们可以邀请我所有的朋友来吗?10、And all the people in my class? 还有我们班上所有的人?11、And my teacher too?还有我的老师?Mrs Webb: 12、Well, maybe. 奥,或许可以。 13、Lets say your father.让我们问问你的父亲。第二段:Mr Webb: 14、Thats a lot people! 那是好多人!15、Our house is too small!我们的房子太小了!Janet: 16、Oh please! 17、 I want them

27、 all to come.珍妮特:哦,求求你!我希望他们所有人都来!Mrs Webb: Well. Maybe we could have a picnic outside.韦布夫人:奥,或许我们可以到户外去野餐。Janet: Yes! Yes ! A picnic would be great! Oh please,Dad!珍妮特:是啊!是啊!野餐太棒了!奥,求求你了,爸爸!Mr webb: Ok then. But you have to help your mother,Janet.韦布先生:那好吧!但是你不得不帮你妈妈的忙,珍妮特。Janet: Oh, yes. Of course!珍

28、妮特:哦,是的,当然!第三段:Janet: Its my birthday next Saturday. Im going to have a big patry! Wolud you like to come ?珍妮特:下个星期六是我的生日。我打算举行一个大的餐会!你愿意来参加吗?Sally: Id love to. Shall I bring some food?萨莉:我愿意去。我可以带些吃的吗?Janet: No. its OK. My mum will make all the food. But you can bring some Coke.珍妮特:不用,都有的。我妈妈会做所有的食

29、物。但你可以带些可乐来。Sally: Right. What time is the party?萨莉:好的。聚会在什么时间举行?Janet: Its starts at one oclock.See you then!珍妮特:它在一点钟开始。到那时候见!Sally: See you.珍妮特:再见.第四段:Ben: Janet, would you like to come and listen to my new CD?本:珍妮特,你想来听听我的新激光唱片吗?Janet;No,thanks, Ben. I dont like your CDs.珍妮特:不,谢谢,本。我不喜欢你的激光唱片。Ben: Janet, do you want to play computer games with me?本:珍妮特,你想和我玩电脑游戏吗?Janet: No, thanks, Ben. Im reading!珍妮特:不,谢谢,本。我在看书呢!Ben: Janet.本:珍妮特。Janet: Oh, all right,Ben! Do you

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