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1、北京朝阳区0304学年第一学期初三英语期末试题及答案北京市朝阳区2003-2004学年第一学期期末统一考试初三英语试卷 20041注意事项1本试卷分为选择题和非选择题两卷,时间90分钟,共100分。2试卷上的所有试题均在答题纸上用钢笔或圆珠笔作答,题号要对应,书写要规范。3开始答题前认真填写答题纸上的学校、班级、姓名。4. 考试结束时,只将答题纸交回,试卷自已保存第一卷 选择题(65分)第一部分 听力一、听对话和对话后问题,从各题所给的三个选项中选择正确的答案。 (共6分,每小题1分)(每段对话读两遍,读完对话后,问题读一遍,所读问题已印在试卷上) 1. Where is the boy fr

2、om? A. America. B. Canada. C. Australia. 2. Whose bike is it? A. Peters. B. Jims. C. The girls. 3. What are the man and the woman talking about? A. A book. B. A film. C. A picture. 4. Who does the boy want to speak to? A. Mary. B. Lucy. C. Lily. 5. What is the woman going to drink? A. Tea. B. Milk.

3、C. Water. 6. How many times has the girl been to the Great Wall?A. Four times. B. Three times. C. Only twice.二、听对话和对话后问题,从各题所给的三个选项中选择正确的答案。(共18分,每小题2分) 请听第一段对话,完成第7和第8,两个小题。 7. A. He likes it very much. B. He likes it a little. C. He doesnt like it at all. 8. A. The boy. B. The girl. C. Both of the

4、m.请听第二段对话,完成第9至第11,三个小题。 9. A. A football player B. A teacher. C. A student. 10. A. The woman. B. The students. C. The teachers. 11. A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. We dont know.请听第三段对话,完成第12至第15,四个小题。 12. A. He is thinking about what to buy. B. He is buying things in the market. C. He is carryi

5、ng things back home. 13. A. He is going to hold a dinner party. B. His holiday is coming soon. C. His friends are going to visit him. 14. A. The Browns have sent for him. B. He is one of the Browns. C. The school is far from his home. 15. A. He will spend all his money quickly. B. Nancy will be angr

6、y with him.C. He will be late for school.第二部分 笔试三、单项填空(共16分,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择正确的一项。 16. -What is the boys name? -_name is John. A. My B. Your C. His D. Her 17. -When do you get up every morning? -_half past six. A. At B. On C. In D. To 18. -What time does school begin every day? -It_ at ten to e

7、ight. A. begin B. beings C. is beginning D. will begin 19. -Is Shanghai the _ city in China? -No. Its Chongqing. A. big B. bigger C. large D. biggest 20. -What did the teacher tell us _ just now? -To make everything in the classroom clean. A. do B. to do C. doing D. did 21. -Would you like to come t

8、o my birthday party tonight? -_.A. Youre welcome B. It doesnt matterC. Id love to D. Not at all 22. -_ you tell me the time, please? -Sorry, I cant. My watch is broken. A. Can B. May C. Must D. Shall 23. -How_ is the sweater? -Its eighty yuan. A. long B. old C. many D. much 24. -Where is Mike today?

9、 -He is ill and _ to the hospital. A. goes B. is going C. has gone D. will go 25. -Will you go to plant trees this Saturday? -We will _ it is fine that day. A. and B. but C. when D. if 26. -Do you know the way to the police station? -Sorry, you need a _. A. map B. book C. watch D. photo 27. -Mr. Smi

10、th, do you enjoy _ in our city? -Yes, very much. A. live B. living C. lived D. to live 28. -Can you speak Chinese, Mrs. King? -Yes, but only _ A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 29. -Which do you like _, English or math? -Of course, English. A. good B. well C. better D. best 30. -How long did _ t

11、ake you to do your homework yesterday? -About two hours. A. this B. that C. they D. it 31. -Dont forget to _ your dictionary here next time. -I wont.A. take B. bring C. catch D. get四、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。 In 1984, Albert Ostman left his home to go on a camping (野营) h

12、oliday. He walked and slept in the forest (森林) for a few nights. Then one night, he saw something 32 - the things in his bag were in a different order. Someone or something has 33 my bag and looked through it! he thought. Maybe it was an animal. But it wasnt any of the animals he knew. That night, A

13、lbert was asleep in his sleeping bag. Then, in the middle of the night, he 34 up suddenly. He felt that he was moving. Someone or something was picking Albert up 35 his sleeping bag. Albert couldnt move or get away. For hours, he traveled like this. It was dark and he couldnt 36 anything. At last it

14、 was morning, and Albert could see the thing 37 him. He got a big surprise - four big, hairy animals 38 there and looking at him, three grown-ups and a child. The animals looked friendly. But 39 Albert tried to go back into the forest, the animals stopped him. For six days, Albert had to stay with t

15、he animals. They were very interested in the things inside Alberts bag, and liked to play with 40 . Then, one day, the oldest took Alberts tobacco(烟草)and ate some. Soon he was lying on 41 making a loud noise. When the other animals were busy looking after him, Albert quickly took his things and ran

16、away. 32. A. strange B. pleasant C. interesting D. good 33. A. borrowed B. taken C. opened D. broken 34. A. got B. woke C. looked D. jumped 35. A. under B. over C. behind D. inside 36. A. feel B. do C. hear D. see 37. A. pulling B. holding C. carrying D. picking 38. A. were standing B. stood C. are

17、standing D. stand 39. A. as soon as B. every time C. when D. before 40. A. him B. it C. us D. them41. A. the ground B. the floor C. his bed D. his head五、阅读理解(共15分,每小题1分) 阅读下面A、B、C三篇材料,然后从其后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。 The above chart (图表) shows the different reading habits between boys and girls. I. Fashion (

18、时装) magazines (杂志) Il. Sports magazines III. Newspapers 42. What do girls like best? A. Newspapers. B. Sports magazines. C. Story books. D. Fashion magazines. 43. _ boys like sports magazines _ girls. A. More; than B. Fewer; than C. The same number; as D. As many; as 44. Who likes reading newspapers

19、? A. Only boys. B. Only girls. C. Both boys and girls. D. Neither boys nor girls. 45. _ of boys like reading fashion magazines. A. More than 70% B. About 40% C. More than 10% D. About 4% 46. _ of girls like reading sports magazines. A. About 75% B. More than 50% C. About 8% D. More than 20%(B) A tea

20、cher was worried that her students might not know about Jesus Christ. She wanted to make sure they understood that the birth of Jesus happened for real. She asked her class, Where is Jesus today? Steven put up his hand and said, He is in Heaven (天堂). Mary was called on and answered, He is in my hear

21、t. Little Johnny shouted loudly, I know, I know! Hes in my bathroom! The whole class got very quiet, looked at the teacher, and waited for a response (反应) The teacher was really at a loss for a few very long seconds. At last, she asked little Johnny how he knew this. Little Johnny said, Well, every

22、morning, my father gets up, knocks on the bathroom door, and shouts, Good Lord (上帝啊), are you still in there? 47. What did the teacher think of Jesus Christ? A. She thought he was a real person. B. She thought he came from the Heaven. C. She didnt know who he was. D. She didnt know where he was born

23、. 48. The teacher asked the students about Jesus Christ because _ A. she wanted to find him B. she wanted to teach them C. she needed the students help D. she needed the answer herself 49. Little Johnny shouted loudly because _ A. the teacher could hear nothing B. he was afraid that Jesus could leav

24、e soon C. students often shouted in class D. he wanted to answer the question very much 50. The underlined (划线) part in the story means _ A. the teacher was angry B. the teacher didnt know what to say C. the teacher was asleep D. the teacher was talking to herself 51. Who was really in the bathroom

25、at little Johnnys home in the morning? A. Jesus Christ. B. Little Johnnys father. C. Little Johnny. D. Nobody.(C) In Britain, some people say they will do anything if a famous person they love asks them to. One in three people in Britain have a new kind of disease (病) - they love a famous person too

26、 much. Some people love famous stars like Britney Spears, David Beckham or even Tony Blair. It is not just the young; grown-ups have the same problem. One in four people are so interested in their hero that it affects (影响) their life. There are two ways of worshipping (崇拜) famous people. One way is

27、just to follow them or talk about them with friends for fun. The other is a more serious way. People have very strong feelings for them and think they are their friends. People who do so for fun are found to be happier. But those who have strong feelings for a famous person are perhaps to feel more

28、lonely and worried. Worshipping famous people is not certainly a bad thing, Dr. John, an expert (专家) said. But like many things, overdoing it may not always be good for you. 52. From what some people say, we know _ A. they are friends of the famous people B. famous people can pay them a lot of money

29、 C. they must go to the hospital D. there is something wrong with their mind 53. How many people in Britain have got this kind of disease? A. About one third. B. About a quarter. C. More than half. D. Just two or three. 54. What does the writer think of the two ways of worshipping famous people? A.

30、The first one is better. B. The second one is better. C. Both of them are good. D. Neither of them is good. 55. People who have strong feeling for a famous person often feel worided because_. A. they cannot become famous themselves B. they think the famous person may be in trouble C. they are afraid

31、 the famous person may not like them D. they cannot get anything in return from the famous person 56. Dr. John tells us_. A. worshipping of famous people is a good thing B. anything overdone may bring some trouble C. famous people are not always friendly to usD. we mustnt worship anybody or anything第二卷 非选择题(35)一、补全对话(共15分,每个空白1 分) 根据对话内容和所给的首字母,用适当的英文词语完成对话,将完整单词写在答题纸上相应空格处。 A: Excuse me, could you tell me t_

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