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Unit 2 Our daily life.docx

1、Unit 2 Our daily lifeUnit 2 Our daily lifeUnit 2 Our daily lifePeriod OneTeaching target1 Talking about cartoons.2 Talking about daily lives.3 Skimming the passage.4 Learning the new words.1. Ask students the following question:What sentence do students say most often in school?2. Give students some

2、 time to look at the cartoon . Ask them toread the three sentences in this cartoon carefully.3. QuestionWhat can we learn from this cartoon?4. Meaning of this cartoonThis cartoon is shown to tell us that something may happen bychance. The question Hi asked is an IQ one. But Los answer was Idont know

3、. But it is the right answer to the question that Hiasked. So we can conclude that something may happen by chance thatwe havent expected.And also, this cartoon is about school life. And the main passagein this Unit is also about the school life.Daily life talk1.Write daily life on the board.Write da

4、y daily as well. Ask students to guess the meaning ofdaily.Then have them work out the meaning of daily life.Introducedaily / a. that happens or comes every day or once aday姣忔棩鐨勶紱姣忓涓娆殑Introduce: daily English, daily talk2. QuestionWhat do you usually do in your daily life?3. Have students look at th

5、e pictures in A andask What do you know about鈥? Ask them to talkabout themselves with these activities by using the followingsentence patterns.I 鈥?every day.I 鈥?once/twice a week.I never 鈥?4 Invite some more able students to talk more about their dailylives.Skimming1. Review the meaning of skim with

6、 students. Invite one or twostudents to tell the meaning of skim.2. Ask students to look at the title, the subtitle and the pictureson page 19 in the passage.subtitle / n. subheading鍓 爣棰橈紱灏忔爣棰?3. Have students finish the exercise in B Look and think.similar / a. the same in some ways but not complet

7、ely thesame绫讳技鐨勶紱鐩镐技鐨?be similar to 涓庘浉浼?be different from 涓庘笉鍚?expect / v. think that somebody or something will come or thatsomething will happen棰勬枡锛涢 璁?4. Check the answers orally.New vocabulary items1 life / n. Title the way that you live鐢熸椿鏂瑰紡 unhappy life2. whiz / n. Subtitle one who has

8、 remarkableskill涓撳 锛涘 鎵嶏紱鎶鏈 嚭浼楃殑浜?3. kid / n. Subtitle a child 灏忓 锛涘 瀛?4 whizz-kid / n.5. Subtitle 1. a quite cleverchild/student绁炵 锛涗紭绛夌敓 2. a clever person who moves ahead inlife very quickly棰嗗厛鑰咃紱寮勬疆鍎?6. top / a. highest鏈楂樼殑e.g.Put the book on the top shelf.Mary is the top student in our class.7.

9、 business / n. buying and selling things涔板崠锛涚敓鎰忥紱鍟嗕笟Note that if we are talking about specific companies, business is acountable noun. But if we are talking about trading and makingmoney in general, business is an uncountable noun.businessman - businessmenbusinesswoman - businesswomene.g.Sony, Ford

10、and Coca-Cola are three big businesses.Business is very important to Hong uniform8. manager / n. L16 a person who controls a business, bank orhotel, etc.缁忕悊锛岀 鐞嗕汉9. discuss / v. talk about something璋堣 锛涜 璁猴紱璁 e.g.We must discuss the problem of old people.10. client / n. a person who

11、pays another person,for example a lawyer or an accountant, for help oradvice瀹埛锛涘 鎵樹汉11. simple / a. easy to do orunderstand绠鍗曠殑锛涚畝鏄庣殑e.g.This dictionary is written in simple English.12.achieve / v. do or finish something well aftertrying hard閫氳繃鍔 姏瀹炵幇锛涜幏寰楋紱瀹炵幇e.g.I achieved my aim: to run one mile i

12、n under five minutes.13.grade / n. how good something is; the level ofquality of something绛夌骇锛涚骇鍒?e.g.achieve A gradeWhich grade of petrol does your car use?14. fail /feIl/ v. not pass an exam ortest涓嶅強鏍硷紱涓嶅悎鏍?fail =! pass15. exam / n. a test of what you know or cando鑰冭瘯 the exampass the exa

13、m16.collect / v. go and bring somebody or something from aplace棰嗚蛋锛涙帴璧?e.g.My father collected me from school in the past.17. attend / v. go to or be at a place wheresomething is happening鍙傚姞锛涘嚭甯?e.g.Will you attend that meeting?18. continue /kEn5tInjU:/ v. L60 1. not stop happening or doingsomethin

14、g缁画鍋氭煇浜?2. start again afterstopping锛堝仠姝悗锛夊啀寮濮?e.g.We continued working until 5 oclock.Lets have lunch and continue the meeting this afternoon.Consolidation1 Copy and recite the new vocabulary items in this period.2 Scan the passage after class.Period TwoTeaching target1 Reviewing the new vocabulari

15、es2 Scanning the whole passage3 Analyzing the whole passageA small check-up1 Write out the word according to the given meaning.a) talk about somethingd_b) not passf_c) a quite clever childw_d) a kind of teste_e) highestt_2 Choose a closest meaning to the given word.a) My father collected me from sch

16、ool in the past.A. took me from a personB. brought me to study and enjoyC. brought me to a placeb) Lets have lunch and continue the meeting in theafternoon.A. not stopB. start againC. havec) My sister is the manager of this company.A. the person who takes charge of the whole companyB. the person who

17、 takes charge of buying and sellingC. the person who takes charge of moneyBackgroundThis is a magazine article about a (fictitious) girl who runs acomputer business although she is still at school. Note the firstline of the title suggests that this might be a regular article inthe magazine, featurin

18、g a different person in each issue.Reading1 Review scan with students. Invite one student or two to tellthe meaning of scan.2 Ask students to scan the passage silently in the class.3 Find the facts.Say: From the passage, we canfind out the times of the girl does different activities. And also,we can

19、 know a lot about her daily life. So this time, you shouldtell us something about her daily life.4 Read and thinkExplanation on the passage1 one of the top students in Guangzhouthis means that Cheng Na is a good student. But she is not thebest. She is just one of the best students in Guangzhou. So h

20、ere,we use the structure - one of 鈥?e.g. Baiyun Airport is one of the biggest Airports in China.ZhongxinTower is one of the highest buildings inGuangzhou.2 all ofReview: some of, most of, many of3 in ones business4 be at schoolbe at school = study in the schoole.g.My daughter is still at school.My d

21、aughter is in the school.NB: Do these two sentences have the same meaning? Why or whynot?be at work = work in the factory5 get upget up = get out of the bed and stand upe.g.What time do you usually get up?More phrases with get:get on/onto: climb onto a train, bus, or bicycleget on a trainget in/into

22、: climb into a carget into a carget off: leave a bus, train, or bicycleget off a busget out of: leave a carget our of a car6 put onput on = weare.g.Put on your coat. = Wear your coat.opposite: take offe.g.Take off your raincoat. You get the floor all wet.7 school uniforme.g. Police officers wear dar

23、k-blue uniforms.8 a family business9 start the businessmore useful phrases with business:a) go into businessb) its none of your business, mind your own business: words thatyou use when you do not want to tell somebody about something thatis privatec) on business: because of your work10 the managere.

24、g.the general manager of the companythe director of the company11 discuss the business12 at breakfasta) = at breakfast timee.g.We usually talk about our plan at breakfast.b) = having breakfaste.g.They are at breakfast now.we also have: at lunch/dinner/supper13work onwork on = on my c

25、omputer = operate my computer14go to school15 in ones own carown pron. & a.e.g.Is this your own camera or did you borrow it?I have my own room.Be careful! You cannot use own after a or the. You cannotsay: I would like a own room. You should say: I would like my ownroom.of one鈥檚 own:e.g.I want a room

26、 of my own. = I want my own room.on ones own:e.g.She lives on her own.I cant move this case on my own.16 make a phone call to somebody= call somebody or phone somebodye.g.Yesterday I made a phone call to Mary.17 on the way to schoolon the way to + someplacee.g.on the way to workon the way to Library

27、on the way to the USANB: We use 鈥榦n the way home鈥? There is not a to beforehome.18 achieve A grades= get/gain A grades19 in all my subjects20 fail an exampass an exam21 about twice a weekone time: oncetwo times: twicethree/four/鈥?timese.g.once a yearWe have Christmas once a year.three times a weekMa

28、ry washes her hair three times a week.鈥?times a day/week/month/year/century 鈥?22 collect somebody from school23have lunch with somebodyhave breakfast/lunch/dinner with 鈥?24return to school= go back to school25 after school = after school is overafter class is overafter work = after work is finished2

29、6 attend a club= take part in a club27 Computer Club28 ask somebody to do somethinge.g.Lily always asks me to help her with herlessons.Mum wont ask you to do the housework.Will you ask her to attend the party?29 have violin lessonshave 鈥?lessonse.g.have art and craft lessonshave PE lessonsReview the

30、 names of different lessons together with students.Chinese, English, Maths, History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry,Science, Social Study, Biology, PE, music, etc.30 take somebody home 31 in an hour or two= in one to two hourse.g.You may bring two students or three with you.I will come back in seven

31、days or eight.32. continue doing somethinge.g.We continued working until 5 oclock.It continued raining all afternoon.33. go to bed= go to sleepSynopsis by paragraph1 Cheng Na described her morning routine and the background to herfamily computer business.2 She is dri ven to school in her own car.3 She discribes her studies.4 At lunch time she sometimes has lunch with a businessclient.5 S

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