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1、英语八年级下册Unit10导学案Unit10Ive had this bike for three years.第一课时Section A (1a1c) 课型:听说课A、课前-自助独学【预习目标】1. 自助独学自学P124(yard-cent)拼读并背诵2. 互助互学两两检查(yard-cent)的单词预习情况3. 乐助互学小班共同完成1a并核对答案【自助生长】A)单词默写(P73)1.院子_ 2. 甜蜜的 _ 3.回忆_4.分_ 5. 庭院拍卖会_ B)勾划短语(P73)1.多久_ 2. 怎样骑自行车 _ 3.长达3年_ 4.带回甜蜜的回忆_ 5. 进行一个庭院拍卖会_6. 需要帮助的人_7

2、. 捐赠旧东西给._8. 用75分买它_9. 做某事很难._10. 10多年_互评互签_ B听说展示学习任务一:1.听录音,完成1b2.个人展示:再听录音,核对答案学习任务二: 根据所听内容完成空白。Amy:Youhavesomegreatthings_,Jeff.Jeff: Thanks Amy. Our family _ so manythingsover the years, but we dont use them anymore.Amy: But isnt it hard to sellsomeofyourthings?There are manythingsIve had_. I

3、dont think I could sell them.Jeff: Yes, _ say goodbye to certainthings.Amy: By the way how longhaveyou_ over there?Jeff: Ive had it for three years I learned _ on it.Amy: Oldthingsreally bring back _. But its true that we may never usesomeof thesethingsagain.Jeff: Yes, like old toys or booksyouve al

4、ready read.Youcan sell those, oryoucan also _ to kids or people who need them.Amy: Oh! How much isthisbook?Jeff:Youcanhaveit _.小组任务:小组分角色练习对话并展示。C、课内-精学笔记:小组生长探究一小组活动:组内探究并得出结论1)熟悉how短语的用法常用来问年龄 _常用来问频率 _询问可数名词的数量 _问时间的长度意为“多久” _问物体的长度,意为“多长”_询问不可数名词的数量 _常用来问距离 _常用来问价钱 _常用来问时间“多久后” _常用来问意见“怎么样” _用来对

5、重量进行提问 “多重” _2)什么是现在完成时态?现在完成时动词可以表示开始于过去持续到现在的动作或状态;也许还会继续进行下去的动作或状态。延续性的动词可以和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。标志性词语例如:yet, already, ever, for 5 years、since 1992, so far, these days等。3) 在现在完成时态中,区别for与since的用法。for 后跟时间段,表示动作延续多长时间。如: I have been waiting for hours.我已经等了几小时了since 后跟时间点,短语或从句表示过去的动作延续至今。如:He has been in

6、 Beijing since 2012.练习:since or for? 填since 还是 for? Ive been very busy _ I came back from holiday. He hasnt ridden a bike _ he was a boy. Hes had this book _ three weeks. Should we invite someone else _ he cant go?2小组展示并完善结论。D、学后效果速查-应用乐学1典型例题1. The toy brought back some bad m_ to Bob.2. Her song so

7、unds very s_. The children all like her. 3. My brother _ this bike for almost four years. A. has bought B. has had C. has borrowed D. hast lent4.Mr. and Mrs. Liu _ Hong Kong for two years.A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have been5.It _ ten years since he left the army.A. is B. has

8、 C. will D. was6._ have you been married?For twenty years. (2013.湖北孝感)A. How far B. How often C. How long D. How soon7. - _ have you been married?- For twenty years. A. How far B. How often C. How long D. How soon8. - I often have hamburgers for lunch.-Youd better not. Its bad for you _ too much jun

9、k food.A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. ate9. - When did you _ the bike?- in 2012 . I have _ it for two ; bought B.have ; bought C. buy ; had D.bought; bought10. - How long has Mr.Green lived in Lanzhou?- Hes lived here _ 1998.A. for B. since C. at D. on互评互签_第二课时Section A (2a2d) 课型:听说课A、课前-

10、自助独学【预习目标】1. 自助独学自学P124(toy-board game)拼读并背诵2. 互助互学两两检查(toy-board game)的单词预习情况【自助生长】A)单词默写(P74)1. 玩具_ 2. 熊 _ 3.生产者_ 4.面包机_ 5. 围巾_ 6. 木板_ 7. 软的_ 8. 检查_9. 观察_ 10. 棋类游戏_ 11. 布绒玩具_ B)勾划短语(P74)1. 捐赠_2. 一个玩具熊_3. 自从她是个婴儿开始_4. 这旧的面包机_5. 适合她_6. 欢迎到._7. 拥有这杂志_8. 几个月_9. 有点旧_10. 爱阅读_11. 察看这些布绒玩具_12. 更年幼的孩子_13.

11、完美_14. 最后一件事_15. 很长一段时间_16. 保留棋类游戏_互评互签_ B听说展示一、1)学习任务一:1.听录音,完成2a.2.个人展示:再听录音,核对答案2)学习任务二: 根据所听内容完成空白。Mom:Lets_thisboxofoldthingsand decide what to give away. Amy: I think I want to keepthisbook. Ive had it for three years. _ Ive already read it twice, itsstill my favorite book. But we can _. Mom:

12、What about thesesoft toys? Amy: I want to keep the bear because Ive had it_. It hasspecial meaning for me because Grandma gave it to me. Ill give away the lion and tiger. Mom: OK. And_ can go, too. Ive had it for more than 10 years. Aunt Taylor _ for me last week. Amy: Thatsgreat. We canstill have h

13、omemade bread. And I can give awaythissweater and dress, too. They_. But I want to keep the hat andscarf for iceskating. Mom: Great. You can take thesethingsto _ tomorrow then.二、小组任务:小组分角色练习对话并展示。 三、小组任务:组内复述2d 内容。Amy goes to the Sunshine Home for children and she wants to have some things for the k

14、ids. At first,she gives away the magazine_,Then she checks out_,Also_,One last thing is_,Linda thinks its perfect and thanks Amy a lot.I think we should learn from Amy because_C、课内-精学笔记:小组生长探究再次重点区别for与since的用法。since+时间点- for+时间段 Since 用来说明动作起始时间,for用来说明动作延续时间长度。 since的用法主要有两点:一是表示“自从以来”,二是表示“既然”之意。

15、练习:用since和for填空1._twoyears 2._twoyearsago 3._lastmonth4._1999 5._yesterday 6._4oclock 7._4hours 8._anhourago 9._wewerechildren10._shelefthere11)Wehavelearnedfivelessons_thebeginningofthisterm.12)MrsLiaohasbeeninhospital_lastweek.13)Ihavestayedatmyaunts house_twoweeks.14).HehaslivedinNanjing_theyearb

16、eforelast.15).Iveknownhim_wewerechildren.16).OurteacherhasstudiedJapanese_threeyears.17).Shehasbeenawayfromthecity_abouttenyears.18).Itsabouttenyears_sheleftthecityD、学后效果速查-应用乐学一、用所给词的适当形式填空:1.Mr Brown is the _(make) of the food2. My father _(work) in the middle school for 20 years.3. These _ (scarf

17、) are Anns and Alices.4. Ann has had the sweater since she _(be) four years old5. Tony _(have)the toy bear for a long time.6. There is a yard _. We decide _(sell)the old things.7.The house _ (be) here for over 30 years .8.We _(have t) the car for two years.二、翻译句子:1.你拥有那辆自行车多久了?_2.我拥有它三年了。_3.自从我是一个孩子

18、的时候我就拥有它们。_互评互签_第三课时Section A (3a3c) 课型:阅读课A、课前-自助独学【预习目标】1.自助独学自学P124(junior-truthful)拼读并背诵;2.互助互学两两检查(junior-truthful)的单词预习情况.【自助生长】A)单词默写(P75)1. 地位_ 2. 清理 _ 3.卧室_ 4.拥有_ 5. 铁路_ 6. 离开_ 7. 某种_ 8. 诚实的_9. 真诚的_ 10. 一会儿_ B)勾划短语(P75)1.一位父亲写的_2.很快长大_3.在初级中学_4.随着他们长大些_5.似乎._6.把钱给一个儿童之家_7.清理出很多东西_8.决定去做某事_9

19、.不再_10.起初,首先_11.例如_12.拥有一套火车铁路_13.自从他第四个生日_14.睡在猴子旁边_15.更加善解人意_16.与某些玩具分_17.对于我来讲_18.说实在话_19.放弃做某事_20.一段时间_21.考虑过某事_22.你募捐来的钱_互评互签_B、课内-探究互学学习任务一:1.自读课文,勾划出What is his family going to sell at the yard sale?的文中答案。2.再读课文,完成3b, 小组合作,核对答案。3. Discuss the questions in 3c with a partner.学习任务二:再读课文,翻译课文,注意文

20、章内容理解和重点讲解。【探究语录】分主次,勤动脑,重大局,自纠错。英语学习需要小组合作力量,人人都有任务,要努力为小组做贡献,看看哪个小组是进步最快?哪个小组一直保持优秀?哪个小组效率最高?C、课内-精学笔记:小组生长探究知识点探究:1、小组合作找出重难点,组员做好笔记;2、聆听老师讲解,自己补充知识点。短文填空My children (grow) up fast. My daughter is 16 and my boy has just (start) junior high school. As they get _(big),our house seems to get smaller

21、. So weve been _(clear) out a lot of things from our bedrooms for a yard sale.We_( decide) to each sell five things we no longer use. We(give) the money we raise to a childrens home. My son_(be) quite sad at first. He _(find) a lot of toys that he doesnt play with anymore but still wanted to keep. F

22、or example, hes (own) a train and railway set since his _(four) birthday, and he played with it almost every week he was about seven. And he _(not) want to lose the toy monkey hes had since. I remember when he would never go to bed(没有) it. My daughter was more (understand), although she also felt sa

23、d to(分开 certain toys. As for me, I didnt want (give) up my football shirts, but(说实在的), I havent played (一段时间)now. I am getting older, too! D、学后效果速查-应用乐学1、单项选择。1. As I get older, my shoes seem _. A be too small B to small C to be small2. We are _ children.A any longer B not any moreC not any longer D no longer3. My mother threw my toy _ since birth.A I have B I had C Ive had D Ive bought4. Im too tired, I want to rest _.A sometimes B for a while C some times D since a while5. To be _, I dont know _ to do with the ol

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