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英语中考英语完形填空 复习1.docx

1、英语中考英语完形填空 复习1【英语】中考英语完形填空 复习1一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析)1阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Have you ever eaten a dandelion (蒲公英)? Me neither. Have you ever blown it to make a wish? Me, too. Time to pick dandelions, Athena, Mum opened the car door and I entered with a 1 . My hometown is in Greece (希腊)

2、, where dandelions are 2 on the menu. But I didnt eat dandelions. Why did I have to 3 them with my family every spring? Then I said goodbye to my new friend Brigid, whose family had 4 moved in our neighborhood in New York. I was 5 Brigid didnt ask where we were going. Nobody in America ate dandelion

3、s. I always worried that 6 would notice us picking dandelions. We 7 into a wild field. Hundreds of lively yellow flowers appeared everywhere. Then we stopped our car. Dad went over to cut dandelions and put them in his bag. But I just hid in the book. 8 do we cat dandelions? I asked. The best food i

4、n the world. Dad answered, shaking a handful of greens. 9 we were ready to leave, we had enough dandelions. On the way home, Mum and Dad talked about hosting a dinner party for the new neighbors to try our 10 Greek food. The night of the party, Brigid arrived with her parents. Mum served 11 differen

5、t。Greek foods. Our guests ate everything. Finally came the dandelions. Wait! I said to Brigid. But it was too 12 . You ate the dandelions! I told her. We both 13 , and she ate another bite. 14 , she said. Mum was smiling at us. After dinner. Brigid and I went to the backyard and lay on the grass. Th

6、e stars reminded me of dandelions in the soft field. I closed my eyes and made a 15 : to be as open-minded as my family and my new friend.1. A. bagB. bookC. menuD. flower2. A. everB. neverC. alwaysD. hardly3. A. pickB. plantC. watchD. water4. A. quicklyB. quietlyC. finallyD. recently5. A. sadB. glad

7、C. proudD. disappointed6. A. anyoneB. someoneC. everyoneD. no one7. A. ranB. flewC. droveD. walked8. A. HowB. WhyC. WhenD. Where9. A. WhenB. SinceC. UnlessD. Although10. A. newB. fastC. expensiveD. traditional11. A. itB. herC. himD. them12. A. lateB. earlyC. luckyD. quick13. A. bowedB. shookC. laugh

8、edD. greeted14. A. Be carefulB. Never mindC. Not badD. You re welcome15. A. wishB. reportC. speechD. Suggestion【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)A;(4)D;(5)B;(6)B;(7)C;(8)B;(9)A;(10)D;(11)D;(12)A;(13)C;(14)C;(15)A; 【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者和家人在纽约田野里采摘蒲公英,并且晚上邀请新邻居吃蒲公英。(1)句意:我带着一个包进入。A.包;B.书;C.菜单;D.花。根据前文可知去摘蒲公英,所以是带着包,故选A。(2)句


10、摘蒲公英,故选B。(6)句意:我总是担心有人将注意到我们摘蒲公英。A.任何人;B.有人;C.每个人;D.没人。作者担心有人会看见他们摘蒲公英,故选B。(7)句意:我们开车来到一个田野。A.跑;B.飞;C.开车;D.步行。根据Then we stopped our car.我们停下车,可知是开车去的,故选C。(8)句意:为什么我们吃蒲公英?A.怎样;B.为什么;C.什么时候;D.哪里。根据The best food in the world. Dad answered可知爸爸回答了作者的提问:为什么吃蒲公英,爸爸说是世界上最好的食物,故选B。(9)句意:当我们准备离开时,我们有足够的蒲公英。A.

11、当.时候;B.自从;C.除非;D.尽管。当离开时作者一家摘了足够的蒲公英,故选A。(10)句意:爸爸妈妈谈论给新邻居举办一个晚餐聚会来尝试我们传统的希腊食物。A.新的;B.快的;C.昂贵的;D.传统的。蒲公英是希腊传统食物,故选D。(11)句意:妈妈提供他们不同的希腊食物。A.它;B.她;C.他;D.他们。根据前句可知Brigid和父母一起来的,所以妈妈款待他们,即them,故选D。(12)句意:但是它是太晚了。A.晚;B.早;C.幸运的;D.迅速的。根据Finally came the dandelions. Wait! I said to Brigid.和You ate the dande

12、lions! I told her. 可知作者以为Brigid不喜欢吃蒲公英,阻止Brigid吃,但是Brigid吃了,所以是晚了,故选A。(13)句意:我们都笑了。A.鞠躬;B.摇晃;C.笑;D.问候。根据Mum was smiling at us.妈妈朝我们笑,可知是我们也笑了,故选C。(14)句意:不差。A.小心;B.不介意;C.不差;D.不客气。Brigid吃了口蒲公英,说蒲公英好吃,不难吃,故选C。(15)句意:我闭上眼睛,许愿。A.祝福,愿望;B.报道;C.演讲;D.建议。根据第一段Have you ever blown it to make a wish? 可知蒲公英用来许愿,m

13、ake a wish,许愿,故选A。【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。2阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Wishing to encourage her young sons progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a pianists concert on a summer holiday evening. After they found their 1 , the mother saw two fri

14、ends in the hall and walked to 2 them. It was the boys first time to come to the hall. He thought it was a good 3 for him to explore the wonders of the concert hall. He 4 and walked around. He walked 5 a door marked NO ADMITTANCE(禁止入内). When the hall lights dimmed (变暗) , the 6 would begin. The mothe

15、r returned to her seat and discovered that her son was 7 . The mother was 8 worried at that at the moment that tears (眼泪) were in her eyes. The concert began, and the lights focused on (聚焦于) the wonderful piano on stage. The mother was 9 to see her little boy sitting at the keyboard, playing the son

16、g Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star 10 he did at home. At that moment, the great pianist came, quickly moved to the piano and 11 in the boys ear, Dont stop. Keep playing. He leaned over (俯身) and began filling in a bass part (低音) with his left 12 , then added a running obbligato (伴奏) with his right hand.

17、They played the piano together 13 .The old pianist and the young novice (初学者) changed a frightening situation into a wonderful creative experience. The audience (观众) stood up and 14 them. An artists achievements and charm depend on not only his perfect skills 15 his good qualities.1. A. desksB. stag

18、eC. seatsD. piano2. A. greetB. feedC. noticeD. search3. A. useB. chanceC. seasonD. culture4. A. flewB. satC. fellD. rose5. A. throughB. acrossC. aboveD. over6. A. filmB. concertC. conversationD. meeting7. A. sleepyB. missingC. tiredD. excited8. A. soB. veryC. muchD. such9. A. seriousB. sadC. patient

19、D. surprised10. A. whenB. ifC. asD. before11. A. calledB. shoutedC. whisperedD. cried12. A. handB. shoulderC. footD. leg13. A. badlyB. carelesslyC. terriblyD. happily14. A. fought withB. laughed atC. shouted atD. cheered for15. A. orB. butC. andD. so【答案】 (1)C;(2)A;(3)B;(4)D;(5)A;(6)B;(7)B;(8)A;(9)D;

20、(10)C;(11)C;(12)A;(13)D;(14)D;(15)B; 【解析】【分析】本文讲述的是一个小男孩无意中走上了舞台,在钢琴家的鼓励下和钢琴家一起演奏了曲子,而使音乐会获得异常的成功。从中作者总结出人的一生中需结合鼓励和合作才能成功。 (1)句意:他们找到座位后,母亲看见大厅里有两个朋友,走过和他们打招呼。A. desks桌子;B. stage 舞台;C. seats座位;D. piano钢琴。根据上文a mother took her boy to a pianists concert on a summer holiday evening.可知这里是找到他们的座位之后。故选C。

21、 (2)句意:他们找到座位后,母亲看见大厅里有两个朋友,走过和他们打招呼。A. greet问候;B. feed喂;C. notice注意;D. search搜寻。根据上文the mother saw two friends in the hall and walked to,可知这里是走去过打招呼。故选A。 (3)句意:他认为这是一个探索音乐厅奇观的好机会。A. use使用;B. chance 机会;C. season季节;D. culture文化。根据下文to explore the wonders of the concert hall.可知上文是说对于他来说是一个好机会。根据题意,故选B

22、。 (4)句意:他站起来四处走动。A. flew飞;B. sat 坐下;C. fell落下; D. rose上升。根据下文He walked _5_ a door marked NO ADMITTANCE(禁止入内),可知上文是说他站起来。根据题意,故选D。 (5)句意:他穿过一扇标有“不准入内”的门。A. through通过,内部通过;B. across横穿;C. above以上;D. over在上方;根据文中a door marked NO ADMITTANCE可知这里是说通过,内部通过用through,故选A。 (6)句意:当大厅灯光变暗时,音乐会就开始了。A. film电影;B. co

23、ncert音乐会;C. conversation对话;交谈;D. meeting会议;根据上文When the hall lights dimmed (变暗)可知下文是说音乐会将开始,故选B。 (7)句意:那位母亲返回她的座位,发现她的儿子消失了。A. sleepy困倦的; B. missing想念;消失;C. tired累人的;D. excited激动的;根据下文The mother was _8_ worried at that at the moment that tears (眼泪) were in her eyes,可知上文是说她的儿子消失了。故选B。 (8)句意:母亲当时如此担心,

24、眼睛里含着泪水。A. so因此;B. very很,非常;C. much许多;D. such如此。So+形容词或副词,表示如此,so worried表示如此担心的,故选A。 (9)句意:母亲很惊讶地看到她的小男孩坐在键盘前,像他在家里那样弹着歌,闪烁着小星星。A. serious严肃的;B. sad悲伤的;C. patient有耐心的;D. surprised吃惊的。根据下文to see her little boy sitting at the keyboard, playing the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star _10_ he did at home

25、.可知母亲看到他在弹奏非常吃惊的,故选D。 (10)句意:母亲很惊讶地看到她的小男孩坐在键盘前,像他在家里那样弹着歌闪烁着小星星。A. when当时候;B. if如果;C. as当;就像D. before在之前;根据下文he did at home可知这里是说就像他在家里弹奏的,故选C。 (11)句意:那一刻,伟大的钢琴家来了,很快地移到钢琴前,在男孩的耳边低声说:“不要停下来。继续玩。” A. called打电话;B. shouted大喊;C. whispered耳语;低语; D. cried哭;根据下文Dont stop. Keep playing. He leaned over (俯身)

26、 and began filling in a bass part (低音) with his left _12_, then added a running obbligato (伴奏) with his right hand.可知上文是在男孩的耳边低声说,故选C。 (12)句意:他俯身开始用左手填充低音部分,然后用右手加上一个连续的伴奏。A. hand手;B. shoulder肩;C. foot脚;D. leg腿;根据下文then added a running obbligato (伴奏) with his right hand.可知上文是说用左手,故选A。 (13)句意:他们一起高兴地

27、弹奏了钢琴。A. badly坏得;B. carelessly粗心的; C. terribly糟糕地;D. happily高兴地;根据下文The old pianist and the young novice (初学者) changed a frightening situation into a wonderful creative experience. The audience (观众) stood up and _14_ them.可知上文是一起高兴地弹奏,故选D。 (14)句意:观众站起来为他们欢呼。A. fought with 与战斗;B. laughed at嘲笑;C. shou

28、ted at朝喊;D. cheered for为欢呼;根据上文They played the piano together _13_. The old pianist and the young novice (初学者) changed a frightening situation into a wonderful creative experience.可知下文是为他们喝彩,故选D。 (15)句意:一个艺术家的成就和魅力不仅取决于他完美的技艺,还取决于他的优良品质。A. or否则,要不然;B. but但是;C. and和,又; D. so因此。根据上文not only his perfec

29、t skills,可知这里是不但而且。短语not onlybut,表示不仅而且,故选B。 【点评】考查完形填空。做题时,应先通读全文,了解大意,理清文章的内容和逻辑关系。然后逐 一做题,,注意上下文的提示和空前后的搭配;最后再读短文,印证答案。3完形填空 Every time we go into a museum, we are often told, Dont touch that! The Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia is 1 the opposite. Here we are encouraged to 2 everything. My fi

30、rst visit to the museum was one year ago. I was 3 to visit the museum as soon as Mum told me its name. 4 told me that I could climb and jump, and touch everything in the museum. This place is more like a 5 than a museum. It gives kids the chance to learn 6 play. I loved this place a lot and had to b

31、e pulled away by the arm when we were ready to 7 . Each exhibit is a hands-on(亲自实践的) experience. I 8 enjoyed the very large water table and grocery store(食品杂货店). I had so much fun that 1 didnt even 9 I was learning. The only problem is that this place gets crowded very quickly on weekends, 10 you need to get there early if you dont want to be immersed in(浸没于) the sea of people.1. A

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