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1、届高考英语语法专题演练交际用语02 交际用语专题演练二21Are you going to take part in the speech contest?_ Its too good an opportunity to miss.A. No problem! B. Thats for sure.C. Why me? D. Why bother?解析句意:你计划参加演讲比赛吗?那当然。这个机会很难得,不能错过。No problem!用来回答感谢或要求,意为:不成问题,没关系;Thats for sure.对上文或对方所说的话表示肯定,意为:当然;Why me?为什么是我呢?Why bother

2、?为什么浪费时间(精力)?根据句意可知答案为B项。答案B22Do you have Marys phone number?Sorry, _.A. I dont know B. forget itC. here you are D. I cant remember it解析句意:你有玛丽的电话号码吗?对不起,我记不起来了。A项(我不知道)为汉语式英语,故被排除;B:没关系,不必在意,别提了;C:给你。以上三项均不符合句意,故被排除。只有D项(我记不起来了)符合本题要求,故为答案。答案D23Im sorry I didnt finish it on time._.A. Fine, thanks.

3、B. No, thanks.C. Thanks a lot. D. Thanks anyway.解析句意:对不起,我没有按时完成它。不过,还是得谢谢你。四个选项:A用于应答对方的问候:很好,谢谢;B用于谢绝对方的邀请或帮助:不用了,谢谢;C表示感谢对方:多谢了;D用于表示对方没能帮上忙的时候作为礼貌回答:不过,还是得谢谢你。从语境的连贯看,对方已经道歉没有按时完成它,这里应该选D表示感谢对方的辛劳。答案D24How could you be so rude as to walk in here in the middle of my class?_A. Nothing much. B. Not

4、hing serious.C. Never again. D. Never mind.解析句意:你怎么这么没礼貌,我的课上到一半的时候你就这么走进来了?我再也不这样做了。四个选项的含义:A:不很多,不太重要,价值不太大(not a great amount of sth.;nothing of great value or importance);B:没什么大不了的;C:再也不这样了;D:没关系,别介意。从语境的连贯判断选C,表示“再也不这样做了”。答案C25Everybody is going to climb the mountain. Can I go too, mom?_ Wait t

5、ill you are old enough, dear.A. Will you? B. Why not?C. I hope so. D. Im afraid not.解析句意:大家都要去爬山。妈妈,我也可以去吗?恐怕不行。等你再长大些吧,宝贝儿。从语境“等你再长大些”可知,本空用否定回答,选D。Will you?好吗?Why not?为什么不?I hope so.我希望如此。都不符合语境。答案D26Was he sorry for what hed done?_.A. No wonder B. Well doneC. Not really D. Go ahead解析句意:他对自己所做的感到抱

6、歉吗?并不真是那样。No wonder 难怪;Well done 干得好,表现不错;Not really 不全是,并不是真的;Go ahead 用吧。由句意可知C项正确。答案C27Do you think you could do without help?_. This is not the first time for me.A. Take care B. Hurry upC. Not exactly D. Dont worry解析句意:你认为没人帮助你能行吗?别担心,这对我来说不是第一次。take care 小心,表示提醒;hurry up 赶快,表示催促;not exactly 不确切

7、;dont worry 别担心。故选D项。答案D28Her father is very rich._ She wouldnt accept his help even if it were offered.A. What for? B. So what?C. No doubt. D. No wonder.解析句意:她爸爸很富有。那又怎么样?她不愿接受他的帮助,即使这帮助是她爸爸主动提供的。What for?相当于 For what reason?或For what purpose?用来提问目的或原因;So what?那又怎么样?表不以为然;No doubt.毫无疑问,表判断;No wonde

8、r.难怪,表恍然大悟。答案B29Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me.Sure. _?A. What help B. What is thisC. What is it D. What do you want解析句意:打扰一下,可以帮我个忙吗?当然,什么事?A项为汉语式英文,为干扰项;B项:这是什么?D项:你想要什么?C项在此处表示询问对方“什么事?”答案C30Professor Johnson, Im afraid I cant finish the report within this week._. How about next week?A. G

9、ood for you B. It wont bother meC. Not at all D. Thats OK解析句意:Johnson 教授,恐怕本周我不能完成我的报告了。没关系。下周如何?学生对不能如期完成作业感到抱歉,老师表示通融。A:对你来说很好;B:不会麻烦我;C:一点也不;D:没关系。答案D31Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?_. Ours is much stronger than theirs.A. Of course B. It d

10、ependsC. Dont mention it D. By no means解析句意:你认为他们的乒乓球队在即将到来的亚运会上会获得冠军吗?绝对不会,我们的球队比他们的球队要强大得多。Of course 当然可以;It depends 视情况而定;Dont mention it 不用谢;By no means 绝对不会,绝不。根据句意可知答案为D项。答案D32I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but in vain.Why not consult with Frank? You see, _.A. great

11、minds think alikeB. two heads are better than oneC. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushD. its better to think twice before doing something解析句意:我已经非常努力地去寻找解决那个问题的方法了,但是白费力气了。你怎么不和 Frank 商量一下?你知道,三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。A项意为“英雄所见略同”;B项意为“三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮”;C项意为“一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林”;D项意为“三思而后行”。根据句意可知答案为B项。答案B33Whats the n

12、oise? It sounds as if it comes from upstairs._. It must be the windowcleaner working next door.A. Im not sure B. I hope notC. Id rather not D. I dont think so解析句意:怎么会有噪音呢?听起来好像是来自楼上的。我认为不是。一定是隔壁有保洁人员在擦窗户。A:我没把握;B:我希望不会;C:我宁愿不;D:我认为不是。根据答语中的 must 可知设空处要表达对上文的否定,故答案为D项。答案D34What a fine day! Shall we g

13、o picnicking?_. But we need to be home before six oclock for the football match.A. Have a nice time B. Pardon meC. Thats great D. You are right解析句意:多么好的天气啊!我们去野餐好吗?太好了。但是我们需要在六点钟以前赶回家看足球赛。A:祝你玩得愉快;B:对不起;C:好极了,棒极了,表示赞同对方的观点和看法;D:你是正确的。答案C35Do you enjoy your present job?_. I just do it for a living.A.

14、 Of course B. Not reallyC. Not likely D. Not a little解析句意:你喜欢现在的工作吗?不怎么喜欢。只是为了谋生而已。not really:used to saynoornotin a less strong way;of course 当然;not likely 绝不可能,绝对不会;not a little 相当于 very (much)。根据句意选B。答案B36Would she mind playing against her former teammates?_ She is willing to play against any tou

15、gh players.A. I think so. B. Im not surprised.C. Of course. D. Not likely!解析句意:她介意与她的前队友比赛吗?不可能介意的!她愿意与任何一个难缠的对手比赛。I think so. 意为“我认为如此”;Im not surprised.意为“我不感到惊讶”;Of course.意为“当然可以”;Not likely!意为“不可能”。根据句意可知答案为D项。答案D37According to my grandma,it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a co

16、ld._, scientists agree with her.A. Sooner or later B. Once in a whileC. To be exact D. Believe it or not解析句意:据我奶奶说,感冒时喝鸡汤是个不错的主意。信不信由你,科学家们也同意她的看法。sooner or later 迟早;once in a while 偶尔;to be exact 准确来说;believe it or not 信不信由你。D项符合句意。答案D38Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program?

17、_, does it?A. It takes no time B. It counts for nothingC. It doesnt hurt to ask D. It doesnt make sense解析句意:Linda 是否愿意负责这个项目,你知道吗?问一下她也没什么不便,不是吗?it wont/doesnt hurt(sb.)to do sth.:spoken said when you think someone should do something or that something is a good idea 做某事不会有什么害处或不便。本题易误选D(It doesnt m

18、ake sense 这没什么意义),但D答非所问,故排除。答案C39_?That would be great! Please drop me off at the library.A. Could you bring me the billB. Would you like me to give you a liftC. Could you tell me the postcode for ParisD. Would you like to have my email address解析句意:你愿意搭我的便车吗?太棒了!请把我捎到图书馆。由题干中的 Please drop me off at

19、 the library 可知B符合句意要求。答案B40Ill do the washingup. Jack, would you please do the floors?_.A. Yes, please B. No, I dontC. Yes, sure D. No, not at all解析句意:我要洗碗。Jack,你能负责擦地板吗?当然可以。当肯定回答别人提出的请求时,可以说 sure;of course;with pleasure 等等。拒绝别人应表示歉意(sorry)。A回答需要对方行动的请求,如:Would you like some tea?B语气生硬,不符合英语习惯;D回答 Would you mind. 提问。所以选C。答案C

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