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1、分析新托福口语103个校园场景2 新托福口语103个校园场景1. I cant see my academic advisor until Friday.学业导师2. If I dont ace final, ill get a B in the class. Get a A3. I need to get to the admissions office before five oclock. 招生办公室,招生办招生就业指导办公室 enrolment and vocation guidance officeregister /enrol in 登记。报到4. I have to pull a

2、n all-nighter in order to be ready for the final exam. 开夜车,指通宵学习或工作5. I need to find out whether Dr. Green is an assistant professor. 助理教授(级别高于讲师而低于副教授)Associate professor副教授6. The assistantship doesnt pay as much as I thought it would.(大学)研究生助教奖学金scholarship 荣誉奖学金teaching assistant 助教TA7. If I audi

3、t the course, I wont get credit for it. 旁听8. Two of the classes I am in are real bears. 难课程/优秀9. I cant go to the party because I am behind in my classes.10. If I dont study more, I wont be able to bring up my grades.11. I didnt know the answer when the professor called on me.12. I need to get to th

4、e class earlier so that I will be there when Dr.Peterson calls the roll.点名13. Carol has to call campus security to help her get her car started. 驻卫警察队14. There arent enough carrels in the library. (图书馆中)小单间阅览室15. I need a new library card to be able to check out books.16. I was closed out of the Eng

5、lish class I needed.17. My parents dont want me to live in a coed dormitory. 俗大学中男女同住的宿舍Coed. 男女兼收的 coed school18. The college of education requires three letters of recommendation.19. I dont have a cap and gown for commencement.毕业典礼20. I need to do more research before I meet with my committee.21.

6、I need to speak with my advisor about my course request form. (学生的)指导老师22. I need to be more organized so I wont have to cram for my tests. 临时抱佛脚/为应考临时死记硬背23. I cant take enough credit hours to graduate this semester.学时,学分24. Since the exams were graded on the curve, a 95 was a B.25. I cant cut clas

7、s because I have too many absences.26. I cant make a deans list this semester. 优秀生名单,荣誉名册27. Joe needs to declare his major soon.28. I cant meet with the department chair until after registration. 系主任,系主任的职位29. I cant find enough research on my dissertation topic.30. I can only take three distance l

8、earning classes.31. I have to drop out because I dont have enough money for tuition.32. I cant complete the assignment by the due date.33. I cant take any elective classes this semester.34. I cant enroll in that class without taking the introductory class first. 入门课, 绪论课 35. I already have one excus

9、ed absence in Dr. Mitchells class托辞缺席a short absence 短时间离开an enforced absence 被迫离开He excused his absence by saying that he was ill36. I would be expelled if I helped you.开除,除名He was expelled from the schoolThe pupil was expelled for stealing.37. I need to meet with my professor to discuss an extensi

10、on.(美)为非本科生开设的进修部,进修课 a university extension大学补习部; 附设部分(夜大, 函授班等)extension course大学函授班(夜校等)开设的课程38. I have to go on a field trip Saturday morning, but my boss wont let me off work. 野外实习;实地考察旅行39. I cant find a place to park on fraternity row.美大学生联谊会/兄弟会/一群同职业兴趣, 信仰的人; 同人; 社友; 会友40. I need to registe

11、r as a full-time student to be eligible for a loan.41. I need to get caught up before final exams.42. I cant raise my G.P.A. if I take calculus.43. Bill needs to write a proposal before Tuesday if he wants to be considered for a grant.补助金;助学金;赠款;津贴44. I cant find the head resident. 舍监45. My friends

12、have to hit the books this weekend so they cant go to the party with me. 美俚沉溺于; 埋头于46. The courses in the honors program are much harder than the regular courses. 荣誉项目47. I cant ask Dr. Young for another incomplete.48. I cant seem to find the desk for interlibrary loans. 馆际借书馆际互借是图书馆之间根据协议,互相利用对方馆藏来

13、满足本馆读者需求、开展馆际合作的一种形式,其标准的英文名称为Inter-library Loan,缩写为ILL。49. I need to serve a two-year internship.50. I cant keep my grades up and work full-time51. The tutors at the learning assistance center are all juniors and seniors, so I dont qualify.52. I cant use my library card because I owe a fine.53. Sue

14、 needs to find out a report at the lost and found.54. I have to take a lower-division class before I can take the advanced course. 报个初级班55. Dana needs to take a makeup test before spring break. 补考 春假Spring break, also known as March break in some parts of Canada, is a week-long recess from studying

15、for students at universities and schools in the United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, and other countries.春假,在早春时节,美国、加拿大、日本、韩国及其它一些国家会给学生放假一周,在加拿大的部分地区将之称为三月假。56. We need to pick up an application for married student housing.57. I have to take this Mickey Mouse course to fulfill my physical educatio

16、n requirement. 简单,初级的58. I have three midterms in one day. 期中考试Pop quiz 小测试 (pop 突然的)Finals 期末考试59. I need one more class to complete my minor.60. I cant miss any more of Dr. Mitchells classes, or my grade will be lowered by one letter.61. I cant possibly afford a notebook computer right now.62. I h

17、ave to study harder for objective tests.63. I need to live off campus to save money.64. I cant find my copy of Dr. Millers office hours. 抄本,副本65. I cant let my parents find out that I am on probation. 留校察看66. I have to find out which books are on reserve. 预约/不出借、为某些人保留67. I cant find my notes for th

18、e open-book test. 开卷考试68. I have to go to the orientation tomorrow evening. 迎新会69. I need to get an override so that I can take that class. 代理佣金70. I cant print my paper because I need an ink cartridge for my printer. 墨盒71. I have to find a parking garage with a vacancy.72. I have to leave early to

19、get a spot in the parking lot beside the dorm.73. I need to pay my fines before they will issue my another parking permit.74. I have to save money to pay for my parking tickets.75. I have to get my paper from Dr. Young because I wasnt there when he passed them back.76. I need to schedule an intervie

20、w in the placement office. 就业办公室77. The professor thought that I had plagiarized a report. 抄袭78. I have to be on time to class in case there is a pop quiz at the beginning of class. 临时小测试79. I cant get to campus to see if the grades are posted.80. I have to pass the prerequisites before I can regist

21、er for the next class. 先修课程,预修课程81. I need to get over my fear of public speaking before I give my presentation.82. I need to study harder next quarter.83. The registrar is unavailable until next week. 登记员,教务主任84. I need to speak with the resident advisor regarding the desk in my room. (宿舍)舍长85. I c

22、ant meet Thursday afternoon for the review session. 审查会议/复习会议86. I need to find a part-time job to pay for room and board. 食宿87. I have to turn the application in tomorrow to be eligible for the scholarship.88. I need to leave early to catch the shuttle. 往返于城市的中巴车,班车89. I cant sign up for that class

23、 because it conflicts with my schedule.90. I need to go to the snack bar between classes because I dont have a break for lunch.91. Anna doesnt have a social security number. 社会保障号相当于中国的公民身份号码,但又比中国公民身份号码的功能更加多样。 在美国,社会安全号码(Social Security number,SSN)是发给公民、永久居民、临时(工作)居民的一组九位数字号码,美国合法居留的人,都可以申请到一张社会安全

24、卡,卡上有一组号码,就是社会安全号码,主要是报税和社会福利用的。但在美国几乎办任何事,都要用到社安卡,如考驾照,上学,开银行户口,申请信用卡等,所以说在美国没有社会安全卡是很难生活的。92. Sororities require a lot of time.(美)大学女生的联谊会93. I need to find a carrel in the stacks.书库(储藏使用频率较底的书)94. The student union closes at 10 pm.95. I have to meet Jack at the library for our study date.96. I ca

25、nt concentrate in the study lounge. 学生的自习室97. I have to find Dr. Grahams T.A before class tomorrow.98. Mr. Lewis will have to get his Ph.D. To qualify for tenure.大学教师的终身职位,长期聘用 99. I have to have those transcripts by next Monday. 成绩单100. I cant afford another tuition hike. 学费增长101. I cant afford to hire a tutor. Afford to do/afford doing/afford sth.102. I have to withdraw from school at the end of the semester. 退学Withdraw a boy from school把孩子从学校领回Will his parents withdraw him from school? 他的父母会让他退学吗?103. The work-study students couldnt answer my questions.

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