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译林版三年级上册Project1 My family and friends教学设计.docx

1、译林版三年级上册Project1 My family and friends教学设计译林版小学英语三年级上册 Project 1 My family and friends第一课时一、教学内容:复习Unit 1 & Unit 2二、教学目标1.进一步熟悉教材中出现的人物。2.复习打招呼用语和自我介绍用语:Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening./Hello./Hi./Im=I am/Are you?3. 复习巩固字母AaNn。4. 拓展Whats your name?及答语My name is。5. 拓展字母AaNn的音素归类。三、教学重难点1.

2、Are you? 句型的语序,朗读时的语调以及两种回答方式,特别注意肯定回答。2. Im的读音3. 字母a,c,f, h的读音, g&j, m&n的读音区别及g &j ,b & d的书写区别。四、教学准备 图片,卡片,实物,PPT五、教学过程Step 1 Review the letters “AaNn”1. Daily work (复习字母AaNn的读音。)Aa for apple, / / / / apple;Bb for bee, / b/ / b/ bee;Cc for cat, /k/ /k/ cat;Dd for dog, /d/ /d/ dog. Ee for egg,/e/ /

3、e/ egg; Ff for fish, /f/ /f / fish; Gg for girl, /g/ /g/ girl;Hh for hot dog,/h/ /h/ hot dog;Ii for ice cream,/ai / /ai/ ice cream;Jj for jacket, / / / / jacket;Kk for key, /k/ /k/ key;Ll for lion, /l/ /l/ lion;Mm for man, /m/ /m/ man;Nn for nose, /n/ /n/ nose.教师快速随机指出小诗中的字母,要求学生朗读,如发现学生仍然存在读音问题,应及时

4、纠正。并要加强字母a,c,f, h的读音指导以及字母b&d,g&j, m&n的读音区别指导。2. Find friends (渗透音素概念,帮助学生将字母按音素分类)把Daily work中后半部分去掉,仅剩下字母AaNn。出示要求:根据读音,请你在下列字母中分别找到Aa,Ee,Ff的朋友。教师示范:T:Aa /ei/ /ei/ Aa /ei/ /ei/ Hh So, Letter Aa and Letter Hh,they are friends. Can you help Letter A find the other friends?You can discuss in pairs. 学

5、生同桌讨论,并将字母按音素归类。Aa: Hh, Jj, KkEe: Bb, Cc, Dd, GgFf: Ll, Mm, Nn建议使用配套练习中的第一大题来检测学生是否掌握AaNn的音素分类。3. Who are the neighbours?T:You can read and letters,but can you write?This time, lets check if you can write the letters correctly and quickly. (邀请2-3名学生在黑板上板演,其余的学生在本子上完成该项测试。)方法1:对于学生能力较好的学校,可要求学生直接写出所听

6、到字母的左邻右舍。方法2:对于学生能力相对较弱的学校,教师可适当降低难度,让学生完成教师课前出好的试题。建议使用配套练习中的第二大题来检测学生是否掌握字母AaNn的书写。Ticking time我会读、会写字母AaNn,并能根据音素分类。Step 2 Review the daily expressions1. Greetinga. T: Good morning/afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss.b. T: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon, XX. S2: Hello/Hi/Good

7、morning/Good afternoon,c. T: Hello,.How are you?S1: Im fine/good/we/, thank you. And you?T: Im fine too./Just so so.2. Review: Hello. Hi. Im(I am) (将交际用语和复习人物相结合)a.PPT出示Liu Tao,“自我介绍”复习:Hello, ImPPT(播放录音):Hello, class. Im Liu Tao.Im 10. Im a student.(1)让学生填写完整空格(2)全班读b.复习Im= I am(出示头饰)T: Hi, Im Wang

8、 Bing. I am Wang Bing.出示Im= I am让学生用自己的名字说:Hi, Im I am3.拓展My name isa.教师出示Yang Ling.和PPT中杨玲的自述T: Look, Yang Ling is here, too.PPT播放录音出示: Hello. Hello. Im Yang Ling. I am Yang Ling. I am ten. My name is Yang Ling. Im a student. How about you?(配着节奏的音乐)教师出示:My name is 板书:My name is教读My name isPPT: My n

9、ame is = Im =I amPPT: Try to read(教师拿出Yang Ling 的头饰)出示: Hello. Hello. Im Yang Ling. I am Yang Ling. I am ten. My name is Yang Ling. Im a student. How about you?(配着节奏的音乐)让学生读小诗,打拍子。将小诗中的人名进行替换,以此复习Mike,Su Hai.4. Review: Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.a. Play a game-看图猜句子出示一些图片,让学生猜用哪句句子。b

10、.出示句子,读句子Good morning/afternoon/evening.5. Review: Are you ? Yes, I am. No, Im not. ImT: I have some friends. Do you know them?教师出示一些卡通人物,让学生work in pairs.Tutu, Mickey等,可以把这些人物遮去部分,让学生猜并出示句型:A: Hello. Are you? B: Yes, I am./ No, Im not. Im在此过程中特别关注Are you?这一句型的语序、语调,以防学生学生出现错误的语序、语调,并且关注学生是否能正确说出这一问

11、句的答语,特别防止出现Yes,Im.这样的错误回答。6.拓展Whats your name?a. T: We also can use Whats your name? to ask the names.教师出示Whats your name?读句子。(小组读,全班读,个别读)板书:Whats your name?b. Work in pairsT: Please use the sentences to work in pairs.A: Whats your name?B: My name is建议使用配套练习中的第三大题来检测学生是否掌握日常交际用语。Ticking time1. 我会用W

12、hats your name?询问他人名字,并且会用My name is做自己介绍。2. 我能正确使用句型Are you?及其答语。Step 3. Review the song and the rhyme.1. PPT:Liu Tao,让学生对他唱Good morning或者Good afternoon。(根据具体上课的时间)T: Lets have fun. Now, lets sing a song-Good morning.2. PPT: Mike,遮去部分,让学生问:Are you ?S1: Hello, Im .Are you ?PPT: No, Im not. /Yes, I a

13、m.T: Lets say a rhyme with Mike-Are you Mike?(1) 齐读小诗(2) 分句分组读小诗,一组一句。(让学生配着动作来说小诗。可以进行小组之间竞赛,看哪一组整齐,哪一组表现最好。)(学生好胜心很强)3. PPT出示改变的小诗。T: Look, our lovely friends are coming. Try to read it, please.Hi. Hi. Are you Sam?Yes. Yes. Youre right.Hi. Hi. Are you Tina?No. No. Im Bobby.Ticking time我会唱歌曲Good mo

14、rning,会念诗歌Are you Mike?六、作业布置1. 完成第一课时的配套练习。2. 复习第一至第二单元。3. 在书上第67页画上爸爸、妈妈和自己,并将其剪下。Project 1 My family and friends第一课时配套练习一、判断下列字母是否含有相同的音素,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。1. Dd Kk ( ) 2. Ii Aa ( ) 3. Cc Ee ( )4. Ff Hh ( ) 5. Mm Nn( ) 6. Gg Jj ( )二、写出所给字母的左邻右舍。1. Dd 2. Mm 3. Gg 4. Jj5. C 6. i三、交际语匹配( )1. Whats your

15、name?A. Good afternoon, class.( )2. Goodbye, Bobby.B. Hello, Yang Ling.( )3. Good afternoon, Miss Li.C. My name is Joe.( )4. Are you Mike?D. Goodbye, Sam.( )5. Hello, I am Yang Ling.E. No, Im not. I am Liu Tao.译林版小学英语三年级上册 Project 1 My family and friends第二课时一、教学内容:复习Unit 3 & Unit 4和书上P30-31内容二、教学目标1

16、. 复习句型:This is 和Hes/Shes2. 复习第三单元和第四单元的词汇: my, friend, she, he, too, this, is, family, father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, me, shes=she is, hes=he is3. 拓展句型Whos he/ she?4. 拓展词汇:uncle,aunt5. 认识新朋友:Alice,Tom,Paul三、教学重难点1. 进一步准确使用句型This is 和Hes/Shes来介绍他人。2. 熟知hes=he is,shes=she is的用法四、教学

17、准备 PPT, P67的心形图五、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. Daily workAa for apple, / / / / apple;Bb for bee, / b/ / b/ bee;Cc for cat, /k/ /k/ cat;Dd for dog, /d/ /d/ dog.Ee for egg,/e/ /e/ egg;Ff for fish, /f/ /f / fish;Gg for girl, /g/ /g/ girl;Hh for hot dog,/h/ /h/ hot dog;Ii for ice cream,/ai / /ai/ ice cream;Jj fo

18、r jacket, / / / / jacket;Kk for key, /k/ /k/ key;Ll for lion, /l/ /l/ lion;Mm for man, /m/ /m/ man;Nn for nose, /n/ /n/ nose.2 We are friends!Aa: Hh, Jj, KkEe: Bb, Cc, Dd, GgFf: Ll, Mm, Nn3. Greetingsa. T: Good morning/afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss.b. T: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Goo

19、d afternoon, XX. S: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon, MissC. T: Are you? (教师遮住眼睛) S: Yes,I am. /No, Im not. T: Whats your name? S: Im/ I am/ My name isStep 2 Revisions1. Introduce yourselfHello, class. My name is/ Im/ I am .Im _(年龄)_. I am a student.Ticking time我会介绍自己。2. 拓展: Whos he/she?T: Youre

20、 all my friends. Look, they are my friends, too.Do you know them? Can you introduce them?S: This is/ Hes/ ShesPPT出示一个男生图遮住部分,师问Whos he?Teach:Whos he?Ss: Whos he? (全体学生齐问)S: Hes(个别学生给出猜测答案,每猜一次,图片就变更清晰一些,直到图片完全清晰,揭晓答案)同法教授Whos she?这一句型PPT呈现书中经过处理的人物图增加学生辨认的难度,同桌操练。S1:Whohe/she? S2:Hes/Shes将新朋友Alice,T

21、om and Paul的照片放入其中教授。3. Review: hes=he is和 shes=she isT: Alice,Tom and Paul, they are our new friends. Lets introduce them to Miss Li and the students. OK?S: OK.T: We should say like this: T: Shes Alice.Ss: She is Alice.游戏规则:例如老师说Shes,学生拍两下手并且回答She is,然后让学生和学生做这样的游戏。比比谁的反应快。不需要举手,会的直接站起来回答。(将新朋友Alic

22、e,Tom and Paul放入游戏,加深印象。)4. Review: This isHes / Shes my friend.T: Look, this is Paul. He is my friend. Can you introduce your friend to me.S1: This is Hes / Shes my friend.S2: Nice to meet you.S3: Nice to meet you, too.5. Review family membersa. T: We are friends, we all love one another. And we lo

23、ve our family. First, lets play a guessing game. 猜猜家庭成员(PPT出示)My fathers father is my grandpa .My mothers mother is my grandma . 出示单词:grandpa grandmaMy fathers sister is my aunt .My mothers brother is my uncle. 出示单词:aunt uncle Teach: aunt uncleb. Sing a song-Family song.建议使用配套练习中的第一大题来检测学生是否掌握第三、第四单

24、元的词汇。第二大题来检测This is hes=he is, shes=she is这些重点知识的运用。Step 3 Presentation1. Alice and Tom love their family too. Listen, they are introducing their family. 播放PPT录音,随后出示文字。2. T:This time,try to talk to your partner about your family like Alice and Tom.S: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon. Im(My name

25、 is) This is my father. This is my mother. This is my brother/sister. This is me.(学生用事先准备好的P67的心形图来介绍自己的家人。)3. T:Well,you have a happy family。T: Do you have a friend? Whos he/ she?S: Hes/ ShesT: 教师帮助学生把朋友的名字写在心形图上,做好示范工作。You can introduce your friend like this.PPT出示Tom介绍朋友的那段话,学生自由准备。S: Hi, Im (My n

26、ame is )This isHes / Shes my friend.This isHes/Shes my friend, too. 请介绍完朋友的学生把心形图贴在黑板报上,如果课上时间不够,可在课后继续完成。Ticking time1. 我会介绍家人和朋友。2. 我认识了新朋友Alice,Tom and Paul.3. 我会用Whos he/she? 来询问他人情况。4. Sing a song-GoodbyeT: Its time to say goodbye. Lets sing Goodbye to end our class.建议使用配套练习中的第三大题对整个一至四单元的重点句型进

27、行检测。六、作业布置1. 完成第二课时的配套练习。2. 复习第三至第四单元。Project 1 My family and friends第二课时配套练习一、选出不同类的单词。( )1.A. heB. she C. me( )2.A. grandmaB.sister C. family( )3.A. youB. isC. am( )4.A. TomB. Alice C. Paul( )5.A. helloB. goodbye C. morning二、选择题。( )1. _you Moe? Yes,_. A. Are, Im B. Are, I am C. Am, I am( )2. _she?

28、 She_ Alice. A. Who, is B. Whats, are C. Whos, is( )3. _, class. Goodbye, Miss Li.A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Goodbye( )4. _ Paul. _ is my friend.A. Thiss, He B. This is, He C. This is, Hes( )5. My fathers sister is my _.A. grandma B. mother C. aunt( )6.晚上见到爷爷,你应该怎样和他打招呼? A. Good evening, g

29、randma. B. Good evening, grandpa.( )7.你向王老师介绍自己的妈妈,你应该说:A. Miss Wang, this is my father. B. Miss Wang, shes my mother.( )8.想知道对方叫什么名字,你可以问? A. Whats your name? B. Are you Wang Bing?三、连词成句,将相应的序号写在横线上。1. you, Wang Bing, Are (?) 2. brother, He , is, my (.) 3. friend, my , is , This(.) 4. is, She, Yang Ling (.)

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