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1、西南最新版0199综合英语四网上作业与课程考试复习资料有答案0199综合英语四第1次作业单选题1. He had a great collection of books, _ are written in English.A:many in whichB:may amongC:many of thaD:many of which参考答案:D单选题2. _ we draw useful lessons from them, we may turn difficulties to good account.A:Now thatB: Provide thatC: Except thatD: Prov

2、ided that参考答案:D单选题6. She was _ of his honesty.A: convincedB:persuadedC: temptedD:inclined参考答案:A单选题4. I _ writing the paper as scheduled, but my mothers illness interfered. I hope you will excuse me.A:was to have finishedB:am to have finishedC:was to finishD:ought to finish参考答案:A单选题8. Riding his bicy

3、cle home from school, _ as he went around the corner.A:a car hit himB: a car hitting himC:he was hit by a carD:he had been hit by a car参考答案:C单选题3. The old man jumped aside just in time to avoid _.A:knocking downB:to be knocked downC:being knocked downD:to knock down参考答案:C单选题5. _ to spend the vacatio

4、n in the country.A:All but him and me are goingB:All but he and me am goingC: All but I and he is goingD:All but he and I are going参考答案:D单选题10. In America, a lot of people believe that television _ children.A:has a harmful effect onB:has an advantage overC:has a connection withD:has something to do

5、with参考答案:A单选题7. On New Years Eve, there will be a firework _ at Peoples Square.A:displayB:performanceC:showD:exhibition参考答案:A单选题9. _, Hong Kong acts as a gateway into and out of the Peoples Republic of China.A:Strategically locatingB: Where strategically locatedC:Because located strategicallyD:Strat

6、egically located参考答案:D单选题11. He was punished _ he should make the same mistake again.A:unlessB:lestC:ifD:provided参考答案:B单选题12. _ with air, a life jacket will keep a person afloat.A:It is filledB:FillingC:When filledD:When filling it参考答案:C单选题13. When the crowd saw the prize-fighter stretched out on th

7、e canvas, shouts and cheers _ from it.A: broke upB:broke forthC: broke throughD:broke upon参考答案:B单选题14. We often hear about airliners _ because of technical faults. A: delayingB:delayC:having delayedD:being delayed参考答案:D单选题15. Permanent capital, when needed and in the desired quantities, is often the

8、 hardest for a firm to _.A:acquireB:accumulateC:achieveD:account参考答案:A单选题16. Never _ till tomorrow what you can do today.A: put upB:put outC: put offD:put over参考答案:C单选题17. My three daughters would like to have dancing lessons, but the _ are very expensive.A:pricesB:costsC:feesD:wages参考答案:C单选题18. The

9、 noise was so _ that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.A:dimB:faintC: gentleD:quiet参考答案:B单选题19. It depends on _ they will support us. A:itB:thatC:whetherD:so参考答案:C单选题20. Please remind me of it again tomorrow _ I forget.A:in caseB: in most casesC: in the caseD:in the case of参考答案:A第2次

10、作业论述题 Directions: There are some incorrect sentences in this part. Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts. These parts are labeled A, B, C, and D. Identify the part of the sentence that is incorrect and write your choice on the Answer Sheet. 1. You wouldnt feel tired this morning

11、if you went to bed earlier last night. A B C D2. The only way to influence others is to talk about that they want and show them how to get it. A B C D3. No sooner had he begun to speak when an ominous muttering arose from the audience. A B C D4. When Rose returned by abroad, she told me all about he

12、r trip. A B C D 5. To a worker, leisure means simply the hours he needs relax and rest in order to work efficiently. A B C D6. Like the committee has written in its current report, the rules need to be enforced more strictly. A B C D7. I know a young man who is uncertain if to be a boat builder or a

13、n accountant. A B C D8. Any world traveler has eating many exotic foods in the different countries he has visited. A B C D9. It is not easy to write good history even if all the facts could be known and documents. A B C D10. Financial institutions are able to create exchange, provision, and utilize

14、funds. A B C D11. Ben droped his packages, smothered the blood flow with his hand as best he could. A B C D12. Two women, horrified, did a gesture of helplessness, and drove off. A B C D13. The children were so absorbed at their game that they did not notice the passage of time. A B C D14. It is dif

15、ficult to do generalization about the characteristics of modern music because A B Cof the variety of existing styles. D15. In modern industrious areas, socio-cultural change is occurring at an accelerated rate A B C D16. Each of the major glacial stages produces distinctive land farms that remain lo

16、ng after the A B Cglacier had disappeared. D17. Your semester grade is based not only on how well you do on each test, but also how you A B C Dparticipate in class. 18. Gatherings of more than three persons were prohibited, supposedly in the name of the A B Claw and order. D 19. Alexander graham Bel

17、l received a patent in 1880 for the ideas of using light to relay sound A B C Dvia a telephone. 20. I had to work last Sunday because I have been asked to write an article for a magazine. A B C D参考答案: 1- 5 CCCBAC 6-10 ACBDD 11-15 ABBAB 16-20 DDDCC第3次作业单选题 Passage 23. A:warnB:requestC:manageD:protect

18、参考答案:A单选题 Passage 210. A:thenB:otherwiseC:likewiseD:even参考答案:A单选题 Passage 29. A:insteadB:betterC:similarlyD:further参考答案:A单选题 Passage 28. A:firmB:calmC:safeD:strong参考答案:C单选题 Passage 24. A:withB:withoutC:forD:against参考答案:B单选题 Passage 27. A:littleB:moreC:manyD:much参考答案:D单选题 Passage 26.A: regardlessB:be

19、causeC:in termsD:in front参考答案:B单选题 Passage 25. A:after allB:by chanceC: for exampleD:in fact参考答案:C单选题 Passage 21.A:becauseB:ifC:thoughD:until参考答案:D单选题 Passage 22. A:GenerallyB: ProbablyC:SimilarlyD:Consequently参考答案:C单选题 Passage 110. A:convincedB:believedC:thoughtD:argued参考答案:A单选题 Passage 19. A:andB:

20、thatC:asD:than参考答案:D单选题 Passage 18. A:IfB:AlthoughC:UnlessD:When参考答案:D单选题 Passage 17. A:forB:onC:inD:at参考答案:B单选题 Passage 16. A:wellB:muchC:goodD:soon参考答案:A单选题 Passage 15. A:howeverB:butC:althoughD:if参考答案:C单选题 Passage 14. A:forB:toC:inD:at参考答案:A单选题 Passage 13. A:persuadeB:to persuadeC:dissuadeD:to di

21、ssuade参考答案:A单选题 Passage 12. A:aims toB:deals withC:aims atD:gets to参考答案:A单选题 Passage 11. A: to be knownB:konwingC:knownD:to know参考答案:C第4次作业单选题 Read the following passages and decide on the best choice.Passage 1A:One year.B:Three years.C:Four years.D:Thirteen years.参考答案:B单选题Passage 1A:Language acquis

22、ition in children.B:Teaching languages to children.C:How to memorize words.D:Communicating with infants.参考答案:A单选题Passage 1A:Experiment.B:IdeaC: ActivityD: Accomplishment.参考答案:D单选题Passage 1A:their abilityB:reading vocabularyC:idiomatic expressionD:learning process参考答案:B单选题Passage 1A:They learn words

23、before they learn grammar.B:They learn even very long words.C:They learn words very quickly.D:They learn the most words in high school.参考答案:C单选题Passage 2A: and takes great pleasure from what he or she buysB: in order to satisfy his or her basic needs in lifeC:just to meet his or her strong psycholog

24、ical needD:entirely with an irrational eagerness参考答案:C单选题Passage 2A: because they want to save money to help their budgetsB: because they can openly boast of their triumph over others in getting things for lessC:and will not have money problems if they can keep to their budgetsD:but they seldom admi

25、t they feel satisfied if they can get things for less than others参考答案:D单选题Passage 2A:all people spend money for exactly the same reason that they need to buy things.B:Business people and advertisers can use the psychology of money spending to increase sales.C:Business people understand the psycholog

26、y of compulsive buying better than scientists do.D:Compulsive bargain hunters do not have problems with money.参考答案:B单选题Passage 2A:the psychology of money-spending habitsB: the purchasing habits of compulsive spendersC:a special psychology of bargain huntingD:the use of the psychology of spending hab

27、its in business参考答案:A单选题Passage 2A:are really unreasonableB:need special treatmentC:are really beyond remediesD: can never get any help to solve their problems with money参考答案:B单选题Passage 3A:generalized principles for journalistic interviews are the chief concern for writers on journalismB:concepts and contextual implications are of secondary importance to journalistic interviewingC:importance should be attached to the systematic study of journalistic interviewingD: personal experiences and gener

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