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届一轮复习外研版必修二Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines学案.docx

1、届一轮复习外研版必修二Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines学案Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines学案基础自主回顾.课标单词1_轨道;绕轨道飞行(n. & vt.)2_在船(飞机、火车、公共汽车)上(adv.)3_代替;取代(vt.)4_业余的(adj.)5_评论(n.)orbitaboardreplaceamateurreview 6_经济(n.)_(adj.)7_祝贺(n.)_(vt.)8_成就;功业;伟绩(n.)_取得;完成;达到(vt.)9_高兴的;快乐的(adj.)_快乐;使愉快(n. & vt.)_令人高兴的(adj.)1

2、0_信念;信条(n.)_相信(v.)_可信的(adj.)_不信;怀疑;疑惑(n.)economyeconomic/ economicalcongratulationcongratulateachievementachievedelighteddelightdelightfulbeliefbelievebelievabledisbelief 11_证据(n.)_明显的(adj.)12_文化的(adj.)_(n.)13_金融的(adj.)_(n.)14_创立;建立(vt.)_创立;建立;基础(n.)15_创作(vt.)_生产;产量(n.)_产品(n.)evidenceevidentcultural

3、culturefinancialfinancefoundfoundationproduceproductionproduct.常用短语1_拍摄2_总共;合计3_被分成4_集中于5_和相似take photographs of in total be divided into concentrate on be similar to 6_在太空7_起飞8_很高兴做某事9_既然10_快点;得了;来吧in space take off be delighted to do sth now that come on .重点句型1Amateur astronomer David Bates _ at t

4、he moon through his telescope last night _ he got a big surprise.昨天晚上业余天文学家大卫贝茨用天文望远镜观看月球,突然他有了一个惊人的发现。答案:was looking; when2_ she was waiting for a taxi outside the studio, she met Sam Parrish, _ was two metres tall.当她在演播室外面等出租车时,她遇到了有两米高的萨姆帕里什。答案:While; who3_ hes seen aliens landing on the moon?这是他

5、第一次看见外星人登陆月球吗?答案:Is this the first time4The Sun, _ in 1964, is the most successful of the popular newspapers.太阳报,成立于1964年,是流行报纸中最成功的。答案:founded.模块语法1People do not know the value of freedom_they have lost it.AuntilB. whenC. since D. as答案:A2I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice_I pick

6、ed up the phone.A. while B. afterC. in case D. the moment答案:D3We were playing football on the playground_it began to rain.A. while B. whenC. as D. after答案:B4It won t be long_we meet again in Beijing.A. when B. whileC. before D. after答案:C5_ you have known what to do, youd better get down to it as soo

7、n as possible.A. Now that B. AfterC. Although D. As soon as答案:A6Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada, _ this was a memory she especially treasured.A. as B. ifC. when D. where答案与解析:A本题考查原因状语从句,用as。句意:“,因为这是她特珍惜的一段记忆”。其他三项都不表示原因。7Parents should take seriously their chi

8、ldrens requests for sunglasses _ eye protection is necessary in sunny weather.You cant go in the club _ your name is on the list.A. because B. throughC. unless D. if答案与解析:C句意:除非名单上有你的名字,否则你不能进入俱乐部。8_ everybody knows about it, I dont want to talk any more.A. For B. EvenC. Since D. However答案与解析:C考查连词。

9、理解题目中两个句子由句意可知前后是因果关系。“既然每个人都知道了那件事,我不想再说了。”考点探究解密考 点 解 读1congratulation n祝贺(pl.);祝词;贺词精讲拓展:congratulations (on.)祝贺()offer/send ones congratulations to sb.向某人祝贺accept ones congratulations 接受某人的祝贺express ones congratulations 表示庆贺congratulate v祝贺congratulate sb.on/upon sth.就(因)某事向某人祝贺congratulate ones

10、elf on.为庆幸,感到幸运误区警示:congratulation表示“(向)祝贺”时常用其复数形式,即congratulations。朗文在线:Give Marie my congratulations and tell her Ill come soon.替我恭喜玛丽并转告她我很快就来。I congratulated myself on my good fortune.我为自己的好运气感到高兴。Congratulations on a superb performance!对这场精彩的演出表示祝贺!词语辨析:celebrate与congratulate两者都含有“祝贺”的意思。celeb

11、rate是指对某一节日、生日和胜利等的“庆祝”,其宾语是某件事情。We celebrated the New Year with a dance party.我们举行舞蹈晚会庆祝新年。He celebrated his birthday with a banquet.他举行宴会庆祝自己的生日。congratulate是指对某人取得的成就或喜庆之事表示的“庆贺”,其宾语是某个人。I congratulated my friend on her birthday.我对朋友的生日表示祝贺。We congratulated him on having won the championship.我们祝贺

12、他获得了冠军。命题方向:此词多在交际用语题目中与其他类似短语放在一起以词语辨析题的形式出现。活学巧练(1)Its your birthday today?_(恭喜)!(2)We_(祝贺)him on having won the championship.(3)You really should_(庆幸)on your appearance.(4)They _(庆祝)their mothers 66th birthday with a big meal in the restaurant.Congratulations congratulated congratulate yourself c

13、elebrated (5)Let me congratulate you_the birth of your daughter.Aat BonCin DbyB 2aboard adv.在船(或飞机,车)上;上船(或飞机,车)prep.在(船,飞机,车)上;上(船,飞机,车)精讲拓展:go aboard(the plane) 登机All aboard!(口)请大家上船/车/飞机!Welcome aboard!请上船/飞机/车!board n板v.登机;上船on board 在船上;在飞机上误区警示:aboard要与abroad分清,二者很容易混淆abroad adv.在国外,到国外,去国外go

14、abroad 出国return from abroad 从国外回来at home and abroad 国内外朗文在线:The boat swayed as he stepped aboard.他上船时,船晃了起来。命题方向:aboard常与abroad,broad及board放在一起以词语辨析题的形式出现。活学巧练 (1)The plane crashed,killing all 180 people_(飞机上的)(2)All_(上船/飞机等)!(3)There were 50 passengers aboard when the ship sank.(替换)_aboard aboard o

15、n board (4)As the train was to pull out,her husband came running along and climbed_.Aabroad BbroadCaboard Dboard答案与解析:C“爬上火车”。3belief n相信,信任,信念,信仰,信条,教义To the best of my belief there is no danger.精讲拓展 beyond belief 难以置信地have belief in 相信to the best of my belief 在我看来,据我所知,我深信hold a firm belief that.坚

16、信religious beliefs 宗教信仰believe sb./what sb.said 相信某人的话believe in sb.信任某人活学巧练 (1)He explained the_(教义)of Taoism to us.(2)There is nothing more natural than a childs_(信赖)in his parents.(3)I always_(信得过)you,but I dont_(相信)you.beliefs belief believe in believe4evidence n证据,根据,论据精讲拓展:give/show/bear evide

17、nce of 证明,说明,表明give no evidence of 没有的迹象in evidence 看得见,到场;明显的,显而易见的;律认作有效之证据call evidence 叫某人来作证evidence for/of a conclusion 结论的根据误区警示:evidence是一个不可数名词。朗文在线:Theres some evidence that a small amount of alcohol is good for you.有证据显示,少量饮酒有益健康。Carol was called upon to give evidence.卡罗尔被要求出庭作证。The

18、 army is more in evidence in the cities than in rural areas.军队在城市中比在乡村里更惹人注意。命题方向:与evidence组成的短语中的介词是常考点。活学巧练:He was released when the judge ruled there was _against him.Aevident BevidenceCno evident Dno evidence答案与解析:D句意:法官裁决没有证明他有罪的证据,他获得了释放。no evidence同not any evidence。5evidence n证据,根据,论据精讲拓展:giv

19、e/show/bear evidence of 有的迹象give no evidence of 没有的迹象in evidence 明显的,显而易见的call evidence 叫某人来作证evident adj. 明显的;明白的;清楚的be evident to sb. that. 某人清楚It is (quite) evident that. 很显然朗文在线:Theres some evidence that a small amount of alcohol is good for you.有证据显示,少量饮酒有益健康。The army is more in evidence

20、in the cities than in rural areas.军队在城市中比在乡村里更惹人注意。It is evident to everybody that she loves music.她爱好音乐,这是有目共睹的事实。活学巧练:翻译:(1)没有任何证据证明他有罪。(evidence)_(2)很显然大家都知道他错了。(evident)_There is no evidence that he is guilty/ of his being guilty.It is evident to all that he is wrong.5in total 合计,总计There are 4,0

21、00 students in our school in total.我校共有4,000名学生。精讲拓展:a total of 总共in all总共total (up)to总计为,总数达total up算出总数,总计sum up总计add up to总计,总数达误区警示:in total相当于副词totally的用法,在句中作状语,而total up to是动词短语在句中作谓语 。朗文在线:There were probably about 40 people there in total.那里总共可能有40人左右。They were jailed for a total of thirty

22、years.他们在监牢里总共被关了30年。At the end of the game total up everyones score to see who has won.在游戏结束时,把每个人的总分加起来,看看是谁赢了。命题方向:in total及total up两短语是重要考点,常考查介、副词in与up。活学巧练You can find just 2,000 books_in this room.Atogether Ball overCin total Dtotally答案与解析:Ctogether“一起”;all over“遍及”;totally为副词,为“完全地”;in total

23、 为“总共,合计”。6now that既然,由于(相当于since),引导原因状语从句。精讲拓展:for now(for the moment) 口暂时,目前,眼下from now on 从现在起,今后just now 刚才,方才;眼下,现在now,now口(用于安慰等)好啦,好啦时而时而,忽而忽而Now(In the time)or never!机不可失!until/till now 到现在为止,迄今up to now 到现在为止,迄今误区警示:now that引导原因状语从句时,that可省略。朗文在线:Now that theyve got to k

24、now each other a little better,they get along just fine.由于彼此之间有了进一步的了解,他们相处得不错。Now youre here,why not have a drink.既然你来了,就喝一杯吧。命题方向:now that常与even though,because等放在一起以词语辨析题的形式出现。活学巧练 (1)(2010南京高三二模)_he was the last man I wanted to see,I did all my power to help him.AAs BNow thatCThough DHowever答案与解析

25、:C句意:尽管我最不愿意见的人是他,我还是尽力帮他。though引导让步状语从句。汉译英(2)既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。答案:(2)Now that youve grown up,you shouldnt depend on your parents.7take off(飞机)起飞;脱下;开始成功;休假精讲拓展:take away 拿走take out 去掉;取出;带出去take back 收回(诺言),带回take up 从事,拿起take in 收留;领会;欺骗take over 接管;接任误区警示:take off表示“起飞”及“开始成功”含义时为不及物动词,后不可接宾语,因此

26、,也不可用被动语态。朗文在线:As the plane was taking off,I remembered I hadnt turned the iron off.飞机起飞时,我才想起我没有切断熨斗的电源。Take your coat off.脱掉你的外衣。I hear the business is really taking off.我听说生意真的开始兴隆了。命题方向:take off表示“起飞”时常以时态题被考查,其他含义常以词语辨析题出现。活学巧练:When are you leaving?My plane_at 10 15.Atakes off Btook offCis abou

27、t to take off Dwill take off答案与解析:A表示计划好的时间表中的动作,用一般现在式表示将来时。8a complete success一次圆满的成功;a big surprise一件令人非常惊讶的事情以上短语中的success,surprise为抽象名词具体化。精讲拓展 success,surprise,delight,disappointment,excitement,failure等抽象名词若指抽象概念时为不可数名词,但具体到某个人或某件事则为可数名词。误区警示:success,surprise前有形容词修饰时往往是可数名词。朗文在线:The play was a

28、n overnight success.该剧一夜走红。Joan!What a lovely surprise to see you again!琼!再次见到你真是惊喜万分!命题方向:此类抽象名词往往考查其前是否用不定冠词。活学巧练:Joan is determined to be_success in whatever field she chooses.A/BtheCanDa答案与解析:D考查抽象名词的具体化,a success 指“一个成功的人”。9时间状语从句时间状语从句所表示的动作与主句所表示的动作有同时性、先时性和后时性三种关系。两个事件的发生在时间上没有先后之分,或者说没有明显的先后之分,即所说的同时性,此时要用when,whenever,while,as long as,as soon as,just as,the instant,the moment,hardly/scarcely.when,no sooner.than等

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