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1、英语国家概况精讲英语国家概况精讲第十三章 美国地理位置英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列Chapter: 13 geography 地理位置1.Alaska and Hawaii are the two newest states in American.Alaska northwestern Canada,and Hawaii lies in the central Pacific.阿拉斯加和夏威夷是最近加入美国的两个新州。阿拉斯加在加拿大的西北部,夏威夷位邻中太平洋。(本细节还有考“一句话简答”的可能)2。The U.S has a land area of 9.3 million square

2、 kilometres.It is the fourth largest country in the world in size after Russia,Canada and China.就面积而言,美国是世界第四大国,就人口而言,美国是世界是第三大国。3.Of all states of American,Alaska is the lagest in area and Rhode Island the smallest.But on the mainland Texas is the largest sate of the country.所有州中,阿拉斯加是面积最大的州,罗得岛最小,

3、在美国大陆,最大的州是得克萨斯州。4。The Rockies,the backbone of the North American Continent,is also known as the Continental Divide.落基山脉是北美大陆的脊梁,也被成为大陆分水岭。5。The two main mountain ranges in American are the Appalachian mountains and the Rocky mountains. The Appalachians run slightly from the northeast to southwest a

4、nd the Rocky mountains run slightly from the northwest to southeast.阿巴拉契亚山脉和落基山脉是美国的两座大山脉。(本细节有考“一句话简答题”的可能)6。The Mississippi River is the largest river in American,over 6000 kilometers.The Mississippi has been called father of watersor old man river密西西比河是美国最长河流,有被称作“众水之父”或“老人河”。7。The Ohio river has

5、 been called the American Ruhr,As in Germany, the area along the river is rich in valuable deposits of high-grade coking coal and is well known for its steel industry.The river provides cheap water transportation for raw materials.俄亥俄河被称作美国的鲁尔河,就像德国一样,沿河有丰富的高品千周的焦煤,并且因其钢铁而著名。另外,该河还为原材料提供了廉价的水路运输。8。O

6、n the Pacific side there are two great rivers:the Colorado in the south and the Columbia ,which rises in Canada.太平洋沿岸有两大河:科罗拉多河及哥伦比亚河。9。The Rio Grande River forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States.格兰德河是美国和墨西哥之间的开然界河(本细节考选择和简答可能性大)10。the most important lakes in the United States

7、 are the Great Lakes. They are Lake Superior,which is the largest fresh water lake in the world, Lake Michigan ,the only entirely in the U.S.,Lake Huron,Lake Eire and Lake Ontario.They are located between Canada and the United States except Lake Michigan.美国最重要的湖泊是五大湖:苏必利尔湖,密歇根湖,休伦湖,伊利湖和安大略湖,其中,苏必利尔湖

8、为世界最大淡水湖,密歇根湖完全是美国境地内。11。美国气候概述1) A humid continental climate(湿润的大陆性气候) is found in the north-eastern part of the country.2) In the south-eastern United States you can find a humid subtropical climate.(湿润的亚热带气候-东南部)3)The Pacific northwest is favored with a maritime climate海洋性气候-太平洋西北岸)4)The southern

9、 part of the Pacific coast in California(加州太平洋沿岸南部) has a Mediterranean climate (地中海式气候)with warm,dry summers and moist winters.12。Many factors besides latitude influence the climate in the United States.Perhaps the most important forces are the Atlantic and Pacific oceans,the Gulf of Mexick ,and th

10、e Great Lakes.影响美国气候的最主要的因素为:太平洋,和大西泮,墨西哥湾,五大湖。13。Traditionally from the east to the west the United States can be divided into seven geographical regions.美国从东到西可分为七个地理区。14。New English is made up of six states of the Northeast .Becaust of its stony soil it is not noted for its agriculture .Dairying

11、is the most inportant farm activity,New English is also well-known for its position in education,Many famous universities and colleges such as Yale,Harvard,thd Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) are located here.新英格兰由美国东北部六个州组成,由于土壤多石,不利于农业生产,乳制品业是最重要的农业活动,许多重点大学如耶鲁大学,哈佛大学和麻省理工学院都坐落于此。15。New

12、 Englanders were originally knows as Yankees,which came to stand for alll American.新英格兰人最初曾被称作“美国佬:这一名称,后来渐渐指所有的美国人。(选择)16。The Middle Atlantic States have about one fifth of the total population of the united states.大西洋中部各州的人口占美国总人口的1/5。17。The soil is rich,the rain usually pientiful and the growing

13、season long,These factors make the Midwest Americas most important agricultural area .It is also a major manufacturing region and the nations leading center of heavy industry.中西部地区是美国最重要的农业区,也是主要的制造业区各最主要的重工业区。18。Chicago,the largest and busiest port on the Great Lakes, is the largest industral and c

14、ommercial center of the area.芝加哥是五大湖最大最忙的港口,也是该地区最大的工商业中心。19。Detroit is known as the automobile capital of the world.Omaha is known as the agricultural capital of the United states.底特律被称作“汽车之都,奥马哈被称作农业之都。20。Dry farming ,irrigation farming,and the cattle and sheep herding are the main cativities of t

15、he Great Plains of the American West.旱地农业,灌溉农业和牛羊牧业是美国西部大平原地区的主要活动。21。Colorado has been called the steel city of the west ,Denver is the largest city of the Great Plains.科罗拉多市被称作“西部钢城”,丹佛市是大平原地区最大的城市。22。the largest groups of Native Americans are found on the Colorado Plateau.美国最大的土著群落位于科罗拉多高原。23。Mma

16、una Loa,the worlds largest volcano,is located on Haiwaii and erupts from time to time,Suger cane and pineapples anr Haiwaiis main crops.Tourism is Haiwaiis most important industry.莫纳洛阿火山是世界最大和活火山,甘蔗和菠罗是夏威夷的两大作物,旅游业是夏威夷最重要的产业。24。Honolulu is the capital of Haiwaii and Juneau is the capital of Alaska.火

17、奴鲁鲁是夏威夷的首府,朱诺是阿拉斯加的首府。英语国家概况精讲:第十四章 美国人口种族chapter 14:population.Race and Ethnic groups 必背细节1.The United States of the American is the third most populous county in the world after Chind and India.美国是世界人口第三大国,仅次于中国和印度。2。Immigration accounts for a major source of population growth,The United States ha

18、s a more or less open-door policy to immigtants from independence until 1960s.Ellis Island of New York was an important immigration reception spot in the 1890s and at the turn of the century.19世纪末20世纪初,纽约的埃利斯岛是一个重要的移民入境接待点。3。Almost 20 million people or 7.8% of the total population were immigrants in

19、 1992.Between 80% and 90% of immigration to the United States now is from Asian and Hispanic countries.如今美国移民的80%到90%主要来源于亚洲和拉美国家。4。Arizona,Nevada,and Florida have been the fastest growing states in population for the last 20 years.在过去的二十年里,亚利桑那,内华达和佛罗里达是人口增长最快的州。5。The first immigrants in the Americ

20、an history cane from England and Netherlands.美国历史是第一批移民来自英国和荷兰。6。The first of these immigration waves in the mid-1810s and reached the highest point in 1845.The second wave covered the period between 1860 and 1890. The largest of the three immigration wave in American was from 1890-1914.三次移民浪潮中最大的一次

21、是1890-1914年。7.One in five American moves to a new home every year seeking new job opportunity,a better climate of other goals.有1/5的美国人每年搬一次家。8。美国的四次大规模的人口流动:流动方向the Frist 1865-1880 east coast -west the Second 1980-1920 rural areas -citiesthe Third 1920-1960 the south/black people -other areasthe fou

22、rth 1960-now Northeast /Central-N-the West/the South9。A large number of blank people move out of the south to other areas during the period between 1920-1960.大批黑人离开南方涌向外地发生在1920-1960年间。10。The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the United States is the blacks who number about 12.1% of the

23、 population. The first blacks were brought to North America as slaves in 1619.美国人口最多的少数民族是黑人,大约占总人口的12。1%,第一批黑人作为奴隶于1619年运抵北美。11。three major Hispanic groups historically have had the greatest influence on the United States.They are Mexico-Americans of Chicanos ,the Puerto Ricans and the Cuban-Americ

24、ans.三大对美国影响最大的讲西班牙语的群体为:墨西哥后裔美国人,波多黎各人,古巴裔美国人。(一句话回答)12。The most important obstacle to Hispanic success in the labor maket is their low education.Hispanics have the highest school dropout rate of any major racial and ethnic group.讲西班牙语的美国人在其他种族的民族中失学率最高,因此,阻挡他们在劳动力市场获得成功的最主要是教育程度低。13。The Asian-Ameri

25、cans are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United States,The largest group of Asian-Americans are the Chinese-Americans.Experts say three Asian traditions best explain the success of Asian-American:eduction ,hardwork,and family.美国少数民族人口中增长最快是亚裔美国人,亚裔美国人中又以华裔美国人最多,专家指出亚洲三大传统可以用来解释亚裔美

26、国人的成功:教育,工作努和和家庭。(一句话回答)14。Traditionally,the mainstream American were called WASPs,that is ,White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.传统上读,美国人的主流是祖先为英国新教徒的白人。还有几个必背解释,1。WAPs 2001已考,估计不会再考,即上述第十二条。2。The Hispanics 讲西班牙语的(人或民族)The Hispanics usually are Spanish-speaking person of Latin-American origin who live in t

27、he United States.Now there are three major Hispantic groups which have grest influence on the U.S.They are Mexico-American of Chicano ,Pueto Ricans and Cuban-American.英语国家概况精讲:第十五章 美国历史(一)Chapter 15: American History(1) 美国历史(一)1.The first American were the Indians.The first English colony in the Ame

28、ricas was founded at Jamestown ,Virginaia,in 1607.Between 1607 and 1733 the British eastablished 13 colonies along the east coast of North American.“最早的美国人”是印地安人,英国于1607年在美国建立了第一块殖民地,即在弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯,1607-1733年间,英国在北美洲的东海岸建立了十三个殖民地。2。In 1620,201 of Pilgrimw sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflow

29、er.They arrived at Plymouth and built the Plymouth colony.1620年,有201名英国清教徒乘坐一名为”五月花号“的船到达了普利茅斯并建立了殖民地。3。From 1630 to 1643,some 200 ships transported over 20000 Englishmen to the Massachusetts Bay colony.从1630-1643年,约有200艘船把2万英国人抵马萨者萨弯殖民地。4。The colonists were building a new way of life in the New Wor

30、ld.There were a number of features which would play a role in forming the American character.They were :representative from of goverment,rule of law,respect of individual rights,religious tolerance and a strong spirit of individual enterprise.殖民主义者新生活方式的这些特点在美国人性格形成中发挥了重要作用:建立代义制政府,法治,对个人权利的尊重,宗教上的宽

31、容及强烈的个人进取心。5。In September 1744,the Frist Continental Congress was held ih Philadelphia which encouraged American to refuse to buy British goods.1744年9月,第一届大陆仁义在费城如开,鼓励美国人拒绝买英货。6。The Declaration of Independence drafted by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia.The Declaration is a clear explanation of the poli

32、tical theory behind the revolution and this theory came from the British philosopher John Locke.独立宣言是由托马斯。杰文逊起草的,它明确阐述了支撑这场革命的政治理论,这一理论来源于英国著名哲学家约翰。洛克。7。On the Christmas Day of 1776,the Americans defeated the British troops at Trenton,New Jersey.Not long afterwards ,the Americans troops deteated the British at Saratoga in Northern New York.This was a great turning point of the War of Independence,leading dirtctly to an alliance between the U.S and France.1766年的圣诞节,美军在新泽西的特伦顿挫败英

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