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1、高考英语二轮复习易错题专练12特殊句式与主谓一致2014高考英语二轮复习易错题专练12:特殊句式与主谓一致【高考回顾】1“Never for a second,”the boy says,“_that my father would come to my rescue.” (2013江苏,27)AI doubted Bdo I doubtCI have doubted Ddid I doubt答案D解析句意为:这个男孩说:“我从不怀疑我父亲会来救我。”当否定副词或具有否定含义的短语置于句首时,句子常用部分倒装。故本题要用部分倒装。再根据would come to.可知,是在讲过去发生的事,故用

2、过去时。2It was only after he had read the papers _ Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete. (2013大纲全国,30)Awhen BthatCwhich Dwhat答案B解析句意为:直到他读了文件之后,格罗斯先生才意识到他面临的任务很难完成。本句为强调句型,强调了时间状语only after he had read the papers。根据强调句结构“It is/was被强调部分that剩余部分”可知选B项。3Only by increa

3、sing the number of doctors by 50 percent _ properly in this hospital. (2013大纲全国,32)Acan be the patients treatedBcan the patients be treatedCthe patients can be treatedDtreated can be the patients答案B解析本题考查部分倒装。句意为:只有增加50%的医生,这个医院的病人才能得到恰当的医治。“only状语”放于句首时句子须用部分倒装。4_small,the company has about 1,000 b

4、uyers in over 30 countries.(2013天津,5)AAs BIfCAlthough DOnce答案C解析考查省略句中的连词选择。句意为:尽管很小,但是这个公司已经在30多个国家有1 000名左右的客户。as意为“因为”;if意为“如果”;although意为“尽管”;once意为“一旦”。5At no time _the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them. (2013辽宁,26)Athey actually brokeBdo they actually breakCdid they actually brea

5、kDthey had actually broken答案C解析考查倒装句型。at no time为介词短语,当其位于句首时,句子应该用部分倒装;根据第二个句子可知时态为过去时,故选C。6The university estimates that living expenses for international students _around $8,450 a year,which _a burden for some of them. (2013湖南,33)Aare;is Bare;areCis;are Dis;is答案A解析考查主谓一致。句意为:这所大学估计,留学生的生活费用每年大约8

6、450美元左右,这对一些学生来说是一个负担。第一空的主语为living expenses指“生活费用”,谓语动词用复数形式;“which _a burden for some of them”是一个非限制性定语从句,which指代前面一句话,所以此处谓语动词用单数。 7Not once _to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.(2013湖南,35)Aoccurred it Bit did occurCit occurred Ddid it occur答案D解析考查倒装的用法。句意为:迈克尔成为班里的

7、第一名这样的情况一次也没有发生过。否定词not置于句首,句子要用部分倒装。8Read this story,_you will realize that not everything can be bought with money. (2013四川,4)Aor BandCbut Dso答案B解析句意为:(如果你)读这个故事,你将会意识到并非一切东西都能用金钱买到。分析句子结构可知,本题为“祈使句and/or陈述句”结构,本句中前面的祈使句表示条件,后面的陈述句表示此条件下的结果,又由句意可知应用连词and。9It was with the help of the local guide _

8、the mountain climber was rescued.(2013重庆,27)Awho BthatCwhen Dhow答案B解析考查强调句型。句意为:是在当地向导的帮助下,登山者才被营救出来。强调句型的结构是:It is/was被强调部分that.,故答案为B项。10Film has a much shorter history,especially when _such art forms as music and painting. (2012新课标全国,32)Ahaving compared toBcomparing toCcompare toDcompared to答案D解析

9、句子的主语是film,它和compare之间是被动关系,所以要用被动形式。因此只能选D项。“when compared to.”相当于when引导的状语从句的省略,补全后为:when it is compared to.。句意为:电影的历史短得多,尤其是它与诸如音乐、绘画等艺术形式相比较时。11Not until he retired from teaching three years ago _having a holiday abroad.(2012辽宁,32)Ahe had considered Bhad he consideredChe consideredDdid he consid

10、er答案D解析句首是“Not until”,表达否定意义的连词短语位于句首时要用部分倒装,因此可以排除A、C两项。再分析句子结构可知,本空所在是主句部分,结合从句时态可知主句用一般过去时态。句意为:直到在三年前从教学上退休后他才考虑到国外度假。12Only after Mary read her composition the second time _the spelling mistake.(2012天津,6)Adid she notice Bshe noticedCdoes she notice Dshe has noticed答案A解析句意为:只有当玛丽再次读她的作文之后她才注意到这个

11、拼写错误。“only状语/状语从句”位于句首时,主句须用倒装语序。after引导的是时间状语从句,接在only之后,位于句首,所以主句要用倒装,可排除B、D两项。而且根据语境知read和notice都是过去发生的动作,所以答案为A项。13The basketball coach,as well as his team,_ interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance. (2012陕西,12)Awere BwasCis Dare答案B解析考查动词时态和主谓一致。as well as连接两个名词或代词作主

12、语时,谓语动词的数由第一个名词或代词决定。本题中主语中心词是the basketball coach,是单数;根据shortly after the match可以推断出题干时态是一般过去时,故选B。来源:学&科&网14All the photographs in this book,_ stated otherwise,date from the 1950s.(2012陕西,25)Aunless BuntilConce Dif答案A解析考查状语从句。句意为:除非被特别标明,这本书中所有的图片都可以追溯到20世纪50年代。所填词表条件,从句用了省略句,unless意为“除非,如果不”,故选A。

13、15It was not until I came here _I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather. (2012湖南,30)Awho BthatCwhere Dbefore答案B解析句意为:直到我来到这儿才意识到,这个地方不仅以它的美而且以它的天气出名。这里是强调结构:It is/was被强调部分that.;本题强调的是时间状语。16All the scientific evidence _ that increasing use of chemicals in farmin

14、g _ damaging our health. (2012湖南,35)Ashow;are Bshows;areCshow;is Dshows;is答案D解析句意为:所有的科学证据表明:农业方面越来越多化学物质的使用正在损害着我们的健康。主语是evidence“证据(不可数名词)”,所以谓语动词应用单数形式shows;宾语从句的主语是use“使用(不可数名词)”,所以谓语动词要用is。17Never before _seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert.(2012江西,32)Ahad she Bshe hadChas she Ds

15、he has答案C解析句意为:她从来都没有看到过任何人打网球和Robert一样好的。表示否定的副词never等放在句首,句子要用部分倒装结构,且本句时态为一般现在时。故选C项。18Was it by cutting down staff _ she saved the firm?No,it was by improving work efficiency. (2012上海,37) Awhen BwhatChow Dthat答案D解析考查特殊句式。本题是强调句,对by cutting down staff进行强调。句意为:是不是通过裁员她拯救了公司的命运?不是,是通过提高工作效率。19This

16、is not my story,nor _ the whole story. My story plays out differently.(2012四川,5)Ais there Bthere isCis it Dit is 答案C解析考查倒装句。nor位于句首引起部分倒装,排除B、D两项;再根据句意“这并不是(关于)我的故事,它也不是故事的全部。我的故事的结局不同。”用代词it指代前面的“this story”。故选C。20It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine._,wed better take it to the ga

17、rage immediately. (2011江苏,33)AOtherwise BIf notCBut for that DIf so答案D解析句意为:听起来好像汽车的发动机出了故障。如果这样的话,我们最好马上把它开到维修厂(修理一下)。otherwise否则,要不然;if not如果不是这样的话;but for that要不是那样。以上三项均不符合句意。if so如果这样的话,符合句意。if so相当于if something is wrong with the cars engine。【模拟演练】1For more information about Cambridge,_our webs

18、ite at BvisitingCto visit Dvisited答案A解析句意为:要想得到更多关于剑桥的信息,根据句意及句子结构可知,该句为祈使句,所以用动词原形visit。2_ she is not so cheerful _ she used to be?AHow it is that;as BHow is it that;asCIs it why;that DWhy is it that;what答案B解析句意为:她怎么不像过去那样高兴了呢?强调句的特殊疑问句式:特殊疑问词is/was it that原句剩余部分?D项中的what不正

19、确。3Nothing wrong with it,_?No. Yours is a specially built model. Drive carefully,though.Ais there Bdoes itCis it Dhas it答案A解析句意为:没什么问题,对吗?是的。你的车是特制的一种型号。但是还得小心驾驶。根据句意可知,第一句是一个省略句,其完整形式为:There is nothing wrong with it.,所以其反意疑问部分为is there。4Michael has changed beyond recognition._!How did he manage to

20、lose so much weight?ASo has he BNeither has heCSo he has DNeither he has答案C解析句意为:迈克尔变得都认不出来了。确实如此!他是怎么做到减了这么多重量的?So he has他的确如此,此结构用于肯定前面的情况;A项:他也一样,用以说明后者与前者情况相同,表肯定意义;B项:他也不,用以说明后者与前者情况相同,表否定含义。5Much _ he has a good taste for Chinas football matches,he cant avoid being influenced by the side effec

21、ts of the football gambling.Athat he claims Bdoes he claimCis it that he claims Das he claims答案D解析句意为:虽然他一直声称喜欢中国足球赛,但他没能幸免赌球的负面影响。“形容词/副词as主语谓语”相当于although/though引导的状语从句,本句可变为:Although/Though he claims he has a good taste.。6Behind the coach _ our team wearing blue suits.Awalk BhaveCis followed Dapp

22、ears答案A解析句意为:走在教练后面的穿蓝色衣服的是我们队。此句为倒装句,其正常语序为:Our team wearing blue suits walk behind the coach.。 7I really dont know _ I put my wallet after I paid the bill.Awhere was it Bit was where thatCwhere it was that Dwhere was it that答案C解析句意为:我真的不知道付了账之后我把钱包放在哪里了。强调句的特殊疑问句作宾语从句时,其语序为:疑问词it is/wasthat.。8When

23、 can I use your computer?Never!_ should you touch it. AAt no time BIn no timeCAt any time DAt one time答案A解析句意为:我什么时候能用你的电脑?什么时候都不行!你任何时候都不能碰它。at no time任何时候都不,位于句首时,句子用部分倒装语序,即把助动词置于主语前;in no time立刻;at any time在任何时候;at one time曾经。9Hearing the bell ringing,out _.Arushing the childrenBwere rushing the

24、 childrenCrushed the childrenDthe children rushed答案C解析句意为:听到铃声,孩子们冲了出来。表示方位的副词位于句首,且主语为名词时,句子要全部倒装,即:副词谓语动词主语。10His parents thought only in this way _ become successful,studying abroad.Acould Tom BTom couldCis Tom able to DTom is able to答案A 解析句意为:汤姆的父母原以为只有用这种方式汤姆才能成功,才能到国外学习。本题考查倒装。在宾语从句中“only介词短语/

25、副词/状语/状语从句”置于句首时,后面句子要使用部分倒装,故A项正确。11As I looked at the memorial,I thought about _ terrible disaster it was for the people in Nanjing then and _ they were to fight the Japanese invaders.Ahow;how Bwhat a;how Cwhat;what Dhow;what答案B解析句意为:当我看这座纪念碑的时候,我想,南京人民的那场灾难是多么的严重,他们又是怎么反抗日本侵略者的啊。第一空所在句是一个感叹句,若用ho

26、w则变为:how terrible the disaster was;第二空根据句子结构和句意可知用how。12Mum,I am afraid I wont do well in the coming test.Honey,_more careful,_you will make it. Ais;so Bbe;andCbe;then Dbeing;and答案B解析句意为:妈妈,恐怕我在即将到来的测试中考不好。宝贝,仔细些,你会考好的。考查“祈使句and陈述句”这一结构,该句相当于“含if引导的条件状语从句的复合句”,即:If you are more careful,you will make

27、 it.。13More than a dozen students in that school _ abroad for further study every year.Asent Bare sentChave been sent Dhave sent答案B解析句意为:每年那所学校都有十多个学生被送到国外深造。more than a dozen十多个,谓语动词用复数;另外,句子的时间状语为every year,所以用一般现在时。14Have you been to the Great Wall?Perhaps not in my memory._,it might have been du

28、ring my early childhood.AIf any BIf soCIf ever DIf not答案C解析句意为:你去过长城吗?在我记忆中好像没有去过。要是去过的话,或许是在童年。if ever如果曾经,该句完整形式为:If I have ever been to the Great Wall,.。if any如果有一些(表示数量);if so如果那样;if not如果不。15Not until we have had a chance to discuss it thoroughly _ perfectly.Athe problem has been settledBhas the problem been settledCwill the problem be settledDthe problem was settled答案C解析句意为:直到我们有机会充分讨论这个问题,它才能被圆满解决。not until置于句首,主句用部分倒装,助动词置于主语前;由until引导的时间状语从句用的是现在完成时(表即将完成的动作)可知,主句用一般将来时。16_ and well get everything rea

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