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1、练习卷初中英语七年级上unit8初中英语七年级上unit8试题一、单项选择(33分)1(1分)_ classmates come to his _birthday.A.Eleven; eleventhB.Eleventh; elevenC.Eleven; eleven2(1分)_ Dayiscoming. Iwanttobuyagiftformymother.A.MotherB.MothersC.Mothers3(1分)When is Jays concert?Its _three oclock _ the afternoon of July;; onC.on

2、;; on4(1分)Whenis _ Day?ItsonJune1st, Dave.A.ChildrenB.ChildrensC.Childrens5(1分)When did the accident happen?It happened _ a rainy night _ October.A.on; inB.on;; on6(1分)Today is little Toms _birthday and he is very happy.A.fiveB.the fifthC.the fiveD.fifth7(1分)They want to have a party f

3、or Lindas _ birthday.A.sixB.sixthC.the sixthD.sixteen8(1分)_thedaybeforeyesterday?ItwasMay1st.A.WhattimewasitB.WhatdaywasitC.WhatwasthedateD.Whatisthedate9(1分)Mothers Day in the United States is on _ Sunday of May every year.A.twoB.secondC.the twoD.the second10(1分)Please turnto Page _and read the _st

4、ory.A.Ten; twoB.Ten; secondC.Tenth; secondD.Tenth; two11(1分)What do you usually do _ Saturday evening?A.inB.onC.atD.to12(1分)There are _ months in a year. The _ month of a year is December.A.twelve; twelveB.twelfth; twelfthC.twelfth; twelveD.twelve; twelfth13(1分)Dale, are you having a good time _ the

5、 village? visitC.visitsD.visiting14(1分)He has a _ daughter.A.two-year-oldB.two-years-oldC.two years oldD.two year old15(1分)Sam enjoys _ about different places in the learnC.learningD.learn16(1分)IfeelabittiredforIsawatwo_ filmlastnight.A.hourB.hoursC.hoursD.hours17(1分)_

6、DayisonJunefirstand_DayisonSeptembertenth.A.Childrens; TeachersB.Childrens; TeachersC.Childrens; TeacherD.Children; Teachers18(1分)_carinfrontofourschoolgateis_.A.The;theGreensB.A;GreensC./;theGreensD.The;theGreens19(1分)Thebabyisonlyten_, hecantspeak.A.montholdB.yearoldC.monthsoldD.yearsold20(1分)Lisa

7、worksveryhardandspends_inthelibrary.A.manytimeB.manytimesC.muchtimeD.alotoftimes21(1分)Would you like _ camping with me?Id like to. But Im busy _ my go; to go; doingC.going; to doD.going; doing22(1分)_ mothers are good friends.A.Gina and JennyB.Ginas and JennysC.Ginas and JennyD.G

8、ina and Jenny23(1分)The soccer game is _ 7:00 pm _ October;;; on24(1分)Whenis_birthday?_birthdayisonApril20th.A.Johns;HeB.John;HimC.Johns;His25(1分)Are these pants _?No, they arent his. They are_.A.Marias; mineB.Michaels; mineC.Michaels; his26(1分)Ilikereadingverymuchbecausereadi

9、ngcanbringme_.A.happyB.unhappinessC.unhappyD.happiness27(1分)How old is your sister?She is _girl.A.a eight year old28(1分)_ do you usually go to the movies?I usually go to the movies in the evening.A.WhenB.How oftenC.HowD.Where29(1分)This mornin

10、g we have _classes and the _class is English.A.four; fourB.fourth; fourthC.four; fourthD.fourth; four30(1分)_ is your mothers birthday?Its on May _.A.When; twentyB.What; twentiethC.When; twentiethD.What; twenty31(1分)Hi, Mike! Hows it going?_.A.Good ideaB.I think soC.Not badD.Of course32(1分)_ age 7, B

11、ruce won second prize in the piano competition.A.InB.AtC.OnD.For33(1分)Wow! Ten students in our class will celebrate their fourteenth birthdays _ October!A.inB.onC.atD.to二、完形填空(5分)34(1分) The Spring Festival of 2015 is on February 19th. The Spring Festival is my favorite Chinese1. Every year my mother

12、 is busy shopping and cleaning our 2 before the Spring Festival.3the evening before the Spring Festival, my uncles family 4 us at my grandparents home and we have a big meal. I really like the Spring Festival 5 I can have delicious food andwear new clothes; I can also get some money from 6 parents o

13、r other older people. Themoney means good luck to children. On the 7 day of the Spring Festival, we get up 8 early and say Happy NewYear! and Good Luck This Year! to each other. We do 9 things. We play cards, visitfriends and so on. I like to set off firecrackers (鞭炮). Its very 10 and I have a lot o

14、f fun.(1)A.musicB.clothesC.festival(2)A.roomsB.classroomsC.libraries(3)A.AtB.InC.On(4)分) Hello, everyone! My name is Sam. I was born (出生) in 2

15、000. My birthday is on 1. Thats National Day (国庆节). I like music very much and I 2 like sports. My birthday is coming. My mother wants to buy a beautiful shirt 3 me. On Sunday, she 4 me to a big clothes store. There are 5 shirts and they are 6 blue, yellow and red. She selects (选了) a blue one. It lo

16、oks cool. My father gives me some CDs and a 7. He knows what I like. He wishes (希望) me to play sports more. I am very 8. And my sister, Monica,is only two years old, so she cant buy anything for me. 9 she sings a great song for me. Its really fun. And I like her so much. My parents want to have a 10

17、 for me at home this year. My friends will come to it. We can play together. Its very exciting to play with my friends in my house.(1)A.June 1stB.July 1stC.September 1stD.October 1st(2)A.tooB.alsoC.onlyD.dont(3)A.forB.atC.toD.on(4)A.sellsB.takesC.buysD.brings(5)A.muchB.a littleC.lot ofD.many(6)A.inB

18、 dayB.birthday partyC.sports gameD.speech contest36(1分) Toms birthday is very interesting. His parents buy lots of ice-creams 1 him on his birthday. A small strawberr

19、y is 2 only one of the ice-creams. Tom 3 one ice-cream for one year. Hes eighteen years old this year and he eats 4 ice-creams. Oh! He eats the strawberry in 5 ice-cream! It is great! He can be 6 and happy this year. Tom also 7 lots of birthday cards on his birthday. His friends come to his birthday

20、 party and say Happy 8 to him. Toms parents have a talk (谈话) with him. They want Tom 9 that he can come home at any time (时间), and he can also go to his10 homes at night. Its a really fun birthday.(1)A.fromB.forC.onD.of(2)

21、hD.eighteen(5)A.the sixteenthB.sixteenthC.sixteenD.six(6)A.boringB.difficultC.healthyD.interesting(7) DayC.New YearD.Mothers Day(9) knowC.knowsD.knowing(10)A.the friendB.friendsC.friendD.the friends37(1分) The Mid-Autumn Festival is a Chinese festiv

22、al. It is usually 1 the 15th day of the 2 month according to (根据) the Chinese lunar calendar (阴历). Everyone in 3 likes the Mid-Autumn Festival very much. When the Mid-Autumn Festival comes, people usually buy some 4 and do some 5 in the supermarket. On that day almost 6 in China eats mooncakes and s

23、ome other 7 food. Some people like mooncakes, 8 some people dont, The Chinese people 9 mooncakes and fruit in their houses. 10 happy they are!(1) oneD.anyone(7)A.niceB.oldC.bigD.bad(8)分) This is a special class in a Chinese school. The stud

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