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外研版英语九年级上册 Module 8 单元测试题含答案.docx

1、外研版英语九年级上册 Module 8 单元测试题含答案Module 8 Sports life第 卷一、听力理解 略二、单项填空(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )21. India is _ Asian country, and Spain is _ European country.A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a D. an; an( )22. I will play _ Zhang Fang in the tennis match this Sunday. I hope to be

2、at her.A. for B. with C. over D. against( )23. Tony tried to lift up the table, _ it was too heavy for him.A. or B. but C. if D. so( )24. Jenny can do many kinds of housework _ shes only 6 years old.A. after B. until C. though D. because( )25. Bob, youre late for school again! Whats your _ this time

3、?Sorry, Mrs Smith. I promise this is the last time.A. plan B. excuse C. message D. problem ( )26. Mr Wang is 80 years old. His _ is not good and he often forgets things.A. idea B. habit C. hobby D. memory( )27. Before you make the _, youd better think about it carefully.OK, Ill discuss it with my fa

4、mily and friends.A. mess B. mistake C. decision D. progress( )28. Mike, go and wash the dishes.Oh no! Why me again? Thats not _!A. fair B. common C. difficult D. necessary( )29. Mrs Guo was _ her son and punished him because he got home late. A. interested in B. patient with C. proud of D. mad at (

5、)30. Did Jack win the 100-metre race yesterday?Yes, and he _ the record. A. knew B. broke C. forgot D. avoided( )31. Hi, Li Ming. You _ tired. Why?Oh, I didnt sleep well last night.A. look B. feel C. smell D. taste( )32. Mrs Zhang has _ a bad cold since a week ago. A. given up B. got ready for C. su

6、ffered from D. taken part in ( )33. Susan has made great progress in all the subjects this term. Her parents _ her. A. take care of B. pay attention to C. look forward to D. take pride in ( )34. The government will _ a new hospital in the city centre this year. A. set up B. make up C. wake up D. tur

7、n up( )35. Our English teacher often encourages us _ English as much as possible after school. A. speak B. spoken C. speaking D. to speak( )36. The heavy snow stopped us _ the train station on time. A. reach B. reaching C. reached D. to reach ( )37. Remember _ your dictionary to school, Gao Shan.A.

8、to bring B. bringing C. brought D. bring( )38. Wheres the old toy car?It _ yesterday.A. throws B. is thrown C. threw D. was thrown( )39. Have you visited the new library, Jay?Yes. I _ it last Sunday.A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. will visit( )40. I got first place in the maths competition la

9、st week._ A. No way! B. Nice work! C. Thats a shame. D. Youve got no chance!三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Natalie Coughlin is one of the most famous sportswomen in America. She has appeared 41 several television shows, such as “the Today Show”, “Iron Chef America

10、”, for she is good at cooking. She also wrote a book with Michael Silver named Golden Girl and the idea was from 42 life events (大事).Natalie was born on 23rd August 1982 in Vallejo, California. She was a talented (天才的) swimmer and she started swimming when she was very 43 . It was at the age of six

11、that she began to take part in different swimming competitions and broke 44 .In 1998, Natalie competed in the Summer National in all fourteen events 45 she became the first swimmer to do so while studying in high school. While in college, she won “National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)” cha

12、mpionships (锦标赛) many times. She was 46 “NCAA Swimmer of the Year” for three years from 2001 to 2003. Over the next few years, she tried her best to 47 a world-class swimmer and created many 48 stories in kinds of championships. The most important one was the Olympic Games, in which she won 49 medal

13、s 3 gold medals, 4 silver medals, 5 bronze (铜制的) medals. She is 50 important in the swimming world and her achievements truly tell everyone that hard work is the key to success.( )41. A. to B. on C. with D. about( )42. A. your B. his C. her D. our( )43. A. active B. free C. brave D. young( )44. A. r

14、ecords B. promises C. rules D. signs( )45. A. but B. and C. or D. so( )46. A. introduced B. suggested C. allowed D. named( )47. A. become B. encourage C. train D. change( )48. A. science B. fun C. success D. love( )49. A. seven B. nine C. twelve D. thirteen ( )50. A. really B. usually C. immediately

15、 D. suddenly四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题;5160小题,每小题2分;6165小题,每小题1分;共25分)阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AMy husband and I live in a small village in South Korea, near the city of Kwangju. Were farmers, and we grow rice and vegetables like cabbages, peppers, etc. My parents were farmers, and their parents were

16、farmers weve been living on this land for centuries. My sons live in Kwangju, and they want us to go and live with them, but I hate city life. Here, the air is clean, and its quiet and peaceful. And all my friends are here. What would I do in the city?Mi-JaAll my life, I lived in New York City, but

17、when I retired (退休) from a bank five years ago, I moved to Florida. I love it here! Its sunny and beautiful every day of the year and that means I can play golf (高尔夫) every day. Golf is my favourite thing in life. My home is not far from the ocean, and I can go to the beach any time I want. Its too

18、bad that my children are all so far away, but they can visit me any time they want. This is the perfect life for me!Richard( )51. By saying “What would I do in the city?”, Mi-Ja wants to _.A. know more about city life B. show her dislike of city lifeC. describe her anger at her sons D. show her wish

19、 to grow vegetables in the city( )52. Where did Richard work in the past?A. In a bank. B. On a farm. C. In a sports centre. D. At a rice market.( )53. Who can enjoy the beach at any time? A. Mi-Ja. B. Richard. C. Mi-Jas friends. D. Richards children. ( )54. What do Mi-Ja and Richard have in common?A

20、. Both of them like sports. B. Both of them have stopped working.C. Neither of them left their home town.D. Neither of them lives with their children. ( )55. What question might the two people answer?A. Why do you stay where you live?B. What is your favourite workplace?C. How do you bring changes in

21、 your life? D. How is your relationship with your children?B When Bessie Coleman was a child, flying in the skies was still just a dream for everyone. But when Bessie moved to Chicago as a young woman, her brothers told her exciting stories about the planes and pilots (飞行员) they saw in Europe during

22、 World War I. The airplane was a new and very dangerous invention, but Bessie had an adventurous spirit. She decided to become a pilot. At that time, however, US flight schools did not accept women or people of colour. Even though Bessie tried many schools, none of them would give her a chance.Inste

23、ad of giving up her dream, Bessie found another way. After teaching herself French, she was accepted to a famous flight school in France. In 1921, she became the first African American woman to get her pilots license (执照) two years before famous pilot Amelia Earhart.Back home in the US, Bessie becam

24、e a stunt (特技表演) pilot and performed (表演) at air shows across the country. People called her “Queen Bess”. Bessie enjoyed the excitement of performing, but her bigger dream was to teach the next generation (代) of pilots. When she wasnt performing, Bessie travelled to schools and theatres to teach pe

25、ople about flying. Sadly, Bessie died in a plane accident in 1926 before her greatest dream came true: opening a flight school. Three years after her death, William J. Powell opened a flight school in Los Angeles and named it in Bessies honour (名誉). Since then, Bessie has inspired (鼓舞) lots of peopl

26、e who go after dreams. ( )56. What does the underlined word “adventurous” in Paragraph 1 mean in Chinese?A. 团结合作的 B. 大胆创新的 C. 喜欢冒险的 D. 吃苦耐劳的( )57. What did Bessie do to follow her dream of becoming a pilot?A. She taught herself French.B. She moved home to France.C. She met with Amelia Earhart.D. She

27、 went to different flight schools.( )58. What was Bessies greatest dream?A. To open a flight school.B. To become a stunt pilot.C. To get a pilots license.D. To teach new pilots.( )59. William J. Powell opened a flight school _.A. together with BessieB. for women onlyC. in France D. in 1929( )60. Which is the best title for the passage?A. The story of two pilots B. A pioneer woman pilotC. A flight school in history D. A plane accident in historyCIt had been a long day at school. Kayla felt very tired as she got off the school bus a few blocks (街区) fr

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