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九年级Unit 8导学案.docx

1、九年级Unit 8 导学案Unit 8 It must belong to Carla .第一课时 Section A (1a-1c)【学习目标】: 1. 完成Section A 1a-1c的学习任务。 2. 进行听力强化训练. 能够进行听力内容转述。【预学】: 1.自学并掌握文中短语 2.能运用belong to 一、用括号内单词填空1.Heimingway is one of _ (famous) writer in the world.2.The notebook belongs to her. Thats to say, the notebook is_ _(her)二、翻译下列词组:

2、属于 她最喜欢的作者 在野餐 听古典音乐 肯定是 发带 弹吉他 去听音乐会 句型转换:三、This sweater must be Li Mings= This sweater_ _ _ Li Ming .【互学】:Step1. 教师指引,学生交流,讨论并展示1a。Step2. 听力训练:1听力链接:1)favorite writert最喜欢的作家 2) at the picnic 在野炊3)hair band发带,发夹 4) the only little kid 唯一的小孩 2. 听力步步高1b:1)看图回答问题。 a.What can you see in the picture? b.

3、What are they doing? 2)Listen to the tape and answer the following question.How many people are mentioned(提到)in the listening ? 3)听第二遍,完成书上要求。 4)根据听力资料填空: Girl1:Whose volleyball is this? Boy1: It be Carlas. She loves volleyball. Girl: _ _ this toy car. Girl2:Oh,that toy car must _ _ Janes little bro

4、ther. He was the _ _ kid at the _.And the magazine must belong to Deng Wen. He _ _ cats. Boy1: Oh, and look, someone left a book. Gir2: Oh,yeah This book _ _. Girl: Ok and how about this CD. Girl2:Hmmmm The CD must belong to Grace. She _ listens to _music.5) 把1b改写为一个小作文Model:The volleyball must be C

5、arlas,because she loves volleyball.The toy car must_, because _. The magazine _,becaus_.The book _,because _.The CD _,because_.【评学】:1、It must belong to Carla .must 是_ 动词,表 意为:肯定,一定。一般用 , must be表示“ , ”把握性比较大。对现在的推测。【展示】:1.The cup _ _ me .这个茶杯属于2. Whom _ this car belong_ _?这辆车是谁的?It might belong _Ali

6、ce. A. at B. on C. to D. inIt might belong to _. Because the books name is WeiHua. B. his C. him D. her-Whose dictionary is this? -It must _Tom. I saw him using it yesterday.A.belong to B. belong C. be belonged to D. be belongedThe book could be _(Lucy)(用括号内的正确形式填空)2. He was the only little kid

7、 at the picnic . only作形容词,意为“ , ”可用来修饰名词.例如:He is the only boy in his family.一、根据首字母填空。1.The new book isnt mine. It b_ to Mary. 2. Do you know the a_ of this novel? Maybe Lu Xun wrote it.3.Father always likes listening to c_ music.4.last night, she went to the c_with her father.They both like music.

8、5. Tomorrow is Sunday. Shall we go for a p_ ?6.This book _ be Li Leis. Look! His name is on the cover.7. Which school do you b_ ? 8. can you guess the _(own) of the backpack.二、Choose the best answer(中考链接)( )1.-Is the man over there Mr Brown? -It _ be him. He is much shorter. (2010湖州19)A.must B. cant

9、 C.neednt D .may ( )2. Whose book is this? It _ be Lindas . It has her name on it. (2010台州18)A can B. may C. must D .need( )3. - Whose shirt is this? It _ be LiLeis . Its too big for him. (2010东阳18)A.could B. must C.cant D .might ( )4.-Look at the boy running on the ground .Is he David?It _be him. I

10、 saw him go to the teachers office just now. (2009月考3)A.might B.could C.cant D .mustnt( )5. The teacher_ be in the office because the light is off.A. might B. cant C. mustnt D. may.( )6._ Whose Chinese book is this? _ It could be _. He_ Chinese. A. Tom ,study B. Toms, studies. C. Toms , study D. Tom

11、, studied( )7. There are trees on_ sides. A. both B. either C. nether D. all( )8. He must be very busy today,_ _? A. mustnt he B. cant he C. isnt he D. arent you( )9. Whats the man over there ? - He _ a teacher .A. maybe B.may be C.has to be 三、 用 must , could , might , cant 填空 1.The textbook _ be hi

12、s . It has his name on it .2.The beautiful trousers _ be Jims . They are too long . 3.The football _ be Wei Huas or Tinas .They both play football . 4.You _ be right , but I dont think you are . 5.He _ be in Beijing because I saw him in town only a few minutes ago . 6.The guitar _ belong to Sam . He

13、 plays the guitar .四、句型转换。1. The dictionary must be Toms . (改为同义句)The dictionary must _ _ Tom .2. Helen feels unhappy .(改为反意疑问句)Helen feels unhappy ,_ _ ?3. Must I finish my homework this afternoon ? (作否定回答)_ , _ _ .4. The wallet must be Nancys .(改为否定句)The wallet _ _ Nancys .5.Those tennis balls mus

14、t belong to Sally .(对换线部提问)_ _ _ _ those tennis balls belong to ?6.He must be a Canadian, _ _?五、完成句子。1. 这张CD一定是李明的。This CD Li Mings.2.这些杂志可能属于她/他。These magazines may_to _/ _.3.这是谁的笔记本? 一定是宁的,上面有她的名字。-_ notebook is this -It_Nings. It has her name _it. 4.他们俩都踢足球,是吗?They_ _soccer,_they?5.这双鞋对我来说太小了。The

15、 pair of shoes are_small _me.6 .因为大雨,她迟到了。She was late_ it rained =She was late_ _ the heavy rain.7.我刚才试图给你打电话。I _ _you just now.8.我们都尽力学好英语。We all_ _best _English well.【课后反思】: 我的收获 我的疑惑: 第二课时 Section A(2a-2c)学习目标:1.完成Section A 2a-2c的学习任务。2. 进行听力强化训练. 能够进行听力内容转述。【预学】: 学习目标:复习情态动词及反义疑问句一、在括号内写出下列单词的含

16、义,注意区别。 must(), might(), could(),cant()表示推测,做某事的可能性must 一定,肯定 might, could 可能 cant 不可能复习情态动词用法( )1. You _ stop when the traffic light is red.A. can B. may C. must( )2. Li Lei cant go hiking with us today, because he _ take care of his sick mother. A. has to B. may C. mustnt D. neednt( )3. You _ lear

17、n English well. Im sure, without opening your mouth. A. neednt B. cant C. mustnt D. may not( )4. I hear youve got some new Australian coins,_ I have a look? A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should( )5. The light in the office is off. The teacher _ be there now. A. may B. cant C. mustnt D. must( )6. Susans p

18、arents have bought a large house with a swimming poo1. It_ be very expensive. A. must B. can C. mustnt D. cant【互学】:一. 听力2a,2b。1听录音完成书上2a 要求。2.听录音完成书上2b要求3.根据听力内容填空:Bob: Oh, look!_ backpack do you think this is ?Anna: I dont know._, heres a school T-shirt.Bob: Well then, the person_ go to our school.

19、 Oh! Here is a _,_, so the person_be a boy.Anna: _could be Meishair band. She has long hair.Bob:Or the hair band might_Linda. She was_, wasnt she?Anna: Yes she was. But then the backpack could belong to Rita.Shes always _ things.Bob: Oh, look! Tennis balls.Anna: Then it must be Lindas _. She has lon

20、g hair _shes _ the tennis team.Bob: Youre _!二:完成书上2c【评学】:一、 单项选择( )1 John_ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.A. May B. can C. has to D. Must ( )2 They _ do well in the exam.A. can be able to B. be able to C. can able to D. are able to ( )3 -May I take this book out? -No, you_. A. can

21、t B. may not C. neednt D. Are( )4.-Can I go fishing with you,Da-No,you _.You _stay at home and do your homework first. A.wont; may B.cant must C.shouldnt;ought D.neednt; should( )5.-Do you know whose dictionary it is? -It _ be Li Meis. Her name is on it. A.can B.must C.should D.need( )6.-I cant stop

22、 smoking ,doctor.-For your health,Im afraid you _.A.can B.cant C.must D.mustnt ( )7.-Is Mr.Brown driving here?-Im not sure. He _come by train. A.may B.shall C.need D.must二、用所学的情态动词填空6.In order not to let teachers and parents down, we _ study hard.7. You _ draw on the wall. Its not good.8.-_ ( 必须) I

23、do my homework now?-Yes, you _. ( No, you _)9. Need he go there? Yes, he _. (No, he _)10. This book must _ Carlas. This book must _ Carla. 二、根据汉语意思,填空1. Thats _ _ (太)expensive.2. 这本法语书一定是李英的,她是我们班唯一一个正在学法语的人。This French book _ _ _ _ Li Yings. Because she is the _ _ one _ studying French. 3. 这是谁的T恤衫?

24、不会是吉姆的。因为对他来说太大了。_ _ T-shirt is this? It _ _ be Jims, because its _ _ _ _ big for him. 4. 你会弹吉它吗? Can you _ _ _ _ _ _? 【课后反思】:我的收获: 我的疑惑: 第三课时 Section A (3a-3b)学习目标: 1. 完成学习3a,3b; Part4 pair work.。 2. 进行阅读能力培养及目标口语的进一步巩固。【预学】: 一、完成下列对话A: What do you think “anxious” means? B: Well, it _(肯定不是) mean “h

25、appy”.A: It _ (可能) mean “worried”.B: Oh, yes. She is worried _ _ (因为) her test. 三、单项选择( )1. - Can you swim in the river?-No, I _.A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. neednt ( )2. - May I go swimming now? - No, you _. You must finish your homework first. A. mustnt B. may not C. couldnt D. neednt ( )3. - E

26、xcuse me. Where is the zoo?-Sorry, I dont know. Ask that policeman. He _ know. A. shall B. may C. need D. would ( )4. - Tom, where is your father? - Im not sure. He_ in his office. A. is B. may be C. maybe D. may( )5. - Must I finish my homework now?- No, you _. You may have a rest first. A. mustnt

27、B. cant C. may not D. neednt 【互学】: 学习目标: 1.进行阅读能力的训练及目标口语的巩固。2.掌握相关知识点。1. 读课文,完成3a .2. 细读,完成3b .3. 精读,完成 3c .4. 讲解知识点。【评学】: 1. It nearly took me two hours to walk here. Have a drink then. You _be thirsty. A. cant B. must C. mustnt D. can2. Look! Peter is playing basketball on the playground It_ be P

28、eter. He has gone to Beijing. A. cant B. mustnt C. might D. may 3. Here is a new dictionary. _ is it? It belongs to Gina. She bought it yesterday. A. Which B. Who C. Whose D. How4.Did you hear _ in your room? No, I didnt. A. anything valuable B. something valuable C. valuable anything D. valuable something5. This book isnt_

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