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1、中考英语B卷完成对话专项中考英语完成对话与书面表达专项训练第一部分:完成对话【2005成都中考】II. 完成对话 在对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词。按编号把答案依次填入下边的表格内。(共10小题,每小题1分;计分10分)A: Police, police, I have 1 to report. I have jut had my money 2 .B: Before you begin, 3 not sit down and have a cup of water. Dont be too excited. It wont 4 us to catch the thief

2、.A: Yes, you are right. 5 should I start?B: From the 6 . When did it take place?A: About forty minutes ago.B: And where exactly did it take place?A: It was probably in Xinhua Bookstore. When I 7 the bank I found that someone 8 me in the street. He was just a few steps behind me. And then I 9 the boo

3、kstore.B: The bank?A: I went to the bank to take out 500 dollars. But when I 10 B: Well, is this purse yours? Look, this is your photo. A boy picked it up in the bookstore.A: Yes, yes. Thank you very much.【2006成都中考】二完成对话在对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词。按编号把答案依次填入右边的表格内。(共lO小题。每小题1分;计

4、分10分)A:How are you feeling now? George and I was quite anxious about you when Ann called us yesterdayB:Not too 1 yetI still have a headache and my right 2 can 3 take a cupA:What about your legs?B:Much betterI feel less 4 in my knees 5 I cant walk Just now the doctor and the nurses told me to stay in

5、 bed for two weeksA:Thats OKBut how did it 6 ?B:Oh,yesterday morning I cleaned the windowsIn order to 7 the work easier,I climbed over the window and stood 8 the windows1 worked quickly,but suddenly I 9 down to the gardenWhen 1 woke up,I found myself lying in bed in the 10.A:Youre lucky that you liv

6、e on the second floor1.【2007成都中考】【2008成都中考】完成对话。 在对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词。请按编号将答案依次填入下边的表格内。(共10小题;每小题l分,满分l0分)A: Do you ever eat fast food?B: Yes, I do.A . What kind of fast food do you usually eat?B: Oh, you know, hamburgers, sandwiches and pizza.A: OK. A

7、nd how often do you eat fast food? Every day. more than once a week or 1 than once a week? B: Well, Monday to Friday when Im working, almost 2 day, but I never have it on 3 .A; And what 4 of the day do you eat fast food? B: Well, at work as I said, you know at lunch time. Sometimes, if Im going out

8、andI have no time to 5 for myself in the evening, then Ill buy some fast food. A: And what do you think of the fast food? Is it really as you said 6 ? B: Sure, thats 7 of the main reason that I eat it. A:Do you often say to your friends that in some way it tastes good? B:Yes, I 8 its not as good as

9、the food in restaurants, but its not bad. A: Is fast food good for you? B: No, standing up and eating quickly is a little bad. The food 9 isnt healthy.You know therere not enough vegetables and fruit. I am 10 for the convenient meals. In this way I can have more spare time.【2009

10、成都中考】【2010成都中考】二、 完成对话。在对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词。把答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)Policeman: Excuse me, madam. Madam; Yes?P: Would you mind letting me take a 1 in your bag?M: What? Im afraid I will 2 mind if you do so. Now go away.P:Im afraid I have to do so. Its my duty in the supermarket, madam

11、.M: Who are you? Go away, 3 I will call the police.P:I am a 4 . Here is my police card.M: Really? Do you always look into peoples bags if you like?P:No. I will do so whenever I have a 5 to believe that there is something in your bag that belongs to someone 6 .M : What do you mean?P: Well, perhaps yo

12、uve got 7 that havent been paid for in your bag.M: What are you talking about? Im honest and I wont let you 8 my bag.P: Well, if you are honest, you wouldnt 9 , would you? So may I look into your bag, madam? I dont want to do 10 to hurt you.【2011成都中考】一、完成对话。在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确

13、。一空一词。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)Police: Miss Snow, can you tell me what happened to you yesterday evening? Miss Snow: I was attacked (攻击) .Police: Now, what do you remember about the 1 ?Miss Snow: Well, I was so 2 the whole day yesterday that I couldnt stop my job for a 3 until I finished it very late in th

14、e evening. Police: What time did you 4 your office? 来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。KMiss Snow: At a quarter past nine. Police: Are you 5 ? Miss Snow: Oh, yes. I wear a watch every day. Police: What did you do then?Miss Snow: Well, I closed the door and quickly went 6 to the first floor. When I got to my car I found

15、that I hadnt 7 the door of the office. Police: Did you go back then?Miss Snow; Yes, I quickly returned to my office. At the door I was about to take out my 8 from my purse when suddenly 9 from behind hit me on the head. Police: Did you see the person 10 at that moment?Miss Snow: No, it was dark then

16、 and he wore a stocking(长筒袜) over his head. Police: OK. Thank you Miss Snow, please take care!【2012成都中考】【2013成都中考】第二部分:书面表达【2005成都中考】V. 书面表达(计分10分)下面的三幅画描绘了一位盲人和小孩相互帮助的情景。请根据图画内容和所给文字提示,用英文写一篇短文描述此事并写出自己对此事的看法。注意: 1. 书面表达应包含图片内所有内容。 2. 词

17、数:80词左右。 3. 生词提示:拐杖 walking stick 香蕉皮 banana skin_【2006成都中考】五、书面表达 (计分 10分)加入你所在的学校正在征集英语墙报稿件。 下面5幅图描述的事你昨天乘坐公共汽车去电影院途中经历的一件事。请你就以下5幅图写一篇短文,向学校墙报投稿。注意: 1. 短文内容要包括文字提示中的必要内容和所有图画中的主要内容。 2. 词数: 70左右。 3. 生词提示: 向某人告别wave goodbye to somebody; 上(车)get on .;下(车)get off_【2007成都中考】五、书面表达。(计10分)假如你叫李平。最近,你就使用

18、电子词典的问题调查了各方面的意见(见下表)。现在,请你根据表格中的信息用英语给某报社编辑写一封信。注意:1 信件须包括写信原由及表格所列内容; 2 书信格式正确; 3 书写整洁; 4 词数在80个左右。生词提示:electronic adj电子的 explanation(S)n解释,说明发表意见者对使用电子词典的不同意见同学有用,方便,节省查阅时间家长便于携带,多数家庭买得起英语教师对单词的解释太简单,不该使用本人会使我们变懒惰,不该使用_【2008成都中考】五、书面表达(满分10分) 上周,你们班就初中生能否骑电动自行车上学进行了一次讨论。现在,请你根据下表用英语写一篇介绍讨论情况的短文。

19、注意:1短文须包括写作提示和表格中所列的全部内容; 2时态运用正确,书写工整规范; 3词数80100个左右。 生词提示:electric adj电动的 whether conj能否讨论结果25人表示同意35人表示不同意理由1这样很方便2能节约上学途中的时间1年龄太小,骑电动自行车不安全2早上交通拥挤,骑电动自行车也快不起来_【2009成都中考】五、书面表达。(计10分)下列5幅图画告诉了我们中学生小明在课堂内外是如何对待英语学习的,请你根据这5幅图画,以“How Xiao Ming Studies English”为题对小明的表现进行描述,说明这些表现对他学习英语带来的不良后果,并对英语学习的

20、态度谈点自己的看法。注意:1. 写作内容:要包括所有图画中的主要内容和文字提示中的必要内容。 2. 短文词数:80100个(短文的题目和开头已给出、且不计入总词数)。 3. 词语提示:复习review vt. 考试成绩差get bad marksHow Xiao Ming Studies English_【2010成都中考】五、书面表达下面是一份针对某市初中生的生活方式的问卷调查表(questionnaire)。该表包含问题、分值(scores)及结论。请先根据你自己的实际情况完成问卷调查表,计算出自己的得分,再根据此写一篇短文描述你的生活方式,并通过你的最后得分确定其健康与否,说出今后的打算

21、。Middle school students lifestyle questionnaire1.How often do you exercise? A.Less than three times a weekB.Three to six times a weekC.Every day 2.How long do you sleep every night?A.Less than 7 hoursB.More than 9 hoursC.7-9 hours 3.How much TV do you watch without a stop every day?A.More than 2 hou

22、rsB.Half an hour to 2C.Less than half an hour 4.How often do you eat cakes, biscuits and sweets?A.often B. sometimes C. never 5.How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?A.never B. sometimes C. often 6.How often do you walk to school?A.Never B. sometimes C. always Scores: A=1 points; B=2 points; C=3

23、 pointsYour health score :Conclusion:6-9 points: Not fit at all. Need exercise.Watch less TV. Sleep enough hours. Need healthy food.10-13 points: Not bad but not healthy enough. Need more exercise, sleep and healthier food.14-18 points: Very healthy. Congratulations!注意:1. 描述生活方式请勿照抄原句,精良用自己的话来写。 2词数:80-100_

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