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1、仁爱初中英语八下精品教案设计U5T21Unit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic 2 Im feeling better now.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Feeling Excited 为主题。第二话题在感官动词表感受的基础上学习与别人分享自己的感受并学会安慰和提出建议的表达法。主要功能句有What seems to be the problem? How are you feeling today? Why dont you talk to someone when you feel sad? I was really upset and lonely.主要语法是原因

2、状语从句和同级比较结构的肯定和否定形式。本话题的词汇是描述感受和感情的形容词以及提出建议的动词。此外在语音学习环节将关注双元音/ I/和/ e /的区别,句子中的停顿、弱读和不完全爆破等,最后通过Project 的活动讨论同学们的问题并提出相应的建议,对所学内容进行积极应用,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。第一课时:Section A-2, 1a, 1b, 1c第二课时:Section A-3 Section B-1a,1b,1c 第三课时:Section B-2a,2b Section C -2 Section B -3a,3b第四课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c, 3,4第五课时:S

3、ection C -5 Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1a, 1b, 2,Project第一课时(Section A 2, 1a,1b,1c,)教学设计思路:本节课为话题的第一节课。主要活动为Section A 的1a和2。本课从复习感官动词表感受入手,继而谈论不同情绪的原因,引出原因状语从句的学习和运用。在Pre-listening环节,通过不同方式的大量造句对原因状语从句加以操练。在While-listening环节设置由易到难的听力活动,使学生听懂有关情绪的简单对话。Post-listening环节中则首先要求学生有感情地朗读和表演1a的对话。之后利用

4、本课所学自编对话谈论自己的经历,达到学以致用的目的。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇和短语。exam, strict, shy, be strict with(2)能够自如地运用以下交际用语进行交流。Anything wrong?What seems to be the problem?Thank you for telling me.2. Skill aims: (1)能听懂有关情绪的简单对话。(2)能正确地运用本课新呈现的短语,原因状语从句以及交际功能进行有关情绪及其原因的对话。3. Emotional aims:通过对Section

5、 A的学习,学生能够学会关注他人的情绪,在别人情绪低落时提出合理有效的建议,帮助伙伴远离消极情绪。4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:1. 学生在交流中能自如地运用描述情绪和情感的形容词。2. 正确运用原因状语从句。Difficult points:1. 学生对.she has no friends to talk with.一句中to talk with的理解。. Learning strategies1. 通过造句更好地掌握新学的单词和表达方式;2. 通过把简单句连成复合句更好地理解和运用

6、原因状语从句。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片V Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Get ready for the lesson. Play the tape recording or the video of the song If You Are Happy.T: Good morning, everyone!T: How are

7、 you feeling today?T:Im fine, thank you. As your teacher, I hope all of you are happy all the time. So are you happy today?T:Now let enjoy a happy song If You Are Happy. I hope after listening to this song, you will be happy.Enjoy the song If You Are Happy to get ready for the lesson.Ss: Good mornin

8、g, MissSs: Fine, thank you. And you?Ss: 营造学习英语的气氛,准备进入学习状态。Remark:这一环节的目的是要创造学习英语的氛围并使学生静下心来,开始新的学习。可以采用多种方式,如唱歌、游戏、值日报告、自由讨论等。尽量使导入的内容与本节课内容贴近。Stage 2(5mins): RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1(Pair work)Review Linking verb + adjective.T: Did you have a happy weekend?T:

9、 Hi, S1, You said “no”. Anything wrong? T: What seems to be the problem?T: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Dont be too sad. I believe you pet dog will live happily in another world.T: OK. Everybody. Please discuss about the following questions: Did you have a happy weekend? What did you do during your la

10、st weekend? How did you feel? Why? Now work in pairs and make conversations about them. Try to use these two sentences: Anything wrong? What seems to be the problem?T: Who would like to talk about your weekend? Dont be shy. You can make it.T: How terrible! You got too much homework. It seems that we

11、 should assign a little less homework. T: Ill think about it. Any other pairs?Make conversations about the activities during the last weekend to review Linking verb + adjective.Ss: Yes/No.S1: I feel sad.S1: My pet dog died yesterday.S1: Yes, I think so. Thank you.Ss:P1: Let us have a try.SA: Did you

12、 have a happy weekend?SB: No, I didnt.SA: Anything wrong? What did you do during your last weekend?SB: I did nothing except doing my homework.SA: How did you feel?SB: I felt rather bored.SA: Why? What seems to be the problem?SB: Because I had to stay at home and couldnt play basketball with my frien

13、ds. Ss: Yeah!P2:复习系表结构的用法。导入到本节课话题情绪的讨论。Remark:可以采用多种方式进行系表结构的复习。如看图造句,情景造句等。最好在复习系表结构的同时渗透原因状语从句,让学生在不知不觉中自然而然地感知和运用本节课的目标语言。Stage 3(14mins): Pre - listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1( Class activity )Talk about pictures to use adverbial clauses of reason.T: You can sta

14、y at home and do your homework instead of playing basketball. That means you are strict with yourself. Anyway Im happy about it. But I think you shouldnt be too strict with yourselves, or you will lose a lot of happiness. Do you agree with me?T: OK. Now lets see some pictures. Tell me their feelings

15、 and guess the reasons. Look at the first picture. What does he look? T: Why is he happy?T: What a good idea! Look at the second one. What do they seem?T: Why do they seem surprised and angry?T: Maybe thats the reason. Oh, look at Kobe. What does he look? Whats wrong with him?T: I hope he will be ha

16、ppy again. Look at the lovely dog. How does it feel? Why?T: A good reason. How about the boy? Anything wrong with him?T: Maybe. But can you guess different reasons?T: Well, thats a possible reason. What does “exam” mean in Chinese?T: That means you are strict with yourselves. Talk about pictures to

17、use adverbial clauses of reason.Ss: Yes. S1: He looks happy.S1: Because he sees a toy car.S2: They seem surprised and angry.S2: Because they read bad news in the newspaper.S3: He looks disappointed because his team lost the game.S4:It feels very happy because its owner comes back.S5: He feels upset

18、because he lost his iPhone.S6: He feels upset because he cant find his mother.Ss: S7: He feels upset because he did badly in this exam.S8: It means “考试”in Chinese. Well feel upset when we do badly in our exams.通过看图造句理解和运用原因状语从句。2(Pair work)Show the pictures in 2 on the screen. T: Lets try to make mo

19、re sentences. First, look at the pictures and match the expressions in the box with them.T: Have you got the answers? Whats the right order?T: Now look at the first picture and read the example. Please make more sentences according to the pictures by following the example. Who would like to talk abo

20、ut Picture 2. Dont be shy.T: The next one? T:Finish 2. Look at the pictures and match the expressions in the box with them. Then make sentences by following the example.Ss:S1: The right order is S2: He looks angry because he lost his pen. S3: She looks worried because her son is ill in hospital.S4:完

21、成2的练习,巩固原因状语从句。3(Class activity)Show a picture and lead to 1a and then ask the students to read the form in 1b and predict the answers.T: Now look at this picture. How does the boy feel? What seems to be the problem?T: Have you ever done badly in your exams?T: How did you feel then?T: Look the pictu

22、re in 1a and read the form in 1b. Maybe you can guess what happened to the girl and predict the answers.T:Tell me your guess, please. Dont be shy.T: Good job. You got most of them.Read the form in 1b and predict the answers.S1: The boy feels very frightened and upset because he did badly in the exam

23、 and his father is rather angry with him.Ss: Yes, we have. S2: I felt very unhappy and upset.Ss:S3: Li Hong feels unhappy or upset because she did badly in the exam. Maybe Helen looks worried and Miss Wang wants to help her. But I cant guess the others.利用图片导入1a。看图和表格预测听力答案。Remark:通过造句更好地掌握新学的单词和表达方式

24、;Stage4(7mins): While - listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Individual work)Play the tape recording of 1a and show some questions on the screen.1. How many people are there in this conversation? Who are they?2. Who are they talking about?3. How does Li Hong feel?T: Liste

25、n to the conversation for the first time and answer the questions.T: How many people are there in this conversation? Who are they?T: Who are they talking about?T: How does Li Hong feel?Listen to 1a and answer the questions. Ss:S1: There are two. They are Miss Wang and Helen.S2: Hi Hong.S3: She feels

26、 lonely.由浅入深设置听力练习。2(Individual work)Play the tape recording of 1a and check the answers of 1b.T: Well. Lets listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks in 1b. T: Now listen again and check your answers.T: How does Helen look? T: What seems to be the problem?T:Is Li Hong strict with herself?T:

27、 How does Li Hong feel?T: Why does she feel so?T: What does Miss Wang want to do?Listen to 1a and check the answers of 1b.Ss:Ss:S1: She looks worried. S2: Li Hong is upset and she is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam.Ss: Yes.S3: Li Hong feels unhappy and lonely.S4: Bec

28、ause she is new here and she is quiet and shy.S5: She feels lonely because she has no friends to talk with.S5: She will talk with her. Remark:利用师生讨论的方式核对答案有利于学生进一步理解对话内容。Stage 5(12mins):Post- listeningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Pair work)Ask the students to act out the co

29、nversation in 1a.T: Well done. Now lets act out the conversation in pairs. You should pay attention to the intonation and emotions.T: Its time to show your conversations. Be brave to have a try, please. Act out the conversation in 1a in pairs.Ss:.P1:2(Pair work)Ask the students to make conversations

30、 in pairs based on 1a and 1b.T: You know, in this lesson we learned many sentences with “because”. “Because” is used to answer the why-questions. We call it adverbial clause of reason. Now lets ask and answer in pairs based on 1a and 1b by following the example in 1c.T:Can you combine your sentences as a single sentence? For example, Helen look worried because Li Hong is so unhappy. Will you have a try? Make new conversation based on 1a and 1b by following the example in 1c.P1:P1: Let me have a try.3(Pair work)Ask the students to make conversations to talk about

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