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1、八年级英语下册unit9单元测试题 八年级英语下册unit9单元测试题Unit 9 Have yu ever been t a useu?一、单元知识梳理rds and expressins:aera, unbelievable, prgress, rapid, unusual, tilet, enurage, sial, peaeful, perfet, itself, llet, Geran, ride, prvine, thusand, safe, siply, fear, whether, Indian, apanese, fx, whenever, spring, stly, aus

2、eent park, tea art, tea set, a uple f, thusands f, n the ne handn the ther hand,all year rund,Sentenes:Have yu ever been t a siene useu ?N, Ive never been t a siene useu.Have yu ever visited the spae useu ?yes, I have. I went there last year.Ive never been t a water park.e neither.yu wnt have any pr

3、ble getting rie, ndles, r duplings.二、单元反思评价1我的收获:_2学习本单元后,我能用英语进行_3.我的易错点: _三、单元巩固拓展(一)单项选择( )1. I _ never _ there befre.A. have, been t B. have, been . have, gne t D. have, gne( )2. I have newer been _.A. aping B. ap . aped D. aps( ) is Bill?He _ Sydney with his father.A. has gne t B. has bee

4、n t . have gne tD. have been t( )4. The village is _ the untains.A. angB. between . in the iddleD. alng( )5. There are five _ peple in the ity.A. illin B. illin f . illins f D. illins( )6. Have yu ever _ anything yu didnt want t say?A. say B. said . saying D. say( ) _?I have been lking fr yu e

5、verywhere.A. have yu gne B. have yu been . d yu g D. did yu g( )8.Are the tw answers right?N, _right.A. n ne is B. bth are . nne is D. neither is(二)完型填空r. Sith lked at his wath at ties. He hped t g he as sn as pssible. There wuld be a 1 ftball ath in Lndn and he uld nt d anything in his ffie. He 2 h

6、e after wrk. Supper was ready and he went t his 3 after that. But he uld nt fall asleep. He was afraid he wuld 4 the ath thugh he had tld his wife t wake hi up at ne in the night. He had t get up and began t read se evening newspapers.Finally the ath began. His tea lst the 5 half f the ath. He beae

7、angry. He was s sleepy that he did nt knw when he had gne t 6 . The next rning his wife brught se bread and ilk int the sitting-r. She fund he was 7 sleeping n the sfa and alled ut “h, dear! Get up, r yull be 8 tday. It is five t seven!”Hearing this, r. Sith uped ff the hair and asked, “h wn?”( )1.

8、A. nB. dangerus . wnderful D. luky( )2. A. hurriedB. swa. walked D. uped( )3. A. lassrB. library. shpD. bedr( )4. A. athB. iss. lstD. leave( )5. A. lastB. third. twD. first( )6. A. wrkB. play. sleepD. rest( )7. A. everB. yet. alreadyD. still( )8. A. lateB. early. illD. tired(三)阅读理解Ane day a an went

9、he and said t his wife, “I bught sething fr yu.” “Thank yu!” said his wife. “hat have yu bught fr e?” “Ive bught a gld ring (金戒). Here it is.” He tk it ut fr his wife t see. Then he drpped it t the grund. He began t lk fr it n the grund, but it was dark in the huse and he uld nt see anything. Then h

10、e went ut and began t lk fr it in the street. ust then a friend ae alng. “hats the atter with yu?” asked his friend. “I a lking fr y ring. I lst it ust nw.” said the an. “here did yu lse it?” “I lst it in y huse.” “yu lst yur ring in yur huse, but yu are lking fr it in the street. Hw flish it is!” “

11、Ah,” said the an, “But it is dark in y huse. I shall never find it there. Bet here in the street, it is uh brighter, I an see everything.”( )1. The an bught a ring fr his _ .A. sn B. wife . ther D. daughter( )2. He lst his ring _ .A. in the streetB. in the huse . at huse D. in street( )3. _ the an w

12、as lking fr the ring, his friend ae up.A. Befre B. After . hen D. Beause( )4. hy did the an begin t lk fr the ring in the street?Beause _ .A.he lst it in the street B. it was uh brighter in the streetB.his friend ae up D. he wanted sene t help hi( )5. The friend thught the an was _ .A. lever B. brig

13、ht . interesting D. flishBnfidene(自信) is very iprtant in daily life. It an help yu t develp a healthy attitude (态度).A study shws that the peple wh are re nfident are uh happier. They an have re hane t ake theselves suessful. But hw t be re nfident? Here are se suggestins:•Speak lud hen yu are

14、nt nfident, yu ant d well what yu want t d. yu speak in a vie s lw that ther peple an hardly hear yu. Try t speak lud enugh s that peple an hear yu learly. The .high vie an help yu bee re nfident.•Play sprts Physial exerise akes yu tired but pletely relaxed. 3 A strng bdy helps yu be full f nf

15、idene.•Enurage yurself rite dwn a list f things yu did during the day t see hw any things yu have dne well. Did yu finish yur hewrk? Did yu tell a ke that ade everybdy laugh? Give yurself praise fr the gd things yuve dne.•Get rid f (消除) fear Fear es alng with failure (失败). But its easy t

16、 vere (克服) if yu knw that failure is part f yur life. Dnt hide yur head ust beause yu said sething stupid last tie. Try t start again and believe yu an d better.•Pik up a hbby If yu like singing, sing as uh as yu an. In se ways, a hbby an ake yu utstanding. And it will ake yu happy and nfident

17、.根据短内容,简要回答问题。6Hw any suggestins an help yu t be re nfident?_7Hw an yu enurage yurself?_8. hy des fear e fr?_9.请将中划线的句子译成汉语。_10.请给短拟一个适当英标题。_(四)按照首字母及汉语提示完成单词1. Its u that the by wrked ut the diffiult prble in suh shrt tie.2. The ther was glad t see her thers great P_.3. ur teaher always e us t stud

18、y hard.4. I like t live in a p_ plae. I like t be quiet.5. N ne is P_, but yu ust try yur best t be the best.6. I _(收集)staps fr tw years.7. There are abut tw _(千)students in ur shl.8.yu dnt wrry, the by is _(安全) nw.9. any _(游客)e t the ity t visit it every year.10.The useu is very _(不寻常).e are expeti

19、ng t visit it.(五)用动词的适当形式填空These days, in hina we an see fewer peple 1._(eat) in kF restaurants when we walk pastBeause se f their fds were nt safe. The danger 2._(e)fr Sudan I. If a persn eats t uh f it, he 3._(get) anerSientists 4._(find)Sudan I in se f kFs fds and asked it t stp 5. (sell) the. Su

20、dan I is a red dye. Peple use it 6._(lr)ils but se peple put it in fds t ake the 7._(lk) betterNw kF restaurants 8._(sell) thse fds again after sientists fund n re Sudan I, If yu 9._(eat) se f thse fds last week, dnt wrry. There 10._(be) very little Sudan I in the. It shuldnt be a big prble(六)书面表达nn

21、ie和家人到新加坡旅游,nnie玩得很尽兴,她给好友Harvey寄了一张明信片,假设你是nnie请根据下列提示信息,替她完成这张明信片.提示;1.地点;新加坡2.行程;游览著名的购物街rhard Rad并享用美食3.住宿;夜间野生动物园旁边的酒店。4.计划;观看夜间野生动物。要求;1.内容应包括以上提示,可适当发挥。2.词数70 左右_ _Unit 9一、15 BAAAA 68 BBD二、15 ADBD 68 DA三、15 BBBD6Five suggestins7Give yurself praise fr the gd things yuve dne.8Fear es fr failure

22、.9强健的体魄有助于你充满自信。10Hw t be re nfident / Suggestins t be re nfident / Suggestins fr nfidene四、1. unbelievable 2. prgress 3. enurages 4. peaeful 5. perfet 6. have lleted7. thusand 8. safe 9. turists /visitrs 10. unusual五、1.eating 3. will get 4.have fund 5. selling 6. t lr 7. lk8. are selling 9. ate

23、 10. was六、Dear Harvey,Singapre is an exellent plae t visit. Tday I went shpping n rhard Rad, It is a faus shpping street in Singapre. n this rad, there are als any restaurants. The fd in Singapre is fr arund the wrld. I enyed it very uh. y htel is really near the Singapre Night Safari. e will g t that speial z tnight. I have never been t a z at night. I a really lking frward t it.

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