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1、数控加工技术教学素材资源库的构建论文摘 要20世纪以来,社会生产力迅速发展,科学技术突飞猛进,人们进行信息交流的深度与广度不断增加,信息量急剧增长,传统的信息处理与决策的手段已不能适应社会的需要,信息的重要性和信息处理问题的紧迫性空前提高了,面对着日益复杂和不断发展,变化的社会环境,特别是企业间日趋剧烈的竞争形势,一个人、一个企业要在现代社会中求生存,求发展,必须具备足够的信息和强有力的信息收集与处理手段。对于学校数控加工技术来来说,大量数控加工技术若可以利用计算机技术将平时教学的内容结合信息技术的方便快捷性,将大大提高工作效率提高学生学习积极性.同样教学水平的信息话也是衡量一个社会进步也否的

2、重要指标.这就迫切需要利用计算机技术来帮助学校管理者来处理数控加工技术日常教学信息的信息化管理.vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库是vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库的一个典型用例. vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库是一个集信息技术、经济管理理论、统计学与运筹学、数据库技术为一体的综合性系统,是一个资金技术密集型、劳动密集型、智力密集型的项目。我国拥有广阔的市场和丰富的人才资源,有几十年的技术积累和经验积累,有一定的后发优势。vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库的创新工作既不能妄自菲薄,更不能夜郎自大。要抓住当前网络经济兴起的有利时机,以实现我国信息技术和信息产业的跨越式发展,更好地发挥信息产业对国民经济增长

3、的拉动作用。开发学校vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库系统的过程就是要实现数据处理方式由人工管理向计算机管理的转变,它在计算机技术和vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库实践活动两者之间架设桥梁。关键字:vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库,vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库,数据库,计算机管理Abstract:Since the 20th century, the rapid development of social productive forces, science and technology, exchange of information is the depth and scope of incre

4、asing the volume of information rapid growth, the traditional information processing and decision-making tools have not the needs of the community, the importance of information and information processing problems urgency unprecedented increase, in the face of increasingly complex and evolving. chan

5、ges in the social environment, in particular the increasingly keen competition among enterprises situation, a person or an enterprise to survive in modern society, and development, we must have sufficient information and powerful information gathering and processing tools. For teachers to schools, a

6、 large number of teachers teaching courses if they can use computer technology to the teaching content of the convenient nature of it, will greatly increase the efficiency of learning enthusiasm. Teaching is the same level of information, whether the measure is one important indicator of social prog

7、ress. This urgent need for using computer technology to help school managers to deal with day-to-day teaching teachers of information technology management information. teaching aids system is a typical management information system used cases. Management Information System is a collection of inform

8、ation technology, economic management theory, statistics and research, database integration technology for the integrated system is a capital-and technology-intensive and labor-intensive, intellectual-intensive projects. China has a vast market and abundant human resources, technical accumulation an

9、d decades of accumulated experience, a certain advantages. Mis innovation can not sell, not self-assertive. We should seize the current favorable opportunity to network economy, Chinas information technology and to achieve a leap forward of the information industry, give better play to the informati

10、on industry to stimulate economic growth. Development of school teachers in the management process is to achieve data systems approach to the management of the artificial computer management changes in computer technology and management practices between teachers build bridges. keyword : teaching ai

11、ds system, management information systems, databases, computer management 目 录摘 要 iAbstract ii第一章 引言 11.1 背景 11.1.1vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库系统 11.2开发vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库系统的目的和原则 31.3开发环境介绍 31.3.1 开发平台 41.3.2数据库设计工具ACCESS数据库管理系统 7第二章 系统设计 92.1 系统分析 92.2 系统流程和操作方式设计 11第三章 系统界面设计 123.1系统界面设计以及代码分析 12第四章 数据库的设计 304.1数据

12、库设计 304.2 数据库概念和发展 304.3系统测试与评价 38总 结 39致 谢 40参考文献 41第一章 引言对于学校数控加工技术来来说,大量数控加工技术若可以利用计算机技术将平时教学的内容结合信息技术的方便快捷性,将大大提高工作效率提高学生学习积极性.1.1背景1.1.1vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库 如今随着教育事业的发展,数控加工技术教学内容的增多,如何才能让数控加工技术减少压力,同时又增加学生的学习积极性,我们想到了vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库,采用本系统,数控加工技术可以将讲课内容输入系统,采用计算机处理的方式,让学生自主的学习.1.2 开发vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库的

13、目的与原则本vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库的主要目的是服务与中小学,各高校的数控加工技术,方便其讲课,其原则是做到,界面友好人性,操作简单,可靠.1.3开发环境介绍1.3.1开发平台 本vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库系统的开发平台为微软windows xp visual basic 6.0 以及微软的Access作为操作数据库.1.3.2 数据库设计工具ACCESS数据库管理系统Microsoft Access介绍:使用MicrosoftAccess,可以在单一的数据库文件中管理所有的信息。在这个文件中,用户可以将自己的数据分别保存在各自独立的存储空间中,这些空间称作表;可以使用联机窗体来查看

14、、添加及更新表中的数据;使用查询来查找并检索所要的数据;也可以使用报表以特定的版面布置来分析及打印数据。 如果要保存数据,请为每一种类型的信息创建一个表。如果要从查询、窗体或报表中的多个表中将数据合并在一起,就要定义各个表之间的关系。 如果要搜索并检索符合指定条件的数据,包括来自多个表中的数据,就要创建查询。查询的同时也可以更新或删除多条记录,并对数据执行内嵌或自定义的计算。 如果要简单地直接在某个表中查看、输入及更改数据,请创建一个窗体。在打开一个窗体时,MicrosoftAccess将从一个或多个表中检索数据,并使用用户在“窗体向导”选择的版面布局或所创建的版面布局,将窗体显示在屏幕上。

15、如果要分析数据或将数据以特定的方式打印出来,请创建一个报表。例如,可以打印一份将数据分组并计算数据总和的报表,也可以打印另一份带有各种数据格式的打印邮件标签的报表。第二章 系统设计2.1 系统分析 本vb数控加工技术教学素材资源库采用计算机专业的VB课程为内容主要由以下几大模块构成.一. 概念和基本原理(vb概述,窗口控件和菜单,工程的管理,开发应用程序)二. 语言参考(关键字,函数,数据类型,伪指令,运算符)三. API函数四. 经典事例2.2 系统流程和操作方式设计第三章 系统界面设计3.1系统界面设计主界面设计代码设计:Private Declare Function ShellExec

16、ute Lib shell32.dll Alias ShellExecuteA (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As LongPrivate BigStyle As StringPrivate SmallStyle As StringPrivate RTB1_BackCorlor As IntegerPrivate

17、AddCode As BooleanPrivate EditCode As BooleanDim Temptitle As StringPrivate Sub Cmdcancel_Click() RTB1.BackColor = GetSetting(App.EXEName, Corlor, BackCorlor, RTB1.BackColor) Frame5.Visible = False: Frame6.Visible = False: TreeView1.Visible = True RTB1.Locked = True EditCode = False AddCode = False

18、Toolbar1.Buttons(7).Image = 5: Toolbar1.Buttons(8).Image = 6 Toolbar1.Buttons(7).Caption = 全选: Toolbar1.Buttons(8).Caption = 复制 Toolbar1.Buttons(7).Tag = Tool_SelAll: Toolbar1.Buttons(8).Tag = Tool_Copy Menu_Plaste.Enabled = False: Menu_Clear.Enabled = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub Cmdfix_Click() Frame5.V

19、isible = False: Frame6.Visible = False: TreeView1.Visible = True Dim adoprimaryrs As New ADODB.Recordset If Cbostyle.Text = Then MsgBox 类别不能为空, vbCritical + vbApplicationModal, 错误 Exit Sub End If If TxTTitle.Text = Then MsgBox 标题不能为空, vbCritical + vbApplicationModal, 错误 Exit Sub End If If RTB1.Text

20、= Then MsgBox 内容不能为空, vbCritical + vbApplicationModal, 错误 Exit Sub End If Select Case True Case AddCode i = ExistRecord(code, 标题, Trim(TxTTitle.Text) If i Then MsgBox 该代码标题已存在,请重新修改代码标题, vbCritical + vbApplicationModal, 错误 TxTTitle.SelStart = 0 TxTTitle.SelLength = Len(Trim(TxTTitle.Text) Exit Sub E

21、nd If Case EditCode Dim adoprimarycmd As New ADODB.Command adoprimarycmd.ActiveConnection = StrConnect adoprimarycmd.CommandText = delete * from code where 标题= & Trim(Temptitle) & adoprimarycmd.Execute Set adoprimarycmd = Nothing End Select adoprimaryrs.CursorLocation = adUseClient adoprimaryrs.Open

22、 select * from code, StrConnect, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText adoprimaryrs.MoveLast adoprimaryrs.AddNew adoprimaryrs.Fields(大类别) = Trim(BigStyle) adoprimaryrs.Fields(小类别) = Trim(Cbostyle) adoprimaryrs.Fields(标题) = Trim(TxTTitle) adoprimaryrs.Fields(内容) = RTB1.Text adoprimaryrs.Update Se

23、t adoprimaryrs = Nothing RTB1.BackColor = GetSetting(App.EXEName, Corlor, BackCorlor, RTB1.BackColor) Call ShowTree(BigStyle) RTB1.Locked = True EditCode = False AddCode = False Toolbar1.Buttons(7).Image = 5: Toolbar1.Buttons(8).Image = 6 Toolbar1.Buttons(7).Caption = 全选: Toolbar1.Buttons(8).Caption

24、 = 复制 Toolbar1.Buttons(7).Tag = Tool_SelAll: Toolbar1.Buttons(8).Tag = Tool_Copy Menu_Plaste.Enabled = False: Menu_Clear.Enabled = False RTB1.Font.Size = GetSetting(App.EXEName, Font, FontSize, RTB1.Font.Size) RTB1.BackColor = GetSetting(App.EXEName, Corlor, BackCorlor, RTB1.BackColor)End SubPrivate

25、 Sub Command1_Click()Dim str As String: Dim rst1 As New ADODB.Recordset: Dim rst2 As New ADODB.Recordsetstr = PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= & App.Path & dataWinApi.mdb;rst1.Open select * from winfun, str, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimisticrst2.Open select * from funclass, str, adOpenKeys

26、et, adLockOptimisticrst1.MoveFirstFor i = 1 To rst1.RecordCount rst1.Fields(声明) = GetFthFld2(funclass, name, rst1.Fields(函数), fullname) rst2.Update rst1.MoveNextNextEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() Me.Top = 0: Me.Left = 0 Frame5.Visible = False: Frame6.Visible = False: TreeView1.Visible = True StatusB

27、ar1.Panels(1).Text = & Format(Date, long date) & & Time & RTB1.FileName = App.Path & dataabout.dat RTB1.Font.Size = GetSetting(App.EXEName, Font, FontSize, RTB1.Font.Size) RTB1.BackColor = GetSetting(App.EXEName, Corlor, BackCorlor, RTB1.BackColor) StrConnect = PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data

28、Source= & App.Path & dataVB.mdb; StrTempConnect = PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= & App.Path & datawinapi.mdb; BigStyle = 概念和基本原理 Call ShowTree(BigStyle)End SubPrivate Sub ShowTree(ByVal TempBigStyle As String) Dim nodex As Node Dim nodey As Node Dim adoprimaryrs1 As New ADODB.Recordse

29、t Dim adoprimaryrs2 As New ADODB.Recordset a = aa b = bb c = cc If TempBigStyle = API函数 Then * adoprimaryrs1.CursorLocation = adUseClient adoprimaryrs1.Open select 函数 from winfun order by 函数, StrTempConnect, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText * TreeView1.LineStyle = tvwRootLines TreeView1.

30、Nodes.Clear Set nodex = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(, , a, TempBigStyle, 2, 1) If adoprimaryrs1.RecordCount 0 Then adoprimaryrs1.MoveFirst Else Exit Sub End If Do Until adoprimaryrs1.EOF TempSmallStyle = adoprimaryrs1.Fields(函数).Value Set nodey = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(a, tvwChild, b, TempSmallStyle, 3, 3) b = b + 1 adoprimaryrs1.MoveNext Loop adoprimaryrs1.Close Set adoprimaryrs1 = Nothing Else * adoprimaryrs1.CursorLocation = adUseClient adoprimaryrs2.CursorLocation = adUseClient adoprimaryrs1.Open select distinct 小类别 from Code where 大类别= & TempBigSt

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