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1、届英语高考必备之高频单词二必备高频单词1. availableadj可用的;可获得的;不用于名词前(人)有空的:Tickets are available from the box office.售票处有票出售。Will she be available this afternoon?今天下午她有空吗?2. battlen战斗;战役;v(与)斗争;(与)搏斗:Her brother was killed in battle.她的哥哥在战斗中牺牲了。In one town thousands of people battled with police and several were repor

2、tedly wounded.在一个镇子里,成千上万的人同警察展开搏斗,据报道有几人受伤。3. competev竞争:They found themselves competing with foreign companies for a share of the market.他们发现自己在与外国公司争夺市场份额4. distancen距离;间距;远方;远处:Measure the distance between the two points.测量一下两点之间的距离。Youll never get the ball in from that distance.你绝不可能从那么远的地方把球投进

3、去。5. describev描述;叙述;形容:We asked her to describe what kind of things she did in her spare time.我们请她描述她在闲暇时做些什么。6. descriptionn描述;叙述;形容:She has given the police a very detailed description of the robber.她向警察详细描述了抢劫者的相貌。7. effortn力气;精力;努力:Lou lifted the box easily, without using much effort.卢没费多大力气就把箱子

4、搬了起来。I know you dont like her, but please make an effort to be polite.我知道你不喜欢她,但请尽量礼貌些。8. fairadj公平的;合理的:Why should I have to do all the cleaning? Its not fair!为什么我要做所有的打扫工作?这不公平!9. generousadj慷慨的;大方的:It was generous of him to offer to pay for us both.他主动为我们俩付钱,真是大方。10. heatn热;热量;v加热;使变热:The seas st

5、ore heat and release it gradually during cold periods.海洋储存热量,并在寒冷季节里逐渐将其释放。Meanwhile, heat the tomatoes and oil in a pan.与此同时,将西红柿和油放在平底锅里加热。必备高频单词11. ignorev忽视;对不予理会:He ignored all the No Smokingsigns and lit up a cigarette.他无视所有“禁止吸烟”的警示,点了香烟。12. journeyn旅行;旅程:They went on a long train journey acr

6、oss India.他们乘火车作了一次横跨印度的长途旅行。13. knockv敲;击;碰;撞:We knocked at the door but there was no one there.我们敲了门但里面没人。She accidentally knocked the glass off the shelf.她无意中把架子上的玻璃杯碰了下来。14. limitn限制;限度;v限制;限定:Theres a limit on the time you have to take the test.这考试是有时间限制的。The amount of money you have to spend w

7、ill limit your choice.你要消费的金额会限制你的选择。15. mentionv提到;说起:Some of the problems were mentioned in his report.其中的一些问题在他的报告里提到了。16. negativeadj消极的;负面的;否定的:You are so negative about everything.你对任何事情都如此消极。He gave a negative answer without any explanation.他没有作出任何解释就给出了否定的回答。17. obviousadj显然的;明显的:The obvious

8、 way of reducing pollution is to use cars less.减少污染显而易见的办法就是少用汽车。18. persuadev说服;劝服:Dont let yourself be persuaded into buying things you dont want.别禁不住别人的劝说,买些不想要的东西。19. quitv离开(工作职位、学校等);停止;戒掉:If I dont get more money,Ill quit.不给我加薪我就辞职。The majority of smokers say that they would like to quit the

9、habit.大多数吸烟者都说他们是想戒烟的。20. regretv后悔;懊悔:Emily seemed to be regretting that she had asked the question.艾米丽当时似乎正后悔不该问那个问题。21. settlev解决:Itstime you settled your differences with your father.现在你该解决同你父亲之间的分歧了。22. targetn目标:Set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve.给自己制订有望达到的目标。23. urge

10、v敦促;催促;力劝:The report urged that all children be taught to swim.这份报告呼吁教所有的儿童游泳。24. varyv不同;相异;变化:The students work varies considerably in quality.学生作业的质量甚是参差不齐。The menu varies with the season.菜单随季节而变动。25. varietyn多样化;变化;(动植物的)种类:I really like the variety the store has to offer.我很喜欢这家商店商品的丰富多彩。The lak

11、e has more than 20 varieties of fish.那个湖泊出产20多种鱼。26. weightn重量:The average weight of a baby at birth is just over seven pounds.婴儿出生时的平均体重是七磅多一点。必备高频单词(接下来的高频单词同学们可以借助于词形间的相似性来辅助记忆)27. projectn项目;工程;计划:The project aims to provide an analysis of childrens emotions.该计划旨在对儿童情绪提供分析。28. rejectv拒绝:Sarah re

12、jected her brothers offer of help.萨拉拒绝了她弟弟的帮助。29. objectn物体;v反对: Look!Theres a strange object in the sky!看!天上有个奇怪的东西!Would anyone object if we started the meeting now?如果我们现在开始开会,有人反对吗?30. adaptv(使)适应;改编;改写:The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school.孩子们发觉很难适应新学校。Three of her novels h

13、ave been adapted for television.她的长篇小说中有三部已改编成电视节目。31. adoptv收养;领养;采用;采取:Shewas forced to have her baby adopted.她被迫把婴儿给人收养。All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem.三个队处理这个问题的方法各不相同。32. motivationn积极性;动机;原因:Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks motivation.杰克是一个很聪明的学生,但缺乏积极性。Mo

14、st people said that pay was their main motivation for working.大多数人说赚取报酬是他们工作的主要动机。33. promotev促进:You dont have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.你们没有必要牺牲环保来促进经济增长。34. remoteadj遥远的;偏远的:a remote border town 一个偏远的边境小镇35. emotionn感情;情绪:They expressed mixed emotions at the

15、news.他们对这个消息表现出复杂的感情。36. aspectn方面:Dealing with people is the most important aspect of my work.与人打交道是我工作中最重要的一方面。37. respectv尊敬;尊重:I want him to respect me as a career woman.我要他把我作为一个职业女性来尊重。38. expectv预料;预计:I expect to be back within a week.我预计一周之内回来。39. expectationn预料;预期:Gina has succeeded beyond

16、our expectations.吉娜取得的成绩超出了我们的预期。40. unexpectedadj意想不到的:The experiment produced some unexpected results.这次实验产生了一些意想不到的结果。41. suspectv不用于进行时 怀疑:I suspected that there was something wrong with the engine.我怀疑发动机出了什么故障。42. inspectv仔细检查:Make sure you inspect the goods before signing for them.要确保在签收货物之前仔细

17、检查。43. containv不用于进行时 包含;含有;容纳:The drink doesnt contain any alcohol.这种饮料不含任何酒精。44. maintainv维持;保持:The two countries have always maintained close relations.这两个国家一直保持着密切关系。45. obtainv获得;得到:In the second experiment they obtained a very clear result.第二次试验他们获得了明确的结果。必备高频单词46. servev接待;服务:There was only o

18、ne girl serving customers.只有一个女孩接待顾客。47. reservev预订;保留;留出:Id like to reserve a table for two.我想预订一张两人的餐桌。A separate room is reserved for smokers.有一间独立房间是留给吸烟者用的。48. deservev应得;应受到:Im sorry for the kids. They deserve to be treated in a better way.我为这些孩子感到难过,他们应该受到更好的待遇。49. observev观察;观测:One student p

19、erforms the experiment, while his partner observes.一名学生做实验,他的搭档则进行观察。50. confusedadj困惑的;糊涂的:Im totally confused. Could you explain that again?我完全糊涂了,你能再解释一遍吗?51. refusev拒绝;回绝:She refused to accept that there was a problem.她拒不承认有问题存在。52. exceptprep除之外:The museum is open daily except Mondays.博物馆除了星期一之

20、外每日都开放。53. acceptv接受:I offered her an apology, but she wouldnt accept it.我向她道歉,但是她不接受。54. concludev断定;推断出:He concluded from their remarks that they were not in favor of the plan.他从他们的话语中推断出他们不赞同此项计划。55. includev包括;包含:Your duties include typing letters and answering the phone.你的职责包括打信件和接电话。56. compla

21、inv抱怨:She complained that no one had been at the airport to meet her.她抱怨说没人到机场接她。57. explainv解释;说明:Not every judge, however, has the ability to explain the law in simple words.然而,并非每个法官都能用浅易的话来解释法律。58. inspirationn灵感:He draws inspiration from ordinary scenes.他从日常生活中得到灵感。59. inspirev鼓舞;激励:We need som

22、eone who can inspire the team.我们需要一位能鼓舞全队士气的人物。60. spiritn精神:Im 86, but I still feel young in spirit.我86岁了,但精神上依然感觉年轻。学后检测一、根据汉语释义写出英文单词。1. 感情;情绪 2. 战斗;战役 3. 消极的;负面的 4. 提到;说起 5. 显然的;明显的 6. 解决 7. 多样化;变化 8. 改编;改写 9. 收养;领养 10.积极性 11. 尊敬;尊重 12. 意想不到的 13. 维持;保持 14. 获得;得到 15. 保留;留出 16. 断定;推断出 17. 灵感 18. 鼓

23、舞;激励 19. 接待;服务 20. 方面 21. 停止;戒掉 22. 碰;撞 23. 慷慨的;大方的 24. 力气;精力 25. 远方;远处 26.(人)有空的 27. 公平的;合理的 28. 限制;限定 29. 敦促;催促;力劝 30. 困惑的;糊涂的 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1. The menuvaries with the season.2. If I dont get more money Illquit.3. A separate room isreserved for smokers.4. They expressedmixed emotionsat the ne

24、ws.5. Meanwhile,heatthe tomatoes and oil in a pan.6. He gave anegative answerwithout any explanation.7. Its time yousettledyourdifferenceswith your father.8. In the second experiment theyobtained a very clear result.9. The two countries have alwaysmaintained close relations.10. She has given the pol

25、ice a verydetailed descriptionof the robber.11. Most people said that pay was theirmain motivationfor working.12. Im sorry for the kids. Theydeserveto be treated in a better way.13. Heconcluded from their remarksthat they were not in favor of the plan.14. You dont have to sacrifice environmental protection topromote economic growth.15. In one town thousands of peoplebattled with policeand several were reportedly wounded. 三、根据所给提示,翻译下列句子。1. 我想预订一张两人的餐桌。(reserve)2. 我预计一周之内回来。(expect)3. 萨拉拒绝了她弟弟的帮助。(reject)4. 售票处有票出售。(available)5. 只有一个女孩接待顾客。(serve)6. 我们敲了门但里面没人。(knock)7. 这份报告呼吁教所有的儿童游泳。(urge)

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