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Module 2 My New Teachers.docx

1、Module 2 My New TeachersModule 2My New Teachers(时间:120分钟;满分:150分).单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1 Im looking for _ gift for my fathers birthday. How about_ tie in the shop window?Aa;aBa;theCthe;the Dthe;a2You can hardly imagine _ across the wide lake on your own.Ato swim BswamCswimming Dto have swum3With s

2、o much work _,dont expect any holiday! Well have to finish it soon.Adoing BdoneCbeing done Dto do4The two men talked in a low voice,_ nobody heard what they were saying.Aso that Bas ifCbecause Dwhen5The cost of food and clothing has risen in recent years._,fuel prices have risen quite a lot.AProbabl

3、y BLikelyCSimilarly DGenerally6He was afraid of the dark when he was young, but now he is _ enough to walk alone on dark nights.Aenergetic BkindCbrave Dattractive7I havent done enough _ for the exam so I wonder if I can pass it.Ainstruction BcomprehensionCrevision Dintroduction8My spoken English is

4、so poor that I have great trouble _ to native English speakers.Atalk Bto talkCtalking Dtalked9Remember _ the baby this afternoon.OK, I will.Ahaving picked up Bpicked upCpicking up Dto pick up10How about putting off our wedding until next month?_ Im free all the time.AHows it going?BWhat a pity!CIts

5、up to you!DHow does it come about?.完形填空 (共 20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)It happened when I was in Grade 4. My teacher Ms Orange asked us to bring cards, candy and other _11_ to class. She wanted us to celebrate(庆祝) Thanksgiving Day as a class. I _12_ this activity and thought it would be fun,_13_ I asked my m

6、om to help me make some nice cookies. I _14_ bought some Thanksgiving cards. I couldnt wait to give them to my classmates.When the day finally _15_,things went very well. People gave each other cards and candy. Everyone seemed very _16_ .I gave out all of the things I took to school to my classmates

7、. However, I received _17_. I was surprised at what was happening. Ms Orange then asked us to _18_ what we received and say whom it came _19_.When my name was called, I couldnt hold back my _20_ because I didnt get anything from anyone. I was _21_ by the people who said that they were my _22_ .It wa

8、s surely a _23_ Thanksgiving Day for me. I was angry. But I didnt want to _24_ my classmates. I kept being kind to them and _25_ hard. And what I did paid off. I became one of the _26_ students in my class. My teachers and classmates were proud of me. Now I have many good friends by my side. The _27

9、_ from them alone will always be the best gift I will value forever.I _28_ that the best gifts in life dont come from stores. Its the things that we value in our _29_ that count. Im glad that I made the right decision and _30_ my classmates friendship in the end.11. Aideas BbooksCbags Dgifts12A.paid

10、 for Blooked forward toCmade use of Dlooked at13A.though BasCso Dbut14A.also BneverCsometimes Dhardly15A.joined BarrivedClasted Dchanged16A.worried BfunnyChappy Dupset17A.everything BanythingCsomething BeatCsell BfromCfor Dby20A.aims BplansCtears Dwords21A.loved Breplie

11、dCpreferred Dforgotten22A.friends BteachersChelpers Dstudents23A.short BsadCbeautiful Dgreat24A.please BrememberCsurprise Dhate25A.asked BmovedCstudied BlaziestCtallest Dprettiest27A.advice BfriendshipCcandy Dcard28A.hope BlieCexplain Dbelieve29A.hearts BhandsCwishes

12、nished BheardCwon Dunderstood.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)ADear editor,There are two special teachers who teach at Richardson Elementary School in North Delta. They are Madam Romans and Madam Tayob. These two teachers have gone above and beyond their teaching duties. They need to be praised.My daughter w

13、as lucky enough to have been taught by these wonderful teachers for Grades 6 and 7. Their class was different from any other class. The teachers and children had such a special bond(关系) with one another.On the last day of Grade 7 in 2007, I heard the song Time of Your Life by Green Day playing on th

14、e school speakers as I walked down the hallways to pick up my daughter. As I entered the classroom, all that I remember seeing was a classroom of children and two teachers crying. In fact, they were crying and hugging. It brought tears to my eyes. It was their last day together as most of the childr

15、en were moving to different schools for high school. My daughter still tells me it was one of the saddest days of her life.Now, five years later, all of those students have graduated. This year is that Grade7 class graduating year! Knowing this year is the students graduating year, these two special

16、 teachers invited this class to meet them for dinner the other day at Earls.I always hear about special athletes or businesses that give back to the community. These are two great teachers who care so much. Theyve taken time out of their busy schedules to organize a dinner for a group of students wh

17、om they taught.These kids will never forget how special these two teachers are, and how much they care, and I think the community shouldnt, either.Sincerely,Lynda Mulder31Lynda Mulder wrote this letter to the editor most probably to _.Alook for two special teachersBintroduce two special teachersCexp

18、lain why one school is greatDprove that she cares about teachers32Why were the teachers and students crying that day?ABecause they felt sad about leaving each other.BBecause one of the two teachers had become ill.CBecause something terrible had happened to a student.DBecause the students were afraid

19、 of going to high school.33What do we know about the students in that Grade7 class?AThey have a busy schedule every day.BThey have graduated from high school.CThey often have dinner together at Earls.DThey want to give back to the community.34What does the writer think of the teachers organizing a d

20、inner for the students?AShe thinks its useless.BShe thinks its strange.CShe thinks its harmful.DShe thinks highly of it.BAmericans use many expressions about fish and fishing. For example, if something sounds fishy, it may not be true. Sometimes I feel like a fish out of water when I go to a party a

21、nd everyone but me is doing the latest dance. When I ask my friend if she likes my new dress, I would like her to say something nice. In other words, I am fishing for a compliment(赞扬)Some expressions involve(涉及) different kinds of fish. Information that is used to draw attention away from the real f

22、acts of a situation is called a red herring(青鱼 ). If you want to express a feeling of surprise, you might cry “holy mackerel”, although we do not know why a mackerel is holy.Once I went to a county fair and tried my luck with a game of chance. It was so easy; it was like shooting fish in a barrel. T

23、hen I went on the fastest, highest and most frightening ride: the roller coaster. At the end of the ride, I did not feel so well. A friend said I looked green around the gills. I grew up in a small town where everybody knew about my life. There were times when I thought I was living in a fishbowl. S

24、o I moved to Washington, where things were different. Now I take the train to work every day at rush hour when many other people travel to their jobs.Sometimes the train is so crowded that we are packed in like sardines. Sardines are tiny fish that lie close to each other in cans.One man who works i

25、n my office is a cold fish. He is unfriendly and does not like to join us at office parties. Another man in my office likes to drink at parties. In fact, you might say he drinks like a fish. We need to help him stop drinking.35If you are shocked, to express your feeling, you can cry “_”Aholy herring

26、 Bholy mackerelCholy red herring Dholy red mackerel36. What would you say if you are standing in a crowded place?AI live in a fishbowl.BIm like a sardine in a can.CI look green around the gills.DI feel like a fish out of water.37Who can be called “a cold fish”? ASomeone who likes drinking.BSomeone w

27、ho likes compliments. CSomeone who likes office parties.DSomeone who is unfriendly to others.CWhen I was a kid, I found a book about a little girl whose grandma had passed_away. Before falling asleep one night,I asked my grandmother to read it to me. When she finished reading, I looked into her ligh

28、t blue eyes.“Grandma,” I asked, “will you ever die?”“Unfortunately,” she said.“Do all people have to die?” I asked.“Yes,” she answered.“Why?”I asked.“How could you enjoy every second of life if you knew you could live it forever? You never know how much you love something until you lose it.” I gave

29、her a kiss on the cheek, telling her that I would love her forever.The next night I sat on my parents bed watching TV with them. The phone rang. My dad answered it. I saw the smile on his face disappear. Then he looked at my mom and me. He stared at us for a long time. Then he said, “Grandma is gone

30、. She had a heart attack. It was too late when people found her.”I then sat there still for the next few minutes. I had never lost anyone before in my life. I didnt know what to do. All that ran through my head was that I was never going to see her again. At that moment, I loved my grandma more than

31、 I ever had before. I thought of everything she had done for me.Life changes though we dont expect it to. I never knew I would remember forever what my grandma said that night. Of course I am upset when people die, but missing them makes me love them more every second. No one can live forever, so we shoul

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