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1、八年级英语上册基础知识测试题2Unit 2 导学稿(八年级上)课 题8A Unit 2 Welcome to the unit学 习目 标1. 简要谈论学校生活,复习与学校生活有关的词汇2. 掌握相同概念在英国英语和美国英语中的不同表达法重 点难 点词组:go to school be like watch TV be smarter than fewer advertisements句型:Why dont dogs go to school, Eddie? Whats school like? Its like watching TV, but there are fewer adverti

2、sements.学 习 过 程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:根据句意填空.1. In England, we call it “autumn”, but in America, they call it “_”.2. In England, people go up and down by _ in the tall building.3. Do you know another way of saying “garbage can”? I know, its _.4. What does “soccer” mean? It means _.5. Now, can you find the _ b

3、etween British English and American English.二、课堂反馈:( )1. Why come and play basketball with us?A. not you B. dont C. not to D. not( )2.- does Mary usually go to the bubby club? -Once a week.A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How much( )3. My cousin is in in Shanghai No.11 Middle School.A. 3th Gra

4、de B.3 Grade C. Grade 3 D. Grade 3rd( )4. People in the UK say “lift” while people in the USA say “ ”.A. hall B. elevator C. recess D. soccer( )5. If it next Sunday, you still the Great Wall?A. will rain; do; visit B. will snow; will; visit C. rains; do; visit D. rains; will; visit三、课后拓展:1. - Sorry,

5、 I am late. - Why dont you _ (get) up early?2. Do you think dogs are _ (smart) than people?3. Who is _ ( lazy), Hobo or Eddie?4. My parents like _ (watch) TV in the evening.5. We need _ (little) money and _ (few) people to do the work.苏州市第二十六中学八年级(上)英语导学稿课 题8A Unit2 Reading课型新授执笔莫增献审核莫增献学 习目 标1. 学会运

6、用各种阅读方式,读懂文章,了解英美国家中学生的学校生活。2. 了解作者的个人感受和观点。3. 了解和掌握文中的语言点重 点难 点掌握并运用本课时的四会单词、 词组和句型。学 习 过 程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:词汇:mixed subject sew myself tasty even _guys practice hero close taste article_词组:in Year 8_ a mixed school_do things for oneself _a Reading Week_- near the end of_ talk to somebody_ in 9th grade

7、_ have driving lessons_二、课堂反馈:1. I often play with Julie. She is my _ (亲密的) friend.2. Jacky Chen often becomes a _(英雄) in his films.3. I have _ (更少的) books than Li Lei does.4. Life is like _ (爬山). You need more practice.5. You can choose _ (任何)books to read from the school library.6. -What do you dr

8、eam about in the next three years ? -I hope to attend (参加) an i_ senior high school.7. In American English, f_ is another way of saying autumn.8. American people usually call lift e_ in English.9. We often have a good time p_ football after school.10. I am proud(自豪的) of the h_ my motherland because

9、it is as long as 5 thousand years.三、课后拓展:( ) 11. Tom! Dont play with your toy alone. You must learn to _. A. have fun B. play C. share D. enjoy yourself( ) 12. The child felt happy _ he could stay at home with his parents. A. as B. because of C. because D. but( ) 13. Our teacher always helps _ our s

10、tudy and life. A. us to B. we with C. us for D. us with( ) 14. Miss Gaos _ sister works in No.1 Middle School. A. old B. older C. eld D. elder( ) 15. I like the TV channel with funnier programmes but _ advertisements. A. few B. fewer C. little D. less苏州市第二十六中学八年级(上)英语导学稿课 题8A Unit2 Period 3 Reading

11、/Vocabulary课型新授执笔莫增献审核莫增献学 习目 标1. 学会运用各种阅读方式,读懂文章,了解英美国家中学生的学校生活。2. 了解作者的个人感受和观点。3. 了解和掌握文中的语言点。重 点难 点To develop the ability to infer the general meaning from title and context.学 习 过 程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:请试着在课文中找出这些词组和句型,并翻译成中文句型:I like learning how to cook and sew._ I know how to cook healthy and tasty me

12、als._ This is great because it takes less time than taking the bus._ We always have a great time talking to each other._二、课堂反馈:1. In a _(mix) school, boys and girls have lessons together.2. Lin Tao goes to the country to see his grandparents _(two) a month.3. The dishes in the restaurant are very _(

13、taste). We often go there.4. I am old enough to look after _(I). You neednt worry about me.5. Whats the _(long) of your desk? Its about one meter.三、课后拓展:你为什么不呆在家里呢? _ _ you stay at home? 请找出这些问题的答案。Please _ _ the answers to these questions. 他们每年去英国两次。They go to England _ _ _ . 现在我知道怎样学好数学。 Now I _ _

14、 _ _ Maths well.我喜欢物理,因为它很有趣。 I like Physics _ _ _ _ .她每天花很多的时间练习汉语。She _ _ _ _ Chinese every day. 玛丽经常帮我学习英语。 Mary often _ _ _ _ . 我比汤姆有更多的空余时间。 I have _ _ _ _ Tom.苏州市第二十六中学八年级(上)英语导学稿课 题8A Unit 2 Grammar 1课型新授执笔莫增献审核莫增献学 习目 标1. 运用more than, fewer than,和 lessthan比较数量。2. 运用the most 比较两个以上的事物,表示数量最多,

15、运用the fewest和the least比较两个以上的事物,表示数量最少。重 点难 点birds on two aspects: characteristics and appearance.学 习 过 程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:知识点讲解1. Comparing more than two things: the most/the fewest + (countable) nouns. the most/the least + (uncountable) nouns.2Please use more /fewer /less than or the most/fewest/least

16、to compare.Many, manymorethe most, Much, muchmorethe most, Few, fewfewerthe fewest, Little, littlelessthe least,二、课堂反馈:1.Please practice as _(much) as you can.2.As we all know, light _ (travel) faster than sound.3.He hopes he _(win) the first prize again in the 2008 Olympic Games.4.Wang Hao spends 6

17、 hours _(practice) _(play) table tennis every day.5.It rained heavily yesterday, so my father_(drive) me to school.三、课后拓展:1. Ann didnt leave here before her mother came back.(同义句转换) Ann _ leave here _ her mother came back. 2. Meimei dances best of all the girls. (同义句) Meimei dances _ than _ _ _. 3.

18、The old house isnt there any longer. (同义句) The old house _ _ _ there. 4.I spent a lot of time practising English. (同义句) It _ _ _ time_ _ English. 5.My sweater is like my sister. (同义句) My sweater and my sisters . 6他们一星期见一次面,相互开心地交谈。 They meet _ _ _ , and _ _ _ _ _. 7. Kate的毛衣和Helen 的 是一样的。 Kate _ _ _

19、 _ _ Helen. Kates _ _ _ _ _ Helens. Kates _ _ _ Helens.苏州市第二十六中学八年级(上)英语导学稿课 题8A Unit2 Grammar 2课型新授执笔莫增献审核莫增献学 习目 标1 运用the same as 和different from 做比较2 运用the same. As 做比较重 点难 点运用the same as 和different from 做比较运用the same. As 做比较学 习 过 程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:请试着在课文中找出这些词组和句型,并翻译成中文词汇: piont least health online

20、 timetable_词组:free time the funniest girl tell funny jokes score the most points plant trees _ during reading week the same as different from the same . As _句型:my uniform is the same as Simons uniform._ My uniform is different from Jhons uniform._ Millies pencil box is the same size as Amys pencil b

21、ox._二、课堂反馈:根据汉语或首字母提示,完成下列句子中的单词。1. -Do you have any h_ ? - Yes, of course. Jay Zhou is.2. I was a junior student two years ago. But now I am a s_ student. How time flies.3. We Chinese students have about 7 weeks off in the s_.4. Whats the short form(形式) for a_ ? Its ad.5. These things are u_, throw

22、 them away.6. If you want to keep _ (健康),you need to exercise every day.7. Mr Yang knows lots of knowledge(知识),so all of us _(钦佩) him very much.8. Do students in your school like _ (穿) uniforms ?9. This is a _ (讨厌的) book, nobody is interested in it.10.Tim has the _ (最少的) rice of the three. 三、课后拓展: 用

23、括号里的词造句. 1. their library/ our library (like) _2. life in the city / life in the country (alike) _3. the weather in the north / the weather in the south (different)_苏州市第二十六中学八年级(上)英语导学稿课 题8A Unit2 Integrated Skills课型新授执笔莫增献审核莫增献学 习目 标1. .听取细节,提炼信息2.了解更多中外学校生活的异同点3.进一步复习巩固本单元的语法项目重 点难 点进一步复习巩固本单元的语法项

24、目学 习 过 程订正、笔记栏一、预习检测:请试着在课文中找出这些词组和句型,并翻译成中文词汇:length summertime_词组:number of students length of summer holiday Have weeks off in the summertime_句型:I spend less time doing homework than John does._ How many Grade 8 classes are there at your school?_二、课堂反馈:.词组翻译: 1. 穿校服_ 2. 休一周假 _3. 做早操_ 4. 花更少的时间进行课

25、外活动_ 5. 学生的数量_ 6 暑假的长度_.用括号里的词造句 1. their library/ our library (like) _2. the weather in the north / the weather in the south (different) _3.Amys trousers / Millies trousers (the same as) _用所给词适当形式填空: 1).If it _(snow) tomorrow, well make a snowman. 2). The number of the workers _(be)over 1290 in this fac

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