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1、新牛津译林版六年级上学期58单元重要短语和句子Unit 5 Signs一短语。1. go in 进入, 走进 2. take.into 带入3. No eating or drinking.请勿饮食4. No littering.请勿乱扔垃圾。5. No parking. 请勿停车。 6. No smoking. 请勿吸烟。7. Danger! 危险! 8. Wet floor. 小心地滑。9. walk on 继续走路 10. at a shopping centre 在购物中心11. be careful 当心,小心 12. a juice shop 一家果汁店13. eat some n

2、oodles 吃些面条 14. in a restaurant 在饭店里15. smell the smoke 闻到烟味 16. No pets. 禁止带宠物。17. say to the girl 对女孩说 18. be on an outing 远足19. in the forest 在森林里 20. feel tired and hungry 感到又累又饿21. find a sign on a tree 在树上发现一个标志22. the signs around the lake 湖周围的标识23. take an umbrella with you 随身携带一把伞二、句子。1. Wh

3、at does this / that sign mean? 这个/那个标志什么意思? It means the floor is wet. 它意思是地板是湿的。 It means you cant litter here. 它意思是你不能在这里乱扔垃圾。 It means you cant eat or drink there.它意思是你不能在这里饮食。 It means you cant smoke here. 它意思是你不能在这里抽烟。 It means you cant park here. 它意思是你不能在这里停车。2. What does it mean? 它什么意思? It me

4、ans “Danger!” 它意思是”危险”。 It means you must /mst/ (必须)stay away from it. 它意思是你必须远离它。3. What does this sign mean? It means “Keep off the grass.” 这个标志什么意思? 它意思是”勿踏草坪”。 It means we shouldnt/dnt/ (不应该)walk on the grass. 它意思是我们不应该在草坪上走。 It means “Be quiet”! It means we shouldnt make noise here. 它意思是”安静”。 它

5、意思是我们不应该在这里吵闹。4. What does that sign mean? It means we cant take the pets onto the bus. 那个标志什么意思? 它意思是我们不能把宠物带到汽车上。U6词汇、知识点梳理一 词组1. 保持我们城市的整洁keep our city clean2. 我们城市的图片these pictures of our city3. 使我们的城市变脏make our city dirty4. 汽车尾气smoke from cars 4.使空气变脏make the air dirty5. 许多垃圾a lot of rubbish6.

6、来自工厂的黑烟black smoke from factories7. 使街道脏乱make the street messy and dirty8. 脏的河流dirty river 8. 水里的垃圾rubbish in the water9. 死鱼dead fish 9. 步行上学walk to school10. 乘公交和地铁上学take the bus and the metro to school11. 把工厂搬离城市move some factories away from our city12. 把垃圾放进垃圾箱put rubbish in the bin13. 种更多的树plant

7、 more trees14. 帮助净化空气help keep the air clean15. 你的主意your ideas 15.扫地sweep the floor16. 擦课桌椅clean the desks and chairs17. 把垃圾扔在地上throw rubbish on the floor18. 两只小画眉two little blackbirds 18.坐在山上sit on the hill19. 回来come back 19.走回家walk home20. 放学后after school 20. 喜欢住在城市like living in the city21. 许多博物馆

8、和电影院many museums and cinemas22. 干净而美丽clean and beautiful23. 把香蕉皮扔地上throw a banana skin on the ground24. 喜欢吃香蕉like eating banana25. 捡起它pick it up 25.不应该那么做shouldnt do that26. 使街道变脏make the street messy27. 被香蕉皮滑倒slip on the banana skin28. 去医院go to hospital 28. 太晚了too late29. 为了保持公园整洁to keep the park c

9、lean30. 使房间变脏make the room dirty31. 使用升降调use rising and falling intonation二、句子1.Look at these pictures of our city. Is it clean? 看这些我们城市的图片。它干净吗?2.What makes our city dirty? 什么让我们成变得不干净?3.Smoke from cars make the air dirty. 来自汽车的尾气使空气污浊。4.Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty.来自工厂的黑烟使空气污浊。5

10、.Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. 垃圾让街道凌乱肮脏。6.Theres rubbish in the water and the fish are dead. 河水里有垃圾,鱼儿死了。7.What can we do to keep our city clean? 我们可以做什么来保持城市的干净?8.We can move some factories away from our city.我们可以把工厂搬离城市。三、语法1. What makes the air dirty? 什么使空气污浊? Smoke makes the air di

11、rty. 烟雾使空气污浊。1. What makes the streets messy and dirty? 什么使大街凌乱肮脏?Rubbish makes the street messy and dirty. 垃圾使街道凌乱肮脏。2. What can we do to keep our city clean?我们可以做什么去保持城市的干净?We can take the bus and the metro to school.我们可以乘公交车和坐地铁去上学。We can also walk to school.我们也可以走路去学校。We can move some factories

12、away from our city.我们可以把一些工厂搬离城市。We can put rubbish in the bin.我们可以把垃圾放入垃圾箱里。We can plant more trees. 我们可以多种树。U7词汇、知识点梳理一 词组1.保护地球protect the Earth 2.节约水save water3.有用的水useful water 4.喝水drink water5.用水洗东西use water to clean things 6.在许多地方in many places7.太多水too much water 8.浪费水waste water9.再利用和节约水reus

13、e and save water 10.节约能源save energy11.我们大部分能源most of our energy12.来自石油和煤炭come from coal and oil13.开那么多车drive so much 14.使用很多能源use a lot of energy15保护树木save trees16使用木头做椅子use wood to make tables17.砍下太多的树cut down too many trees18帮助净化空气help keep the air clean19使用太多塑料use too much plastic20制作袋子和瓶子make ba

14、gs and bottle21 对地球有害bad for the Earth22.使用纸袋和玻璃杯use paper bags and glass bottle23复习这些review these 24收集塑料瓶子collect plastic bottles25再利用这些东西reuse these things26再利用塑料瓶做个玩具reuse a plastic bottle to make a toy27再利用纸做个盒子reuse paper to make a box28实在是酷really cool 29 地球日Earth Day30保护和热爱我们的地球love and protec

15、t our Earth31 做一个课题do a project 32应该知道这个should know this33.制作一张海报make a poster 34告诉他们关于它tell them about it 35 开始画start drawing36先画地球draw the Earth first 37 蓝色和棕色blue and brown38树和花trees and flowers39在树上画些水果draw some fruit on the tree40画个垃圾箱draw a rubbish bin41放在学校门口put it at the school gate42保持它的整洁k

16、eep it clean 43怎样保护地球how to protect the Earth44用*干* use .to do45世界环境日World Environment Day二语音OO组合/u:/ cool food room school zoo noon(比较多)/u/ cook classroom bedroom bathroom look foot football good book三 句子1.Water is useful. 水是有用的。2.We drink water and use water to clean things every day.每天我们都喝水并且用水来清

17、洗东西。3. In many places, there isnt much water. 在很多地方,没有充足的水源。4.We shouldnt waste water.我们不应该浪费水。5.We should reuse and save the water.我们应该循环用水并且节约用水。6.Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.我们大部分能源来自煤炭和石油。7.There is not much coal or oil on Earth.地球上没有很多的煤炭和石油。8.We should save energy.我们应该节约能源。9.We

18、shouldnt drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.我们不应该经常开车因为汽车要用很多能量10.Wood comes from trees. 木头来自树木。11.We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things. 我们用木头做桌子、做椅子和其他许多东西。12We shouldnt cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean.我们不应该砍伐太多的树木因为树木可以保持空气干净。 13Dont us

19、e too much plastic.不要使用太多的塑料。14We use plastic to make bags and bottles.我们使用塑料制作袋子和瓶子。15 .Too much plastic is bad for the Earth. 太多的塑料对地球不好。16. We shouldnt use too many plastic bags or bottles.我们不应该使用太多的塑料袋或者塑料瓶。17.We should use paper bags and glass bottles.我们应该使用纸袋子和玻璃瓶。18The earth is our home。 地球是我

20、们的家。四 语法1. to 后面加动词原形 2. should 后面加动词原形3. 日期的表达:在4月22日 on 22nd April on the 22nd of April on April 22nd在6月5日 on 5th June on the 5th of June on June 5thU8词汇、知识点梳理一、词组1春节Chinese New Year 2.收到一封邮件get an email3.来自香港的朋友Anna from her e-friend Anna in Hong Kong4.下周next week 5.明天早上tomorrow morning6.买新衣服和食物b

21、uy some new clothes and food7.做蛋糕和汤团make a cake and tuanyuan8.在除夕夜on Chinese New Years Eve9.和家人一起晚餐have dinner with family10.在年初一on Chinese New Years Day11.给我红包give me red packets 12观看舞狮watch a lion dance13在年初二on the second day of Chinese New Year14 看烟花watch fireworks 15 在春节at Chinese New Year16吃大餐h

22、ave a big lunch 17看食谱look at a cookbook18为了寻找好吃的to look for something good19 为了煮好吃的给我们to cook us something good20 在圣诞节at Christmas21 最重要的假期the most important holiday22最重要的节日the most important festival23也称它为春节also call it “Spring Festival”24感恩节Thanksgiving Day25非常重要的假期very important holiday26在厨房煮饺子co

23、ok dumplings in the kitchen27非常富有very rich28 谈论他们的春节计划talk about their plans for Chinese New Years Day29去看Alice 阿姨 see Aunt Alice30因春节而兴奋be excited about Chinese New Year31点燃一些鞭炮light some firecrackers 32玩得很愉快have a lot of fun33看叔叔阿姨see my uncle and aunt34 什么食物what food 35什么地方what place36谈论计划talk ab

24、out plans 37将要做某事be going to do38 在网上on the Internet 39再利用和循环使用reuse and recycle 40小组讨论discuss in groups 41 把他们写下来write them down42用照片和便条做海报make a poster with the photos and notes43 告诉你的同学们tell your classmates 44加入我们join us 45 祝好 with best wishes二、句子1.How are you? 你好吗?2.Its going to be Chinese New Y

25、ear next week.下一周就是春节了。3.My family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food.我和我的家人打算买一些新衣服和食物。4.On Chinese New Years Eve ,were going to have dinner with my cousin. 除夕夜,我们将要和我的堂兄弟一起吃饭。5.My parents are going to give me red packets. 我的父母将会给我红包。6.Hes going to watch a lion dance.打打算观看狮子舞。7.I am g

26、oing to watch fireworks in the evening.晚上我将要观赏烟花。8.W hat are you going to do at the Spring Festival?在春节期间,你打算做什么?9.What are you going to do at? Im going to 在期间,你打算干什么?我打算10.Who are you going to visit? Im going to visit .你打算去拜访谁?我打算去拜访.11.What are you going to eat? Were going to eat.你们打算吃什么?我们打算吃.12.What food are you going to make? Were going to make. 你们打算做什么食物?我们打算做13.What places are they going to visit? Theyre going to visit他们打算去哪里游玩?他们将要去.三 、语法一般将来时1将来时的时间词: tomorrownext plan(计划要做的一般是将来时)2. 将来时的构成 特殊疑问句:疑问词+be +going to +do +时间词?肯定句:人称+be +going to +动词原形+其他。3. email 的格式:称呼 结束语 名字

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