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1、初三年级第一学期英语期中考试经典试题八初三年级第一学期英语期中考试经典试题八 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共8大题,满分1 30分,考试用时1 00分钟。第卷(选择题,共75分)一、听力选择(满分20分) (请先熟悉听力试题,然后再动笔答题。做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有时间将试卷上的答案转填到答题卷上。)第一节(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。1. Where did they h

2、ave their dinner? A. At the mans home. B. At the womans home. C. At a restaurant.2. How does the man contact his friends abroad? A. By e-mail. B. Over the phone, C. Through letters.3. How often does the woman go swimming? A. Every day. B. Sometimes. C. Never.4. How much did the womans daughter pay f

3、or her coat? A. $200. B.$180. C.$100.5. When wthe football match begin? A. At 8:30. B. At 7:30. C. At 6:30.6What will Jack do? A. Play tennis. B. Visit Bill. C. Go swimming.7. Who are the two speakers? A. Neighbours. B. Old classmates. C. Teacher and student.8. Why doesnt the woman want to learn Eng

4、lish? A. English is difficult for her. B. She thinks it useless. C. She is9. How will the girl go to school today? A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By car.10. What does the man mean? A. He will be free these days. B. He will help the woman. C. He is too busy to help.第二节(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或

5、独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第1段材料,回答第11、12题。11.What did the two speakers do just now? A. They watched a football match. B. They visited a museum. C. They saw a film.12. Why didnt the two speakers have Chinese food? A. The woman doesnt like i

6、t. B. The woman had it last night. C. The man doesnt like it.听第2段材料,回答第1315题。13. Who will give them a talk? A. A famous art teacher. B. A famous writer. C. A famous manager.14. When win the talk take place? A. On Saturday night. B. On Sunday afternoon. C. On Saturday afternoon.15. Where will they li

7、sten to the talk? A. In the l st meeting hall. B. In the 2 nd meeting hall. C. In the 3 rd meeting hall.听第3段材料,回答第1620题。16. What does the speaker want to tell us? A. Something about London. B. Something about a pop concert. C. Something about the group Red River.17. How long will the group Red River

8、 stay in London? A. For about a week. B. For half a month. C. For about 3 weeks.18. Whats the telephone number? A. 2683 - 0665. B. 2638 - 6005. C. 2683 - 0065.19. Where will the concerts be held? A. In Mott Street. B. Near the childrens hospital. C. In the South Bank Hall.20. Which of the following

9、s true? A. Tickets are quite expensive. B. All of the money w川go to a childrens hospital.C. You can telephone to book tickets at 10:00 p.m.二、选择填空(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)A) 单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案 写在答题卷上。21. We all think Bill is _best person to become _next chairperson. A. the; a B. a;/ C. a

10、; the D. the; the22. I wanted to buy a postcard of the Tower Bridge, but there was_ left at the shop. A. nothing B. none C. anything D. something23. There are ten children here, so the cake must be divided _ ten pieces. A. into B. in C. between D. from24. What kind of music do you like? These days I

11、 _pop music. A. prefer B. offer C. suffer D. discover25. _she is so hard-working, she wouldnt mind doing extra work for the Students Union. A. Though B. Whether C. Since D. Before26. _interesting Miss Wangs lessons are! A. What B. How C. What an D. How an27. I dont think we have any difficulty _the

12、work on time. A. to finish B. finished C. finish D. finishing28. Simon usually has lunch at school,_ ? A. doesnt he B. does he C. hasnt he D. has he29. Please dont smoke in the reading room. Sorry, I _ the sign. A. didnt notice B. dont notice C. am not noticing D. wont notice30. To tell the truth,1

13、would rather _at home than _shopping with you. A. stay; to go B. to stay; go C. stay; go D. staying; going31. Amy, I have to say that Im not _with your answer. Sorry, sir. But I really tried my best. A. worried B .satisfied C. relaxed D. stressed32. Many people went to see the film, so it _ be a goo

14、d film. A. will B. would C. should D. need33. Put on your coat, _ youll feel warmer, A. or B. then C. otherwise D. and34. Our English teacher asked us _our homework before the weekend. A. to hand in B. hand in C. hand out D. to hand out35. Thank you for listening to my problem and giving me suggesti

15、ons. _ . A. No thanks B. My pleasure C. With pleasure D. Thats great B) 完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个 选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。 Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably 36 they go to learn languages, geography, history, science and all the other subjects.

16、 That is quite _37 ,but why do they learn these things? We send our children to school to 38 them for their future work and life. Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their life, but is that the_39 reason they go to school? There is 40 in education than just learning fact

17、s, We go to school above all to learn how to learn, so when we 41 school we can go on learning. If a man really knows how to learn, he will 42 be successful, because whenever he has to do something new he will quickly teach himself how to do it in the best way. The uneducated person, on the other ha

18、nd, is _43 unable to do it or does it badly, so the 44 of school is not just to teach languages, geography, science, etc, but to teach pupils the 45 to learn.36. A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell37. A. true B. real C. wrong D. fact38. A. stop B. ask C. turn D. prepare39. A. best B. only C. just D. fir

19、st40. A. many B. much C. more D. most41. A. leave B. go to C. attend D. come to42. A. never B. hardly C. always D. seldom43. A. both B. either C. neither D. not44. A. difference B. promise C. choice D. purpose45. A. subjects B. reasons C. way D. knowledge三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C

20、、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。AWawa Village The best school for your dogs. They learn everything here. Also a nice home for them when you are out of town. Call 544-471 24 hours Marshas HouseCome and enjoy home on your trips.We offer rooms of different sizes anddelicious food.No. 5 Park RoadTel: 543-002

21、Next wave Music StoreAfter 10 years of teaching the piano,Arnold Swenson has made his first CD!Come and meet him this weekend.Special presents for the first 50 people.Saturday 7:00pm.Call Diana at 543-616Country Life MarketOur fruits and vegetables come in fresh every morning.Special prices for the

22、first month.Opening hours: 10:00 aml0:00pmNo. 3 Clinton StreetTel: 544-996 46. We can buy the fresh fruits _. A. in Marsha s house B. in Wawa Village C. in Country Life Market D. in Next Wave Music Store47. Mr. Green is planning to have a half-year holiday in California, but he cant leave his pet do

23、g alone, he should call _for help. A. 543-002 B. 544-996 C. 543-616 D. 544-47148. According to the four ads, which is true? A. Wawa Village is open only at night. B. Marshas House does not offer food, C. Country Life Market is newly opened. D. Next Wave Music Store sells presents. BThe following is

24、from Priory School - a British middle school about school uniform.Priory School Uniform Rules Priory School uniform is simple, neat and practical. We have found that parents and students appreciate our dress ideas. Priory School uniform is produced in Wards, High Street, Lewes.Necessary for all year

25、s Shirt Either a white school shirt, or a simple white polo shirt under the sweater. Trousers Black, school uniform type. Not jeans or fashion trousers. Skirt(girls) Black, simple, knee-length regulation school skirt. (Not fashion wear.) Shoes Simple black leather, or leather-like shoes with no patt

26、erns, colors, logos(标志), orcolored laces(饰带)Optional(可选择的) Sweatershirt A black sweatershirt with “Priory School” woven on it. Sweater A black fine-knit v-neck sweater, with Priory School woven on it. T-shirt If students wish to wear a T-shirt under the school shirt, it must be simple white; no neck

27、-sweaters should be worn, Coat Coats should not be worn in school. Socks Black, grey or white. Girls may wear black or grey warm tights in cold weather. Clothes of famous logos should not be brought to school. All students are expected to arrive with the correct clothes for PE lessons. No jewelry(首饰

28、) of any kind to be worn. To help make clear our dress ideas, designs and models can be viewed on the school website The underlined word Lewes is probably the name of _. A. a head teacher of the school B. a producer or a company C. a middle school D. a city or a town50

29、. Which is the proper wear for a student in Priory School? A. A white shirt, jeans and black shoes. B. A pink T-shirt, a black skirt, and grey socks. C. A white T-shirt, black trousers of “school uniform” type and black shoes. D. A coat, fashion black trousers and black leather shoes.51. The student

30、s in Priory School can wear _ in PE lessons. A. a school shirt B. Adidas sports shoes C. earrings(耳环) D. rings(戒指)52. If you want more information about the school uniform rules, you can _ . A. make a telephone call B. visit the school website C. send an e-mail D. write a letter CA little boy was pl

31、aying with a slingshot(弹弓) in his grandparents yard. As he was practicing, he saw Grandmas pet duck. He raised the slingshot, hit the duck in the head, and killed it. He was afraid, so he hid the dead duck in the yard. His sister, Sally, saw it all, but said nothing. After lunch that day, Grandma said, “Sally, lets wash the dishes.” But Sally said, Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen today, didnt you, Johnny?

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