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备考资料届高考英语大一轮复习专用讲义选修7Unit 2 Robotsdoc.docx

1、备考资料届高考英语大一轮复习专用讲义选修7 Unit 2 RobotsdocUnit 2 Robots 一、课前基础自查(一)分类记单词省时高效.阅读单词(知其意)1fiction n小说;虚构或想象出来的事2overweight adj. 超重的;体重超常的3elegant adj. 优雅的;高雅的;讲究的4scan vt. 细看;仔细检查;粗略地看;浏览;扫描5absurd adj. 荒谬的;可笑的6awful adj. 极坏的;极讨厌的;可怕的;(口语)糟透的7affair n. 事务;事情;暧昧关系8cuisine n. 菜肴;烹饪(风味)9grand adj. 大的;豪华的;雄伟的1

2、0biography n. (由他人撰写的)传记;传记文学11imagination n. 想象(力);创造力;幻想物12navy n. 海军;海军部队13chapter n. (书中的)章;篇;回14thinking n. 思想;思考.重点单词(写其形)1desire n渴望;欲望;渴求vt. 希望得到;想要2bonus n. 奖金;额外津贴;红利3sympathy n. 同情(心)4pile n. 堆;摞;叠vi. 堆起;堆积vt. 把堆起;积聚5envy vt. 忌妒;羡慕6affection n. 喜爱;爱;感情7bound adj. 一定的;密切相关的8parttime adj. 兼

3、职的9junior adj. 较年幼的;资历较浅的;地位较低的n. 年少者;晚辈;等级较低者 10staff n. 全体员工;手杖11divorce n. 离婚;断绝关系vt. 与离婚;与脱离 .拓展单词(通其变)1satisfaction n满意;满足;令人满意的事物satisfy vt.使满足;使满意satisfying adj.令人满意的satisfied adj.满意的2alarm vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动n.警报;惊恐alarmed adj.担心的;害怕的alarming adj.使人害怕的;令人担忧的3favour n喜爱;恩惠;帮忙vt.喜爱;偏袒favourable adj.

4、赞成的;有利的favourite adj.最喜爱的4accompany vt.陪伴;伴奏company n陪伴;伴随companion n伙伴;伴侣;同伴5declare vt.宣布;声明;表明;宣称declaration n宣言;公告6talent n天才;天赋;特殊能力;才干talented adj.有才能的7obey vt.& vi.服从;顺从disobey vt.& vi.不服从;违抗8assessment n评价;评定assess vt.评价;评定;估价;估定语境活用1To the satisfaction of the boss, his products could satisf

5、y the needs of the customers.(satisfy)2I was sleeping soundly in the morning when a telephone alarmed me awake. I was even alarmed to hear the alarming news that another earthquake happened.(alarm)3The old blind man asked me to do him a favour and find his favourite book.(favour)4Its declared that b

6、oth sides agree to stop fire. They must obey the declaration for ever. (declare)5Everybody said Jane was a talented girl because she did well in all her subjects and had a talent for singing, dancing and drawing.(talent)(二)练中记短语记牢用活写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.test_out考验出;检验完2ring_up 给打电话3turn_around 转身;翻转4l

7、eave_.alone 不管;别惹;让一个人待着;和单独在一起5set_aside 将放在一边;为节省或保留(钱或时间)6in_all 一共;总计7be_bound_to 一定做8reach_for 伸手去够9in_favour_of 支持;赞成10or_rather 更确切地说1.We rang_up Henry but got no reply.He must have gone out.2Its unnatural for a mother to leave her child alone to enjoy herself.3There are 32 doctors and 26 nur

8、ses in_all present at the meeting held last night.4I suggest setting_aside some money every month for education and insurance.5In our city, almost everyone is in_favour_of bringing down the housing price because it is too high for them to buy one.6The new product which will be tested_out next month

9、is a combination of traditional methods and artificial intelligence.7This new product, or_rather,_this new style of shirt, is not very attractive.(三)仿写明句式以用为本教材原句句式解读句式仿写1.It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human.机器人如此通人性,这使她觉得心烦和害怕。it作形式主语的主语从句。(2018江苏高考书面表达)毫无疑问,在消费上,完全依赖排名也是不明智的。

10、There is no doubt that it_is_unwise_to_depend_completely_on the ratings in consumption.2.As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern. 她刚一转过身来,就看到格拉迪丝克拉芬站在那儿。地点副词位于句首时的完全倒装句式。(2018全国卷书面表达)这是关于这部影片的一些相关细节。Here are_some_relevant_details about this movie.3.What a sweet victory to be envied by thos

11、e women!受到那些女士的妒忌,这该是多么甜美的胜利啊!what感叹句式。(2018北京高考书面表达)多么难忘又有意义的一天呀!What_an_unforgettable_and_meaningful_day it was!二、课堂重点深化1desire n渴望;欲望;渴求 vt.希望得到;想要自主体验 单句语法填空These activities seemed to satisfy my desire to_be (be) useful and to feel a meaningful connection to the lives of others.(2017天津高考)We all

12、share a common desire for_pleasure, for connection, for something that is greater than us.The teacher desired that all the exercises be_handed (hand) in before school was over.系统归纳(1)have a strong desire to do sth./for sth. 急于做某事/渴望得到某物(2)desire to do sth. 渴望做某事desire that . (should) do sth. 渴望做某事重点

13、强化 佳句时时写(2018北京高考书面表达)既然你渴望学习中国文化,我认为北京语言大学是你的理想去处。Since_you_have_a_strong_desire_for_Chinese_culture,_I think Beijing Language and Culture University is an ideal place for you. 2alarm vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n警报;惊恐自主体验 单句语法填空On hearing the scream, he jumped up in alarm.She took a sip from her drink, trying n

14、ot to appear alarmed (alarm)The firemen were alarmed at/by the big fire they had never seen before.系统归纳(1)in alarm 惊恐地(2)alarmed adj. 担心的;害怕的be alarmed at/by 对惊恐/担心be/get alarmed about 对大惊小怪重点强化 佳句时时写I was on my way to the bookstore when a girl of about ten was knocked down by a passing car, and it

15、frightened me a lot.(用alarmed和which引导的非限制性定语从句升级句子)I was on my way to the bookstore when a girl of about ten was knocked down by a passing car, which_made_me_alarmed_a_lot/which_alarmed_me_a_lot. 僻义牢牢记The captain knew there was an engine fault but didnt want to alarm the passengers.使惊恐3favour n喜爱;恩惠

16、;帮忙;偏爱;支持 vt.喜爱;偏袒自主体验 单句语法填空Then we voted for the monitor. The result was 28 to 15 in_Wang Hongs favour.Do me a_favour and turn the radio down while I am on the phone, will you?The response to the invention hasnt been all favourable (favour)系统归纳(1)ask sb.a favour 请某人帮忙 帮某人忙(2)in favour of 同意;支持;赞成i

17、n ones favour 有利于某人;对有利(3)favourable adj. 赞成的;有利的重点强化 佳句时时写(2016全国卷书面表达)I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to help me.(用含有favour的短语改写)I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I wonder if_you_c

18、ould_do_me_a_favour.4accompany vt.陪伴;伴奏;附有;配有自主体验 单句语法填空I dont think its necessary for parents to accompany their children to college.While she was singing on the stage, her mother was accompanying her at/on the piano.With nobody accompanying (accompany) her during the festival, the old lady felt lo

19、nely.系统归纳(1)accompany sb. to someplace 陪伴/陪同某人到某地(2)accompany sb. at/on sth. 用某物为某人伴奏accompanied by/with . 伴随发生(3)company n. U 陪伴;伴随keep sb. company 陪某人in the company of sb. 在某人的陪伴/陪同下(4)companion n. C 伙伴;伴侣;同伴重点强化 易错对对碰(company/companion) We became companions in misfortune. Whenever we get into tro

20、uble, he always keeps me company. 佳句时时写(2018浙江高考写作)在暑假,我在一家旅行社做过兼职,陪同一些国外游客,这帮助我积累了相关经验。During summer vacation, I worked parttime in a travel agency and accompanied_some_foreign_tourists,_which_helped_me_accumulate_relevant_experience.5declare vt.宣布;声明;表明;宣称自主体验 单句语法填空The chairman declared (declare)

21、 the meeting open at 8:00 this morning.The day after the Pear Harbour Incident, US President Franklin Roosevelt declared war on/against Japan.系统归纳declare for/against 声明赞成/反对declare war on/against 向宣战declare . to be/as . 宣布为/是declare that . 宣告;宣称重点强化 佳句时时写在2011年,理查德声称他计划在他40岁生日之前找到40个同年同月同日生(time twi

22、ns)的人。In 2011, Richard declared_that_he_planed_to_find_40_time_twins_before_his_40th birthday. 僻义牢牢记It is hoped that government officials declare all they have earned in a year, which is thought to be helpful to prevent corruption.申报1leave . alone不管;别惹;让一个人待着;和单独在一起系统归纳leave aside 搁置一边leave behind 遗

23、留;把抛在后面leave for . 动身前往leave out 省略;遗漏;冷落leave off 终止;中断重点强化 用法条条清(leave . alone/leave aside/leave behind)Shes asked to be left_alone_but the press photographers follow her everywhere.The United Nations estimates that more than 900 million people move away for work, often leaving their children behi

24、nd.I wonder why they left_aside such an important question last time. 佳句时时写 (2018全国卷书面表达)不要担心,我们中国人都很友好,你不会感到被冷落的。Dont worry! We_Chinese_are_friendly_and_you_wont_feel_left_out.2set aside将放在一边;为节省或保留(钱或时间);暂时不考虑自主体验 单句语法填空He will set down all his important thoughts in his diary when they are fresh i

25、n his mind.The school has set up a special class to help those poor learners.系统归纳set off 动身;出发;引爆;引发set up 建立;引起set down 写下;放下set out (to do sth.) 出发;开始(做某事)set about (doing sth.) 着手(做某事)重点强化 易错对对碰(set out/set about)Armed with the information you have gathered, you can set_about preparing your busin

26、ess plan.Armed with the information you have gathered, you can set_out to prepare your business plan. 佳句时时写 (2017全国卷书面表达)我真诚地希望你能抽出一些时间来看这场艺术盛宴。I sincerely hope you can set_aside_some_time_for the art feast.3地点副词位于句首时引起的完全倒装教材原句As she turned around, there_stood Gladys Claffern.自主体验The moment the bel

27、l rang, out rushed (rush) the children.The Public Square is an eyecatching sight of the city.There stands (stand) a stone sculpture of a famous historical figure.Present at the conference were_ (be) experts from all over the world.Buried in the earth was (be) a jar with lots of ancient coins in it.归

28、纳点拨用法规则(1)表示时间、地点和动作转移的副词,如here,there,now,then,up,down,in,away, out等置于句首,且主语是名词,谓语动词是不及物动词时,句子需用完全倒装。此时,句子多用一般现在时或一般过去时。(2)当表语是分词、副词、形容词、介词短语,主语比较长且主语是名词时,为了保持平衡或强调表语,常把表语放在句首,引起句子完全倒装。句型结构为:分词/副词/形容词/介词短语be主语。注意事项(1)当主语是人称代词时,不用完全倒装语序。如:In he came and the lesson began.(2)there be句型中的be可以用表示“存在”的动词,

29、如live, exist, lie, stand, seem, rise, remain, happen, come, go等替代。句型结构为:there存在类动词主语。如:There seems to be something wrong with it.佳句背诵(增分要点句)(2017全国卷书面表达)In addition, there are famous artists who will perform how to cut paper on the spot.(增分要点句)(2018全国卷书面表达)Here comes the table manners youre concerne

30、d about.本单元语篇话题与新课程主题语境“人与社会”中的“信息技术创新”子话题相对应一、话题语素积累多一点 子话题信息技术创新(一)浅易词汇温一温robot household help modelconvenient download development solvecontrol replace technology valueconcern breakthrough(二)生疏词汇记一记artificial adj. 人工的 intelligence n 智能programme n. 程序 function n. 功能develop v. 研发;开发 application n. 应用程序automatic adj. 自动的 advanced adj. 先进的accompa

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