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1、高三英语寒假作业六高三英语寒假作业(六)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑 A Wikipedia: The Online Know-It-AllIf you want to find out a piece of information about anything, the best place to search for it is Wikipedia. The name “Wikipedia” is from the Hawaiian w

2、ordwiki,meaning “quick”. This online encyclopedia (百科全书) is written by thousands of people around the world. Anyone with Internet access can write, add or make changes to Wikipedia articles if he or she finds it incorrect or not well written. In this way, people who know a lot about a certain subjec

3、t can write about it even if they are not university professors. But contributions cannot damage Wikipedia because many experienced editors are watching pages and techies (技术专家) can write editing programs to keep track of or correct bad edits. Where there are disagreements on how to present facts, e

4、ditors work together to arrive at an article that fairly represents current expert opinion on the subject.Wikipedia is quite different from paper-based reference sources in important ways. Unlike printed encyclopedias, it is continually created and updated, with articles on historic events appearing

5、 within minutes, rather than months or years.Whats more, Wikipedia includes articles written in about 285 languages. This fact makes it one of the few websites on the Internet that are truly international. It was started in 2001 by Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales, as a free online English-language ency

6、clopedia project. Since its creation, it has grown rapidly into one of thelargestreference websites, attracting nearly 500million unique visitors monthly. There are more than 77,000active contributors working on more than 22,000,000articles indifferentlanguages. As of today, there are 4,396,866artic

7、les in English.So, if you are looking for some information, why not try Wikipedia? Its free, multilingual,and informative.1. According to the passage, what is Wikipedia?A. A free website encyclopedia.B. A computer game.C. A free encyclopedia in book form.D. An online university.2. From the passage w

8、e know that _.A. Wikipedia only charges users a small feeB. Wikipedia catches a wide audienceC. incorrect editions might do great harm to WikipediaD. it will take long to update the information on Wikipedia3. Where can we probably read the passage?A. In a story book.B. In a research report.C. In a s

9、cience magazine.D. In a travel brochure. BI work in a busy Emergency Room( E. R. ) . This weekend, I had a patient who was very nervousand paranoid. After looking at his chart, I saw that he was seeking treatment for alcoholism. There is an immediate prejudice against substance abuse in my E. R. One

10、 -we do not have a detox(戒酒) facility.The people seeking treatment for addiction are sometimes looked down on as being less worthy of treatment than other serious physical ailments . At first glance, I found out that the man was now somewhere in his mid-thirties, was very weak and had a generally ag

11、gressive character. He could not sit still and had a cough. He had not had a drink in four days. His hands were shaking and there was a scared look in his eyes. He told me that he began drinking about age 11 when his mother supplied him with it. He had tried to quit many times before but had not bee

12、n able to. So . whats different this time ?I asked. Because Im starting to be mean to the people I love, but now I dont want to be. I ca:n see that Im changing into something else. That answer helped change my attitude toward him. I could see the pain behind his eyes. Behind the appearance, there wa

13、s a terrified person whose goodness was being claimed by the alcohol. He was desperate for help, but not so sure that his condition could be changed. I, thank this man for showing me that the goodness is dressed in all sorts of disguises(伪装) . Sometimes we have to undress it. Its worth doing. My pat

14、ient was admitted to the hospital for help ,despite us not having a detox facility.1. What does the underlined word ailments meA. build B. energy C. illness D. ability2. How long has the man been drinking?A. 20 years B. 11 years C. Over 30 years D. Over 20 years3. From the passage we know that_ .A.

15、The patient was refused mainly for the hospitals lack of equipment B. The patient once didnt want to treat the people he loved kindly C. The patient was strong and brave at first glance D. The patient once succeeded in giving up drinking alcohol4. What conclusion can we draw from the passage? A. Whe

16、re there is a will, theres a way. B. A friend in need is a friend indeed. C. Never judge a book by its cover. D. Good is rewarded with good. C It is safe to say that George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), the Irish-born writer, is more famous for being George Bernard Shaw than he is for his writings today

17、. Few of Shaws more than 60 plays, novels and essays are performed or read anymore. And yet Shaw genuinely helped make our modern world. Although youd be lucky to get a chance to see one of his dramas today, in his time he turned the theater into a vehicle for the discussion of social issues, not on

18、ly inBritainbut on the stage of the world. In a way Shaw was someone who created the modern culture ofBritain.Where the theater had been dominated by entertainment, Shaw used it to teach people the importance of paying attention to theissues of their day. The plight (苦难) of the poor and the working

19、class, the situation of women and the institutions of society, such as the education system - Shaw was among the most well-known figures making these topics central to public debate. His first play,Widowers Houses(1892), deals with the question of slum (贫民窟) housing. HisMrs Warrens Profession(1893)

20、brought a controversial topic to the stage.Shaw was an important mover and shaker in new political movements too. He was an early memberof the Fabian Society, which argued for the socialist cause in theUK. Shaw was also the founder (in 1895) of one of the now most famous colleges in the world, the L

21、ondon School of Economics.If few of his works have really stood the test of time, many of his quotations have become part of the furniture of the English language. “Youth is wasted on the young,” he wrote. He also knew how to sum up a political philosophy(哲学) in a few memorable words. For instance:

22、“A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.”1. Shaws influence on the modern world comes mainly from _.A. the changes he brought to the British cultureB. his philosophies on the role of governmentC. his awareness of social problems of his dayD. the support for

23、 the London School of Economics2.Widowers Housesis a play that mainly focuses on _.A. the failure of theUKeducation systemB. the housing problems of poor peopleC. robbery incidents in slum areasD. socialist movements in theUK3. By describing Shaws quotations as “part of the furniture of the English

24、language”, the author means that Shaws words _.A. have become the best part of EnglishB. have greatly developed the English languageC. have made the English language philosophicalD. have become an inseparable part of the English language4. Which of the following about George Bernard Shaws works is T

25、RUE?A. They should be adapted for modern readers.B. They are mostly about the lives of working class.C. They deal with important social issues of their day.D. Most of them are still performed on the stage of the world today. DSeven years of careful design and planning all came together on Monday, wh

26、en James Cameron became the first human to make a solo trip to the deepest known point on earth - the Challenger Deep! More importantly though, he appeared safely seven hours later,completing with exciting-photos and videos from this dark mysterious world that has been visited by only two humans bef

27、ore!Seated inside a specially built 12-ton green submersible (潜水器)called the Deep Sea Challenger,the brilliant filmmaker caught every moment of his 2-hour-36-minute journey down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench on video given that it is 120 times larger than the Grand Canyon and a mile deeper tha

28、n Mount Everest.Absolutely nothing! There were no large alien creatures or mysterious footprints just a flat desolate (荒凉的) landscape, 50 times larger than the Grand Canyon.Mr.Cameron describes it as devoid (缺乏)of sunlight, any heat, any warmth.The only things swimming around, were some tiny shrimp-

29、like (虾状的)creatures no bigger than an inch.While the 57-year-old had expected to spend six hours at the bottom, he was forced to return in three hours, because the robotic arm that was supposed to helphim collect samples went wrong and began leaking oil. He also lost some thrusters (推进器)and a whole

30、starboard side,causing the submersible to spin around in circles.However, these small setbacks did not make the whole trip any less exciting for Mr. Cameron. The director, who returned to the surface in a speedy seventy minutes, believes this is just one of many trips he and other adventurers will b

31、e taking. In fact, Sir Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, is currently in the midst of planning a similar trip to the Puerto Rico Trench that lies five miles below the surface of the water.Though Mr. Camerons is promising to move his historic trip into an exciting 3-D National Geographic documentary, he is tight-lipped about how the experience will be used in his next movie!We cannot wait to see!1. According to Paragraph one,we can know that _.A. Cameron i

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